“Emotions Got The Best Of Him”

June 14th, 2023

The Buccaneers’ elder statesman played the role of Sage after minicamp practice today.

Iconic linebacker Lavonte David, 33, was asked what teammate Devin White was thinking when he requested a trade earlier this year because he was unhappy with his contract.

David didn’t hesitate, and he didn’t tell anyone to ask White.

“Emotions got the best of him,” David said of White. “You know, I know Devin wants to be here. He wants to play here. So his emotions got the best of him. He’s here. You know he’s here ready to work. He’s not ready to go right now but he’ll getting [ready] for training camp.”

David added that he knows the type of person White is and that White isn’t the type of guy to get emotional and ask for a trade. He said he advised White to show his passion and how much he loves the game, his teammates, and playing for the city of Tampa.

Great advice from David, who went out of his way to say there’s a difference between being emotional and passionate. He wants White to stay focused on his passion and not get upset by the business side of the game.

24 Responses to ““Emotions Got The Best Of Him””

  1. micanopy Says:

    I’d tell Devin, “Look, it doesn’t matter because you’re likely to blow it all anyway. So just play and have fun!”

  2. Mike Says:

    Devin doesn’t realized how blessed he is to have someone like Lavonte in his corner, as well as his head coach.

  3. Dooley Says:

    Lavonte David for Mayor

  4. BringBucsBack Says:

    “… that White isn’t the type of guy to get emotional and ask for a trade.” But, that is exactly what White did, Lavante.

    Every time LVD says the word “emotions” or “emotional” think “immature”.

  5. fishhawkbuc Says:

    D-Dub is not going anywhere. Hell, if Tom Brady was not the starting QB in the Super Bowl….DDub would have been the MVP of the game. He should have been the MVP

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    Devin needs to get off social media, if he did so, he’d be a lot happier. Reading what idiots on the internet say is the surest way to make yourself miserable.

  7. Cobraboy Says:

    I’ll believe it when those words come from The Diva White’s mouth.

    Not from David’s.

  8. Mike C Says:

    Who is D-Dumb? Ohhh sorry D-Dub?

  9. All_da_way Says:

    The more time the young LBs receive playing time the less likely White receives a second contract from the Bucs even if he balls out in 2023.

    Bucs will happily take the comp pick in the following year and use the cap space to extend Wirfs and Winfield.

  10. Smashsquatch Says:

    What a great Buc LVD has become.

  11. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles effect.

  12. Fred McNeil Says:

    If White were to get 10+sacks and a few interceptions he might just get his $20 million a year. It probably would mean letting a few other people go, tho, so it might not get us any closer to a Super Bowl. We’d have to decide if ILB is an important enough position for that investment.
    There’s always some salary cap voodoo to move cap space around, but that’s what got us where we are today if Baker balls out He’ll want $30-40 million. If Trask balls out he’ll want a new contract now. Not next year. Wirfs and Winfield are coming up….

  13. Biff Barker Says:

    LVD and White are both play ILB. One is a class act, the other a clown act.

  14. Pewter Power Says:

    Emotional for sure but gotta be smart about it and he must be saying his agent told him they are far apart on a new contract. Of course he’s emotional and passionate about money. He’s no loafer when it comes to that

  15. NW-Pirate Says:

    Maybe it’s because it’s midday and I just woke from a nap; but did Lavonte just say that Devin requested a trade because his emotions got the best of him, then say he doesn’t see Devin being the kind of guy to request a trade due to his emotions getting the best of him?

    Am I missing something here?

  16. unbelievable Says:

    Diva should be more like David.

  17. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Devin gotta go.

  18. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Devin White is sensitive.

  19. Sly Pirate Says:

    AB in the making. He’s off now. Wait till he gets paid.

  20. Larrd Says:

    If he is ever going to reach his all pro/DPoY potential, this is probably the year. Vea, Kancey, White and Winfield would be a tough “core five” to beat up the middle!

  21. Larrd Says:

    And LVD, of course!

  22. Esteban85 Says:

    Rod, everyone needs to get off social media

  23. garro Says:

    LVD is a leader and the elder statesman of this team. So of course he will have Whites back. However its on White to say he let his emotions get the better of him. Not LVD. Unfortunately being a leader sometimes involves telling people the painful truths as well as having there backs.
    See Sapp and Brooks. They were the leaders for their teams and tolerated very little of this kind of BS. Sapp has already told the kid the truth. He blew him off.
    Makes me wonder if he blows his coaches off when they are critical of him.
    The fact that many people seem to be ignoring is that aside from a three week stretch in the 2020 playoffs he has been an average to below average ILB. All people see is his sacks. There is more to being a great ILB than the sacks. Which are schemed by his buddy Bowles.
    Be a man and earn the respect of teammates and coaches. Then you can get that payday you crave.
    The potential to divide the team and be a distraction is what makes this so frustrating for me as a fan.
    Go Bucs!

  24. Nybuccguy Says:

    Devin White = locker room cancer