“We’re Just So Close”

October 24th, 2023

Baker Mayfield speaks.

Breathe easy, Bucs fans.

The Tampa Bay offense isn’t far off the mark, even though points are hard to come by and the run game stinks.

That was the message today from quarterback Baker Mayfield.

“We’re just so close,” Mayfield said. “You know, getting tired of saying that but it’s the truth when you go back and watch it. It’s one play here or there that’s going to make the difference in, you know, us keeping drives sustained or [getting] the plays over the top to get those explosive plays.  So we’re close. Way too many penalties. That’s really what stuck out rewatching the film. … It really did kill the drives and take away some good plays.”

Joe thought Mayfield was speaking in a sincere tone, but it doesn’t matter whether he was being candid or not. The offense must find itself in a hurry no matter what it’s put on film in the past two games.

Mayfield went on to say the Bucs will be “overcommunicating” this week because a short-week game is all about mental preparation.

35 Responses to ““We’re Just So Close””

  1. Rod Munch Says:

    “We’re just so close,” Mayfield said.

    If he’s talking about the riding the bench, he’s right.

    Anywho, Mayfield needs to have the game of his life on Thursday. If he goes out there and stinks it up yet again, then you’re talking 4 loses in the last 5 games, and Mayfield paying 3 bad games in a row.

    Baker has in the past said, “I think under pressure is something I thrive on.”

    So the Bucs should put pressure on him, and tell him this is it. You need a career night if you don’t want to be on the bench. Fair or not, pile on the pressure and see what you go, if he steps up with a big game under that sort of pressure, then perhaps you got something. If he crumbles, well, it’s time to move on.

  2. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Horseshoes hand-grenades and nuclear weapons.

    We are close to circling the drain – but we can turn it around. If not, let’s see what Trask and Tucker can do.

  3. Erik The Viking Says:

    1000% agree Rod. Put up or shut up time.

    Excuses are like arse holes. Everyone has them.

  4. Rod Munch Says:

    “But we’re very close; we’re going to correct our mistakes, and go play. We put in the work; we deserve to have fun on Sundays and go execute.” – Baker 2022

    “We’re close to putting a game together. (We’re close) to what we know we can do.” – Baker 2019

    BTW, while looking for quotes of Baker saying “we’re close”, I found this headline from the Cleveland paper and it literally made me laugh out loud, from 2020…

    ‘Could Baker Mayfield vs. Joe Burrow be as good as these NFL quarterback rivalries from the last 20 years?’

    Tom Brady vs. Peyton Manning (2001-15)
    Donovan McNabb vs. Eli Manning (2004-10)
    Ben Roethlisberger vs. Joe Flacco (2008-18)
    Dak Prescott vs. Carson Wentz (2016-present)
    Matt Ryan vs. Drew Brees (2008-present)
    Aaron Rodgers vs. Matthew Stafford (2009-present)

    Who in the world has ever thought about Roethlisberger vs Flacco ‘rivalry’? I get that it’s a big team vs team rivalry, but this dumb article is talking about QB rivalries. LOL!

  5. Jack Sparrow Says:

    We are also so close in believing that this team is a playoff caliber team….. apparently, it was a fake hope…

  6. Morgus the Magnificient Says:

    New prediction……5-12. BUT a high draft pick!!!

  7. Irish Laughter Says:

    When given the chance to excel in Cleveland, Baker was real good leading them to a playoff win. He can do the same for the Bucs. Lets be patient. It took time for TB to settle in and then we went to the promise land. Baker can do the same.

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    Irish Laughter Says:
    October 24th, 2023 at 4:32 pm
    When given the chance to excel in Cleveland, Baker was real good leading them to a playoff win.


    You mean in Cleveland, when he had the NFL’s best running game and a top 3 offensive line, and wasn’t asked to do much, he was able to be a game manager and not screw things up as the team got into the playoffs, where they went 1-1 losing to the Chiefs backup QB.

  9. Jack Clark Says:

    Close? Close???? Only Scoring 6 points after a bye week is close? Only Scoring 13 points after your defense gave you 3 takeaways is close?? The fans are tired of listening to your Bull$h#*!!!!

  10. Marine Buc Says:

    Unless Mayfield has an awesome game against the Bills I am ready for Kyle Trask to be given a chance.

    Would he really be any worse? Especially on the deep throws…

  11. Mike S Says:

    Rod Munch couldn’t agree with you more.

  12. Mike Johnson Says:

    We are close. But..we keep repeating like Tom Cruise in that movie, Edge of Tomorrow..On your feet maggot.

  13. Andrew Fish Says:

    bull spit. there was nothing close the last 2 games. I feel like we are back in the lost decade.

    And the worst thing was said by Godwin the other day. He doesn’t know what they need to do to fix it.

    This team has the talent to be better.

  14. SlyPirate Says:

    Canales is a con. Baker is a con. These guys just know how to spin half-truths to hide inadequacies and they have enough charisma to make people believe them.

    Fans and writers go, “Okay. I totally believe you this time.” Then, they lose. Then, you remember they sucked the last game. Then, you’re mad. Then, they make promises. Then you go, “Okay. I totally believe you this time.” It’s called a con.

