Heroic Comeback For Shaq Barrett

September 17th, 2023

Is it evident at all that Bucs sacks king Shaq Barrett is coming off a blown Achilles and surgery midway through last season?

What a freakin’ beast 30-year-old Shaq is.

Shaq played 60 percent of the defensive snaps in Week 1 and Joe was concerned how Shaq might bounce back today.

Not only did Shaq get an early sack of Bears QB Justin Fields, the first of six for the Bucs today, he showed his savvy and hands for the game-sealing, Pick-6 of Fields to give the Bucs a 2-0 record. Shaq was strong from start to finish.

Joe is so impressed. And frankly, Joe thinks Shaq is pushing himself into a special place in Bucs history with how he’s come back this season from physical adversity and horrific family tragedy.

Joe sure hopes NBC Sports super insider Peter King wakes up from his Bucs bashfest in a hurry and gets Shaq Barrett on the phone for his signature Monday column.

Shaq should be an early candidate for NFL Defensive Player of the Week, and he’s got to be high on any September lists for comeback player of the year. But more important, Shaq looks like he’s back to being a legit high-level edge rusher.

If that holds true, the Bucs are in prime shape moving forward this season. That would be one more of many preseason question marks put to bed early.

16 Responses to “Heroic Comeback For Shaq Barrett”

  1. SlyPirate Says:

    That was a Mensa-level football IQ to drop back for the screen. Happy for him.

  2. firethecannons Says:

    I have to do audio until after the game then I watch. Gene deckerhoff spilled his popcorn when Shaq intercepted the ball! Me too I screamed, my kids got mad. It locked up the game. loving our big defense!

  3. Baking with Canales Says:

    Joe, should we be giving good props to our backup DBs?

  4. Voice of Truth Says:

    It was at least the 3rd time they had run that inside screen, once too many for Shaq 👏👏👏 – game saver

    Todd put it on the D and it worked – great win!!!

    We left a lot of points on the field in the first half

  5. Miller5252 Says:

    Shaq rescued that game for the Bucs. The previous drives for the Bucs offense looked like they thought they had won the game and just kind of gave up. I was really worried that the Bucs were gonna give this game away until Shaq pick 6’d it. The man deserves some good in his life this season and as Buc fan, I hope he dominates this year! Saved the game in my eyes! Congrats Shaq!

  6. Austin Says:

    Man JTS looked good too, and getting Kalijah back will be loooooots of speed

  7. orlbucfan Says:

    Shaq Barrett grabbed that ball, and several of his teammates helped him break the plane and score. Watch the highlight. I had it on the tube, volume off, and silently cheered. That is why I like and follow the games.

  8. Erick Says:

    Love how Shaq is playing. Actually saw good things from JTS too.

    Hamlin from Buffalo has already locked up comeback player of the year though.

  9. stpetebucfan Says:

    INDEED! I’m rooting as hard for Shaq as any player on the team. After that tragedy…well I’m just glad to see him get to be the hero.

    Meanwhile…Kancey will return eventually return…with the extra rest hopefully ready by Monday night.

    Davis…Dean are always questionable I guess…but the young DB’s appear to be good enough to fill in for awhile…fingers crossed.


    The Buccaneers Defense was excellent and Shaq Barrett put the icing on the cake!

  11. Addb Says:

    Shaq is my comeback player of the year. Hamlin has a great story too, but shaq suffered every parents nightmare on top of an injury.

    Plus frankly Shaq has actually played this year.

  12. Oddball Says:

    It was only 5 yards but, that’s an “angry run” in my book.

  13. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Like I said before no one deserves it more then him after what he’s bin thru. I got 2 little girls. It’s my worst nightmare to lose one and it actually happened to him and unfortunately many others.

  14. Proudbucsfan Says:

    McCollum got robbed of an interception, I was at the game and they played it on the Jumbotron about 6 times. He clearly had an interception. A lot of fans were so pi—ed

  15. Mike C Says:

    Voice of Truth……. didn’t you have the Bucs winning like one game?

  16. garro Says:

    Can’t decide which im happier about. Shaq’s Pick Six or Mike’s numbers.

    Go Bucs!