Buccaneers-Steelers, Open Thread

August 11th, 2023

Football is back, baby!

Yeah, most Bucs starters aren’t playing — except at quarterback. (See the list on the home page.)

It should be great fun, and certainly better than training camp practices that feature faux tackling and simulated ball.

Go Bucs! Comments below. Please play nice.

314 Responses to “Buccaneers-Steelers, Open Thread”

  1. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Barring injury, this will be Devin White’s best year to date.

    Mayfield won’t make it past the bye week.

  2. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Watch for batted down passes and fumbles.

  3. ATLBuc Says:

    Whoop! There it is!!!

  4. Buc4evr Says:

    Yeah football is back. Not sure if that is a good thing or not? But Go Bucs! Let’s hope for an injury free game.

  5. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    If the bucs end up with both QBs injured…Brady returns.

  6. Dan in largo Says:

    Let the BUC bashing begin. All doom and gloomers start your hate now

  7. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    This felt like the shortest off season ever.

  8. ATLBuc Says:

    OMG!! Baker doesn’t have the starting O-line!! Doesn’t sound like someone thats penciled in as the starter to me. LOL! They’re throwing him into the fire to see how he reacts.

  9. BucsFan81 Says:

    It’s pre season i wouldn’t put much opinion into it. No one is even game planning. This will be good to see how the rookies and young kids perform though.

  10. HC Grover Says:

    Hot Dog Up the Gut!

  11. ATLBuc Says:

    Leftwich special to start

  12. Irishmist Says:

    And ,run up the middle.

  13. HC Grover Says:

    2 up the guts!

  14. ATLBuc Says:

    Good pickups though

  15. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Better push than they got all last year

  16. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Hah! Run play up the gut! Who saw that coming???

  17. HC Grover Says:

    3 up the guts! Hot Diggity DOG.

  18. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    LOL three runs. Welcome to the Baker offense.

  19. HC Grover Says:

    Perfect Bowls season start.

  20. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I hope the Steelers score a TD here.

    That will force Mayfield to pass.

  21. BucU Says:

    The Bowles offense ballin!

  22. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Buc Ball!!!

    Here we go again.

    We’re used to this.

  23. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Maybe Alstott can make a comeback.

  24. HC Grover Says:

    He gets the Boowels

  25. BucU Says:

    Nice pass rush eh?

  26. ATLBuc Says:

    Diaby held the edge on that run

  27. shak Says:

    Why are so many other starters missing this game?

  28. BucU Says:

    Having flashbacks of last year….

  29. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Tough run right there

  30. BucU Says:

    Nobody within 10 yards of QB. Lolol

  31. HC Grover Says:

    Maybe Bowls let staters play later when cool off.

  32. HC Grover Says:

    Ya Ya

  33. shak Says:


  34. HC Grover Says:

    Bozo boat leaking.

  35. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Like taking candy from a baby

  36. BucU Says:

    Nice product on tbe field. How embarrassing.

  37. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Did anyone count how many missed tackles there were?

  38. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    We will leave no man uncovered.
    The lawn chair 4!

  39. HC Grover Says:

    Here comes Bowles up the gut handoff specialist Mayfield.

  40. DailyRich Says:

    Hardly any defensive starters playing though.

  41. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    It’s only preseason everyone. No need to worry yet.

  42. Usfbuc Says:

    Yaya got tackled on that last play. I am interested to see how he does in these preseason games

  43. BucU Says:

    Got em right where we want them.

  44. cmurda Says:

    Gonna be a loooong year. That’s not doom and gloom. It’s called reality

  45. Day 1-76 Says:

    Nice!! Start the new season just as you ended the last one. Consistency is im portant.

  46. Voice of Truth Says:

    3 runs and a false start!!!!

    Td on the first drive VS the D

    Todd is in mid season form already!

  47. Austin Says:

    It’s pretty easy to score when your starters are playing backups lol yeah that was REAAAAL impressive lol yaya starting off strong

  48. BucU Says:


  49. Pewter Power Says:

    Logan hall is invisible already and it’s preseason, he can’t be a starter over will

  50. ATLBuc Says:

    nice run

  51. HC Grover Says:

    Mother nice up the guts.

