Mike Evans’ Days As A “Superstar” End This Season

June 29th, 2023

Still a “superstar?”

It is just a matter of time.

One of these years, Mike Evans won’t get 1,000-yards receiving in a season. It may not be until he leaves the Bucs. It may not be until he retires.

An analyst for believes that year is here.

Throughout much of Evans’ career, Dan Hanzus of has argued Evans is an NFL superstar. For reasons Joe cannot figure out, rarely is Evans’ name mentioned when Joe hears or reads folks talk about the best receivers in the NFL.

Joe has a hunch fantasy football is somehow the culprit.

Hanzus has argued the opposite, that Evans is elite. But Hanzus believes Evans’ days of dominance are over, thanks to a combination of Kyler Traskfield and Father Time.

I previously made it a personal goal to be part of the solution and not the problem when it comes to championing Mike Evans and his consistent brand of stardom, but a bad QB situation in Tampa, combined with miles creeping up on the odometer, keep Evans out of the discussion of the league’s true elite.

Joe sees Hanzus working here. Logically, he makes a good case. However, Joe would point out one exception: As a green-as-grass rookie, Evans had Stewart McClown and Mike Glennon throwing to him and still had 1,000 yards. Tell Joe that Traskfield is worse.

Now, Evans is a savvy, experienced vet. Joe is not about to write off Evans hitting 1,000 yards receiving this fall.

And if Evans does, that sort of elite consistency truly is Hall of Fame-level play.

37 Responses to “ Mike Evans’ Days As A “Superstar” End This Season”

  1. Mike S Says:

    Captain Checkdown doesn’t throw for enough yards.

  2. BillyBucco Says:

    Lol Recycled post like it is scripture or something.
    You trying to safe somebody’s life?

  3. WVBuc Says:

    Just stay healthy and average 5-60 per game. Catch 1 for 20 and 4 for 40 each game.

    1 – 20
    4 – 40
    X 17

    Evans should only need remain on the field all year for this to happen.

  4. Miller5252 Says:

    As a Buc fan there are a couple of things that just drive you crazy…. 1. David is looked at like a second rate linebacker 2. Evans is never talked about as a top tier receiver. This off season OBJ was talked about like he was the second coming of Rice or Moss. The guy had one crazy catch and everyone acts like he’s better than Evans. Unfortunately Evans and David will never be talked about like they should. Even “The Sage” doesn’t think David has done enough to get into Canton. And Evans….. everyone acts like he came in the league the year Brady came to the Bucs. 2 ALL TIME BUCS!

  5. Delusional Intelligence Says:

    Go ahead leave him 1 on 1. See how that works out for you. Carolina game comes to mind. Barring injury, he seems to be taking better care of his hammys, he hits 1100.

  6. BillyBucco Says:

    Just watched Allstots crazy highlights on NFL app.
    What a beast.
    He alone would make us a playoff team this year.
    Along with Evans and David, one of my all time favorites.

  7. Dre Bucsfan! Says:

    I think Joe missed the part about miles creeping up on him! Mike is getting up in age and has NEVER been known as a speedster nor great route runner. He’s always relied on his big body frame and jump balls. I predict a down year in yards but a peak in TD’s in the redzone this year. Regardless of QB situation!

  8. BucU Says:

    The opinions reign this time of year don’t they?

  9. Oddball Says:

    That’s just crazy talk.

  10. George R Says:

    Dre, you made all the reasons why Mike will make 1000. He was never a burner. He uses his big frame to box out DB’s. I don’t think Mike has shrank, he will still have his game.

  11. 1sparkybuc Says:

    Here’s the difference. Brady/Leftwich used Evans more as a decoy than as as a primary weapon last season, and he still got his 1,000 yards. The combination of a new OC, a new balanced system, and QBs actually looking to target him, he will extend his streak. He won’t be a decoy, and he will get deeper targets. I believe defenses will have to focus on stopping the RBs and TEs now. They can’t double cover everybody. I’m rooting for Trask to do to the NFL what he did to the SEC. Mike Evans is key.

  12. Thisisouryear!! Says:

    I think Evans comment about not being this open in a long time is going to be huge this season. I’m hoping that meant Canales is scheming and receivers open. We certainly haven’t done that lately. With that and the fact that Mayfield has liked throwing the jump ball in the past, I predict Evans to have huge year.

  13. garro Says:

    Now you’re just trolling Joe.
    Shame on you.

    Go Bucs!

  14. Jeff’s grandpa Says:

    Learn how to spell it then if a favorite

  15. BA’s Red Pen Says:


  16. Nick houllis Says:

    There is just TOO MUCH DISRESPECT. I’m convinced bucs go 10-7 or 11-6

  17. SB~LV Says:

    He’ll wish he had taken advantage of trade scenarios by mid season, he deserves to finish his career on a post season team.
    Nothing else matters!
    I hope I am wrong but…
    there ain’t hope in football!

  18. SOEbuc Says:

    Joe cannot figure it out??? Did you start listening to these people in 2020? I hate OU but man I would love to see Baker shove it up Vegas arse.

  19. Brandon Says:

    Mike S Says:
    June 29th, 2023 at 3:53 am
    Captain Checkdown doesn’t throw for enough yards.


    Captain Checkdown just retired. Evans will be fine.

