Different Quarterback, Same Slimy Saints

December 1st, 2022

Larry Foote says New Orleans still physical.

When the slimy Saints come marching into The Licht House on Monday night, it will be with a different signal-caller.

When the Bucs traveled to New Orleans in Week 2, Mr. Entertainment, America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, was the slimy Saints quarterback. Of late, and likely on Monday, it will be journeyman stiff Andy Dalton.

Slimy Saints coach Dennis Allen is one of those defensive meathead types who was born 50 years too late. The game has passed him by. The NFL in the third decade of the 21st century is about scoring points.

But Allen, a defensive meathead (he’s a very good defensive coach), is like so many other defensive guys who think less turnovers is more important than scoring. He was a loser with the Raiders and he’s shaping up as a loser with the slimy Saints.

And a perfect example of that is he prefers journeyman backup Andy Dalton to Jameis. Nuff’ said.

Despite this, Bucs inside linebackers coach Larry Foote said yesterday that the slimy Saints haven’t changed.

“Well, they’re the same,” Foote began. “They use a lot of personnel, they’re a physical team. They definitely have a different quarterback – [Andy Dalton is a] little more seasoned, little more pocket [heavy] than Jameis [Winston].

“But they give you a lot of personnel, they give you a lot of stuff to get ready for and they’ve got talent. We know the mindset anytime we play [those] guys – we don’t care about [any] record or where we play, we know it’s going to be a tough game and we’ve got to out-execute.”

The slimy Saints are 1-3 in their last four games. Aside from beating the hapless Rams by a touchdown, the slimy Saints have scored a total of 23 points in their past three losses.

You think the Bucs offense is struggling to score?

Joe would normally say if the Bucs put 21 on the board they should win. Sadly, 21 points for the Bucs would be an offensive explosion the way they have played the past two months.

An Instant Classic Ira Kaufman Podcast As The Sage Addresses Colossal Bucs Underachievement And A Landmark Loss

21 Responses to “Different Quarterback, Same Slimy Saints”

  1. Defense Rules Says:

    With no Jensen & no Wirfs, it’s hard to envision any offensive explosion on the Bucs part. It’s even hard to envision them treading water for an entire game when your OLine consists of penalty-prone Donovan, Leverett, Hainsey, Mason & Wells. Heck, the Bucs had their hands full with the Saints’ DLine when we had Smith, Marpet, Jensen, Cappa & Wirfs all starting.

  2. ClwJB Says:

    This is the make or break game – a season ended if we lose – there is little chance we beat the miners or bengals – a loss here means 9 losses before we get a chance to lose to the panthers again and let the falcons take the division

    This team has been run into the ground in less than 1 year – same thing BA did to the Cardinals he did to us

    Tarnished his image forever by supporting this kangaroo court – now we know why he loves those hats so much….

  3. Beej Says:

    I have zero expectations of winning this game

  4. HC Grover Says:

    9-6 Saints

  5. ModHairKen Says:

    The Saints will probably come in here and score 35 points before half and win by 21. And the Bucs will score 12 points.

    Bowles will call out his DE as being soft and say the team just needs to play harder.

    Pittsburgh. Carolina. Cleveland. Bowles lost to those lousy teams. Badly. Enough said?

    No. Who wants to bet the first play of the game will be a run up the middle?

    Enough said.

  6. Kentucky Buc Says:

    The Kyle Brandt fake enthusiasm Schtick has gotten really old.

  7. BucsfanFred Says:

    I don’t have high hopes for this game.

  8. WillieG Says:

    I think our beloved Bucs are emotionally fragile. The Browns game broke them and they will have a losing record the rest of the season.

  9. Aceofaerospace Says:

    Saints 2 Bucs 0.

  10. PSL Bob Says:

    DR, you’re absolutely right. The o-line has not great but ok with Hainsey in for Jensen. Wirks is another story. I have a hard time thinking Wells can handle the Saints DEs without some help. So, Brady will have a little less fire power at his disposal.
    I still think the Bucs can be productive if BL just calls some decent plays. Probably won’t happen though.