  52. ATLBuc Says:

    Leftwich special

  53. HC Grover Says:

    What speed Mayfield has.

  54. BucU Says:

    What the F is wrong with this team? My God!

  55. BucsFan81 Says:

    The refs are in prime form I see.

  56. DailyRich Says:

    What the hell was Baker waiting for there?

  57. cmurda Says:

    Phantom hold. Sounds about right

  58. BucU Says:

    This is shockingly BADDDDDDDD

  59. HC Grover Says:


  60. BucU Says:

    Why didn’t Bowles contest that phantom hold? He’s a damn mannequin. I despise him as a coach.

  61. Buc4evr Says:

    Kind of sucks that Mayfield doesn’t have a first string O line at least for a few series.

  62. BucU Says:

    I gotta get a hobby. Watching this team could get unbearable this season. Todd Bowles should apologize to every fan for this product.

  63. Buc4evr Says:

    Another strategic loss by Bowles. Just terrible that the first string isn’t in to just help again team confidence.

  64. ATLBuc Says:

    Why didn’t Bowles contest that phantom hold?


  65. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Who is up for a 96 yard drive right here?

  66. HC Grover Says:

    Bowzo has his pre planed excuse…the starters are not in there.

  67. ATLBuc Says:

    Nice swarming D

  68. Crazyhorse54 Says:

    Camp meat playing on D and O. No concern, yet

  69. HC Grover Says:

    Can we get 3?

  70. HC Grover Says:

    Trask is luckiest man in Ray Jay.

  71. Bucs Guy Says:

    I would like to see the Bucs run to the right side.
    Need to see if Maunch and Goedeke are for real.

  72. HC Grover Says:

    Hope they can gain a few yards so we can check out the new kicker.

  73. ATLBuc Says:

    We’re getting some good runs!!

  74. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    LOL Baker looks like ish

  75. ATLBuc Says:

    All of those formation flags is not a sign of leadership by the QB

  76. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Declined that penalty helping Bake out lololol

  77. Geno711 Says:

    How horrible is this OC. Twice already a WR covering another eligible receiver.

    Over/under that happening 10 times this year, 20 times? Jeez.

  78. HC Grover Says:

    At least 3 pts. Due to penalties.

  79. rrsrq Says:

    Good to see RBs moving there feet and going forward and not running in place

  80. firethecannons Says:

    4 penalties on the Bucs and we are not even in half time really an eye opener here lol

  81. Pewter Power Says:

    This looks like last year, the offensive line couldn’t hold up so nothing but short throws

  82. BucsFan81 Says:

    Let’s see how next week goes with some starters. Worse case this team is horrible and we get a top 5 pick and a new coach.

  83. Day 1-76 Says:

    The Joe’s keep telling us how impressive everyone looks. Lay off the beers.

  84. Mike S Says:

    First decent throw by Mayfield

  85. shak Says:


  86. ATLBuc Says:

    missed the hole

  87. ATLBuc Says:

    Nice pass!!

  88. Mike S Says:

    That was out but we’ll take it

  89. Faspro Says:

    Go Bucs!!

  90. HC Grover Says:

    He looked out.

  91. MadMax Says:

    That was a sweet throw and catch!

  92. Mord Says:

    Whatever else, Palmer’s TD catch was rather beautiful

  93. ATLBuc Says:

    Lock in Devin Thompkins and Trey Palmer for the 53

  94. Fred McNeil Says:

    I’m still learning the new numbers. It didn’t take long to learn #10.

  95. Bucky Says:

    Mayfield looking great. Penalties hurting us.

  96. shak Says:


  97. Fred McNeil Says:

    Nice play McCollum!

  98. Sly Pirate Says:

    Camarda is Top 3 most talented guy at his position.

  99. Mike S Says:


  100. HC Grover Says:

    Nice pick! Bad throw.

