Mike Evans Has An Unlikely Defender

June 18th, 2023

Would you believe?

On the list of things Joe never dreamed of seeing, this ranks right up there.

Mike Evans is on the cusp of being a Hall of Fame receiver. He probably should be already. If he tacks on another 1,000 yards this season, Joe doesn’t know how the Pro Football Hall of Fame voters keep him out.

Yet when you read or hear folks talk about the top receivers in the game, rarely is Evans’ name mentioned. Joe’s pretty confident that’s because he was not a fantasy football star last season. When in doubt, always look at fantasy football.

Another big reason Evans doesn’t get the run of so many is Evans isn’t a burner. NFL fans love burners. This doesn’t mean Evans can’t burn corners — just ask Jalen Ramsey. It’s just not his strength.

So a clown who glosses himself a Rams fan Twittered he has no idea why people think Evans is anything special. Somehow, this Twitter found its way into the timeline of perhaps the most hated Bucs rival walking the planet, at least most-hated next to Marshon Lattimore.

That would be defensive end Cam Jordan of the slimy Saints.

Jordan called out this Rams fan and not only defended Evans but added folks who don’t respect Evans are just downright dumb.

Jordan is absolutely correct, of course. Evans is piling up historic numbers, including the NFL record of nine straight seasons with at least 1,000 yards receiving.

If Evans can rack up 1,000-yard seasons this fall and in 2024, he will tie Jerry Rice’s NFL record of most consecutive 1,000-yard receiving seasons.

And yet some clowns cannot appreciate Evans. Can you imagine?

Props to Jordan for having Evans’ back.


41 Responses to “Mike Evans Has An Unlikely Defender”

  1. Mord Says:

    Cam Jordan might be a thorn in Bucs Fans’ sides, but he’s clearly one of those players who love football. And he’s sure af right.

  2. Brandon Says:

    Cam Jordan… the pain of Dominik still haunts us. Bigger, faster, stronger, more versatile, ans more productive than Adrian Clayborn. Jordan goes down and absolutely dominates the Senior Bowl while Clayborn dropped out before practices started. And Dominik drafted Clayborn! Jordan was the easy pick. It hurt me then and continues to pain me now. Dominik was the biggest dud in recent memory.

  3. Conte Piscatelli Says:

    I hate Cam Jordan the same way I always hated Steve Smith. Really, I hated that they weren’t on my team.

  4. Leopold Stotch Says:

    First time I’ve ever seen/heard Cam Jordan say anything remotely positive, nice, or accurate about anyone on our beloved Bucs or the team in general. I suddenly no longer hope he stubs his toe every day now.
    Not the first time.–Joe https://www.joebucsfan.com/2022/08/cameron-jordan-says-tom-brady-doesnt-need-training-camp/

  5. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    If obj had half the stats Mike has, he’d been in the pro bowl ten times. You see Mike is down to earth and no flash. All heart.

  6. Destinjohnny Says:

    Brandon spot on

  7. Bucschamp Says:

    Jordan should play for Bucs

  8. Da Bucs Guy Says:

    Possession receiver.

  9. ModHairKen Says:

    Da Bucs Guy, what an a$$ you are. You are that casual fan Cam Jordan mentioned. Just go cheer for the Packers. They need more clowns like you.

  10. #99 the big fella Says:

    Da smelly a$$ guy, go away . You should be ashamed to even have bucs in your screen name.

  11. D-Rok Says:

    To all the fathers out there, shout out to you. Happy Father’s Day!!

  12. TampaBayBucsFanSince1976 Says:

    Da Bucs Guy Says:
    June 18th, 2023 at 10:28 am

    Possession receiver.

    You are a TOTAL FREAKING MORON . Mike Evans is a MAJOR deep threat. ME has a career average of 15.3 yards per catch , more than Jerry Rice , Julio Jones, Randy Moss , Isaac Bruce, or Terrell Owens. Think before you type.

  13. sasquatch Says:

    This came out a week ago on other sites.

  14. Joe Says:

    This came out a week ago on other sites.

    Yeah, well, Joe first saw it yesterday. And while this may have been on “other sites” earlier, Joe was at One Buc Palace covering minicamp monitoring practice and talking to players and coaches for information unlike “other sites.”

  15. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Fun fact:

    Julio Jones, Antonio Brown, OBJ and 8 other receivers average more yards per game than ME13.

  16. Fred McNeil Says:

    I saw this story last week too, but I must have just glossed over it. I could have sworn it was Marshon Lattimore sticking up for Evans. I was a little astonished that Lattimore could be so classy. I guess he wasn’t. Some of those guys tend to turn a two paragraph item into a novella.

  17. AnonymousBuc76 Says:

    Ahh to think what could have been; I thought for sure Cam Jordan was gonna be a Buc but Mark Dummynic took a one armed DE (Adrian Clayborn) instead and ruined my night 🙄…
    I totally get why he hates the Bucs so much…

    Mike Evans is the GO∆T….(greatest Bucs receiver of all-time)…

    He was Jason Licht first draft pick ever and boy did he get that one right…And Licht could have easily messed this up; 2014 was considered to be the best WR Draft of all-time by some and we landed the best of them all and he wasn’t the 1st WR taken… Special thanks Buffalo for leaving Mike on the board for us…

  18. Polkfan Says:

    @Doosh who were those guys qbs? Evans had a backup qb by league standards 6/9 of his seasons.

  19. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Polkfan Says:
    June 18th, 2023 at 1:17 pm
    @Doosh who were those guys qbs? Evans had a backup qb by league standards 6/9 of his seasons.

