Bucs Currently Have No. 7 Overall Pick

November 26th, 2023

Playoffs or quarterback?

Good news and bad news Bucs fans.

First, let’s go with the good news. Or is it the bad news?

Based on the wonderful website TankAThon.com, a site that updates the draft order of NFL teams after each and every game, the Bucs currently are in possession of the seventh overall pick in the draft for next April after losing to the Colts today.

That’s prime position to grab a quality quarterback in the first round in a quarterback-rich draft.

Now here is the bad news. Or is it the good news?

The Bucs are just one game out of first place in the turrible NFC South as a result of the Dixie Chicks beating the slimy Saints this afternoon.

What are the Bucs to do? Joe knows for an absolute fact Bucs coach Todd Bowles wants to win games and get a division title and save his job, and maybe the jobs of his coaching staff.

Team Glazer might be torn. They dearly covet a franchise quarterback but man, the cash from a home playoff game is tough to pass on.

Joe wonders what Bucs fans prefer, Michael Penix, Bo Nix or a home playoff game?

87 Responses to “Bucs Currently Have No. 7 Overall Pick”

  1. adam from ny Says:

    trask threw a nice ball to the endzone corner that i think godwin dropped

  2. D-Rok Says:

    All us fans want is competence and a competitive fire in our team.

  3. ThunderchunkyPA Says:

    I want NO more Bowles… period

  4. Zzbucs Says:

    @ Adam from ny

    That was an overthrown ball…..

    When Devin White and Carlton Davis are gone I will pray to take Trask with them.

  5. OHBucFan Says:

    Team has no fire. No emotion. Two Super Bowls for the Glazers. Both with offensive minded HCs.
    Make it happen and get a QB. I hate writing that but not as much as i hate watching this team.

  6. Voice of Truth Says:

    I am for the route that involves deactivating Todd’s FOB prior to the team plane landing back in Tampa tonight

    Clean out his desk for him and leave the boxes at the gate

    It is literally a joke that he is still employed

  7. McBucky Says:

    I don’t want anything until they get rid of Bowles. He lost with TOM BRADY for God’s sake!

  8. Why Not Says:

    For the love of god, can we just admit we suck! Atlanta or New Orleans will likely win this horrid division. Hurrah!!! We just need to play to our strengths right now which is poor defense, poor offense and poor coaching. If we do that to the best of our ability, we’ll be in good shape to draft a potential franchise quarterback without having to tank.

  9. VATom Says:

    The Glazers don’t have to worry, Bowles doesnxt appear to be able to coach his way out of a paper bag. Another dude who’s a fabulous coordinator and horrible HC. Succesful HC’s all have similar traits. Unfortunately they aren’t nice loving guys with a decent disposition. Theyre friggin shark bear orca snakes that don’t put up with bs. Todd ain’t that. His staff resembles him. His team resembles him. They aren’t bad, they just don’t have a killer instinct. And they sure as sh*t don’t garner the respect of the other team or the officials.

    Off topic rant…Todd Bowles defensive strategy has left the building… it’s garbage. You don’t need geniuses that understand a madman’s scheme, you need disciplined olayers that fit a reasonable scheme. This Todd BS is either too heady for these dummies, or it’s too dumb for it’s own good. Jayzus chr*st, what an embarassment.

  10. SB~LV Says:

    One game out of first!
    Team has been together since the end of July and it’s going to be December before the next kickoff
    4 wins
    Yeah… only one game out of first place

  11. ElioT Says:

    I want no more of Jason Licht.

    Done with this talent evaluator

  12. NE Fan Says:

    Two of Bucs wins are two teams at the bottom of their divisions. Any team that purposely tanks should be fined and big. They owe it to seasons ticket holders to compete. There is NO guarantee a 1st round QB will be any good. Look at Baker, Zach Wilson, Fields, Mac Jones, Trey Lance etc. You want to start winning fire your coach the Raiders did and they are somewhat rejuvenated.