  101. Pewter Power Says:

    I like it

  102. Sly Pirate Says:

    The year of ZYON!!!!

  103. PalmBeach Buc Says:

    Nice drive and score. Other than the illegal formations, happy with the start. Good job Baker.

  104. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    So who is the sixth receiver.

  105. BucsFan81 Says:

    McCollum was a liability last year. Nice to see him make a play. Hopefully this year he can be a solid backup.

  106. HC Grover Says:

    Canales is a better play caller than lefty.

  107. Sly Pirate Says:

    Zyon been guardin Evans in camp. Iron sharpens iton

  108. Mike S Says:

    Baker 8/9 for 41 yds.

    This is the plan – high efficiency short passing game, running as a priority.

    They don’t care if Baker throws for 150 yards a game – that is the game plan.

  109. shak Says:

    nice bake

  110. D-Rok Says:


  111. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Get your hands off the defender.

  112. shak Says:

    nice throws!

  113. ATLBuc Says:

    Nice pass

  114. shak Says:

    Yikes that’s ugly!

  115. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Never blow load in preseason!
    Wait for the real deal.

  116. BucU Says:

    Utterly embarrassing.

  117. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Reminds me of something. Oh I know. 2022.

  118. Buc4evr Says:

    Wow, O line is not getting it done.

  119. firethecannons Says:

    keyshawn vaughn is useless

  120. ATLBuc Says:

    Perfect opportunity for a play action pass

  121. Pewter Power Says:

    Who the hell is #70, dude got wrecked. He shouldn’t even make the practice squad with that

  122. firethecannons Says:

    vaughn is useless and the o line cannot get it done at all so predictable

  123. Buc4evr Says:

    Embarrassing for Right side of O line

  124. Mike S Says:

    Bucs 3 headed monster at CB – with depth in Isaac – looking very good so far.

  125. HC Grover Says:

    OL blocking on their back. Maybe the D will trip over them.

  126. Fred McNeil Says:

    Why on God’s green Earth do you hand the ball off late on a slow developing run play 6-7 yards deep in your backfield?

  127. Pewter Power Says:

    I get it these are the perfect scenarios to work on in preseason. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say a coach on the hot seat is not dumb enough to run that type of play in the regular season

  128. BucU Says:

    This looks like a Bowles coached team. Geeze he’s terrible. Canales isn’t making many fans tonight either.

  129. Fred McNeil Says:

    Diaby was close. Time to rest him.

  130. Bucs Guy Says:

    Concerned again about the right side of the Oline

  131. Pewter Power Says:

    That’s on zyon

  132. Mike S Says:

    Baker efficient but Bucs trailing. This is the reality.

  133. HC Grover Says:

    It was 98 in the shade in Citrus County today.

  134. Bucs Guy Says:

    We’ll see how Maunch and Goedeke hold up, but if they can’t get a push on a running play against 2nd stringers then what’s going to happen during the regular season against starters?

  135. firethecannons Says:

    at this point i would say we get 3 wins this season and we get the #2 overall pick

  136. Bucs Guy Says:

    And here we go with Trask.

  137. D-Rok Says:

    Just tuning – SO, how does our O-line look so far? (Objective observations, if you please)

  138. Bucs Guy Says:

    Another bad running play to the right

  139. ATLBuc Says:

    What a pass!!

  140. Bucs Guy Says:

    Not blaming that play on RG and RT. Kieft couldn’t block his guy.

  141. Faspro Says:

    Too many penalties

  142. Bucs Guy Says:

    Penalty on Goedeke.

  143. HC Grover Says:

    Much plays stupid.

  144. shak Says:

    trask just lost lol

  145. Mike S Says:

    got greedy there

  146. HC Grover Says:


  147. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    Bucs are tanking this season.

  148. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Trash being Trash

  149. Bucs Guy Says:

    Maunch had his arms around his defender, should have been a holding penalty on the interception.

  150. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Playcalling is suspect

  151. All_da_way Says:

    Trask you can not make that throw on third down. Bad judgement.

