“Hide Your Weaknesses And Try To Expose Theirs”

November 22nd, 2023

Rookie cornerback Josh Hayes.

Joe applauded a Todd Bowles answer this afternoon because it cut through all the BS.

Bowles was asked about likely rolling with more rookies this week on his defense, especially in the secondary with cornerback Josh Hayes, safety Kaevon Merriweather while veterans Carlton Davis, Jamel Dean and Ryan Neal deal with injuries.

How will Bowles handle keying on stud Colts running back Jonathan Taylor, as that might set up those youngsters to be exposed?

Hey, that’s the glorious nature of coaching and exactly what makes Bowles love the profession, he replied.

“I mean that’s what coaching is. That’s the challenge every week. Hide your weaknesses and try to expose theirs,” Bowles continued.

Most teams have key injuries in Week 12. Joe doesn’t feel sorry for the Bucs collectively (individually for Dean and Davis, of course).

This is where Bowles is supposed to shine. He’s the defensive guru. Look how well the young Bucs performed defensively in the fourth quarter Sunday. “This Joe” saw no evidence the 49ers eased up or took their foot off the gas, and it was the young defensive backs and rookie linebacker SirVocea Dennis shining and holding San Francisco scoreless.

Next-man-up season is here. Joe looks forward to seeing if the Bucs have what it takes.

15 Responses to ““Hide Your Weaknesses And Try To Expose Theirs””

  1. Marine Buc Says:

    “I mean that’s what coaching is. That’s the challenge every week. Hide your weaknesses and try to expose theirs,”

    LOL – so how do you hide the entire coaching staff during game day?

    Maybe they can wear a disguise or just stay on the bus…

  2. realistic-optimistic Says:

    Pretty sure Stroud and Purdy were able to see our weaknesses.

  3. John Sinclear Says:

    Just curious – does anybody remember, a couple of years ago, a photo showing the Chief’s plane landing at Tampa before the Supper Bowl? And caption was “The only touchdown the Chiefs made in Tampa”? Referring to the Bucs holding them to three field goals.

    Anybody remember who the defensive coordinator was for that defense?

    Just asking.

  4. Stevek Says:

    I am excited for Todd. I hope we see growth in the defense and win enough games to get the division. If Bowles wins the division, regardless of record, then let’s get him another year with a cleaned up cap and clarity on Jensen.

    Go Bucs!

    He’s a defensive guru, and hoping he has time to develop into a confident, big-swinging, nfl head coach. He’s got the brain and the experience, I just hope he can get our team to respond positively bc he seems like a dude’s dude.

  5. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Bowles is a good defense coach, always has been. He’s sort of screwed because the depth behind his starters is a bunch of rookies. Pro-tip, they lost a lot of veteran talent because of the cap, especially in the DBs. You can blame him for clock management, conservative play calling on offense, all justifiable. Blaming him for not having a 2 deep rotation with the D Line or DBs is horsecrap and a case of angry fan lashing out.

  6. Defense Rules Says:

    This Joe … ‘Look how well the young Bucs performed defensively in the fourth quarter Sunday. “This Joe” saw no evidence the 49ers eased up or took their foot off the gas, and it was the young defensive backs and rookie linebacker SirVocea Dennis shining and holding San Francisco scoreless.’ (Hide Your Weaknesses And Try To Expose Theirs Nov 22, 2023)

    That Joe … ‘Yeah, the Bucs defense held the 49ers off the scoreboard in the fourth quarter on Sunday. But let’s be real: The damage was already done. San Francisco had called off the dogs.’ (How Much Will Injuries Hurt The Bucs? Nov 22, 2023)

    In the 1st qtr, they ran it 6 times & passed it 9 times (plus took 2 sacks). Led 7-0 by the end of the 1st qtr.

    In the 2nd qtr, they ran it 6 times & passed it 8 times (plus took 1 sack). Led 13-7 by the end of the 2nd qtr.

    In the 3rd qtr, they ran it 7 times & passed it 5 times (no sacks). Scored 2 TDs on those 5 passes. Led 27-7 by the end of the 3rd qtr.

    In the 4th qtr, San Fran ran it 11 times (includes the 2 kneeldowns) and passed it 3 times (plus took 1 sack). Their offensive scheme was fairly balanced for 3 quarters, then heavily favored the run in the 4th qtr. Gut feeling is that they were burning the clock.

  7. Stevek Says:


    Exactly, they’re trying to burn clock and demonstrate they can win a “certain” way.

    Plus it keeps their guys healthy and the playbook saved for when they need it against a contender.

  8. unbelievable Says:

    @John Sinclear –

    And how for long should that performance from the year 2020 continue to keep someone employed who is now performing far below that previously attained level?

  9. Erik The Viking Says:

    Hide your weakness???

    So we’re sending Bowles down to Belize?

    7 more huge embarrassing failures to go.

    Then hopefully we can restore some sanity to One Buc Place.

    Playing make believe won’t get us back to the Superbowl.

  10. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    @Defense Rules. This is SF’s game plan every week. Get the lead, eat the clcock with running game.

    It didn’t work in the 4th, and Shanahan doesn’t know how to handle the 4th quarter if this plan doesn’t work. It’s commonly discussed on the west coast (and also why his record is atrocious when SF is down in the fourth quarter.

    The Niners are built as frontrunners. To Bowles/Defense/Rookies credit, they stopped the (front) running and gave the Offense a chance to get back in the game (despite blowing the 3rd quarter).

  11. Erik The Viking Says:

    @Watch More All-22 Before Commenting

    Final score: 27-14

    Only losers count moral victories.

  12. Hodad Says:

    They’ll all get what they deserve after the 17th game is played. Like Mike Tomlin just said when he fired his O.C., this is a results business, and he wasn’t giving me results fast enough. Same with Bowles, Baker, all of them. The Glazers will look at the final record, and if they like the results, we stay the course. If not the Glazers will probably go a new direction. Seven to go, Bucs need a good showing, and a win Sunday. If not, man the lifeboats!

  13. Pewter Power Says:

    49’s took the feet off the gas in the fourth quarter. Defense help us in check all afternoon. Stop giving them credit for the fourth quarter. This game was never in doubt no matter how you try to spin it.

  14. Defense Rules Says:

    Hodad … Something’s wrong in Bucsville. Steelers are 6-4, while we’re 4-6. Tomlin fires his OC for underproduction (166 points in 10 games), but we stay the course (192 points in 10 games). Both defenses are doing about the same (Steelers are ranked #7, having given up 195 points to date), while we’re ranked #9 (having given up 200 points thus far).

    So if the Steelers have scored 26 FEWER points than we have, why are they 6-4 while we’re 4-6? Oh wait, let me guess. Steelers have more sacks than we do. Rats, that doesn’t work … Steelers have 28 sacks & we have 29.

    Wonder if it’s that Turnover Differential thingie. Steelers have 19 takeaways vs 8 giveaways (PLUS 11 TO Differential) to our 16 takeaways vs 10 giveaways (PLUS 6 TO Differential). Nah, that can’t be it. Does seem strange though that a team would score 29 FEWER points than they allow and still have a winning record. I’d ask Joe but mentioning TURNOVERS gets me thrown into the dungeon every time.

  15. Bojim Says:

    I’m losing hope.