Colin Cowherd Harsh On Bucs

October 29th, 2023

Start selling, FS1 host says.

Joe’s not ready to throw the towel in on the season. But there are enough disturbing things Joe has seen that doubt is renting an apartment in Joe’s head.

Colin Cowherd of FS1 has no doubt. He took to his weekday show on Friday, “The Herd,” mere hours after the Bucs lost to the Bills on Thursday Night Football and declared the Bucs dead for 2023.

With the trade deadline in two days, Cowherd said the Bucs need to be sellers. Stop the denial, Cowherd said. You’re bad.

Cowherd didn’t directly call the Bucs “posers” but he referenced more than once how non-playoff teams are “posers.” He said the end of October is when good teams begin to separate from the “posers” and Thursday night is when the Bucs turned into a pumpkin.

“Tampa? Who are we kidding?” Cowherd said. “It was a good story. But it’s not a good team.”

Cowherd said the difference between the Bucs (a bad team) and the Bills (a good team) can be summed up with one word, the most important word in football vernacular:


“Reality: One good drive against Buffalo,” Cowherd explained. “We’ve got Baker; they’ve got Josh Allen.”

Cowherd said the plan for the Bucs now should be quite simple: Stockpile draft picks so the Bucs can get one of those quarterbacks that all good teams must have.

“What do you do? You start moving pieces,” Cowherd said of the Bucs. “Watch a team like Tampa start to move a piece or two.”

Well, Joe knows one man that might erupt if that happens. His name is Todd Bowles. You think he wants to start trading away valuable pieces? That’s like signing the death certificate for his career.

Joe documented how many teams last year lost three (or more) games in a row and still bounced back to make the playoffs. One was the Bucs.

But to Cowherd’s point, if all those teams,every one of them, had a franchise quarterback.

Joe isn’t sure Mayfield is that.

54 Responses to “Colin Cowherd Harsh On Bucs”

  1. QBKilla Says:

    We can’t block very well and we try to make up for it with an anemic pash rush.

  2. DBS Says:

    Everyone.said it before. Bowles was a loser in N.Y.. Last year was he didn’t have his own people. We are losing now. If he is to stubborn to see if Trask can change the offense he is already gone next season anyway. We WILL have a new QB an HC with coaches.

  3. bucnjim Says:

    Before the season started I’d have bet money on losses to the Eagles, Bills & probably Lions. What has me beyond p!ssed is loss to the Falcons. A one dimensional offense that really can’t throw the ball drives up and down the field. Hey if you want to be a defensive team fine, but if you can’t stop the Falcons you’re not good in any phase of the game.

  4. DBS Says:

    And NO I am not a Trask fan. That is just the way I see it right now. We are just not putting points on the board to win. We must try something.

  5. bucnjim Says:

    Not sure what Bowles point per game average was with the Jet’s but here in Tampa he’s scoring 18 points a game. There is no way he doesn’t have his hands in what the Offense is doing. Same conservative play calling with both coordinators. The only chance he took was going for it on 4th down against the Vikings. In the modern NFL you absolutely have to score points. That’s just how the league is set up.

  6. Bucnut2 Says:

    He’s right. We need to be sellers not buyers at trade deadline. Wirfs Winfield Godwin some of the young linemen are only players I would make off limits. Everyone else is available

  7. EricTheViking Says:

    Trade Evans and White. Get all you can in draft capitL.

    Probably time for a new GM to make those picks.

    New HC and OC will be imperative for next season.

    This year is already toast. Why wait?

  8. Texasbucsfan Says:

    To many holes on offense and defense to be a winning team. Time to start selling off what you can and stockpile draft choices for 2024. If the Bucs win a few more games, it may ruin their chance for a franchise quarterback. Baker can’t cut the cake. Time to see if Trask is ok for a back up role next year. Go Bucs..

  9. johnnymoon Says:

    Baker’s Offense’s even with 2 great RBS in Cleveland barely avg 20pts ..He is just not a good passer in the Red Zone…was worth taking a shot on but he is what he is.