  152. Bucs Guy Says:

    All teams run a vanilla offense in preseason. Don’t expect an open upspeed offense

  153. Day1BucFan Says:

    Can we stop with trask talk now. Drafting him instead of a def player who could keep starters fresh cost us rams game. Huge mistake!

  154. HC Grover Says:

    They will ticket the officials for littering.

  155. Tom Says:

    Typical Todd Bowles team. Undisciplined, missed tackles, 4 times the number of penalties. SMH. He was TERRIBLE in NY and he’s TERRIBLE here in Tampa!

  156. Sly Pirate Says:

    Good series by defense

  157. All_da_way Says:

    Gill looks recovered which is a good sign.

  158. BucU Says:


  159. Bucsfan13 Says:

    Brady liked the video of the Mayfield pass on Instagram. That seals the deal. Mayfield is QB 1

  160. All_da_way Says:

    Edmonds in pass pro is big no no LMAO.

  161. Bucs Guy Says:

    Right side looked good on that series,

  162. HC Grover Says:

    Uggg dropsies.

  163. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Should’ve been caught

  164. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Brady’s on instachat? Still a kid I guess.

  165. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Better plays on the other side.

  166. Bucs Guy Says:

    Sirvocea Denis had no idea where the ball was at

  167. Bucs Guy Says:

    Good hit on the QB

  168. Mike S Says:

    Baker = take the captain checkdown passes

    Trask = yolo throw 20 yards downfield

  169. Jeff Says:

    It feels like Trask plays in slow motion, and not in a good way.

  170. All_da_way Says:

    Gill should make the team and he has ST value.

  171. IrishTony Says:

    Trask will end up as the 3rd option. He’s a turnover machine.

  172. BucU Says:


  173. Bucky Says:

    Can Joe get off Trasks nuts now and show QB1 some love?

  174. BucU Says:

    Cut that waste Kleft.

  175. Greg Says:

    FFS… This is not going to go well. And I have decided that I don’t care. Someone let me know when Bowles is gone.

  176. All_da_way Says:

    Man Ramirez is so fast off the ball.

  177. BucU Says:

    What a disgusting performance tonight. Todd Bowles ought to be ashamed.

  178. HC Grover Says:

    Their scrubs whupped our scrubs.

  179. Pewter Power Says:

    No juice whatsoever up front on either side of the ball. Hope no starters get hurt this season

  180. Voice of Truth Says:

    I might have to adjust my win projection down to 4 wins max

    What a pitiful display of inept football, right in line with a Todd Bowles led team

  181. Bucfan593 Says:

    Unwatchable I thought Byron Leftwich was fired

  182. All_da_way Says:

    Diaby and Gill were on the other side of the LoS for most of the game so far.

    Ramirez is fast and Nelson plays the run so well.

    But the OL? I am slightly concerned as short yardage situations were mostly a disaster.

  183. Bucs Guy Says:

    On a 1-5 scale, I’ll give the RT/RG combo of Godeke/Maunch a 2 for the first half. Too many negative run plays to their side and a penalty on each of them.

  184. All_da_way Says:

    Yeah I think that is fair. Too much inexperience on the right side and it shows. At least Goedeke looks competent in pass pro but when it comes at the point of attack that right side was a big reason the Bucs were not able to convert short yardage situations so far.

  185. Bbro Says:

    Regroup and show you want a permanent job on this team.

  186. Marine Buc Says:

    Ko Keift owes Kyle Trask a steak dinner with all the trimmings at Bearn’s Steakhouse…

    Great pass and the lunk head dropped it.

    Come on Ko!!!!


  187. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Ugly…..all the way around!!!!

    …..and no, I ain’t talkin bout yo mama either!!!!

  188. All_da_way Says:

    Palmer, Geiger, Moore and Thompkins all made catches when it mattered most. WR competition is the toughest so far.

