Report Implies Common Ground Found In Mike Evans Contract Talks

September 5th, 2023

This should put a little smile on the faces of many Bucs fans.

Well-connected NFL reporter Josina Anderson X’d out that the Mike Evans camp and the Bucs have, over time, found a little common ground when it comes to an Evans contract extension.

“I’m told over the course of talks between both sides, the Bucs received a contract structure that’s acceptable to Mike Evans, and takes Tampa’s considerations into account as well, per source.” She added, ‘there’s business sense to the Bucs getting a deal done for Evans before Justin Jefferson’s extension hits the market.'”

No timeline was provided, so what this means isn’t quite clear. Evans is in the final year of his contract.

But if true, and Joe has zero reason to doubt credible Anderson, now of CBS, at least the sides don’t seem terribly far apart.

Catch up on your Ira Kaufman Podcast listening. Ira devoted an entire episode to the Mike Evans situation.

32 Responses to “Report Implies Common Ground Found In Mike Evans Contract Talks”

  1. Rod Munch Says:

    Awesome news, I hope they get this done — although a mad Mike is a heck of a player, so maybe they should drag it out a bit before making it official.

  2. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Sign Mike.

  3. Marine Buc Says:

    Update: “Looking into the report from reporter JP Peterson, it seems that the initial report of something being submitted that would have satisfied is not true as both sides aren’t even close.”

    Let me repeat – “Both sides aren’t even close”…

    Either way – Mike Evans has no choice but to play at a high level for the Bucs this season if he wants his big payday next season.

    He WILL be getting on that plane.


    He WILL be playing at a high level against the Vikings on Sunday and will hopefully have at least 8 cathces for 100 plus yards and two TDs.

    Go Bucs!!!

  4. Derek Says:

    Fans are getting too emotional about Mike Evans. Is your loyalty to the team or player? Team has to be logical…

  5. Buddha Says:

    Like I said, much ado about nothing. Latest bulletin from those who watch line movements and wiseguys wagers: Only 38% of the bets across all sports books have taken the Buccaneers at +7 or +6.5. However, an astounding 83% of the money wagered has been on the Buccaneers. The sharps love the Buccaneers. Las Vegas has surrendered. The line is now a solid +6 and may be at 5.5 or less before game time. This isn’t no nothing sports geeks on BSPN. This is from professionals.

  6. Bucsfan13 Says:

    Brady handled all the protection calls like he has his entire calls. Should be interesting how Hainsey those responsibilities. Cam Jordan recently commented how Brady was smart with his line calls. I believe Tretter handled the protection calls while Mayfield was in Cleveland.

  7. NE Fan Says:

    Careful what you wish for, Mike didn’t exactly light it up last season.

  8. Defense Rules Says:

    Marine Buc … ‘He (Evans) WILL be playing at a high level against the Vikings on Sunday and will hopefully have at least 8 catches for 100 plus yards and two TDs’.

    I’m glad you added the word ‘hopefully’ in there Marine Buc. Mike did that (8 catches for 100 yards plus) twice last year: in our loss to the Chiefs (8 catches in 10 targets for 103 yards & 2 TDs), and in our late-season win over the Panthers (10 catches in 12 targets for 207 yards & 3 TDs). So he has done it before, and can hopefully do it again.

    Of course then I remembered that ME13 only scored 6 TDs last year total. So getting 5 of those 6 TDs in just 2 games makes me wonder what was going on in the other 15 games. HOPEFULLY that history doesn’t repeat itself.

  9. Rod Munch Says:

    For Mike to do anything, he needs competent play from the QB. That is much more in question than anything to do with Mike’s ability.

  10. Ramblin_Man Says:

    Jp Peterson has provided multiple reasons to not ever be credible in his reporting. At this point if that guy said the sky was blue and the sun was bright I would have to go outside to see for myself.

  11. Mike C Says:

    Ne fan, Tampa has a bowl without Brady….. how about the Pats?

  12. gp Says:

    For Mike to do anything, he needs competent play from the QB
    For the QB to be able to toss long balls to Mike, the O-line has to be competent, unlike last year.

    I’ll leave the coaching out for now…

  13. Pewter Power Says:

    Justin Jefferson? They don’t compare, he’s younger faster and most thinks he’s top 5.

    Go ahead and pay that man before he has a monster season and he’ll want more

  14. Marine Buc Says:

    @ DR

    I hope so too buddy.

