Defensive Line Ironman Logan Hall

September 11th, 2023

Major playing time for Logan Hall.

As of Monday morning, the Buccaneeers have the No. 1 run defense (yards allowed) in the NFL this season.

And guess which defensive lineman was on the field most yesterday in the glorious season-opener against the Vikings?

That would be second-year man Logan Hall, more than the NFL’s most expensive part-time player, Vita Vea.

Hall logged 62 percent of the snaps, eclipsing Shaq Barrett and Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, the starting outside linebackers. Vea was at 59 percent (was it too hot in the dome?). Defensive tackle Mike Greene was at 47 percent. Rookie OLB YaYa Diaby was at 26 percent, tied with newcomer nose tackle Greg Gaines. Edge rusher/OLB Anthony Nelson was at 39 percent, and defensive linemen Will Gholston and Calijah Kancey played 17 percent each. Kancey was injured (calf) early in the game.

Joe hasn’t pored over all the film yet, but Hall looked like a guy who legitimately got stronger. He surely wasn’t dragging down the run defense, and he found the stat sheet with a tackle for loss and an assist.

Promising start for young Mr. Hall. Joe believes he or Tryon-Shoyinka must have a breakthrough year for the Bucs to reach their defensive goals.

39 Responses to “Defensive Line Ironman Logan Hall”

  1. DS Says:

    Saw Hall make a play!!! Not sure where JTS was

  2. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    It will be a huge boost to the defense to have Hall, JTS & Kancey producing.

    If Kancey reinjured his calf….that is either very foolish on his part or malpractice on the coaches…….he obviously wasn’t ready.

  3. SB~LV Says:

    He is bigger and stronger and is young in his second year and understands the NFL and his role each play call.
    He will have a great season, IMO

  4. pewter941 Says:

    Tryon recovered a fumble

  5. AMI_Chris Says:

    Vea can certainly ball but I have to believe he’d better without that enormous beer belly.

  6. Lord Cornelius Says:

    If Kancey can get 100% and stay healthy he’s going to wreck sh1t

  7. Austin C Lewis Says:

    Kancey showed in quick order hes very good, hope he gets back soon, that stunt was money

  8. Bbro Says:

    But what’s your take on the offensive line etc they were playing against?

  9. go dawgs Says:

    actually i thought jts flashed. he was putting heat on cousins

  10. go dawgs Says:

    the vikings are on scholarship too

  11. Eckwood Says:

    Kancey looked Great for a short time and Hall played well !! There was definitely a few times last year he looked semi special but just a few , hopefully he gains some confidence and in fact becomes special !! I also think he could play some end and be more effective than JTS and let bid Willy G man the interior .

  12. pewter941 Says:

    whats the difference in plays between Hall and Vea like 3-5 plays? Vea ways like 340lbs.

  13. SlyPirate Says:

    Hall lived in the backfield. I saw him creating chaos on SO MANY plays. He was awesome. Hall and Vea blew things up.

    Gholston and Nelson made a splash plays. Saw Shaq a few times. Couldn’t find JTS anywhere. A little disappointed TBH.

  14. Defense Rules Says:

    Dang it Joe, love it when you talk dirty with stats like that. Todd Bowles did something yesterday that he didn’t do nearly as much of last year: continual rotations of DLine guys (to keep them fresher?). I remember games in the past when Shaq & JPP would both get up over 80% snaps (sometimes way over).

    Yesterday Hall got the most of all the DLine guys like you said … 62%. But the numbers stayed reasonably close (nice rotation). Was surprised to see that Greene got 47% (a lot higher than I would’ve expected) & that Gaines only got 41% (thought he’d be up around 60% or more).

    Bowles must have Shaq on a limited snap diet because he always got way more than the 61% that he (and JTS) got. I also thought that Nelson (39%) & Gholston (17%) would get more work also. Can only surmise that Bowles is REALLY impressed with what our youngsters are bringing to the table this year.

  15. DS Says:

    Forgot JTS recovered a fumbled ball that was right by him lol even a broken clock is right 2 times a day

  16. optimisticbucsfan Says:

    Didn’t the Vikings lose their starting center right off the bat?

    Isn’t that a huge loss on any o line?