  189. IrishTony Says:

    I can’t even watch it up here in NC but it’s pretty obvious who the more competent QB is. This is not a competition. Trask will end up as a third option and I could care less about the UF crap. I liked James over Marion’s but it became increasingly clear after 2 yesrff so that he was not a franchise QB. Jameis is head over heels better than Trask so what the hell are you Trask supporters thinking? This is what you want to settle for? I’m a Bucs fan and am always thinking about the best option for wins.

  190. Mike S Says:

    So far not so great for Trask – trying to force the ball downfield and got burned. You can tell he wants to show off what he can do. Without time to throw it’s going to be rough.

    We’re seeing peak Baker a quick short passing game to the backs waiting for the coverage to tighten then pop one or two to WRs.

    So we got one guy who doesn’t check down and the other lives by it.

  191. Mike S Says:

    Irish, Trask made some good throws. One got dropped and the other INT, but he’s attacking downfield. It’s how he’s wired.

    Baker 5 yards at a time and will surprise you here and there.

    Contrasting styles.

  192. All_da_way Says:

    I am 100% okay with Mayfield playing more disciplined football.

    The last thing we need is Mayfield going Winston 2.0.

  193. shak Says:

    bake won, now support him bc we need him to be good!

  194. ATLBuc Says:

    I’m a Trask guy but I have to admit, Bake looked pretty good.

  195. ATLBuc Says:

    I think Trask looked better though

  196. Drunkinybor Says:

    know it’s preseason but the running game ouch. 15 carries for 32 yards is horrible. 2.1 yards a carry. Yikes no Jensen no wires so I won’t read too much into it. But

  197. Drunkinybor Says:

    Wirfs lol

  198. Bucfan593 Says:

    They all looked terrible because the offensive game plan is terrible

  199. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Steelers are more polished top to bottom

  200. ATLBuc Says:

    Bucfan593 Says:
    August 11th, 2023 at 8:46 pm
    They all looked terrible because the offensive game plan is terrible

    Preseason = vanilla

  201. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Steelers vanilla has more flavor than ours.

  202. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    I just had to come see what all of you Baker haters were saying after Baker goes 8/9 for 63 yards and caps it off with a beautiful TD pass to Palmer in the back of the end zone.

    Of course “Happy Feet Moxie” sucks and it’s all his fault Trask threw the int. If Trask had went first instead of Happy Feet, then Trask would have scored the TD, not Moxie. It’s all a conspiracy to make Kyle look bad, because Team Glazer hates the Gators. And we all know Happy Feet and Moxie doesn’t win games. You have to be great in college like Kyle was, if you want to be good in the NFL. But Baker being good in college doesn’t count because he’s the worst QB in the league. He leads the league in interceptions.

    I think that covers it all. Did I miss anything?

  203. ATLBuc Says:

    C’mon Kyle!! Do your thing! You and Baker are about even in this game. Pull away!

  204. All_da_way Says:

    Palmer looks like a legit KR specialist.

  205. Bucs Guy Says:

    Excited to see Sean Tucker

  206. Tackleblockwin Says:

    This Seattle offense we are implementing here in Tampa is a genius move. This dominant offensive scheme is the future of the NFL.

  207. ATLBuc Says:

    Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:
    August 11th, 2023 at 8:51 pm
    I just had to come see what all of you Baker haters were saying after Baker goes 8/9 for 63 yards and caps it off with a beautiful TD pass to Palmer in the back of the end zone.

    Its a long season. Anyone can play well in spurts

  208. Dreambig Says:

    Pittsburgs game plan is not vanilla? Both teams in preseason. One team chooses to compete. One does not.

  209. HC Grover Says:


  210. Bucs Guy Says:

    Sack from the right side. Tucker Ole blocking. AKA matador

  211. Bucs Guy Says:

    After Godeke let them in

  212. Mike S Says:

    Goedeke turnstyle blows up that drive.

  213. All_da_way Says:

    Man Goedeke has been a disappointment so far.

  214. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Byrd for the steelers looks like he still has eligibility left. High school eligibility.

  215. Mike S Says:

    LOL raining its one preseason game.

