Lavonte David Sounding Like A Coach

June 17th, 2023

Old man of the Bucs.

It’s official. Since Tom Brady left the Bucs, Lavonte David is an old man.

Well, old on the roster. With Brady hanging up his cleats, the Bucs’ legendary linebacker is the oldest Tampa Bay player at 33.

Speaking this week, David confessed it finally hit him how he’s a senior citizen in the NFL.

“I’ve been feeling like that,” David said. “Shoot, all of the older guys had been coming in, coming from other places, but I’ve been here the whole time.

“I’ve kind of got a feel firsthand of how everything has been going here. I’ve seen a lot of people come and go, but now it’s really official that I’m the oldest guy on the team.

“I’m just going to embrace it and do my best to lead the team.”

And he’s starting to sound like a coach. David was asked if it feels different seeing so many players so much younger than he is.

“You see it out there in practice, you see it in meetings,” David said. “The younger guys are kind of out of control sometimes, playing fast, playing hard – that’s expected. Once you get a little coaching into them, it’ll slow down for them.

“I definitely like the young group that we do have. I’ve been watching from afar when I wasn’t here [during OTAs], watching them put the work in and doing what they’re supposed to do.

“People were calling me and letting me know what’s going on – it’s been really promising.”

One reason for David’s greatness and NFL longevity is he can read and detect what an offense is doing immediately. So he hasn’t lost a step.

David likely would be a great coach, though most guys who have pocketed tens of millions like David has don’t want to coach. Joe has no idea what David’s plans is for his post-playing career.

It wouldn’t shock Joe if David is still playing at a high level if he returns in 2024. He wants to be here. The organization loves him.

Hey, Derrick Brooks played at 35.

17 Responses to “Lavonte David Sounding Like A Coach”

  1. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    I think he is a natural coach, and will not be surprised to see him become a coach, once his playing days are over.

  2. Salary Cap Hell Says:

    He is a 5 Star Human being all the way.

  3. BucU Says:

    What Salary Cap Hell said.

  4. D-Rok Says:

    What Buc U said who said what Salary cap said.

    David, Evans, and Godwin: Great people and great Bucs.

  5. Vlad The Impaler Says:

    I really hope the Bucs can manage a great season for guys like LVD. I’m really happy he was able to get a ring under Brady. This guy is a role model for all humans.

    Bucs Prayer:
    Oh God, please help Bowles not to suck as a HC and please help the Bucs to have a winning, injury-free season and go deep in the playoffs. I know the Bowles request is difficult to fulfill, but please do your best. Amen.

  6. HC Grover Says:

    He can lead the young horses to water, but can he make them drink? he is a great old pro.\

  7. adam from ny Says:


  8. AnonymousBuc76 Says:

    I was legitimately petrified of losing Lavonte David this off-season…

    Him and Mike Evans are sacred to me…It would literally hurt my heart to see those guys in another uniform…Tristan and Godwin are the other two that I’d hate to lose…Everyone else on the roster at the moment, I could care less; because at the end of the day, it’s a business…

  9. Brandon Says:

    Anonymous… you COULDN’T CARE LESS. Saying that you COULD CARE LESS is saying nothing at all.

  10. BillyBucco Says:

    It’s time we got some really good players around LVD so we can see how great he truly is.
    Getting players in position makes you think less about what you are gonna do.
    When we had White on the field only we suffered.
    Davids leadership is second to none.
    I really think White has a good year and it will be because of David.

  11. TOMMY MORDUE Says:


  12. Fred McNeil Says:

    Do we really need a vocabulary lesson today?

  13. Fred McNeil Says:

    Coaching seems like a HUGE pain in the butt. I don’t see LVD coaching either. I don’t remember his past salary but I think it was like $12-15 million yearly for the past several years.
    He never needs to work again.

  14. garro Says:

    You said it. Recognition. One of the reasons Brooks was able to play so long was just that. No wasted movement and knew where to be in coverage.

  15. BucsBeBack (Artist formally known as: BringBucsBack) Says:

    “Coach Bowles, where is the “C”?

    “On LVD’s chest!”

    I keep waiting to read/ see this conversation!

  16. Bob Buc Says:

    Have a ton of respect for this man – Hall of Fame attitude and production regardless of whether he makes it. Maybe a long-shot due to the smaller market but…

    This quote from the story:

    “One reason for David’s greatness and NFL longevity is he can read and detect what an offense is doing immediately. So he hasn’t lost a step.”

    Reminds me of what was said about a famous athlete in another sport when his speed was questioned and his experience/savvy ignored:

    “The first ten yards are in his head.”

  17. Tony Says:

    They should just let him run the D when he decides to retire. That’s what they need they need somebody in there that’s familiar with the franchise to run some things.