High Marks For Devin White

July 9th, 2023

Devin White thinks he’s an elite linebacker worthy of a monster contract right now from Buccaneers general manager Jason Licht and Team Glazer.

White is not alone.

As part of his annual anonymous survey of about 80 league executives, coaches, scouts and players, ESPN’s Jeremy Folwer cobbled together the results and ranked of players by position — based on how they are evaluated around the NFL.

White placed as the fifth-best inside linebacker, a spot behind Matt Milano of the Bills and one ahead of Demario Davis of the slimy Saints. Buccaneers icon Lavonte David ranked just outside the top 10 as the second honorable mention.

One unnamed AFC personnel guru even ranked White as No. 1 overall: “Sideline-to-sideline playmaking is elite. He’s got the versatility to line up and play a variety of roles.”

Joe can imagine White reading this yesterday and hurling bales of hay around his barn. The Bucs will not extend his contract yet, and White will play for $11 million and change this season, his contract year (poor guy).

Most intriguing to Joe about this report is how it likely reveals the trade market for White is excellent. The demand would be there for the 25-year-old’s services if the Bucs decide to move on prior to the Halloween trade deadline.

36 Responses to “High Marks For Devin White”

  1. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    Attitude , effort , and improvement is what I want to see and what the Bucs have to see if there is to be an offer put on the table.

  2. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Bowles has called White our best (or second best) Defensive player……setting him up for disappointment on his contract issue…..
    I halfway take White’s side on this……halfway because many players are given raises in their contract year with an extension….Bucs have been unable to afford this with Godwin, Davis & Dean…..and now White.

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    White is a top tier ILB, except in pass coverage, where he’s improved a little, but is still slightly below average.

    The issue with White is how he’s used. He should be rushing up the middle on every single play – when he’s used that way, his production is off the charts. But since Arians left, and Bowles has coached more and more cowardly, that’s meant leaving White back in coverage, or worse, playing a passive zone.

    You got an ALL-PRO caliber player when he’s running forward, and a meh LB when he’s playing in space or coverage. There’s a really really simple solution for this, in particular when paired with David who is still one of the very best LB’s in the NFL when playing in space or dropping into coverage.

    It’s incredibly obvious in what roles White is a top NFL LB, and I completely understand his frustration with Bowles not using him that way and costing him a ton of money.

  4. Slimy Toadface Says:

    I agree with Rod Munch

  5. Cover deuce Says:

    He’s not even the best LB on the team.

  6. Destinjohnny Says:

    Fast for sure but
    Little else

  7. ATLBuc Says:

    Not criticizing, just evaluating. White missed a lot of tackles last year. Many times he was out of position and was driven back by linemen as if he were on roller skates. No doubt he has the talent. I think the Bucs were smart to make him earn an extension. Perhaps if he plays with his hair on fire, we can extend him before the season is over. IF he accepts a deal

  8. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Hmmmm….TRADE HIM!

  9. Mikadeemas Says:

    I like White, and IF he tackled like Demario Davis or geez, Lovonte, he’d be at the level he thinks he is. I’m sure he’ll have a great $eason, but not sure about long term. GO BUCS!!!

  10. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    So this is a ‘contract year’ for white?
    Hey Devin, it’s pretty clear how I’d respond to that challenge!

  11. Voice of Truth Says:

    White lacks the natural instinct for the position

    He needs to play with more of a defined role that doesn’t require quick thinking, you mute this athleticism when he has to think too much – he is the opposite of LVD

    He is probably a better OLB in Todd’s system, just a free lancing rusher/ attacker

  12. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Trade him

  13. David Says:

    He needs to be more disciplined on his angles going sideline to sideline against the run and in defending the pass. They also need to use him more blitzing. He has the capability of being top 3.
    If he can prove that in the first two months, sign him long-term. If not, trade him to load up on draft picks in order to get the QB of the future next year.

  14. Crickett Baker Says:

    As I recall, Darden looked really good “on paper” when we cut him.

  15. Hodad Says:

    Can’t cover. Hasn’t picked off s pass in two years! Not worth paying him what he wants. If the rest of the league thinks he’s that good please make us an offer.

  16. Kgh4life Says:

    Just by ranking Devin White as the fiftb best linebacker, tells me Fowler has no idea what he’s talking about. Doesn’t he even watch film?

  17. Ugotrobbed Says:

    Move on JL move on!

  18. Drunkinybor Says:

    I’m not ready to trade the 5th overall pick from just 4 years ago. Smart move by our G.M. If he shows he can step up another level. He will get his deal in season. Bucs have all the leverage.