  216. Capt2fish Says:

    Baker is not a checkdown qb…the year he took the browns to the playoffs he had one of the highest Long ball completion percentages in the league. Wait til he has Evans and Godwin as targets. End the qb comp….quit splitting 1st team reps and let’s get to work. And trask…get baker a juicebox!

  217. Mike S Says:


  218. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles D sucks.

  219. Day 1-76 Says:

    I can’t wait for the “Coach Speak” tonight…We saw some really great things tonight, We are really starting to gel as unit and, of course, Both Quarterbacks really showed some great patience and ability.

  220. All_da_way Says:

    Pitts you are not making this roster lol.

  221. Tom Says:

    We gettin a new QB in the draft next yr!!Top 5 draft pick! Thanks Todd Bowles

  222. Pewter Power Says:

    Wow for a GM and coach who said they wanted to get faster, with the exception of a couple guys they all look like they are running in mud. I see why Bowles barely runs man to man

  223. Mike S Says:

    LOL holding

  224. All_da_way Says:

    Somebody on defense needs to make a play at some point to avoid being in the dog house.

  225. Mike S Says:

    Trask can’t catch a break

  226. Pewter Power Says:

    Tucker has some juice I like it but of course there’s a hold

  227. All_da_way Says:

    Hainsey made a big oops.

  228. Tom Says:

    That receiver wasn’t taught not to grab facemask and pullit sideways??? BOWLES SUCKS!

  229. Mike S Says:


  230. Pewter Power Says:

    Look at hainsey and the Joes trying to tell us the o line wasn’t the problem. A starter from last year getting abused in preseason

  231. Bucs Guy Says:

    Maunch and Goedeke another mess and penalty

  232. All_da_way Says:

    OL starters and backups look like crap into the second half of this game.

  233. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Lotta drops

  234. ATLBuc Says:

    A lot of dropped passes

  235. Bucs Guy Says:

    Another sack from the right side Goedeke

  236. Faspro Says:

    Goedeke sucks

  237. Mike S Says:

    NO time to throw

  238. TampaBayRudy Says:

    Late to the thread here. But the whole game, I’m observing a new scapegoat: Goedonkey. He is proving last year’s criticism of a bust on the left side true on the right as well. Also, I thought leftoffwhich was gone? Why are we still throwing these stupid behind-the-line WR screens? And running on 1st for zero up the gut? This running game stinks. Use the QB bootlegs. This OL needed a revamp, not a recycle. Hainsey’s not helping, either. Looks like Trask is refusing to shine, too. His INT was a late throw, he’s not looking like a gem so much. That’s my 2 cents 🙏🏼

  239. All_da_way Says:

    Goedeke is so so bad.

  240. HC Grover Says:

    Need OL players. Moving Wires not too bright.

  241. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    O line is young. But three starters are playing against backups and getting smoked.

  242. All_da_way Says:

    What does it say when a “starter” like Goedeke is still out there and being schooled by Steeler second/third stringers?

  243. Bucs Guy Says:

    Like the Goedonkey nickname

  244. Knucknbuc Says:

    Starting right side of the line struggling against backups backups not a good sign

  245. Mike S Says:

    Trask under siege, no time to throw, playing with backups, dropped passes…

    Still throws for more yards than Baker.

    Next week we see him with the starters.

  246. Drunkinybor Says:

    Wvery available RT phone should be getting a call from the Bucs after this disgusting display of ineptitude. Dudes facing back ups and getting worked

  247. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Trask got baited into that pick, so he gets some blame. At this point though he has hardly any time to throw.

  248. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Haha you Baker haters crack me up. Trask (who I have nothing against whatsoever) has a few good days in practice, where the D isn’t allowed to sack the QB and you guys are already calling him the next TB12. Baker comes in and outplays him in a full contact game and you say it’s only preseason. Are you even able see how nonsensical your argument is? Do you really think no QB contact practice is more realistic than a full contact preseason game against another team? Really??

  249. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Has 67 played football before tonight?

  250. Bucs Guy Says:

    One positive for Maunch and Goedeke is they are getting lots of snaps. Not too much else positive.

