Rotten Bucs Run Game

June 26th, 2023

Not his fault. At all.

Joe understands some fans like to throw shade on Tom Brady’s play last season. No clue why or what the motivation is.

Some claim Brady dragged the Bucs down last year by playing rotten football. There is zero statistical evidence supporting such a jackass comment. In fact, there is plenty of evidence Brady saved the Bucs’ arses.

What did kill the Bucs? A worst-in-the-league run game.

Unfortunately, head coach Todd Bowles wanted the Bucs to run more because he felt running the no-risk-it; no-biscuit offense wore guys out too much.

Joe understands it is not smart to have Baker Mayfield throwing the ball 40 times a game — Brady threw 45 times a game last year. But Joe sure hopes if the Bucs cannot run the ball solidly this fall, then Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales and Bowles open up the offense and don’t try to force the run when it is not working.

Otherwise, Bowles could be working somewhere else next year.

25 Responses to “Rotten Bucs Run Game”

  1. Delusional Intelligence Says:

    While Brady’s biggest problem last year was, he wasn’t Brady like. Unfortunately, the Bucs run game reverted back to the days of Peyton Barber. It is a team game and plenty of blame(symptoms) to go around. I still think most of this falls on SpongeBob. No offense to SpongeBob Squarepants.

  2. DR. POPS Says:

    Hey Joe slow down you sound angry don’t worry Be happy go BUC S

  3. geno711 Says:

    TB facts twice in the last 3 days. I am sure there is no bias associated with a twitter account called Tom Brady Facts.

  4. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Look at all of those top 5 Belichick defenses that carried Brady to the playoffs!

  5. ATLBuc Says:

    There’s no motivation to throw shade on Brady’s play last year. The fact is that he did not play above average ball. Add to that the fact that he ran BA off and him and Lefty didn’t know how to game plan or scheme, he has to shoulder some of the blame. AND, his training camp disappearing act threw the team into a tail spin that they never recovered from.

  6. garro Says:

    “Some claim Brady dragged the Bucs down last year by playing rotten football. There is zero statistical evidence supporting such a jackass comment. In fact, there is plenty of evidence Brady saved the Bucs’ arses.”

    Wow finally. Hallelujah!

    If anyone can name a QB in the league who could have done a better job of salvaging the spit show our offense was last year, please do. And please don’t say Patrick Mahomes.

    Go Bucs

  7. westernbuc Says:

    Brady’s lack of mobility hurt us when the o-line got banged up. He couldn’t extend plays and reverted back to the way he played in his final season with the Patriots.

    Not having a run game made this problem worse.

    That’s why having a strong run game with a more mobile quarterback will make this team better. Hence why I’m optimistic about winning the division

  8. Bucsfan13 Says:

    @westernbuc. Yes, a more mobile QB and run are what will magically make things right. Totally just those two things were the issue last year. How come “mobile QBs” like Kyler Murray seem to struggle behind a bad OL. He’s lead the league in sacks. He’s one of the most elusive QBs in the league. Yes, it helps to have a QB that can make secondary plays outside of the pocket, but the game will always be won in the pocket. Mahomes proved that in last year’s SB. He was a surgeon in the pocket. Yes, he made some great secondary reaction plays, but it was his pocket presence that fueled that offense. An offensive genius like Andy Reid also helped.

    Yes, Baker is more mobile outside of the pocket. But his pocket mobility inside the pocket and awareness are awful! Marino was a statue, but he gracefully moved around and made slight movements to avoid the rush.

  9. WillieG Says:

    “Joe understands some fans like to throw shade on Tom Brady’s play last season. No clue why or what the motivation is.”

    Weak-minded people attack when they think the great are vulnerable because it makes them feel better about themselves.

  10. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Unfortunately, head coach Todd Bowles wanted the Bucs to run more because he felt running the no-risk-it; no-biscuit offense wore guys out too much.’

    It doesn’t take a genius to recognize that our OLine sucked last year, at BOTH pass blocking AND run blocking. It also doesn’t take a genius to recognize that our play-calling sucked last year as well. Put the 2 of them together with a 45-year old immobile QB and that spells 8-9 … ‘You are who your record says you are’.

