“These Brothers Can Ball”

July 9th, 2023

The polarizing Buccaneers stopped a hugely polarizing voice in his tracks last week.

It’s all thanks to one man: Carlton Davis, who spoke out in a huge way about being pissed off by the doubters who think Tom Brady drove the Bucs’ bus himself.

Screamin’ Stephen A. Smith of ESPN read the long feature on Davis and reassesed where he stands on the Bucs this season.

“He got a point,” Smith said of Davis on the First Dump show. “They still do have Mike Evans. They still do have Chris Godwin. They still have a top 10 defense. These brothers can ball.”

Well, the Bucs’ defense was hot garbage late last season, allowing an average of more than 28 points per game in their final six contests last season. So calling Tampa Bay a top-10 defense is no lock.

However, Joe believes the defense can bounce back if it can stay healthy. The horses are there, and Todd Bowles is not stranger to strong defenses.

Smith did not slap a win total on the Bucs, but he thinks Atlanta is bad, Carolina will need a lot of time, and new Saints QB Derek Carr doesn’t give him a lot of confidence, though he loves the New Orleans defense. Simply stated, he thinks the Bucs have a shot in the sad NFC South.

Retired NFL receiver Andrew Hawkins shot back at Smith and told Smith he’s discounting the loss of Tom Brady. Carlton Davis “is writing checks that Baker Mayfield has to cash,” Hawkins said.

Joe loves all the debate and finds some of it funny. Joe thinks Mayfield is very capable of leading the Bucs to an 8-9 record like Brady did last season.

26 Responses to ““These Brothers Can Ball””

  1. Buc1987 Says:

    Joe Says: “Joe thinks Mayfield is very capable of leading the Bucs to an 8-9 record like Brady did last season.”

    Wow. Everyone remember what was written here tonight. What a prediction Joe.

    I predict 4-5 wins no matter who the QB is.

    Good to see you FIRMLY in the Mayfield camp though…lol way to put yourself out there.

  2. OBVIOUS Says:

    And of course that would leave us in the middle of the road to nowhere specialville.. Absolutely useless.

    Either tank at 3 to 5 wins or go to the super bowl with 12 or MORE wins. ANYTHING ELSE is a waste of valuable time and the possibility to get the next MAHOMES “Caleb Williams”!

    I personally am NOT interested in Mayfield or Trask. Apparently NEITHER of them is the answer and in No Way, Shape, or form are either of them going to be a franchise / DYNASTY QB. Why are some of you people BEGGING to SUCK ARSE? What is wrong with your heads? Perennial Losers is probably your lifestyle. Not your maybe, no it’s some of you’s ABSOLUTE REALITY in your EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIVES. Greatness Is NOT in your personal DNA. You apparently can’t help yourselves.

    It’s your destiny. Mine? A Franchise QB with a SERIOUS FIGHTING CHANCE for SUPER BOWLS is how I see it. I can’t seem to help it either. It’s in my DNA…

    Besides a dynasty leader, what’s the point in giving a fart?


  3. garro Says:

    The esteemed Seven asshat Smith speaks again….Yay!

    Go Bucs!

  4. Mark A Swygert Says:

    I doubt a guy who doesn’t know the difference between the words “except” and “accept” is really one of life’s big-time winners. What a maroon.

  5. BillyBucco Says:

    Lol What a maroon?
    I seriously hope you did that on purpose.

  6. Brandon Says:

    BillyBucco…. it’s a Bugs Bunny reference. 🐰

  7. BucU Says:

    I believe the Oline is going to be excellent this year. The run game will improve dramatically. As for the defense all eyes will be on JTS and Logan Hall.
    They’re development will determine how good this defense will be. Until I see different they’re both inadequate.

  8. Beej Says:

    We lost 3 of 5 O-line starters unexpectedly last year, whole season owed to that

  9. Joker's Paradigm Says:

    The defense will be as good as our D-Line plays. So cross your fingers and say a prayer that the focus on the speed of our D-Line pays dividends.

  10. Razor Ramone Says:

    What an ultra maroon….. B. Bunny

  11. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of UniqueModernArt.com Says:


    That 8-9 record last year was hugely disappointing, so why should we be excited that Baker might have the capability to lead us to an 8-9 record this year like Brady did last year?

    Lol, it’s a Bucs Life.

  12. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist and Founder of UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    And for the record, Beej is correct in his assessment of last season.

    Losing 3 of 5 OLine starters was insurmountable and screwed with Brady’s head and effects him on every dropback as well.

    Season done-ski.

  13. Pewter Power Says:

    From 2018 to 2021 dude averaged over 3,000 yards with a passer rating of 86.5 over the life of his career. 92 touchdowns to 56 interceptions. The last year beckham Had 1000 yards is with him other than that his best receiver was Jarvis Landry. My point is he has decent numbers but don’t have ONE bad year after getting traded because that’s all people automatically say your suddenly trash. Are they really saying he’s that much worse than Winston? I mean honestly come in! He went to the playoffs twice something Winston has never done as a starter

  14. bucsfaninOregon Says:

    Let me chime in on the impact of the OL play last year. What can one expect with a GM that let’s that happen and have zero mid-season help.