    You can only put lipstick on a pig for so long.

  15. JD Still Says:

    Close only counts in handgrenades and horseshoes, not football or lottery tickets.

  16. HC Grover Says:

    The Bucs will continue dow the path,,,,,,of less than the average bear.

  17. Georgia Redneck Says:

    The Bucs are showing what they are. 1) Coach with a losing history, 2) Quarterback with a losing history, 3) a never-before OC that’s never called plays, and 4) a second-string quarterback who has a history of being overlooked and then being a winner. What will the owners do? What should they do?

  18. Danthebucfan Says:

    His definition of close is way different than mine.

    It’s time to have a confidence poll on Baker Mayfield. Is Kyle Trask the answer? I don’t know. But Baker Mayfield is certainly not.

  19. NCBucfan Says:

    Didn’t Greg Schiano say the same thing after a
    every lose in 2013. “We are so close”, lol.

  20. D-Rok Says:

    We are not close, this team is not close to anything except mediocrity at the lowest level. Did anyone review the last few games?

    I realize the QB has to spew garbage words to inspire false hope…in himself…but c’mon yo – the only thing this team is close to is aspirations of low-tiered mediocrity.

    So far, this team sucks.

  21. Proudbucsfan Says:

    We are just so close. People do you really wanna know what that means ?
    It means nothing is going to change they’re going to keep doing what they’re doing. Losing.

  22. m milligan Says:

    U guys suck, particularly Munch. Atlanta not on BM. MF offsides/holding whatever on every drive, always behind the sticks.
    Now tough gm in Buffalo, maybe in snow, on a Bills team that has to have a W.
    GFU, tough game, glad to know u shthds will be behind us.

  23. Mike S Says:

    We got Baker Mayfield as the starting QB.

    Why did anyone expect anything different than this outcome?

  24. m milligan Says:

    u decided to throw in the one series Henne played when Mahomes went down and lucky scramble.
    I’m so sick of u talking out of both sides of your mouth. Go jack off.

  25. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    This is bush league talk.

    You are what your record says you are…period.

    Almost? Close?

    This isn’t horseshoes or hand grenades.

  26. Jmarkbuc Says:

    This teams problems begin squarely with
    Bud Licht.

  27. Winny Testaverde Says:

    I’m rooting for Baker…but his end seems near. It’s probably time to let Sharter have his way and see what Trask can do. With a borderline 3rd down back as a “workhorse” and an interior O-Line that gets shoved around like a shopping cart at Walmart…I wish him well. Don’t forget get the slow footed, barely blocking TEs. in the name and vain of Patrick Hape and Todd Yoder…

  28. D Cone Says:

    Of the 9 penalties 3 were on one series and killed the drive. One was half the distance of a yard and a half and the drive was not going anywhere anyway from the 3.
    A couple were over come with a Tampa Play or Atlanta Penalty.
    Two scoring drives were extended by Falcon Penalties on 2nd or 3rd and Long.
    Bucs received 6 first downs on Atlanta Penalties.

    0-2 in the Red Zone. Pass Interception was anything but So Close’ to a Reception.

    Bucs benefitted more from Atlanta Penalties than Tampa was hurt by their own.

    Even with 3 Fumbles QB was outplayed by a guy with 10 career starts and to point the finger at penalties for failure to score points sounds like someone dodging accountability.

    Next poor showing Mayfield will hobble off the field, miss a couple games, backup will struggle(hopefully), come back and be the only option. Stafford did it all the time to cover up inconsistency. Just two seasons after getting rid of him Lions are contending.

  29. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Stafford won a SB with Rams. Lions are contending because they finally got a GM who knows how to draft. And its sad when the longest run for this season is by a QB not named Hurts or Jackson

  30. David Says:

    Baker you are no true leader. I have been dominating this blog with negative remarks on you all pre-season/season. I have beeb labeled as Baker hater. However now most fans on this blog realizing I am the true Bucs fans who rooted for Bucs not Baker. I knew all along this is the same garbage Baker and I warned everyone. Lions was blown out by Ravens with the real qb. That tells us how bad and trash you played against Lions let alone Falcons. Three losses at home. You really such as qb. It is time to bench this garbage.

  31. Nope Says:

    Better grab some boots, boys. The BS is getting deeper.

  32. WyomingJoe Says:

    David: You’re such a BS Artist. You and the other doomsayers who haunt this site were bitching when we were 3-1. Get real…

  33. Mark hardt Says:

    What else is he going to say? The 2 games out of four that were on the road were Bakers,s best games. I think he relaxes more in front of a hostile crowd. He goes into I will show you mode. This was supposed to be a 1-16 season so 3-3 is an improvement. Sooner or later he will get injured so Trask will get his chance. Can we get a RB at the trade deadline already?

  34. garro Says:

    Ok Baker love the positive attitude from a QB…But…a play here, a play there? Red zone play was not that.

    Go Bucs!

  35. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    Don’t stop believing! You gotta have faith! Join hands, this is called the love train!

    Come on…. I know you were humming along!