“They’re All Doing Outstanding”

August 19th, 2023

Bucs GM Jason Licht.

Buccaneers general manager Jason Licht is felling it!

Licht knows what a kickass draft class looks like. He was the guy in charge around here in 2018 and 2019, and Joe will throw in 2015 and 2020, too.

Prior to kickoff on the Buccaneers Radio Network, Licht sounded like a GM sitting on another gem of a new draft.

“They’re all doing outstanding,” Licht said of his 2023 picks.

“Exceeding expectations,” Licht added, noting it used to be that those outside an organization took three years to judge a rookie, then it was two years, and now it’s one preseason game for some folks.

Joe likes the feel of this draft class. First-round pick Calijah Kancey is an unknown because of a calf injury, but Cody Mauch is settling in at guard, YaYa Diaby looks like a young Jason Pierre-Paul and Trey Palmer appears to be a huge steal of a receiver in Round 6. Throw in fifth-round pick linebacker SirVocea Dennis making waves in practice, and it feels like the draft class is moving quickly in the right direction.

It’s also possible that the Bucs will get major contributions from at least two undrafted free agents.

Team Glazer will need to erect a Licht statue at One Buc Palace if he nails this draft like, say, the Jets did last year or like the Bucs did in 2018.

18 Responses to ““They’re All Doing Outstanding””

  1. ElioT Says:

    Ah, it’s way too early for anyone to make that assessment.

  2. ModHairKen Says:

    Put the brakes on it, Joseph. They have done nothing yet.

  3. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    impressed with tucker and jarrett too

  4. ghost Says:

    crown them!

  5. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Keep at it Jason. Idc what the haters say.

  6. MadMax Says:

    He was going with my pick again, Jack Campbell until he went the pick right before us. Kancey is a great pick too though, and we did need a DT. I just hope he’s not injury prone.

  7. RGA Says:

    Licht is as good as any GM’s in the league and I’m glad he is here in Tampa.

  8. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    “Exceeding expectations,” Licht added, noting it used to be that those outside an organization took three years to judge a rookie, then it was two years, and now it’s one preseason game for some folks”

    Lol, facts!

  9. 941Boltsfan Says:

    Put a Licht House statue to match the ship

  10. Fansince76 Says:

    I freakin love Licht and think he is currently top 5 GM in the league!

  11. Hodad Says:

    Disappointed Dennis, and Yaya didn’t play. Dennis was the star of OTA’s but looked lost last week, and now is injured? Yaya has been hyped, but I didn’t see any sacks last week, and MIA this week with a foot boo boo? Palmer looks like a steal Mauck is holding his own, other then that? So far one pick is exciding expectations, and one is living up to his draft status, the rest incomplete.

  12. garro Says:

    We need to start worrying already about a new contract to keep him?

    Good problem to have and he doesn’t count against the cap.

    Go Bucs!

  13. ChiBuc Says:

    Too bad Licht doesn’t have the same eye for HC talent. [BA doesn’t count. Bruce gets what Bruce wants. He wasn’t looking for a job, he was looking for the perfect fit, a ringer.]

  14. geno711 Says:

    So, claiming that Jason Licht stumbled into the Bruce Arians hire like a blindfolded squirrel finding a nut.

    Like saying a quarterback throws a touchdown by accident – it just ain’t how the game works, buddy. That’s like saying a chef accidentally makes a gourmet dish that wins a cooking contest.

    Let’s not downplay Licht’s role in the playbook of the Bucs. Giving him credit for Arians’ arrival. To think that the whole Arians thing was just a cosmic lucky alignment of stars is just silly.

  15. Infomeplease Says:

    Looks to me like JL and staff needed to make up for the past 2 drafts! So far so good! I believe they hit a home run!! LFG!!

  16. ChiBuc Says:

    It’s all speculation, geno. I’m not behind the scenes, nor know the ins and outs of the NFL like you, but I’m guessing BA and his ppl did as much reaching out as licht did. I’d even venture into MY ignorance of their courtship (BA & JL) to speculate that JL caught wind of interest before even proposing. All I know is… I sure did enjoy the honeymoon.

    Do you really believe BA doesn’t run his own ship? that he was just hanging by the phone waiting for any ol nfl team to call?

    Btw, have you ever notice how ppl that call you “buddy” are never your friends?

    Cheers to you and your opinions

  17. BucsBeBack (Artist formally known as: BringBucsBack) Says:

    Joe’s next article is entitled; “Where’s Logan Hall?”. This is called irony.

  18. Esteban85 Says:

    What exactly is Jason Licht felling? A spruce? An oak? A pine perhaps?