  10. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    I can’t imagine The Bucs drafting a high pic on a QB without a complete change in the head coach and staff. What a waste letting Bowls and Canales try to develop anything. We have seen what they can develop. NOTHING.
    Cowherds comments are correct. Trade and stockpile draft pics. Only one person on each side of the ball are really worthy of keeping. You know who they are. If the stakes are high enough even they should be considered. Cleaning house is only thing that will slowly remove the stench emanating from the head of this.

  11. Mike Johnson Says:

    Cowherd is spot on. Most of us who have followed the Bucs for yrs know this is a 6 to 7 win team at best. We got problems on the O line, D line, RB, and a QB who flashes but is not consistent. Come on guys..Who we foollin?

  12. Bucfan37 Says:

    The Bucs will continue to aggrevate their fans with subpar efforts. Back to its a Bucs fans life. Rebuilding will happen if we live that long. Anybody think the Bills are going anywhere? Four Super Bowls and they lost them all.. I expect another loss if they make it that far.

  13. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    I have no great love for Mayfield. As a teammate and a competitor he has those intangibles 100% – a great guy to have on a team.

    But a poor choice to bet your career on. Bowles should have went with Trask this year. Bowles/Canales developed Trask into a performer that would have made their careers.

    But they didn’t believe in Kyle. They went with a QB who really had a bad season the year before and was at that point a journeyman.

    No stones. Went with the moxie guy instead. Now management has to decide on whether or not to get draft capital. Time’s up.

  14. Larrd Says:

    Mayfield made a game winning throw. No one tried to catch it.

  15. Fred McNeil Says:

    We have a mini bye and winnable games against the Texans and Titans up next. We need both of those games to wind up 5-5 after the 49ers game with 7 to go. If we can make it to that point we have a good chance to make it to post season. If we don’t then we might as well start the draft talk.

  16. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Fred they lose 2 of the next three and that would put them 4-6 with 7 to play.

    Really depends on what Atlanta does today.

  17. Bucfan37 Says:

    Perhaps the Bucs don’t like Trask as a QB. Is he considered too fragile to man the spot? Do they not want to play him because that may lower his potential trade value? I have not heard a word from management about what they think of Trask. Actions speak louder than words or no words in the Trask mystery.

  18. TonySoprano Says:

    Agreed with Cowherd, this ship is sinking. It’s time to direct blame at Jason Licht. Our tight cap space can’t be the excuse this team is so lousy. We didn’t give up any draft capital when mortgaging that Super Bowl.

    Licht has had a full of supply of draft picks and has been squandering them the last few years. Edge rushers, dline men, offensive linemen, RBs, a 2nd round QB that isn’t good enough to take garbage time snaps. Licht has invested heavily in all these positions that are failing terribly.

    And it certainly doesn’t look like any Bucs from the 2023 class will be winning rookie of the year either.

  19. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Cowterd has always had a feud with Mayfield, especially after Baker called him a donkey. Mayfield has always been polarizing, people love him or hate him and opinions run along those lines. “He sucks”. “He’s great”. Reality; league average QB who can succeed with a little help

  20. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Buckeye sorry but I’m aiming a little higher than overhyped mediocre.

  21. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    FUTURE>>>>>>>>bowles feeling

  22. NYbucsfan Says:

    Who cares about Todd’s feelings? He earned it he’s the one that stinks as a head coach win some games and he wouldn’t be in this position.

  23. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    TonySoprano Says:
    October 29th, 2023 at 11:34 am
    Agreed with Cowherd, this ship is sinking. It’s time to direct blame at Jason Licht. Our tight cap space can’t be the excuse this team is so lousy. We didn’t give up any draft capital when mortgaging that Super Bowl.

    Tony, if I was the owner of the Bucs and you were my consultant I’d have to give you a pink slip. You want to fire my GM who recently built a Super Bowl winning team that held Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs to ZERO TD’s in the Super Bowl?

    You say “our tight cap space can’t be the excuse this team is so lousy…”
    How many teams with 77 MILLION of Dead Cap Money have gone deep into the playoffs?

    Good luck in your next job!

  24. JimBobBuc Says:

    At the beginning of the season I would have predicted losses vs the Bills, Eagles, and Lions. After the first couple games, I would predict sweeps of the Falcons, Panthers, and a split with the Aints. The loss against the Falcons at home was terrible. In my mind, we can still win most, if not all, of our division games.