    Bowles MAY have wanted the Bucs to run more, but that’s irrelevant because … oh ya, we effectively ran LESS.

    o 2022: 386 rushes – 1159 plays – 33.3% run/pass
    o 2021: 385 rushes – 1139 plays – 33.8% run/pass
    o 2020: 369 rushes – 1017 plays – 36.3% run/pass
    o 2019: 409 rushes – 1086 plays – 37.7% run/pass

    Bucs became MORE 1-dimensional last year than we even were during BA’s bombs’ away years. Defenses teed off on Brady and the result was very predictable. We sucked last year, and HOPEFULLY Canales & some new faces can change that. Continually blaming Bowles for the offense’s deplorable 2022 performance is getting very old. Sucking is a TEAM effort.

  11. AnonymousBuc76 Says:

    Running the football requires patience….

    It doesn’t always work initially; that being said, you can’t give up on it…A solid rushing attack does alot for your football team…It helps control time of possession, it keeps your offense in good down and distance situations, and it helps keep your defense fresh…It’s also a great way to impose your will on the opposing team; especially considering how bad tackling in general is these days…

    I personally welcome a more balanced offensive approach; our run/pass ratio has been out of whack since Dirk Koetter took over and got worst under BA…The approach got us a Super Bowl but now that Mr. Brady is gone, it’s time to get back to the basics…

  12. Hodad Says:

    He retired, un retired. He left camp for two weeks. He went to a wedding on game weekend. He wasn’t the 2020 Brady who came to Tampa during covid, and organiized team activities. He wasn’t the Tom Brady of old. Anyone who can’t admit that is lying to themselves. Yeah, he pulled out some 4th quarter magic, because he stunk for the three previous qaurters. Love the man, he gave us the S.B., but he was one foot out the door all season. Fans throwing shade on Brady are just telling it like it is.

  13. Dwayne Cone Says:

    Look at all of those top 5 Belichick defenses that carried Brady to the playoffs!

    4 top 5’s listed. One after he left and one his last year where the Pats sucked and got knocked out in Wild Card Round. So Brady went to the Super Bowl 10 times with N.E. and only had a top 5 Defense 3 Times.
    Seems fitting that Crackpipe appears in the Name making the claim that Brady has Soooo many Top 5 defenses behind him.

  14. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Dwayne Cone Says:
    “Seems fitting that Crackpipe appears in the Name making the claim that Brady has Soooo many Top 5 defenses behind him.”

    I was being sarcastic. 🍻

  15. Dooley Says:

    “Here’s something to keep in mind: Through the first 10 games this year, Brady had but two picks, which is absolutely incredible. In the past four games, Brady has seven picks. In the past three games, Brady has had two picks each game.

    That’s not the Tom Brady we all know and love. Has Brady hit the middle-aged-man wall?”

    Even Joe wondered wtf was going on.

  16. Allbuccedup Says:

    You want to improve your rushing game( with a rookie OC.) you don’t release your leading rusher and pass catcher out of the backfield without replacing him with someone just as talented. If he wanted to be released you don’t replace him with some cheap scrub FA.

  17. Mike C Says:

    Crack pipe, get that picture for us yet lol 😆

  18. Nybuccguy Says:

    Brady was scared of getting hit last year and wouldn’t let deep plays develop. That allowed teams to stack the box.

    Brady was a weakness last year. Not sure why it’s hard for fans to accept that.

  19. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Mike C Says:
    “Crack pipe, get that picture for us yet”
    What picture is that?

  20. confido75 Says:

    TB is the greatest QB in NFL history, so not sure how you blame him for our offensive woes. Injuries and unanticapted retirements on the Oline derailed the offense last year. If the Oline had stayed intact as was originally planned BL may still be tbe OC for all we know. Its easier to blame and fire an OC and not accept the fact the Bucs couldn’t adjust for the issues on the Oline last year. Blaming TB is idiotic. I would still take him over the QB room we have today.

  21. Rod Munch Says:

    Here’s an idea, you CAN run the ball, but you don’t have to run it up the middle on every first down. You CAN literally run the ball on 2nd down, for example. Additionally, there is literally nothing in the rule book about having to run the ball between the tackles. Seriously! I looked it up and everything.

  22. Tap-Out Says:

    There is no need to ever mention Brady again…for he is no longer a part of the organization …he came ..he saw ..he won ..he lost ..he gone!

  23. Mike C Says:

    The edge of the 🌎

  24. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Mike C Says:
    “The edge of the 🌎”

    Hit me up in the MCOJ tomorrow. I try to help Joe out by keeping that stuff out of the regular threads.

  25. Mike C Says:

    No thanks lol