    Care to guess who his QB was for his 3 biggest years for total yards?
    It wasn’t Brady

  20. Polkfan Says:

    @doosh touchdowns yes but yards no.

  21. Polkfan Says:

    oh misread by me but still his qb play was trash can’t excuse that.

  22. Polkfan Says:

    oh misread by me my fault but still his qb play was trash can’t excuse that.

  23. DoooshLaRue Says:


    You don’t need to sell me on JayMiss’s lack of ability.
    I’m one of his biggest “haters”

    My all-time most hated Bucs:
    Durable Donnie
    Steve Spurrier

  24. Rod Munch Says:

    Evans isn’t a burner, yet he lead the league in yards per reception in 2018.

  25. 1#bucsfan Says:

    He’s putting up stats no player in the nfl has done. That’s not the best thing about ME13 tho. It’s the fact that he’s no diva. More than not great WRs are the biggest divas in the game and ME13 is great and the fact that he’s no diva makes him even better.

  26. Rod Munch Says:

    DoooshLaRue – How can you hate Spurrier? What did he do, make fun of Chris Meyers?

  27. AnonymousBuc76 Says:


    Totally agree; he’s definitely not the typical diva star WR and what ever you do, don’t F with his QB…Just ask Saints CB M. Lattimore 😂 it didnt matter if it was Jaymiss Winston or Tompa Brady…If even breathe on his QB, you’re gettin your @ss whipped period 😅…

  28. Cobraboy Says:

    The only reason I’m not a Jordan fan is because he plays in the Bucs’ division. Like Brees. Like Ryan. Like Steve Smith & CMC. Etc.

    Otherwise, I’d be a major fan.

  29. Lakeland Steve Says:

    Mike Evans is already a Hall of Famer. If he had played his whole career in New York or any big market city he would be a household name. If he was one of those look at me guys who run their mouth constantly he would get more run. Instead Mike is a team first guy who wants to win first and cares about his stats second. Maybe the best player to ever wear a Bucs uniform, and that’s saying a lot.

  30. Bucnjim Says:

    DoooshLaRue same exact list only throw in Barrett Ruud as number 4. The most overrated Bucs LB maybe of all time

  31. Dooley Says:

    Saints fans were debating a Saints player that Mike Evans wasn’t “elite” lol and Jordan was really not trying to hear it at all. Don’t like playing against the guy but I respect that he mostly doesn’t shy away from being candid & honest. Saints still suck tho, admiring Evans won’t change that and I’ll do my part rooting for them to lose/tie games lol

  32. DoooshLaRue Says:

    I watched Spurrier play at the Big Sombrero.

    His stat line for his 1 year as a Buc:
    50.2 CP %
    7 TD
    12 INT

    …..and he’s a dk-head

  33. Rod Munch Says:

    Lakeland Steve Says:
    Maybe the best player to ever wear a Bucs uniform, and that’s saying a lot.


    I love Evans, but that’s insane.

    This isn’t the 1990s, the team has won a couple of SB’s and has a bunch of players in the HOF. I think Evans will be there one day, however saying he’s surpassed Sapp, Brooks, Ronde, LeeRoy… come on. Also, purely from a position standpoint, it would be impossible to surpass Sapp, as a HOF DT is always going to be more important than a HOF WR. Also, again, not dissing Evans by saying this in the least, but every great DT for a generation was compared to Warren Sapp – he was literally the bar by which you determined if someone was on a HOF course or merely a great player.

  34. Rod Munch Says:

    DoooshLaRue – WOW, you’re even older than I thought. Means you probably got Biden-brain and you’re going senile, that would explain why you think Chris Meyers is the best broadcaster to ever be on TV, and why you’d hate on Spurrier like he’s one of your great-grand kids.

  35. steele Says:

    Evans underperformed last season, mentally and physically. Major lapses that cost games. Shut down in key games. Huge disappointment in a season in which leadership and the highest standard were badly needed. You might forgive some of it because overall team chemistry was compromised, offense was a mess, he never clicked with Brady anyway, etc.

    Take away last season as an aberration, sure, Evans is a stud, at the very least a productive possession WR. In the right offense, with the right QB, when used correctly, and if there are other WRs, like a healthy Godwin. The question raised last season is if he is the kind of guy who can singlehandedly carry an offense for extended periods.

  36. DoooshLaRue Says:

    I was 8 years old Fancy Man, I’ll wait while you crunch those numbers.

    And for the very last time, I never said that I liked Chris Myers, I only said I don’t find him to be the worst or most annoying announcer in the NFL.
    I’d rather listen to him than pretentious Joe Buck or that gravely annoyance Tony Romo among others……

  37. kyle Says:

    blah blah blah.. love summer football articles

  38. Winky Says:

    D-Rok Says:
    June 18th, 2023 at 11:31 am
    To all the fathers out there, shout out to you. Happy Father’s Day!!

    – Right on man. Yeah, happy fathers days to all you Dad’s out there!

    Go Bucs!!

  39. unbelievable Says:

    A Mike Evans article is always a good opportunity for the idiots to out themselves.

  40. Pittbucfan Says:

    If M.E.13 can’t get roughly 59 yards a game this year and next, something is wrong. Barring injury, 1000 should be no problem. I think (or at least hope) the idiot play calling has been removed. Getting Mike his 1000 I hope is priority.

  41. Rod Munch Says:

    Dooodooouccche – there you go again, defending Meyers. I don’t get it, you got someone wrong with you somewhere. No one has ever defended Meyers before, yet you constantly do it. It’s messed up, man.