Asking Kyle Trask And Baker Mayfield, “Where Are We Going?”

July 18th, 2023

Buccaneers QB competitor Kyle Trask.

Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales is quick to admit he’s spreading the secret sauce from Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll all over the Tampa Bay offense.

And a lot of that has to do with focusing his dueling quarterbacks on what can be done rather than what shouldn’t be done or mistakes that will get them in trouble, so he explained to the 2 B’s In A Pod podcast recently.

“Talk to Baker, talk to Kyle Trask and say, ‘Ok. Where are you? Where were you? Where are we going?’” Canales said. “And then to just give them like some actionable steps. And then once they know, like, you’re a part of their vision, you’re integral to their success and you’re there for them, they can fill that trust factor.”

Quite a change from Bucco Bruce Arians screaming his lungs out at Jameis Winston and others ordering them not to screw up with profane language. (Canales said he tries not to curse.)

The Bucs’ new playcaller encourages to challenge each other to make mistakes.

“Let’s make new mistakes. … Let’s find new mistakes to make. … You’re not just going to slam a guy, ‘You’re out,’ because you make a mistake,” Canales said.

The goal is to not fuel players’ fears.

“Not carrying the weight of, ‘Don’t screw up or else you’ll lose.’” Canales said. “How bout, ‘Do these things and we will win.’

Disciplined language choices are critical, Canales says, and he steadily works to frame everything as what he and players should want, not what they don’t want. “All part of that culture-building,” he said.

28 Responses to “Asking Kyle Trask And Baker Mayfield, “Where Are We Going?””

  1. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Yeah, pretty sure this guy will be an improvement.

  2. A Bucs Fan Says:

    This is good!

  3. spearman Says:

    Sounds like no-risk-it-no-biscuit.

  4. SlyPirate Says:

    An Old Adage Comes to Mind
    Whoever wins the turnover battle wins the game. The Bucs took Canales’ approach with Winston. It leads to 30-30, super exciting, losing football.


    So, how soon can we start discussing high draft picks and a new HC candidates?

  5. Nprbuc Says:

    Can you imagine Leftnut ever saying anything like that? Add in Bowles playing not to lose instead of playing to win and you get last years fiasco.Cant wait to see what we put on the field this year. I will be overjoyed to see a game when I can’t guess nearly every play we will run! GO BUCS

  6. Beej Says:

    I would love to hear what the players thought about SpongeBob’s leadership abilities

  7. RagingBrisket Says:

    But can he call plays? Big gamble on a guy that has never done it at any real level. Hoping for the best but can’t be shocked if it ends up looking like he has never called plays before. I don’t think this concern has been given the appropriate amount of attention by any media locally. Just lots of wishful thinking.

  8. Kidfloflo Says:

    The fact Leftnut still hasent hooked up with even a high school JV team as the O.C tells me every thing I need to know about our decision to cut him loose

  9. ATLBuc Says:

    The only way Mayfield can make a new mistake is to throw with his left hand.

  10. Craig Says:

    If Baker does get the nod, how long can he screw it up before he is told to sit and be a good puppy?

    Arians screamed at Jameis but never sat him. As a team that was a bad mood and will be if Baker gets up to his normal tricks and the Bucs go down another rabbit hole.

    They need to see if Trask can build some momentum, though I admit it might not be at the beginning; he has to get past being ignored before he can grow.

  11. HC Grover Says:

    How nice.

  12. stpetebucfan Says:

    And so can we finally stop all the back and forth over which QB we prefer and simply settle on whichever QB EARNS the starting spot.

    And again whoever ends up as the backup is not necessarily a bad QB. It is POSSIBLE to have more than one good QB on the roster. See SF last season when they had 3!!!

  13. Rand Says:

    It’s like listening to Yoda or Yogi Berra lol

  14. Rand Says:

    “If no mistake have you made, yet losing you are, a different game you should play.”

  15. Glass Half Full Guy Says:

    I’m trying really hard to like this Canales guy but every time I hear him speak or read his quotes it feels like I’m at a Tony Robbins motivational seminar. I hope it works but my brain hurts sometimes. Lol

  16. Crickett Baker Says:

    I don’t know if he can call great plays yet, but I do know one thing. With a coach like this, I am certain that we won’t see the lazy, defeated, and disinterested look that we saw from our team last season.
    Go Bucs!