  13. Tbbucs3 Says:

    Jason Licht will screw it up

  14. The Daily Coroner Says:

    Is that a real question!

  15. Delabucs Says:

    The way the Bucs are playing it doesn’t look like it’s they’re decision anyway.

  16. WillieG Says:

    I for one, don’t want to draft a QB with the first pick ever again. I suffered through the Testevrede, Dilfer, and Winston eras. I celebrated during the Johnson and Brady eras. Call me foolish, but I prefer to celebrate with a veteran over suffering with a rookie.

  17. orlbucfan Says:

    Hey joes, what are you trying to stir up? How about a few comments about bought/bad refs, and Canales not benching an injured Mayfield? Good riddance to White. I’ve known that for the whole year.

  18. Dave Pear Says:

    Take away the Bowles factor by informing him tonight that the team has decided to move in a different direction, and have his office cleaned out and boxed up by 4am tomorrow morning.

  19. orlbucfan Says:

    BTW, there are no old genuine fans on here. Kinda boring.

  20. Why Not Says:

    For the love of god, can just admit we suck!!! New Orleans or Atlanta will win this god awful division. Great for them! The Bucs need to do what they do best: play poor defense, poor offense, and coach poorly. If the Bucs simply play to the best of their abilities, we’ll be in a spot to draft a franchise quarterback without having to tank.


  21. orlbucfan Says:

    Dave Pear,
    Where exactly did you come from?

  22. Nate Says:

    Billyboy was right we should of traded most of our team when we had the chance!!! But joe and other people kept pumping at best a average team abd they knew it!

  23. Lowest Common Denominator Says:

    Jayden Daniels you ARE a Tampa Bay Buccaneer.

  24. Tony Marks Says:

    adam from ny Says:
    November 26th, 2023 at 5:40 pm
    trask threw a nice ball to the endzone corner that i think godwin dropped


    LOLOL What a total day dream

    I’ve reviewed that play. The Ball was not dropped. People trying to claim that are either lying or need eye surgery.

    Rather it was Poor ball by trask because it was a BAAAD decision. The space was too small for a good shot at a catch in bounds , That would have had to be a SPECTACULAR catch to come in bounds. No way is that a “dropped pass”

    What we saw there is a problem we might see a lot with trask. His immobility doesn’t allow him to buy time, He would have been better waiting and moving as Baker would and looking for a crossing receiver to come open

    there were two on the play that were promising

  25. mark2001 Says:

    And that is huge Joe. We back into the playoffs and that number 7 drops behind every team that doesn’t get to the playoffs… so about 20 something… every round. Frankly I hate to root against the Bucs. But the prospect of the Bucs winning the division, getting rocked in the first round, and drafting at 20 something is about as appealing as ones son winning a free trip to some rural village in Mexico for a month.

  26. FortMyersDave Says:

    Penix or Nix will sell some tickets with a new head coach next year. The playoff game may not be a sellout if a team like Seattle is the 7 seed and the Cowboys would ne a sellout but you can bet RJS will have a majority of Boys’ fans, not sure if the short term return for that is worth the embarrassment to the Glazers.

    Anyhow if the Glazers let Bowles finish the season, the Bucs will have 5 or 6 wins at best. Firing him, might get the team to play better like what happened in Vegas this year and Carolina last year. Let the season play out as Bowles finds new ways to lose each week.

  27. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Us fans want a team that plays hard, smart and full of energy. Not the crap we’re seeing week in week out. The players have all but quit and the coaching staff is beyond pathetic. Steelers have probably less talent but much more pride.

  28. Havenbuc Says:

    Tony Casual, He gave the wide receiver a chance to make the play and nobody else. All you can ask for, Can we sit here and confidently say Baker does that??

  29. Front Four Says:

    Just win.

  30. Why Not Says:

    We don’t have to root against the Bucs so they get a draft pick. We just need to root for them to do their best. That should be enough.


