“I’ll Know When It Clicks”

August 8th, 2023

As a seasoned student of offensive line play, Buccaneers defensive guru head coach Todd Bowles said today he’ll know when his new O-line has aged like a fine wine — or at least like the potent bottles of Thunderbird that Joe consumed in a brown bag decades ago.

Bowles said he’s focused on chemistry-building when it comes to the offensive line.

Joe suspects that’s why the Bucs quickly named their first-team offensive line — Tristan Wirfs, Matt Feiler, Ryan Jensen, Cody Mauch and Luke Goedeke, from left to right — and didn’t pretend there was competition.

Bowles wanted them unified and functioning as one out of the gate.

“The chemistry just has to keep building and I’ll know when it clicks,” Bowles said.

The head coach added that he thinks the O-line is “past the halfway” point when it comes to gelling and preseason will be a big next hurdle.

Joe really hopes ferocious Steelers edge rusher T.J. Watt, now healthy, lines up across from Goedeke on Friday. Now that’ll be a major test, and a heck of a lot of fun.

21 Responses to ““I’ll Know When It Clicks””

  1. Bucsfan13 Says:

    Joe, The Steelers OL owned Goedeke. Granted, he was playing G but still. The whole Pitt DL owned our OL last year.

  2. Buc1987 Says:

    Thunderbird…omg Joe I remember that swill.

    Poor Goedeke always getting picked on.

  3. Hunter Says:

    “Joe really hopes ferocious Steelers edge rusher T.J. Watt, now healthy, lines up across from Goedeke on Friday. Now that’ll be a major test, and a heck of a lot of fun.”

    Heck of a lot of fun for Watt haha

  4. WillieG Says:

    The right side scares me.

  5. D-Rok Says:

    Ahhh, the good ole days of Thunderbird, which were almost as good as the days of Mad Dog 20/20.

    Bowles will know it when it clicks, eh? Can’t quite describe what a good line looks like, but apparently it’s all in his head. If you ask me, I’d say good blocking would be a start to describe a good line.

  6. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    I saw Goedeke’s interview the other day. He looked much thicker, this year.
    That is one huge dude.

    TJ Watt, will have to go around him. He ain’t going through him

  7. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Bucsfan13 Says:
    “The whole Pitt DL owned our OL last year.”

    Leftfoot is at least half to blame for his yellow vanilla sponge cake no-frosting game plan.

  8. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘potent bottles of Thunderbird that Joe consumed in a brown bag decades ago.’

    Like Buc1987, I remember that well. Many years ago used to be able to buy that stuff for $1 a bottle in Nogales. Still sets the standard for bad wine (OK, REALLY bad wine). And at over 17% alcohol content it really was potent stuff (make that potent BAD stuff).

  9. JD Still Says:

    These next three practice games are for fine tuning what’s right and correcting what needs to be corrected and picking the guys to staff the team, remember it’s still five weeks before the real bullets fly!

  10. Irishmist Says:

    “Joe really hopes ferocious Steelers edge rusher T.J. Watt, now healthy, lines up across from Goedeke on Friday. Now that’ll be a major test, and a heck of a lot of fun.” – This is one reason I am glad Mayfield is starting the first game.

  11. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Yep, start Baker. Just to test the water, to see if QB can survive… It’s genius.

  12. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Maybe do a test-run on Wolford, first…. Just to make sure.

  13. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    “Many years ago used to be able to buy that stuff for $1 a bottle in Nogales. Still sets the standard for bad wine.”

    I’m pretty sure that Thunderbird and Wild Irish Rose were made specifically for homeless people and high schoolers.

  14. Rod Munch Says:

    Some Seahawks game from 1978 popped up on my YouTube feed for some reason, so I started to watched it, and it had commercials in it – and one of them was for Colt 45, which was presented like something that classy people drank. I know the last time I had a Colt 45, which would have been in the mid-90s, it was best known as the rock guy bottom of the barrel garbage to get you drunk the fastest. So I wondered if Colt 45 at one time maybe didn’t have the image of being what you drank if you were one step above becoming a crackhead, or if that was just some failed rebranding from the 70s. Any oldtimers know?

  15. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    Colt 45

    “Works Every Time”
    ~ Billy Dee Williams

  16. Destinjohnny Says:

    Wonder how baker would do worst he Eagles line?
    All pro?

  17. destinjohnny Says:

    meant to say I wonder how BM would do with the eagles line.

  18. firethecannons Says:

    We drank mad dog 20/20 back in the day Not sure how the line will click when hainsey is subbing for Jensen no confidence in Jensen’s knee

  19. Destinjohnny Says:

    Worst line in the nfl

  20. garro Says:

    I dont’ see how all five are “jelling” when Jensen hasn’t taken a snap with them.
    But I do get his point and hope they come out firing on all cylinders.

    I’m with you on TJ Watt Joe and will be paying close attention to Goedeke and Mauch.

    Go Bucs!

  21. garro Says:

    It was Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill for me and my High school mates. Thankfully I developed a taste for beer soon afterward. LOL

    Go Bucs!