    The Glazers and Licht need to tell Bowles that he won’t be back next year unless we start putting more points on the board now, like 28 or more. This conversation needs to be now. We need to know what kind of offense Canales and Baker can deliver, and decide what to do for next year for both of them – and Bowles too. When we open up the offense, Baker will succeed or fail, and then we decide to give Trask a try or not.

    Bowles and Canales need to make tough decisions, right now, like their careers are on the line. Glazers and Licht can help with this too. We need to demote coaches or change their responsibilities, like our run game coach, and stop propping him up (Harold Goodwin) because everyone likes him. I also think our OLB coach is underperforming – we have some talent but the players aren’t productive in pass rush or setting the edge on runs.

    We need to admit some players aren’t performing and demote them. Fieler and White on offense, and JTS and Neal on defense.

  25. JCLV Says:

    There are plenty of reasons to question how the Bucs will finish out the season, but Cowherd’s opinions, especially as to Baker, should be the last of any considered. The guy is a hack. Having a show doesn’t change that.

  26. Cobraboy Says:

    Bucs don’t have a franchise coach, either.

    First things first.

  27. BucsFan81 Says:

    We need a complete re build. We need better coaches. We have No QB. The offensive line is still pretty green except for Wirfs.

  28. TonySoprano Says:


    And likewise, I’m glad you don’t own this team. The squad that was assembled 3 years ago was impressive, but that was a once in a lifetime situation that we were lucky enough to land the best QB ever. All those FAs that followed were the result of Brady, not because Licht was such a good salesmen to convince them to come.

    Long term good teams are built through the draft. What has Licht done in that regard over the last 3 drafts to inspire any confidence? Who are these difference makers that will bring the Bucs sustained success?

    Aside from the Brady blip on Licht’s resume, he has 3 winning seasons in 10. He has overseen 4 different coaches, 3 have had losing records. He has swung and missed on a #1 overall pick along with many other early round busts. Over the last 4 years he can hang his hat on drafting a tackle, safety and punter. That’s about it. I didn’t say Licht has to be fired, but he needs to be put on notice.

  29. Kidfloflo Says:

    Baker is the antithesis of J.T.S, kid plays with so much heart and determination, and u can’t put a price tag on his scrambling ability to keep plays alive! Trask would get killed behind this line!

  30. Oneilbuc Says:

    The Titans made a move to go with the young quarterback and he’s playing good. But some of yall are love Baker Mayfield and hate Kyle Trask that y’all rather lose than give him a chance. The only thing y’all care about is the name on the back of the jersey more than the name in front of the jersey. I gave Baker Mayfield his credit the first 3 games even though it was average quarterback play . But now he ain’t going to get any better Baker Mayfield is a backup quarterback and that’s why he’s on his 4th team in 6 years. If Baker plays bad next week are y’all going to hold him accountable or blame someone else??

  31. Oneilbuc Says:

    Most peaceful. Look how the Titans are playing now that they went with the young guy and just like our fan base they wanted to keep Ryan Tanahill rather than give Levi’s a chance. If Baker plays bad next week and the bucs keep stay with him as the starter I’m done for the season and looking towards the draft!! And Todd Bowles should be fired and he will be fired because of his decision to keep a below average quarterback as the starter. With Kyle Trask it’s more of a upside because if he’s good than we got our guy and if he’s bad than we know we have to draft a quarterback. But Baker Mayfield is a waste of time he will give you 2 or 3 average games and than suck for the rest of the season. But the Texans game will determine the rest of the season for me .

  32. Rod Munch Says:

    The Bucs have a terrible head coach, and a garbage QB. That’s how you lose games, that’s how you end up with no hope.

    You have a coward head coach who literally tries to run out the clock in the first half with 2 mins left down by 7 and the ball at midfield.

    Then you have a QB that doesn’t score points, but hey, as Bowles said, it’s not about scoring points, it’s about protecting the football, and yay, you got Mike Glennon II and Greg Schiano II out there once again.

  33. 1#bucsfan Says:

    I can say this. There is still a lot of football left. I have not given up on the Bucs outside of a terrible int by baker and a few missed throws here n their baker has played well. If he can improve and the offense gets out of its rut then we will be fine.

