The Bucs And Hard Knocks

July 13th, 2023

Given that the Bucs have locked fans out of their first three training camp practices of 2023 (solid bet no other team has done that), Joe is looking for ways that fans can stay attached to their beloved Buccaneers.

One way could be via Hard Knocks, the weekly HBO training camp feature/reality show.

The Bucs are not the featured team this season like they were in 2017. This year it’s the Jets. But the Bucs head to central New Jersey for two practices with/against the Jets in mid-August. Those will be physical affairs and some of the action is sure to find its way to the HBO screen.

And Joe wouldn’t be surprised to see more of the Bucs landing on camera considering the Jets have made it known they’re not eager to be a willing participant in Hard Knocks. The NFL forced it upon them.

Also, Joe has a feeling Tom Brady will find a way to show up for one of those practices.

Brady can get his TB12 gear on camera, visit his great friend Aaron Rodgers, and check in on his former Bucs teammates at the same time. Plus, his eldest son lives nearby. It would be classic Brady to show up and grab some of the spotlight.

Regardless, Joe is glad Bucs fans have another shot to see their team before Week 1. For those wondering, those Jets-Bucs practices are open to the general public.

6 Responses to “The Bucs And Hard Knocks”

  1. sasquatch Says:

    I don’t know why Brady would show up, and I don’t know why it should be a topic for an article. He’s retired.

  2. Oviedo Jim Says:

    I can’t wait. As my dad would say, “Cut the BS please”.

  3. Tim Says:

    I don’t know why Brady would show up, and I don’t know why it should be a topic for an article. He’s retired.
    My guess would be that he might be finding himself feeling less relevant than he used to be. Those stupid Hertz commercials aren’t helping either.

  4. Dooley Says:

    “Brady can get his TB12 gear on camera, visit his great friend Aaron Rodgers, and check in on his former Bucs teammates at the same time. Plus, his eldest son lives nearby. It would be classic Brady to show up and grab some of the spotlight.”

    you want it too bad lol

  5. Mort Says:

    Or they could give us in-season hard knocks. I love that show.

  6. garro Says:

    Screw hard nox and the smelly horse they rode in on!

    Go Bucs!