  19. 1#bucsfan Says:

    How is D.W45 ranked higher than LVD54. That alone makes me question the accuracy of the list. 45 might be faster and stronger bit 54 puts it all together. He plays fast n smart where as 45 takes bad angles and over runs quit often not to mention his pass coverage abilities or lack of

  20. AnonymousBuc76 Says:

    He rubbed me the wrong way whining about money…

    I’m no GM, but Imho it’s not a good idea to over pay for an undersized LB that’s below average in coverage with no natural instincts for the LB position…

    I’m okay with resigning him for a contract that doesn’t hurt the team; but not for 20 mill a year…Helll to the No No No!…

  21. Defense Rules Says:

    Seems like there used to be an old saying that went ‘Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face’. Bucs have a 34-year-old ILB in LVD who MIGHT be in his last year with us. We also have KJ Britt who’s going into his 3rd year with a total of 73 defensive snaps in 2 years & hasn’t exactly set the world on fire. Plus we have an unproven rookie named Dennis who, oh ya, is an unproven rookie.

    And then we have Devin White who’s going into his 5th-year with us, 3 of which we’ve made the playoffs with him in the middle of our defense. In his 4 years Devin’s given us 20.5 sacks, 55 QB hits, 35 TFLs, recovered 9 fumbles (2 for TDs) and provided 315 solo tackles with 168 assists.

    Strange thing is that I remember Raheem Morris talking about another WHITE (DE Stylez White) over 10 years ago & calling him ‘his Alan Iverson’ because neither liked to practice but showed up big-time in games. That’s when Raheem was quoted as saying “It’s never acceptable, and he’s gotten better, but like I tell him every day, we’re going to tolerate him until we can replace him.”

    Well, we don’t seem to have an adequate replacement for Devin White onboard … yet. At least JL seems to understand what ‘Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face’ means.

  22. SufferingSince76 Says:

    How many elite linebackers admitted to being bored during a game and got called out for being a loafer?

  23. BigMacAttack Says:

    The opportunity for trade may present itself if a contending team sustains an ILB injury and becomes desperate. Jason Licht keeps his cards pretty close to the vest. So you never know what’s up or what offers may already be on the table. I think Todd Ballless wants to keep Devin, and maybe they think they can keep him in the fold long term. I doubt it though because his head is just too far up his /-\$$.

  24. DBS Says:

    So after all that BS? In other words JL is going to make White play this year and show he deserves more money.

  25. D-Rok Says:

    Exactly, DR – we NEED White as much as he needs the Bucs. Since it’s is his first contract, we’ll see just what kinda man and player he truly is.

    All I know is whining about contracts/asking to be traded is not the best optic, which is diametrically opposed to the team-first mentality of LVD.

  26. D-Rok Says:

    sorry, first contract year.

  27. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    “One unnamed AFC personnel guru even ranked White as No. 1 overall”

    I smell a trade partner.

  28. garro Says:

    Hmm…Anonymous survey from people not working at One Buc and who could care less about fact checking a Bucs ILB they don’t need or want? From BSPN?

    Shazam! said Gomer Pyle to Sargent Carter.


    Go Bucs!

  29. Tap-Out Says:

    Deven is still learning the game, his development suffered a little when Vita Vea went down with the calf injury to Vita. Without Vita’s disruption up front, Deven’s big play production declined! This is and should be the year we see the overall improvement in his game or do we have a guy on the squad that can make it easy to say good bye. He doesn’t have to be great in pass coverage but maybe with Vita Vea being back his old self will make Deven’s play making ability more profound …and a better pass rusher off the edge would help his cause as well! I expect him to level up his play this season in both the run and passing game …defensively of course!!!

  30. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Get what you can for him before trade deadline you don’t pay ilb 20 million plus the value is not there he’s not a game changer

  31. Joker's Paradigm Says:

    I worry about White ballin this year, receiving the fat contract, then sliding back to be inconsistent.

  32. deuceswild78 Says:

    Not sure what the exec who voted him No1 is watching… sideline to sideline is most often when he was exposed for being out of shape and unable to shed blockers. In his defense some of those moments were in games our Def was on the field way too much.

  33. Sly Pirate Says:

    I’m with the Trade Him group.

    MLB aren’t hard to replace. We have other positions of greater value to fill.

  34. Bob Buc Says:

    This assumes Jeremy Fowler did a thorough, systematic evaluation around the league. That would include an in-depth, honest discussion with someone really in the know at each team. I’d like honest, candid, feedback from the offensive coordinators who faced the Bucs. Jeremy might only be tight with the guys who cut the grass, tend the weight room, etc. but I doubt he has the contacts with every team to get him to a reliable ranking.

    Put another way, after watching most of White’s plays since he got here, who ya’ gonna’ believe – Jeremy or your lyin’ eyes?

  35. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Rushing up the middle?

    I’ve seen him burst through the line and run right past the QB/ball carrier.

    Way too many times.

  36. RustyRhinos Says:

    Hey Devin. Play your best football this season, your fifth, which was an option being a 1st round pick. Play with an intensity and drive to get what you feel you deserve. At the end of the season or near the end of it we can compare our notes, and discuss an extension of your contract based on productivity and how it works with our Cap space. If it don’t work out. You have been a great Buc. Thanks for your time here with us and good luck on your next team.