  34. Reality BucFan Says:

    How is Colin being Harsh? He’s 100% right we’re bad and our coaching is even Worse. Com on Man let’s Get better…and keeping Baker Mayfield is not ever going to be a good decision.. trade Devin Trade Dean Release Neal like show something….

  35. TB bolts Says:

    Lots of successful pocket passing today. Tell us again how great baker and his mobility is. Happy feet no vision will take the Bucs nowhere but the golf course.

  36. Oneilbuc Says:

    The defense has been playing good enough to win but the offense sucks and starting Baker Mayfield was a waste of time!!

  37. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    @bucsfansince1996 – Licht DID NOT BUILD a SB winning team. It may appear that way but TOM…yes TOM brought in AB, Lenny and GRONK. TOM. You can do whatevwer mental gymnastics you want to make it look like Licht was teh reason BUT HE WAS AND IS NOT A GOOD GM. He stinks without Tom Brady and actually is the only GM to have a losing record with Tom Brady.

    Time to stop protecting Jason Licht. He is gone with Bowles.

  38. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    TonySoprano Says:
    October 29th, 2023 at 1:37 pm

    And likewise, I’m glad you don’t own this team. The squad that was assembled 3 years ago was impressive, but that was a once in a lifetime situation that we were lucky enough to land the best QB ever. All those FAs that followed were the result of Brady, not because Licht was such a good salesmen to convince them to come.

    There are 25 GM’s who would give up critical body parts to have won one Super Bowl over the past 10 years!

    Brady came to Tampa because of the team that Licht built and because of the HC that Licht hired, and the willingness of the front office and owners to go all-in on winning a Super Bowl. Your attempt to minimize the role that Licht played is absurd.

    It’s true he he’s brought in some FA’s and draft picks who have been busts. Show me a GM who’s NOT done that over a 10 year period.

  39. Rod Munch Says:

    optimisticbucsfan Says:
    October 29th, 2023 at 3:37 pm
    @bucsfansince1996 – Licht DID NOT BUILD a SB winning team


    That is one of the dumbest hot takes I’ve seen in a while – and the comments on this site is filled with dumb hot takes, so that is saying something.

  40. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    optimisticbucsfan Says:
    October 29th, 2023 at 3:37 pm
    @bucsfansince1996 – Licht DID NOT BUILD a SB winning team. It may appear that way but TOM…yes TOM brought in AB, Lenny and GRONK. TOM. You can do whatevwer mental gymnastics you want to make it look like Licht was teh reason BUT HE WAS AND IS NOT A GOOD GM. He stinks without Tom Brady and actually is the only GM to have a losing record with Tom Brady.

    Time to stop protecting Jason Licht. He is gone with Bowles

    You seriously need to change your screen name from optimisticbucsfan to something more accurate.

  41. TonySoprano Says:

    I do give Licht credit for putting the pieces together, but it was a one in a million situation in which a lot luckily fell into place. Licht was fortunate to have the past experiences with AZ and NE to land BA and Brady. Yes Licht should be given kudos for signing those FAs, but it was Brady that lured the likes of AB and Gronk, not the other way around.

    I just don’t believe Licht is a good enough talent evaluator to replicate that type of success going forward. And in my opinion, talent evaluation is the most important skill needed as a GM. Yes he’s had some good picks over the course of 10 years, but he’d better in such a long stretch of time; most GMs (and many with better winning %) haven’t been afforded such lengthy tenures.

    Furthermore, I don’t believe Licht is improving in his talent evaluations, as evidenced by his last 3-4 drafts. Licht can’t count on another Brady falling in our laps.

  42. Rod Munch Says:

    It figures some moron that thinks Baker Mayfield is a great NFL QB also thinks Jason Licht doesn’t know how to evaluate talent. LOL!

  43. TonySoprano Says:

    If you’re referring to me, I’m not a Baker fan.

    But go on and keep drooling over Licht’s draft prowess. I’ll continue being the moron for not getting excited over the stellar high round selections of JTS, Trask, Logan Hall, Hainsey, R White, Vaughn…

  44. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    October 29th, 2023 at 4:21 pm
    It figures some moron that thinks Baker Mayfield is a great NFL QB also thinks Jason Licht doesn’t know how to evaluate talent. LOL!
    We may not know for a couple years exactly how good this past draft is as most of these guys have to be developed but I believe it will show Licht hit a home run getting some of these guys. I love Trey Palmer!

