“I’m A Pro”

June 26th, 2023

Buccaneers linebacker Devin White may not be all smiles with team officials these days after requesting a trade and not practicing with the team this spring.

However, White continues to work on and off the field.

The greater Shreveport area in Louisiana is proud of its many NFL players, including double-digit representation in the league right now.

That includes White, whose mother joined with several mothers of those players to launch a kids camp that brought all those local professional together to coach and mentor kids. It’s a cool partnership with the City of Shreveport to make a massive impact on kids. Joe watched the CBS-TV affiliate up there and learned about the camp held last week.

White, along with Dak Prescott, Tre’Davious White and other stars were on hand to coach kids. No surprise. Video shown by the TV station featured White in full high-energy mode barking the virtues of hard work to children.

White also told the Shreveport Times that he’s training Monday through Friday away from One Buc Palace and staying in top shop shape is no big deal. “I’m a pro,” he said.

Joe loves how active White is in charitable efforts. His work in the Tampa Bay area is often underappreciated.

Joe also was reminded of White’s father dying while incarcerated November of last season. Media in Louisiana reported on it but there was never a follow up story. Perhaps that affected White’s play quite significantly.

32 Responses to ““I’m A Pro””

  1. Marine Buc Says:

    When are LBs, Safeties and Running Backs going to learn?

    Sorry but your salaries are limited due to the position you play…

    Plus – there are a ton of fresh hungry and youthful players coming out in the draft to take your place every year.

    S.V. Dennis is a 5th round pick. LVD was a 3rd round pick. There are two UDFA Safties that will make the team this year…

    Nothing personal against D. White but it comes down to basic NFL economics.

  2. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    White should play like his hair is on fire this year….then, he’ll get paid.

  3. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    White should set his hair on fire.

  4. stpetebucfan Says:


    Normally I am in agreement with you and admittedly I’m nitpicking here…

    “then, he’ll get paid.”

    He has ALREADY been paid 30 MILLION $$$! If he HONORS his contract he will end this season having “been paid” more than 40 MILLION according to Spotrac.

    AGAIN…he’s free to do what he wishes…but I feel less than any sympathy for a man who struggles to live on 30 million and will not HONOR a contract which HE signed for more than 40 million if he plays this year.


  5. The Beer Whisperer Says:

    Yep. It’s a free world. Devin can move on, if he ain’t all happy.

  6. HC Grover Says:

    A Mercenary as are they all. So what is new here. It is all for the fun of the fans in the cities and the gamblers.

  7. TonySoprano Says:

    “he’s training Monday through Friday away from One Buc … “I’m a pro,”

    No Devin, a true pro would be working out with his teammates, learning from coaches, improving his awful coverage abilities. But as usual, Devin illustrates his arrogance in thinking he’s reached peak performance and has no room to improve. I wouldn’t pay him his current salary in 2024, much less the $20M he’s crying about.

  8. FlBoy84 Says:

    He’s a pro training M-F but Bowles held him out of minicamp because he was concerned White wasn’t in football shape. Multiple other guys who likely haven’t been around One-Buc much participated, so calling BS on White and/or Bowles.

  9. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Great. He can go represent another NFL team with his community outreach.

  10. D-Rok Says:

    He’s a pro, but he is a pro’s pro?

  11. Dew Says:

    PFT reporting the Jets are likely to be forced to host Hard Knocks. That would be epic but also we play the Jets in the 2nd preseason game so we would be on it for that.

  12. BillyBucco Says:

    Sounds to me like a guy who could get remotivated and come into Training Camp ready.
    I think people make mistakes and we are talking a contract with potentially $60 more million in guarantees.
    That sets you up for life and your children’s lives.
    He is a great linebacker and I’m glad we have him.

  13. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Can’t say he’s a pro then turn around and make a excuse for sub par play due to his father’s death, Look at what Brett Favre did to the Raiders on MNF the day after his fathers death.

  14. Oddball Says:

    Too much ego will kill your talent…

  15. godlovesbucs Says:

    I get both sides. He did sign a contract, he should honor it. But teams all too often don’t honor contracts by releasing players before the contract is expired. So if the teams don’t have loyalty why should the player?