  17. Buc4evr Says:

    I like Canales and what he is saying , however after a few games with Traskfield I bet he will be screaming his lungs out. Lol. Should be an interesting season.

  18. David Says:

    This is all a scam by the club to start Baker over Trask as we saw in mini camp when Baker received most of the first team snaps. I doubt Kyle has thrown to Mike E. yet.

    Right Joe ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  19. ToesOnTheLine!!! Says:

    @ GlassHalfFullGuy

    Same here. I too think our OC sounds more like a motivational speaker. You know the type..a young guy a few years out of college that some company will hire for a few sessions and make their employees attend a class. Most everyone in the audience knows it’s mostly fluff, but the boss wants you to attend so you sit through it in hopes you’ll maybe get a nugget or two of useful advice. Fingers crossed he learns on the job fast and can make adjustments on the fly, but between all the unknowns at QB, the new OC, and the slightly better than mediocre HC that Bowles has been with the Jets and the Bucs (so far) I’m keeping expectations in check.

  20. Joe Says:

    Right Joe ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    Not sure. It’s hard enough for one guy to jot down who touches the ball every play before the next snap happens so can’t remember or have notes of personnel groupings outside of general intel. Want to say Trask did throw to Evans. Could be wrong.

    The only “scam” is folks who have never watched a Bucs practice convincing themselves based on zero evidence that Trask is the next Andrew Luck and is being hosed by some unknown cabal to trainwreck his career.

  21. Oneilbuc Says:

    Joe. Andrew Luck threw a lot of ints so I hope he’s not looking like Andrew Luck.

  22. Rand Says:

    Joe, most fans pulling for Trask just want to see him get his fair shot before being cast as a backup QB. Nobody knows what to expect.

  23. garro Says:

    Rah Rah Rah
    In a perfect world playing nice is great.
    Not everyone understands nice though.

    My experience has taught me that, when I have tried to help/teach students, I have to know which will be most effective. Nice or blunt.
    Some don’t do blunt some don’t do nice. It pays to know your audience.

    Go Bucs!

  24. Joker's Paradigm Says:

    Man I like this hire more and more everyday. Gives me optimism for the season. I have no illusions of SuperBowl or deep playoff run. I am just looking forward to see what happens. GO BUCS!

  25. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Gator bois are super sensitive

  26. Fan in Oz Says:

    Looking forward to seeing what Mayfield can do with a great defense and solid O-line in front! And without his left arm in a harness to keep his shoulder in the socket. And a full pre-season to learn yet another offense from yet another OC and yet another HC. A bunch of you remember Trask carrying the Gators. You didn’t see Baker’s win over Mahomes and TTech. Baker has more physical and mental toughness than anyone on the field. He’ll be fine.

  27. Keith Henig Says:

    I will cheer for my team regardless who the starting QB is. It is my opinion that says it’s time to give Kyle Trask his shot. I have seen way too much of Baker Mayfield and don’t think he’s a real NFL starter. We’ll see…

  28. b4l Says:

    “Let’s make new mistakes. … Let’s find new mistakes to make. …

    Little does he know, if that is what he REALLY wants, how satisfied he will be as a Buccaneer.

    But in all seriousness, QB1 Baker is a checkdown charlie from hell who thinks he can play QB like Lamar Jackson at times, and QB2 is like a poor man’s Jameis Winston with just enough self-delusion to press on despite his unwillingness to adjust to the NFL, but not enough foolishness to make all those mind-blowing stupid mistakes in season 2 as full-blown starter.

    I really hope it works out for Trask and least enough to build a decent team around him and trade him or bring in a superstar Free Agent QB to complete that final piece to the puzzle (and really hope that Baker is out early as hell for the overall mental and possibly physical health of the entire organization), because I am a huge Trask fan in college.

    But realistically, this team needs to get way more creative and mindful at every level of the organization to get back to contender status. Brady was certainly the cheat code (And AB to some extent) and now that he is gone, it is pretty evident how bad this organization really is.