  31. Buc50 Says:

    The Trask throw was late. Nothing wrong with the throw except timing. You can’t blame that on Trask simply because he hasn’t been playing. Having said that, if you are in position to pick a top QB in this draft, you do it.

    For the people who say build the line first, you still need a QB. We have arguably the best LT in the NFL and he simply doesn’t matter because you need someone to throw the ball. For reference, see Stroud

  32. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Do not let Jason Licht waste anymore picks.

  33. HC Grover Says:

    Movin on up! This was a glorious loss. Almost close but Bozo outblundered the Dolts. Next loss Panters.

  34. Bubby Says:

    Do you trust Jason with putting together the next dynasty from head coach to qb? I don’t.

  35. Joe Says:

    Billyboy was right we should of traded most of our team when we had the chance!!! But joe and other people kept pumping at best a average team abd they knew it!

    Because Joe lives in reality. Why would Todd Bowles willfully commit career suicide? That’s just dumb to say Bowles would tell the Glazers, “Go ahead and dump the roster so you can fire me. I’d rather be making less money and live in Buffalo as a DC than make the playoffs here and maybe win and keep by head coaching job.”

    And if the Glazers pulled a stunt like that, no decent coaching candidate would want to work for them. This is just crazytalk.

  36. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Who gives a $hit about the Trask throw? How about the Stinnie false start on the half yard line? 3 instead of 7

  37. mark2001 Says:

    I think many Packer players and fans would love to see the Bucs host them in an early rounds in the Playoffs. That would mean they made the playoffs, are playing the easiest team they could hope for, in climate that would be far better to play in than on the Frozen Tundra.

  38. BucU Says:

    No, crazy is not firing this staff yesterday. They’ve quit on Bowles just like they did last year. No fire. No enthusiasm. We have eyes. We can see the utter ineptitude week after week. Todd Bowles has ZERO credibility period.

  39. HC Grover Says:

    Is he fired yet!

  40. Davenport Says:

    Fire Bowles only if the interim agrees to do his best to lose out. Play the young guys and sit the dead wood and FAs (9, 45).

    Focus 100% effort on turning over every rock to find a high-upside, aggressive young coach.

    Sneaking into the playoffs will set this franchise back a year or more.

  41. Oneilbuc Says:

    Buc50 . That’s a good take bro and I agree 💯 persent!!

  42. Popcorn Mike Says:

    From the way the team played today our draft spot will probably be within the top 5. It doesn’t matter what the Bucs place is in the draft, they have to make a good choice weather that’s a QB or RB and they definitely need a better leadership in HC. Not saying Bowles can’t be that, but after 28 games it doesn’t look good

  43. mark2001 Says:

    So I guess the question would be, if we had fired Bowles last year, and with the approval of a new HC traded some guys, would we be in better shape? I think so,
    But that isn’t the case. Some of us thought he should have been shown the door last year. But that is water under the bridge. Hope we can salvage what is left. Backing into the playoffs won’t help at all.

  44. sasquatch Says:

    A home playoff game with a sh!!tty team that has no chance? I’ll pass.

  45. Tony Marks Says:

    Havenbuc Says:
    November 26th, 2023 at 6:04 pm
    Tony Casual, He gave the wide receiver a chance to make the play and nobody else. All you can ask for, Can we sit here and confidently say Baker does that??


    LOL of course I can and I don’t even have to leave that game!!. Same situation corner left in the end zone to Mike Evans. Baker’s ball is thrown with enough space to catch it.

    Definitely not as good coverage with the Evans TD but thats why its not a good decision by trask. Godwin catches the ball the only place he can but Physics being what it is its was just not enough space for him to come down in bounds.

    Trying to blame Godwin for a dopped pass there is insane. Is that what we are to expect from Trask fans when he does play? – because its not going to fly.