  20. Buccos Says:

    Evans is fast! Anyone who disagrees re-watch the 2nd Carolina game from last year. He can get open deep whenever he feels like it. Ask Jalen Ramsey

  21. Marine Buc Says:

    If he stays healthy he will still get 1,000 plus yards. I believe he will be able to get at least 60 yards per game.

    Plus Godwin is going to be 100% this season and will draw more attention from the defenses than he did last year.

  22. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Who’s foolin who?
    If Mike stays healthy, he’s gonna crack 1300 yards, easy.
    Here’s why.
    With a Bucs secondary that has more holes in it than Swiss cheese, the Bucs will be coming from behind a lot, and that means throwing the rock more than usual. It’s bad optics running the ball repeatedly when your team is down bigtime.
    Mr, evans will be getting a steady dose.
    Trust me.
    In spite of coach Bowles.

  23. SOEbuc Says:

    More holes than Swiss cheese? Did you really just say that?


  24. Robbery727 Says:

    Mike will get a ton of 50/50 balls thrown his way this year. For some reason, probably stats, brady didnt throw them to him. Brady was stuck in the pocket, Baker will be on the move, so he will ha e different angles the cornerbacks will have to defend. They wont be able to sit on 1 lane because they knew Brady didnt leave the pocket.
    90% of the 50/50 balls will be caught or a flag will be thrown. I believe baker will rely on this and we’ll see it alot. This year might be mikes best yet.
    Remember Johnny down in Texas?
    Mike got him drafted in the first round. And he was a bum. Baker is a better version Of that style QB. And I know everyone got spoiled with tom, but name another bucs QB in the last 20 years with a better skill set ???? I’ll wait…..

  25. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Did you watch the Bucs last game at home against the mighty Dallas cowboys with their no name receivers on national tv?
    The secondary was a complete embarrassment.
    If they play like that at home in the playoffs, and on national tv with Tom Brady,
    How do you think they’ll play when the lights are off in the regular season?

  26. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I just saw where Mike is over under
    I’m taking the over and hoping he stays healthy.

  27. HC Grover Says:

    I would not bet the RANCH.

  28. Jonny Says:

    I think if anything stats may go back to being like in Jameis era

  29. Rand Says:

    At least now he has the one extra regular season game to achieve his 1000.

  30. SOEbuc Says:

    2022 Bucs secondary ranked #9:

    Weinfield-13 G
    Dean- 15 G
    Davis- 13 G (#10 best coverage player by NFL in ‘22)
    Edwards- 13 G (Replaced by Ryan Neal (15 G) #5 best coverage player by NFL in ‘22)
    L. Ryan- 9 G

    I did watch the entire season where Brady was “this time it’s for real” retirement mode, as well, where he didn’t connect with Mike for a TD from week 4-17. How is that possible??? There is no where near a comparison to GOAT, but Baker throws the deep ball and unless major injury would say Mike gets more than 6 TDs in ‘23, certainly so if Baker is actually a big boy like he says and Canalas brings some fire to the offense.

  31. Ed Says:

    Mike Evans may not be speedy but when you can stride like he does if the ball is thrown out in front of him and not behind him, his catch radius and large hands allow him to come away with the ball even if a corner is with him.

    Last year I isolated watching him and on many occasions he had beat his man deep. He wasn’t blowing by anyone but he was open. Brady had so much trouble with his deep ball last year and I believe he held back on trying to get it to Mike downfield except in the Carolina game.

    Evans doesn’t get to his spot quickly but if you give the QB some time he is still dangerous getting the ball deep. He also was overlooked in the end zone, again because of Brady being so cautious, there wasn’t enough attempts to Evans in the end zone.

    I don’t believe that he will decline yet. He takes care of his body and he is a basketball player by trade. Those guys are in good shape.

  32. confido75 Says:

    Glad ME is a Buc even if his run of 1000+ yds a season ends. No one cares at this point if his streak ends. He earned his keep and is a Buc for life regardless of what he does from here on out!

  33. View from 132 Says:

    Evans is good. Consistent. But he doesn’t take over games. Great receivers – the Randy Moss, Jerry Rice types – can break a defense designed to stop them. He needs to dominate in the postseason to be in the HoF conversation.

  34. unbelievable Says:

    I always crack up when people say “Evans doesn’t have speed, isn’t a burner, etc.”

    Sure, other guys are faster… yet do you know who was the 3rd highest graded receiver on go routes last year in the entire league?

    That would be Mr. 1000-yards-a-season-every-season, Mike Evans

  35. ScottyMack Says:

    The only way I see Evans “declining” this season is if Godwin becomes a definitive, headline go-to receiver.

    Anything is possible in an offensive scheme we have never seen the Bucs run before and with an entirely different cast of players in different roles or positions.

  36. Larrd Says:

    He is only about 30, isn’t he? Always in shape, still catching bombs in big moments. Still tall. I don’t get the “lost a step” talk.

  37. Stanglassman Says:

    The cowboys no name WRs? CeeDee Lamb, M. Gallop and TY Hilton. Those crubs.

    I’m no Cowboys fan but I do live in reality.

    Mike Evans will get 1k plus again. Anybody that thinks Evans doesn’t have speed shouldn’t talk about football.