  11. Defense Rules Says:

    Andy Dalton might be a ‘journeyman stiff’ like you wrote Joe, but his numbers this season are actually better than Tom Brady’s. Dennis Allen is using him in a game manager role, and he’s playing the role reasonably well.

    Dalton’s TD% (when attempting to pass) is sitting at 5.2% (he’s thrown 14 TDs in 271 attempts in his 9 games) and is throwing at a 66.4% completion rate. Brady’s TD% is way down at 3.0% this season (he’s also thrown 14 TDs but in 470 attempts in his 11 games) and he’s throwing at a 66.2% completion rate thus far.

    I think the major difference between our 2 offenses is that the Saints have a bonafide running attack. They’re running on 41.3% of their plays at a 4.5 YPC average. Bucs meanwhile are running on only 33.6% of our plays and at a measly 3.3 YPC average.

    What’s hurt the Saints this season as much as anything is turnovers. They’re turned it over 21 times in 12 games (1.75 TOs/game average). Bucs on the other hand have turned it over roughly half as often, 9 times in 11 games (0.82 TOs/game average). Monday’s game won’t exactly be a battle of 2 titans.

  12. mark2001 Says:

    No turnover machine starting against us. This will be a real test.

  13. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    Hate to sound like a broken record, but when Bowles was appointed Head Coach, the Guys at the local Sports Bar predicted what is currently happening to our team. Actually, they predicted total Implosion, and that very well may happen if we lose to the Saints!
    Another Posted mentioned there is no way we beat either the Bengals or 49ers.
    Bowles lost his Team up in New York, and is in danger of losing this one, if he continues to not accept any blame for his poor time management and coaching decisions.

  14. richbucsfan Says:

    The Saints physicality will stick the final fork in the Bucs. They will suffer multiple ‘injuries’ and be placed on IR. The Bucs have lost toughness and give in to aches and pains. It’s the NFL, not Mighty Might, High School, or college ball.
    When the defense has a dinner to air grievances it confirms my earlier posts about internal problems that are killing the Bucs. It will all come out in the off season. Those who get traded, retire, or otherwise leave the team will let us know some of the details. This once Pirate Ship is sinking…fast.

  15. Goatfarmer Says:

    Brian Flores or Eric Bienemy.

  16. Mike Johnson Says:

    If the Saints put taysom Hill in at Qb, they easily beat the Bucs. We cannot and have not ever stopped him. Dalton will throw at least 2 interceptions. But I’d be surprised to see us beat them. Their Defense is still paying very hard and Evans can never get off against them. All they need do is apply a little pressure to Brady..and they will with our depleted O line, and they win the game. I’ll watch the game. But I do not have my hopes up high. These Bucs are done. Stick a fork in’em.

  17. D-Rok Says:

    I’d like to see TWO fan confidence polls for this game:

    1) Can the Bucs win this game?

    2) Will the Bucs win this game?

    The results would be polar opposites.

  18. D-Rome Says:

    Silly article Joe. The Saints are averaging more points per game with Dalton under center than they did under Jay-Miss. Dalton is a better passer, takes far less sacks, and fumbles the ball less. But yeah, we all know you have this unusual fetish for yards.

  19. Captain gigdab Says:

    “Slimy” Saints vs enemaBag Bucs
    fla Grade school “journalism”

  20. garro Says:

    Dalton is a Stiff?
    Geez Joe. This guy is capable of getting hot and blowing our doors offf! Alot like Fitz was. We Bucs have had some stiffs Chris Simms, Craig Erickson, Brian Griese, Parnell Dickinson!

  21. Collamine Says:

    This may be the poorest attempt at sports journalism Florida has ever seen. Try reporting on Netflix sitcoms and leave the football to someone else. We can’t call other teams slimy when our own guys throwing hits from behind and sucker punches everytime they get locked down. Let’s face it, saints D owns Brady and Evans might as well change his name to Lattimore Jr. Because Marshon is literally his dad.