  251. Stormy Says:

    Hainsey and Goedeke suck. I sincerely hope that Jensen heals fast and there’s a plan B at Right Tackle.

  252. Mike S Says:

    Goedeke is a problem – and they waived a T recently. Not smart.

  253. Pewter Power Says:

    Yep how mad can you be at Peter king after watching this? Last year was hard to watch with nothing to show for it. It’ll be bad this year but at least we get a new coach quarterback combo out of it

  254. Buc'n Enough Says:

    Another Licht second round BUST..with Hall Goedeke and heck..toss Trask in as well.
    Licht blows more premium draft picks than most.
    Sure he hit a few.when Arians was coach..so who really made the picks during that time frame…I betnit was Arians…Licht Sucks

  255. Dreambig Says:

    Cant think of many times in my long life have entered into a competitive situation and I have made a conscious decision to not compete, individually or part of a team. Bowles is not mad to be on the loser side.

  256. Tackleblockwin Says:

    How many penalties do we have? How many missed tackles? This team needs to learn the rules/fundamentals of the game before they think about doing anything else.

  257. All_da_way Says:

    I rather see Leverett, Walton or Feiler at RT at this point.

  258. Pewter Power Says:

    Lol Goedeke will show up for work next week and find out he has to compete for that starting job

  259. Mike S Says:

    Hey Raining…

    63 yards is nothing to strut about.

    Then again neither is Trask’s 94

    So far the O line looks like garbage.

    This is a problem.

  260. RagingBrisket Says:

    The starting Oline talent on the field tonight is nothing short of embarrassing ineptitude. Steelers backups are having their way with “Licht’s guys” that is beyond humiliating. Cannot evaluate much of anything when the oline is shtting the bed with such slick regularity.

  261. Bucs Guy Says:

    And now the battle for backup QB

  262. Jeffbuc Says:

    I know it’s preseason but man Bowles really has his team ready to play. So well prepared. He is getting embarrassed by a real nfl coach.

  263. Toad Bowels Says:

    This is painful. Bring back Trent Dilfer!

    Can you spell ass whipping?

  264. Jeffbuc Says:

    I can’t watch game due to direct tv NBC spat. Does the two starting offensive lineman look as bad as it sounds?

  265. Mike S Says:

    Jeff – they look bad

  266. All_da_way Says:

    Third string Bucs OL looks more competent than the “starters”. Scary.

  267. Toad Bowels Says:

    We need to trade for a right tackle, now!!!!!

  268. HC Grover Says:

    About what I expected from this Bowles coached team.

  269. Bucs Guy Says:

    RT/RG looked better on that series, but it wasn’t Goedonkey and Maunch.

  270. All_da_way Says:

    Hard to find a competent RT via trade. Best bet is to move Leverett or Feiler to RT. Feiler has done it as as a starter.

  271. firethecannons Says:

    as usual it is embarassing maybe if we are lucky we get 3 wins this year

  272. HC Grover Says:

    Letting Smith go and moving wires is looking real stupid.

  273. Bucs Guy Says:

    If Goedeke and Maunch play this season like they did tonight, the Bucs-Texans game could decide if we pick 1st in the draft.

  274. Mike S Says:

    Toad, definitely they need to watch the waiver wire. They got embarrassed tonight.

  275. Bucs Guy Says:

    Ball going back to Pitt

  276. Day 1-76 Says:

    Don’t tell me it’s raining, what did Mayfield do? I would rather have Trask go 0-17 than Mayfield go 6-11.

  277. HC Grover Says:

    Mayfield dinked and dunked and got a gift TD from the ref.

  278. HC Grover Says:

    Trask plays in Slow Mo.

  279. Bucs Guy Says:

    No fumble, but int instead!

  280. Don’t tell me it’s raining Says:

    Day 1-76, thank God you’re not the one making the decisions at One Buc Place.

  281. Bucs Guy Says:

    Not a fan of Mayfield or Trask, but it’s clear Baker is better. No doubts.