  46. Tye Says:

    The Bucs will just screw over the fans for the next 5 years drafting a BUST qb in the 1st round repeating history as with Freeman and Winston…

  47. Rod Munch Says:

    Why Not Says:
    November 26th, 2023 at 6:08 pm
    We don’t have to root against the Bucs so they get a draft pick. We just need to root for them to do their best. That should be enough.





  48. HC Grover Says:

    A. draft pick will not help this Bozo Disaster

  49. mark2001 Says:

    Hey, but maybe I’m wrong. If we win about 6 games this year and get rocked in one playoff game, draft 20 something in each round, and lose some good FA’s due to cap constraints and such, I’m sure we can sign some great FA’s with a salary cap issue, for less money, to this team where most of our best talent (with a couple exceptions) are older, and with a new HC, just to come here because we won our division, there is no state tax, and they love hot weather. Right?

  50. mark2001 Says:

    Grover… you are talking about 14 picks higher in every round…not just one draft pick.

  51. Tony Marks Says:

    “Having said that, if you are in position to pick a top QB in this draft, you do it.”

    Depends. IF one is the board thats worth it then fine. Agree. OF COURSE Just don’t assume even top ten is going to pan out because the hype on this draft is so high more Qbs are likely to go fast than normal and teams that wouldn’t even draft a qb will be approached with multiple trade offers.

  52. mark2001 Says:

    Munch…did you fall in some vat of toxic chemical? Or maybe THC?

  53. mark2001 Says:

    I’d dare say Grover, that if you looked at Jimmy Johnsons old draft point chart, and considered the value of the draft picks a in the next years draft, moving down that much in all those rounds, especially the early ones, would be about the total value of an average teams next years draft.

  54. mark2001 Says:

    And Grover.. if we back in this year again, it will have happened two years in a row. Unless you are the best judge of draft talent in the league, how do you overcome that? And then to try to rebuild a mediocre team, at best, with cap issues?

  55. mark2001 Says:

    So we beat the Bears. Have you looked at their draft picks next year? Probably two in the top five. So even the lowly Bears might zoom past us if we don’t get it together. If I were the Glazer boys, I’d see all kinds of red lights flashing.

  56. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Let’s adopt the Jeffersons’ attitude: “MOVIN” ON UP.” Curtis Mayfield as well!

  57. Robert Says:

    The only goal I have is for Mike Evans to get 150 more yard for 1000.

  58. Duane in Sanford Says:

    There are at least 5 qbs worth taking a flyer on in the draft. If the consolation of a $80 million cap season is the number 7 pick, and complete exposure of a Todd Bowles brand of football, I will take it. Looking forward to the trimming of the fat on the defensive side. We pay less than $12 million for our entire starting oline this season. Better days are ahead- just not this season.

  59. stpetebucfan Says:

    This team is not as bad as it is playing. Make a freaking play! Catch a ball and that’s everyone! ME13, CG14, and today Winfield.

    The big push should not be for an unproven COLLEGE QB and spending all the draft capital. The Bucs should do whatever it takes to get Jim Harbaugh!!!

    Strong chance he’ll leave Michigan after all the ticky tacky suspensions and if they win it all there’ no doubt.

    Harbaugh is a PROVEN winner!!! Yes he’ll be expensive and yes he’ll want a lot of roster control which will come at the expense of Licht’s power. Tough darts.
    I like Jason and believe he’s done a great job…but he’s not as valuable as Harbaugh!!!

  60. Frank Pillow Says:

    Keep it up coach…only one hiccup in the last seven for ya. Keep us climbing that draft board and ownership drawing up a short list of potential replacements. #deadmanwalking

  61. David Says:

    Fire the GM. He is pathetic. HE wastes so many dradft picks. He hasn’t even played his own drafted qb. Who is going to trust him to pick again ?
    Start Trask before you waste another draft pick.