  45. McBucky Says:

    The Bucs stink. It sucks, but it’s reality.

  46. Pirates Life Says:


  47. ScottyMack Says:

    Gotta wonder what people’s deinition of the word “stinks” is. To me, it is a bottom-5 team, but hey, I’ll loosen that and make it a bottom 10 team.

    To the people who say the Bucs are “horrible” or that they “Stink”, can any of you name 22 NFL teams that are undeniably better than the Bucs this year?

    I’d LOVE to see that list!

  48. Michael Says:

    Bologna, you get a running game and Baker would be fine!

  49. Obvious Says:

    Sorry Optomistic,

    Can’t get behind that. In fact I wholeheartedly disagree. LICHT put it all together. Like it or not. Agree he’s made some questionable decisions about certain situations but t0 blame Licht and not give him his due credit, well that’ll get backs turned on you.

    It’s NOT his job to develop the talent…… You might want to blame the coach whom continues to shart the bucket. As well as his seemingly no talent side kick. The atmosphere at 1 Buc STINKS! IT’S SLOPPY! IT’S ON THE FOR LACK OF A “BETTER WORD”, THE “COACHES” AND THE BACKWARDS PHILOSOPHY PROMOTED BY THE WALKING DEAD TWINS IS PALPABLE!

    It doesn’t seem that “almost” ANYBODY wants to actually win! Not to mention the FACT that Bowles won’t “replace broken parts” with player WHO DO WANT TO COMPETE AND WIN!

    A WHOLE BUNCH OF GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS AND THAT’S IT… NOTHING MORE! Discounted team or not, IT’S UNACCEPTABLE from the back half of the defense to the far-end of the offense. All are SLOPPY. ONLY COACHES “ALLOW” SLOPPY! NOT GM’s…..

  50. Oneilbuc Says:

    Michael. Baker Mayfield suck it is what it is time to move on no more old veteran quarterbacks . Time to get a young quarterback or see what Trask have if not draft a guy .

  51. Crickett Baker Says:

    It is hard to believe this is a Buccaneer fan site. Almost all of you are just running the team down and enjoying doing it.

  52. David Says:

    JOE “isn’t sure if “Mayfield” is that? “… Meaning a franchise quarterback.

    If any part of you thought he was anything more than a stopgap measure until they draft a real franchise QB then you are not the football guru you claim to be.
    Sorry if that’s harsh, but no one who watches football for the last several years thinks Mayfield is anything more than an average quarterback and probably vet back up for the remainder of his career.
    This season was all about dumping salary, finding the pieces to rebuild with, and doing everything possible to move up for Caleb Williams. Sure they could take one of the other quarterbacks but personally I think they should move up and take him.

  53. Ed McSherry Says:

    I for one consider Tom Brady a franchise quarterback, and the GOAT did as well as can be done with the worst O-line in football.

    Nine games won (Bowles lost the last game of the 2022 season, not the Buccaneers) with that O-line in 2022.

    Imo, Baker’s doing a good job considering the O-line that’s improved from 2022 in that they’re doing better protecting the quarterback, but still can’t run-block, which ultimately hurts the quarterback.

    Brady may have gone deep in the playoffs with them this year and Rachaad as an RB-receiver who doubles as a play action #3 receiver with Mike n’ Chris; Brady could do it without a run game.

    The point of course is that, “It’s not the quarterback” (Baker Mayfield) Cowherd, it’s the O-line.

    There is some reason to have hope left: how many games have been lost to penalties? Clean that up, and just some general improvement, and the Buccaneers should win the division; now, with the toughest teams behind them (except the 49ers).

  54. Buckeyebuckchuck Says:

    Franchise QBs are a rare bird. Thats why you get first rounders like Trey Lance, Zach Wilson, Jordan Love, Justin Fields. Sometimes a Josh Rosen even. Or a trade that works out like a Russell Wilson or DeMassage Watson. Point being, there are more Mayfield’s, Carr’s and Cousins in the league than Burrow’s or Mahomes.
    Today’s college wonderboy is tomorrow’s hot garbage in the NFL.