  15. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    I’m kind of leaning the way Pewter Power is thinking with regard to Mayfield. He wasn’t happy in Cleveland (don’t blame him) and then when the brass was apparently up all night with the crack pipe and decided to give Watson that ridiculous contract, of course he was traded. (And in giving that contract basically screwed other teams with franchise QBs who now want the same guaranteed money, etc).

    And of course Beej is 100% right on the oline. Same could be said for the Dline play. The big guys in the trenches are critical. Even the great, young, athletic Mahomes couldn’t find the end zone against us in the SB with a makeshift oline.

    Hoping for big improvements this year in the trenches. There are definitely some encouraging signs and it certainly looks more promising than last year right after Jensen went down.

    Hey, you guys remember when we had a few running plays last year when we pulled guards, etc and actually got some good gains? It was a good sign until BL went right back to vanilla “run up the gut”. Hopefully Canales will stick with the old saying “If it works, we keep doing it until you show us you can stop it”.

  16. Sly Pirate Says:

    Why Bucs Win NFCS #3
    1. Best 2nd in NFL. Gives DL an extra step.
    2. Ultra Fast Rush. JTS, Shaq, DW, Ya ya, and CK (fastest DL ever)
    3. New OC and OL. +700 lbs on the left side.
    4. Weakest Division.


  17. Lord Cornelius Says:

    “Well, the Bucs’ defense was hot garbage late last season, allowing an average of more than 28 points per game in their final six contests last season. So calling Tampa Bay a top-10 defense is no lock.”

    I had to dig more because I didn’t realize how bad the points given up were.

    But yeah – 35 to the 49ers, 34 to the Bengals, 30 to the Falcons (although 20 of it was in the 2nd half when we pulled starters), and 31 to the Cowboys.

    That will do it lol. I forgot about that Bengals game – we were up 17-3 at halftime.

    Brady had 2 interceptions that week and we had 4 turnovers, and he had 4 interceptions over a 2 week span at that point; vs just 3 interceptions all year before it.

    His play really wasn’t up to normal par last year. Hell I was at the Cowboys game in person. Brady throwing a horrible pick in the red zone when we could have taken a lead was like the beginning of the end of it all.

    I can’t remember having this many question marks going into a season; where I feel like we will actually get answers about 2 seasons at once lol.

  18. stpetebucfan Says:

    Obvious’ post FTW for biggest arsehole!

  19. OBVIOUS Says:

    Hey Mark whatever your name is, you’re a funny guy. And I gotta say, I don’t think you’ve missed the point. I’m quite sure YOU ARE THE POINT! Since the attack apon me, reveals YOU!

    Look honey, we discuss FOOTBALL here. This is not Grammer school. How about you concern yourself with that and bring something to the table worthy of discussion dear.

    However, I will tell you to your face that YOU are a perennial LOSER. If bugs bunny is your speed, why don’t you stay in your lane before you get your arse steam rolled over like Whilley coyote! You know, cartoons and Anti man fantasies. That is your place. You are soft and leaning in a very female direction.

    If you have ANYTHING concerning the sport of football then show up with substance. Otherwise sit your arse down and shut up!

    You just keep telling yourself that Mayfield or Trask is a dynasty level qb. And when you’re done convincing yourself, you just take another look in the mirror at yourself after you put on the lip stick you’re hiding behind and YOU will be SURE to find the MAROON and the MORON all in one package. The truth will set you free POINDEXTER!

    Congratulations genius. You are a CONFIRMED Perennial LOSER! You can’t help it. Weaknesses and poor decision making IS your DNA….

  20. Red86 Says:

    Two words. Byron Leftwich.

    He alone help destroy the defense with his bad play calling.

  21. OBVIOUS Says:

    Hey St Peter, you keep telling yourself that Mayfield and Trask are Dynasty level qbs. Doesn’t matter what you think bright guy because apparently you’re eating mushrooms to.

    That’s Pete. You keep telling yourself that.

  22. Buc1987 Says:

    OBVIOUS…you’re hilarious!

  23. Observer jlj Says:

    Obvious spends several paragraphs NOT Discussing football just to whine about a guy and give him Sh**. Not impressed nor is he hilarious. Just another
    douchebag whiner.

  24. OBVIOUS Says:

    Observer Jill,

    Hypocrite very much? And exactly what football are you bringing to the table Jill?

    You in particular look REALLY stupid. Do you even realize what you wrote? Um, try to piece together your logic dear. “Maybe” you’ll realize how clueless you actually are.

    Freaking hypocrite MORON! YOU and your DNA….. OOOF! Not so bright huh?

    I realize that you are certainly not the sharpest. But you definitely are a TOOL!

    Why don’t you go back and read what you wrote and APPLY THAT TO YOURSELF!

    Some people are so stupid that vision is simply non comprehensive. And Jill, YOU top the list dear.
    Tell you what, go work on your makeup 💄 and let the thinking types handle this.

    YOU are a Perinatal LOSER. It’s in your DNA more than most….

  25. OBVIOUS Says:

    The The The That’s All Folks!

    GO BUCS!

  26. Kidfloflo Says:

    I believe Daddy Duck used the phrase “What a Maroon”