  62. Kalind Says:

    Generational QB. That’s not even a question, Joe

  63. GusO Says:

    David is right. What is Joe’s problem with Trask? How come all Joe talks about is Baker this, and Baker that, and draft this, and draft that? Doesn’t Joe want to see what Trask can do with the starters in a game? Something NOBODY has seen to date? Anybody who knows anything about football would want to know. What’s Joe’s problem?

  64. I'm a Tandyman Bucs Fan Again Says:

    Go in the Transfer Portal and get a Q B !!!!

  65. UKBuccaneer Says:

    Tanking for picks is a mugs game. We picked a QB first overall recently. He didn’t make a second contract. We’ve got a number one overall pick at QB now and y’all want him run out of town.

    Play the game to win. The draft is a crapshoot at best.

  66. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Draft position! Let the Aints or Falcons win the division and get blasted in the playoffs. We need a new QB and HC. The Glazers need excitement or the stadium will be empty next year. Nobody wants this crap to continue. Mediocre sucks, and we’re looking up at even that.

  67. MoeB Says:

    The team let go quality players period who makes those decisions.

  68. Joe Says:

    What is Joe’s problem with Trask?

    If Joe thought he was the answer — after watching him in some 60 full practices — Joe would be banging the drum for him.

  69. Day1BucFan Says:

    Joe should go interview BA and ask what he saw in his two coordinators and if he was satisfied in their performance to date. What he claimed they were capable of and what was delivered are vastly different.

  70. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    UK – I respect your thoughts and quality posts, but do you believe that we should continue with Baker and Bowles? If so, what have they done to provide that confidence? I vote for an offensive minded HC and a potential franchise QB. Yes it’s a roll of the dice, but that is also how getting a franchise QB gets done. Must take a chance. Bowles and this team is boring.

  71. Larrd Says:

    Has a team ever tanked for a higher pick and then done well? The players and their agents will not buy in on such a loser move. In football it has to always be about winning the next game, imo.

    Try nabbing Jim Harbaugh and signing Kirk Cousins. Draft JJ McCarthy or someone in the fourth or so.

    As in Cleveland, Baker has played “as well as could be expected,” but that seems to be his ceiling. He will likely be a great backup somewhere else. Maybe Dallas.

  72. Fumunda Says:

    All the people that think we are only a “franchise” QB is all we need.. Baker would be doing a ton better under Bruce.. only true freaks of nature like Evans can succeed in a total $h1t storms from multiple head coaches.. this team just needs a decent HC and the rest should improve.. this team has a ton of talent.. really not sire where that fact got lost on some of you.. Brady wasn’t the only QB that would taken us to 1 Superbowl.. this team had talent before and still does.. #1 issue is HC

  73. Jeff Says:

    Let’s pray they lose out so Clueless Todd gets the boot

  74. Faspro Says:

    Franchise QB…and Fire Todd Bowles.

  75. Aceofaerospace Says:

    Just checking in to see if Toilet Bowels has been fired yet. I’ll check back in again later.

  76. Capt.Tim Says:

    Id draft Jared Verse in First round
    Then Id go Guard( Zak Zinter( yeah, his leg will heal)
    Then the best center available.

    A few other smart aquisitions- this is still a talented team, and can win!

    We draft a Qb- its a 2-3 year process, and odds are, the guy will suck.
    After watching him for 2-4 years.
    We’ve drafted a bunch of First round QBs.

    None have panned out. Not Vinnie T, Not Dilfer, not Jameis.

    Most young QBs flame out.
    An Average QB, behind a great Offensive line, is agreat QB.
    Dont like Baker? How about Mack Jones? Zack Wilson?
    Lots of QBs in bad spots, that have shown talent.

    Or waste years on some kid that will fall apart.

    Really, Im finding it hard to Care.

  77. TF Says:

    I have been pushing for a Jim Harbaugh hire but the more I think about it, the more I second guess that lately. Harbaugh is tough as nails, old school, 100% run the football first coach. At this point I’m sooooo sick and tired of that. It doesn’t fit our roster and not sure we need an intense alpha personality(Gruden type) these days. I would much rather hire a more modern offensive coordinator type. Eric Bieniemy, Bobby Slowic, or Ben Johnson. Or even Matt Campbell the stud coach from Iowa State that developed Brock Purdy.