  17. orlbucfan Says:

    What’s with all the JTS haters on here? He was in the opposing team’s backfield causing havoc, and recovered a critical fumble FCS! I listen to radio and don’t watch the games, and I picked up on it. Sheesh.

  18. Sam Says:

    Whoa…where is this shade throwing coming from to #50. He is a lynchpin for our defense. Vea is one of the best Nose tackles in the league but yeah its called a rotation “Joe”

  19. Buc You Says:

    So, 2 Plays is the difference between being an Ironman and a Part-Timer? I hope Joe didn’t pull anything important during that reach.

  20. gotbbucs Says:

    Hall played well.

    Vea also made his biggest NFL hit yesterday…..on Lavonte David. He must’ve closed his eyes and gone full battering ram trying to hit Cousins, only White had already tackled Cousins two yards before. I honestly can’t believe David wasn’t put into concussion protocol after that hit.

  21. Voice of Truth Says:

    Losing their center n the second drive really messed them up

    The Bucs played with similar energy to the opener last year against Dallas

    Something happened after that 2-0 start – we went 6-10 after and the D never played at that level again all year

    Let’s hope the fast start doesn’t fizzle away again, we should absolutely be 2-0 next Monday

  22. Arians4President Says:

    @BucYou, hahaha. Yeah, Vita must have peed in Joe’s cornflakes

  23. sasquatch Says:

    People love to sh!t on young players who don’t produce in year 1. The reflexive negativity is comical.

  24. Mike Says:

    As long as Hall can stay on his feet, he will be good. This game was a good confidence builder for him. He needs to just keep stacking them.

  25. BucU Says:

    Kancey has been doing a great impression of Russell Gage so far since he’s been here.

  26. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:


  27. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Please stop with touting their run “prowess”after allowing what felt like1000 yards thru the air! The Vikes didn’t need to run the ball other than for play action and of course our defense fell for it. Cousins shredded them

  28. unbelievable Says:

    @DavidBigBucs – yea it’s like when Schiano’s team had the #1 run defense… but was ranked 31st against the pass LOL. (Obviously not that bad, but still).

    Re: Logan Hall, yesterday was good to see. Lets hope he can build out on it over the course of the season and not fizzle out again after a few weeks.

  29. Pewter Pride Says:

    Logan looked like he finally showed up, and that’s great. But why are you taking a run at Vea? He had 4 tackles, Hall had 2 playing more time. Vea chased down a running back from behind and caused all kinds of trouble in the middle, who cares if we keep him fresh and give him a few more plays off.

  30. Woodenman Says:

    Buc U you are a idiot. Guy didn’t play down during pre-season or practice. And you want him play all world right away. He looked good when he played and when he is healthy look out.

  31. Fansince76 Says:

    Indeed, he did look better!
    Lets keep our fingers crossed and hope it continues with more tackles and sacks.

  32. DoooshLaRue Says:

    VV is a unique beast but Joe called it right.
    For the money he’s paid he should be on the field WAY more than he is.
    Wait and see what happens at the trade deadline.

  33. Bobby Says:

    Takeaways are huge and we had them. Don’t say “Yeah but without those we get shredded.” You can say that about any team who wins by turnovers. How did Atlanta beat Carolina? Well, Bryce Young throws some picks and the Falcons make a goal line stop on 4th down. Think that might have helped?? The refs gave the Vikings a touchdown that should have been a FG so we should have had a bigger victory margin. Hard to win road games and we just did so I’m not throwing any shade.

  34. go dawgs Says:

    bobby^^ good job

  35. go dawgs Says:

    also f the gators…hahah

  36. BucsBeBack (Artist formally known as: BringBucsBack) Says:

    Nelson needs a higher percentage of plays.

  37. PNW Buc Says:

    Really good d line play and a really good rotation trying to keep everyone fresh and hopefully healthy. Great game

  38. Esteban85 Says:

    I like the rotational depth of our front 7. We definitely went heavy there on the roster. I too don’t understand the shade being thrown at Vea, he wrecks O-lines and we need him fresh out there. He is the keystone to this 3-4 defense. Pretty confident the coaches know how best to utilize the boulder sized lineman.

  39. Capt.Tim Says:

    Ive called Logan Hall Invisible
    He gained 20lbs, and now I can see him!