    I was just putting a positive spin on a negative take…


  15. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    I worry about Mike not having a contract extension and “needed” the ball for his next contract.

  16. NE Fan Says:

    Mike C, they went to two others, both losses but they were there.

  17. Crickett Baker Says:

    This “report” actually does not seem to add anything to this ME dilemma. To me, our team is not the same without Mike. He also seems to be balling out this year. I sure hope he stays. It doesn’t seem to me that the Bucs are offering him anything yet, though.

  18. Mike C Says:

    NE fan, no one gives a crap, GO AWAY!

  19. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    RIP Former Bucs WR Mike Williams

  20. Obvious Says:


    You say that we better watch what we wish for? I could ONLY IMAGINE how Badly you folks must be Wishing For! Considering Mike Evans is LITERALLY 5 Times better than the Very Best receiver on your team!

    We all know why you’re here. For you it’s kinda like your trying to get as close as possible to where the Ghost of Football Brady, Past lives… But NE, he’s not here anymore. Only that ghost my man.

    BUT… Not sure why you’re sniping us….. What gives with that?

    If I makes you feel any better we Did Beg for Brady to come here since HE WAS RAN OUT OF NEW ENGLAND (that was YOUR BOY Belechet) and could have gone to a few good to strong teams.! We got lucky and we know that when HE CHOSE US. So why ALWAYS with the pop shots, Back handed comments, snide remarks and etc.. We Certainly Never forced him into coming..

    Most of us loved and respect Tom. Just like you. Well maybe not quite as deeply as you in particular. But I digress… So where’s the divide here?

  21. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I have no time nor any want to spend on worrying over Mike Evans. He’ll play this year, and barring injury, he’ll play for us next year too.

  22. Sly Pirate Says:

    Joe nailed it in an earlier article. Mike basically has to play this year. If he’s able to negotiate a deal, the Bucs should add him to their mgmt team after he retires.

  23. garro Says:


    He will play and play hard. He wants it all… HOF, 1000 yards, and the $$$.
    To get those things he has to play well this year.

    Go Bucs!

  24. Mike Alstott Jr. Says:

    “Fans are getting too emotional about Mike Evans. Is your loyalty to the team or player? Team has to be logical…”

    what is a team but a group of players and coaches? Mike Evans is one of the greatest bucs of most of our lifetimes and we don’t want the show to stop…

  25. Toad Bowels Says:

    Mike Williams former Bucs WR died last night. Prayers to his family.

  26. Since76 Says:

    If Mike won’t play trade him. It’s as simple as that.

  27. Frank Pillow Says:

    Reading this it reeks of agent spin—I’m sure things are amicable-enough, but after last week’s hysterics, it’s simply another ‘paint by numbers’ step here. Evans has almost zero leverage and his camp knows it. They must think this is the way to keep the pressure up. Make Make Evans look like the reasonable party by telling everyone he floated a contract over to Bucs management. Grow a pair and demand a trade already. Business is business.

  28. Bob Buc Says:

    Good on Evans for his string of +1,000 yd seasons but stepping back a bit and looking at numbers, the first thing you note it that the 1,000 yd season is a relic. Way back when the NFL season was 12 games long, then 14, it was a big deal. But with a 17 game season, it’s this – 59 yards per game.

    Mike’s cap hit this year is around $24 million. So in one game, he makes as much as some people do working their entire life. Yet he and his agent are outraged. Yeah, me too but not for the same reason. Based on last year’s production, he was paid $4 million per touchdown.

    Not to blaspheme but I don’t think he’s living up to his existing contract. Ignoring the numbers and going on emotion, I really want him here. Going by the numbers though, I want a draft pick from trading him and the money freed up to improve our O’line.

  29. EternalSon Says:

    I like JP

  30. No Mercy Says:

    This story was debunked already. Someone with connections already said it isn’t true

  31. Fred McNeil Says:

    Mike is not going to starve this year. He is making $1.3 million more than DW45 in salary. That said, to me, extending him now for three years should help with our 2023 cap woes.
    Part of the problem might be I’d they extend him DW45 will demand his extension right now too. It might be better to extend Tristan Wirfs instead. I love Mike, but he’s much closer to the end of his career than the begining.

  32. Bucsboi239 Says:

    If we can’t sign Mike then trade him, and how about to the Rams for Aaron Donald! The rams need a receiver and we need better pressure up front on the d line!!! The rams are rebuilding and Donald is on the market!