  282. HC Grover Says:

    Trick play after the int…Rofl.

  283. Bucs Guy Says:

    Tucker good run even if there was a penalty

  284. All_da_way Says:

    Tucker should make the squad.

  285. Mike S Says:

    I wouldn’t say he played in slow mo at all. I’d say the O line looked they were playing in slow mo.

  286. HC Grover Says:

    OL doing the Gator flop.

  287. Tom Says:

    9 penalties accepted 110 yds and tahe away a td. Go Bowles!! Discipline King!!

  288. All_da_way Says:

    Gilbert is fired up.

  289. All_da_way Says:

    Watts brings juice. Can’t keep them all.

  290. Mr. Editor Says:

    Who is Watts? I like how he plays!

  291. Bucs Guy Says:

    Special Teams hasn’t looked awful. That’s an improvement. I would settle for average this year.

  292. Mike C Says:

    All of you doom and gloom guys know we had like 15 starting players not in at all…..

  293. catcard202 Says:

    Bucanneers football is back, baby!!! Fire the cannons!!!

    If you thought 2022 was frustrating as a Bucs fan…Get ready for another one. I think 2023 just said “hold my Big Storm beer”!!!

  294. Ta6mpaBayRudy Says:

    So is Todd Bowles going to continue his milquetoast stupid arms folded/squint grin campaign this year too? Or is he considering maybe coaching this season? Like climbing some players when they’re making dumb decisions? I’ve never seen an NFL head coach sit back and feign disbelief when tackles hold on multiple plays, or allow sacks. As a coach, I’d rather let a scrub get embarrassed while benching a veteran than allowing the vet to lollygag. At least throw a clipboard or yell at something! #firetoddbowles

  295. firethecannons Says:

    doom and gloom are you kidding me! so many penalties, next entire season watching this garbage sorry but we are garbage

  296. Austin Says:

    Wolford to start baby

  297. Bucs Guy Says:

    My problem is the Bucs starters who looked bad against the Steeler 2nd stringers. I’m speaking of the right side of the OLine. Watched them every play for the almost 3 quarters they played. Looked worse in the 3rd quarter than in the first half.

  298. Bucs Guy Says:

    You can definitely see the difference between the Steelers and Bucs in coaching, understanding the game situation and discipline

  299. HC Grover Says:

    Wolford best QB.

  300. Bucs Guy Says:

    I give the kudos to the D in the 2nd half. Other than the bomb for a TD, they tightened up.

  301. All_da_way Says:

    Durham needed that TD to prove he belongs on the squad.

    Congrats to him.

  302. Tampa 95 Says:

    Wolford better the trask i told yall slide him too backup and send trask too the xfl 🤣🤣

  303. Bucs Guy Says:

    If Trask doesn’t show something with the starters next week, he could end up as the #3 QB again.

  304. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles Curse on display.

  305. All_da_way Says:

    Bucs defense 2nd half has looked better.

  306. Tampa 95 Says:

    Bowles is a turd face just stands with arms crossed even if its preaseason man bruce arians ruined the bucs

  307. All_da_way Says:

    Geiger you need to understand the game situation. Not making the squad.

  308. Usfbuc Says:

    The one sure thing we all know now is that our oline is in trouble.

  309. Tom Says:

    Every single phase of the game is undisciplined!!! Dang Bowles sucks. Why are we stuck with him?

  310. Tom Says:

    Tampa 95, YES!!!

  311. Tom Says:

    Pitt, 6/46 penalties. Bucs 12/127 and erased a TD. Enough said! Bowles teams are undisciplined, he’s a nice guy and a horrible coach!!! FIRE TODD BOWLES!!

  312. geno711 Says:

    Tom most of those penalties MAYBE 10 OF 12 were on the offensive side of the ball. That goes way more on Canales then it does on Bowles.

  313. Toad Bowels Says:

    Trade Goedecke and Mauch to Houston for a beef brisket sandwich and a 2025 7th round pick

  314. Toad Bowels Says:

    Ko Kieft had a good game. So did Jamal Dean.