  78. PowerOfPewter Says:

    Bucs will have to win 4 or 5 of remaining games to win division… they will be hard-pressed to win 2. Might as well Trask for the Tank, as it gets Bowles and Licht out the door quicker and a top-5 draft position.

  79. MelvinJunior Says:

    Hold ya nose about it and keep Bowles in order to continue losing. After that I’d go with giving the local kid a shot (if he’s truly 💯 healthy and lookin good), alongside of Harbaugh… Try dumping some salary (Dean & Davis), & use that cap space on building the O-Line around Wirfs!!!!

  80. David Says:

    Not really sure what people expected this year. With all the rookies and undrafted free agents… Seemed like nothing more than a showcase to see who’s part of the future.
    From day one anyone should have known that Baker Mayfield is nothing but a stopgap. I’d love for him to stick around and be a veteran back up but someone will sign him to start somewhere else.

    – sign Shaq Leonard
    – Hire Eric Bienemy as HC
    – Draft Jayden Daniels
    – Draft OG / C
    – Release or trade Shaq, JTS, Devon White

    That should be a good start

  81. firethecannons Says:

    ready for a new quarterback, coach and team and new GM–no more bargain hunting Jason Licht–sick of his trading down and getting sht like Logan hall–waste!

  82. Bobby M. Says:

    Ownership is doing due diligence on coaches, I have zero doubt and other than Harbaugh, I doubt they have much interest in going the college route after Schiano. I think our roster has appeal, however not sure who’s lining up to play for Licht. He’s had three winning seasons out of ten….the team has countless wasted picks….salary cap still needs work. Let’s face it, why would we trust Licht to draft another QB or pick a coach. He’s whiffed on Winston and Trask, whiffed on Koetter and Bowles….hes had his shots, none of them have worked out. Even Arians was 7-9 his first year…..Brady comes in, we win. Brady exits, we revert back to mediocrity.

  83. Caleb M Says:

    That’s where we drafted ME13.

  84. I’m tired and 87 is right Says:

    QB as simple as that. Fire head coach, bring in an offensive minded coach, draft QB and bring back Baker for one more year to groom the young guy. Devin he gone! Draft secondary and oline. Go Bucs!

  85. Hodad Says:

    Been awhile since I’ve seen anything about the Bucs from Ronde Barber. Usually he chimes in. Maybe he’s being courted to replace Licht? I could see him taking the Lynch career path. The Glazers love, and respect him, he’d be an instant hit. He knows what’s going on in that organization, and I’m sure the Glazers lean on his opinions. Why not? Would love to see this happen.

  86. BigBucFan11 Says:

    I prefer Baker and drafting an O-Lineman, an Edge, or a WR (if Evans is gone) UNLESS we can get Maye. If it’s Nix or Daniels or Penix, I’d rather build around Baker. I think Baker has earned a stay unless the QB talent is bona fide franchise level.

  87. TheMIGHTYVH Says:

    I have said it a 1,000 times in the last 12 months, this roster needs to be blown up and rebuilt. JL really screwed up not being sellers at the trade deadline. But the new league year starts in March and maybe he will be sellers going into draft. I would adios Deva White, Dean, Davis and sell future HOFer Big Mike to the highest bidder. We can’t win this crappy division with Big Mike. Hell, Canales needs to tagegt Big Mike and CG at least 20 times per game and rarely does. We have one real starter on the offensive front and the rest are just backups. The funny thing is Baker is the least of our problems…
    As much as I want to host a January playoff game the Bucs will get abused and embarassed by America’s team. Didn’t we see that movie last year? Seriously.
    I dont think they can do it anyway because we have Bowles, a horrendous pass defense and we cant score b/c we cant get out of our own way.