The Value Of Shaq Barrett

July 13th, 2023

Assessing Shaq Barrett.

You may have heard the Bucs need a pass rush. An NFL columnist for CBS Sports wonders if such a pass rusher is just waiting in the wings.

For three of the past four years, Bucs sacks king Shaq Barrett has been a force off the edge. There are so many players who helped the Bucs win the Super Bowl in 2020 but there is no doubt it all may have been a different story without Shaq pummeling Aaron Rodgers in the NFC Championship and chasing Pat Mahomes all over the field in the Super Bowl like a hyper labrador after a squirrel.

Last year Shaq seemed to be showing signs that he was hitting 30, which he was. Then came his Achilles tear at midseason. Ugh!

Jeff Kerr of CBS Sports is wondering if fans witnessed the beginning of the end for Shaq. Kerr decided to type each team’s most overvalued player and he selected Shaq.

..While Barrett had just 22 pressures and three sacks, the Buccaneers defense fell from 47 sacks in 2021 to 45 in 2022.

Can the success sustain if Barrett gets injured again? Remember this is an edge rusher who averaged 78 pressures and 12.5 sacks a year from 2019 through 2021. Vita Vea and Devin White are still in Tampa Bay, but play different positions.

Will Anthony Nelson step up as the other rusher on the edge to assist Barrett? Tampa Bay is leaning on Barrett to carry the pass rush on the edge at 30 years old.

Notice Kerr didn’t mention Joe Tryon-Shoyinka? That’s what happens when a stiff like Gaines Adams put up better numbers in his first two Bucs seasons.

Kerr admitted if we are to expect Shaq to still be productive, he must get some help from someone else to rush the passer. Joe cannot argue that point at all.

Joe believes whatever Shaq produces this eyar will be gravy. Joe simply cannot buy that he will do much less than a year after blowing out his Achilles. Heck, he likely won’t be ready to play right away.

19 Responses to “The Value Of Shaq Barrett”

  1. Tim Says:

    Nelson will get more time this year, but YaYa will rotate in and might even take the job from JTS over Nelson. I also want to see what the kid from Eastern Michigan can do.

  2. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘That’s what happens when a stiff like Gaines Adams put up better numbers in his first two Bucs seasons.’

    Seriously Joe? Tacky.

  3. NCBucfan Says:

    Really Joe? I know you were referring to Gaines Adams as a stiff on the field, but have some respect for the dead bro. You could’ve made a different reference.

  4. Hodad Says:

    The Bucs were wise to load up on edge rushers during the draft. We should stop beating up on JTS, Hall, Goedeke. They haven’t shown much true, but they haven’t been around long either. It’s only going to be the second, and third year for most of them. Think we’ve punished them enough for the little time we’ve had them. Joe writes like R.White is already a bust when the reality is he was a rookie in a bad offense. Big year for alot of young players, lets clean the slate, and give them a chance.

  5. AnonymousBuc76 Says:

    Sadly, it may be time to part ways with Shaq…

    Achilles injuries are tricky injuries to come back from and we’re paying this guy alot of $…It’s cold, but the NFL is a business; and we haven’t gotten a good ROI from him in a few years now…That being said, it’s not like he hasn’t been paid (very well) for his services thus far…All good things eventually come to an end…Thanks Shaq

  6. Beej Says:

    Don’t think JTS is getting his second contract

  7. Dooley Says:

    @DR & NCBucsfan

    Not the first Gaines Adams reference made here that’s been in poor taste. I agree with you both corny, tacky, kind of disrespectful and unnecessary on top of being inaccurate.

  8. George R Says:

    I see Barrett and Davis cap casualties in 2024. They will not perform to their cap number. I think the Bucs will save up around 35 million.

  9. Lt. Dan Says:

    I still have high hopes for JTS. Seems he’s always around the QB but just doesn’t finish..ever. Maybe that aspect of his game changes this year.

  10. Brandon Says:

    Gaines Adams was dreadful. He was a 6th year senior at Clemson that took him until season 5 to be good and season 6 to dominate… which he should have. He was a grown man playing against 20 year olds.

    Sure. Not cool to call him a STIFF because it is a synonym for CORPSE but either way doesn’t make him any less of a terrible pick. He was a monumental and colossal bust.

  11. Bobby Says:

    Shaq Barrett lost his child to that drowning accident at his pool at home recently too. Losing a child is unimaginable for me. So Shaq is trying to recover from his injury and going thew the aftermath of the accident. My prayers are with Shaq Barret and his family going through this difficult time.

  12. Cobraboy Says:

    Anything Barrett contributes will be a big positive.

    I do not expect much production from him this season.

  13. Sly Pirate Says:

    Cobraboy … 100% agreed

  14. Fred McNeil Says:

    I’m not ready to bury Shaq just yet. I can see everyone’s reason for skepticism, tho. Me too. But ya never know.

  15. William Walls Says:

    Who would be a better comparison, then? Broderick “Sandman” Thomas?

  16. Destinjohnny Says:

    Shaq was a huge addition man
    His age and that injury???
    Hopefully we let him play his contract out and get paid for what he did in the past as we are going to be awful this year

  17. stpetebucfan Says:

    I too agree with Cobra. In fact if Barrett is even able to get on the field it’ll be either bad news for the Bucs…young guys not coming through…a major medical miracle! Kind of like when Tommy John found Dr. Frank Jobe and an entirely new procedure was developed against all the odds.

    I really enjoyed watching Shaq play and he brought ENERGY to the D. On top of that after his off season TRAGEDY we can only wish him the very best. But again short of a miracle I don’t see him contributing much at all.

  18. DayOnePaul Says:

    Noah Spence
    Broderick “Bad Brod” Thomas
    Adrian Clayborn
    Regan Upshaw
    Brian Price
    Keith McCants
    Dan Sileo
    Booker Reese
    Eric Freakin Curry
    Ron Holmes

    Lots of “Stiffs” to choose from, from my 47 drafts.

  19. garro Says:

    An endless supply of stiffs witing for CBS.

    He can glean all of that from 7 games and missing a pretty key guy next to him in Shuh?

    Vita Vea and Devin White are still in Tampa Bay, but play different positions. WTF?


    Go Bucs!