  16. stpetebucfan Says:


    “$60 more million in guarantees.
    That sets you up for life and your children’s lives.”

    If he honors his contract this year the Bucs will have paid him 40 million! Seriously Billy could you not set yourself and your family up for life?

  17. BigMacAttack Says:

    Devin’s problem is that he’s not very intelligent. He’s not a poker player or a very good strategist. The vast majority of players on the team knew the cap problems that were coming this year. Most probably know what the market is for players in their position group from top to bottom. I don’t think Devin knows that. He’s a man on an island, and he’s not a top 10 or even 20 linebacker in the NFL land I’m being generous. Licht knows that he can replace White in heartbeat and probably already has. White doesn’t know that. He thinks he’s the Pooh and he’s not. He’s bull strong, rocket fast and overruns plays constantly. The only reason he doesn’t look worse is Lavonte David covers his tail quite often. They say there is no substitute for brains and Devin White with all of his speed and athleticism proves this every time he takes the field. Adios bro, you gotta go.

  18. Stanglassman Says:

    He should play his contract out because it is probably higher than what he would have gotten on the open market this year if he was a FA. He is good and has the potential to become a 20m a year guy but he hasn’t shown it yet. Too inconsistent. Often misses too many tackles, doesn’t get off blocks, is out of position and is a liability in pass coverage.

    I was a huge D. White fan and still hope he takes that next step on and off the football field.

  19. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Marine Buc Says
    “Sorry but your salaries are limited due to the position you play…”

    I said the same thing about CB…then…Revis…

  20. Sly Pirate Says:

    If it looks like chickens, smells like chicken, and tastes like chicken… it’s a chicken.

    Devin’s been talking and walking like prima donna since day one. You want that as your leader post-LVD? CDIII doesn’t. Vea doesn’t. LVD doesn’t.

    Ship the bit** out.

  21. unbelievable Says:

    Lavonte David was a 2nd round pick, FYI.

  22. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    This is what makes it so hard to watch the NFL nowadays. Selfish players, no team loyalty and idiots who get away with a lot of things. Tiny Soprono is spot on.

  23. Buc4evr Says:

    Honestly I don’t care what Devin says or does at this point. This team is so screwed this year, I don’t see him making much of a difference. Trade him if that is what he wants. Better not to have him infect the locker room.

  24. BoricuaBucfan Says:

    @ MarineBuc

    I’m not sure what Lavonte David you’re referring to but number 54 for the TB Buccaneers was a high 2nd rd pick

  25. garro Says:

    Done with this professional.
    Show me on the field what your character is as well as off of it.

    Go Bucs!

  26. Cobraboy Says:

    I understand: image rehab.

  27. Oneilbuc Says:

    Devin White will be ok I’m not worried about him the defensive line has to eat up blocks so he run free just like when we had Suh he was able to run free . I think a lot of people don’t understand how football have changed even on the defensive side of the ball. That’s why I don’t believe players got bigger stronger and faster like the meadi love to say . Look at all the good linebackers in the NFL all of them have 1 thing in common they all have a good defensive line. The linebackers or really to small now days I remember a time when you couldn’t play linebacker or less you can get off blocks and make tackles . In today’s game once a offensive line put his hands on a linebacker the linebacker can’t get off the block because he’s not stronger enough to get off the block and make the tackle. I like Devin White he will be ok !!

  28. Marine Buc Says:

    LVD was pick #58 in 2012… He wasn’t a “high 2nd round pick”…

    We traded our 3rd and 4th round picks to move up to draft him.

    My bad. He was a low 2nd round pick.

  29. Tap-Out Says:

    Why all the hate towards this guy? He is training …didn’t TB go on Va Ca in the middle of camp ….I would say he learned his lessons well!

  30. Infomeplease Says:

    If DW wants more money, he better produce thus season!! If not, his next contract will be smaller!!

  31. Nprbuc Says:

    Cancer! Let someone else pay for his tutus and crying towels.

  32. garro Says:

    I am a professional! Pay Me!
    You gotta be kidding! Mr White, Professionals sign a contract and honor it until they get a new one. Then it’s up to them to honor the new one that they signed. No one at One Buc twisted your arm to sign your contract!

    Go and whine with AB and Tyreek!

    Go Bucs!