Report: Tom Brady Will Not Be Punished For His Failed Squeeze Play
August 2nd, 2022
“Hey Tom, you think the Dolphins QB coach would get me more snaps in practice?”
If you are hoping Tom Brady skates in this DolphinsGate mess, you will be happy. If you wanted Brady punished for being disloyal to the Bucs, you will be sad.
Conor Orr of Sports Illustrated reports the NFL is not going to fine, suspend or otherwise penalize Brady for having covert talks with the Dolphins in trying to squeeze his way onto their roster.
Per a person with knowledge of the situation, Tom Brady is not subject to any fine, suspension or further investigation due to his role in the Dolphins scandal.
— Conor Orr (@ConorOrr) August 2, 2022
Joe thinks this is a very good thing this didn’t leak last season. Forget about distractions. Joe thinks “distractions” are the most overblown thing in football, as if football players are the most undisciplined, weak-minded football players on earth and have the concentration level of a gecko.
Let’s say this dance Brady played with the Dolphins was leaked last December and Brady decided not to announce his retirement but still remained with the Bucs (which he eventually did decide to do).
You think Brady would have been able to talk Ryan Jensen and Carlton Davis and Playoff Lenny back to the Bucs? Each one might have told Brady, “Look man, you tried to leave while we were in a Super Bowl push so you could make more bank. If you can look out for yourself, why can’t I?”
It seems Alex Cappa made the smart financial move after all.
August 2nd, 2022 at 1:39 pm
@Joe Distractions are very real. The locker room will be a disaster. His teammates no longer believe in their leader.
August 2nd, 2022 at 1:40 pm
I’d be fine if he manned up and addressed what he was up to , he didn’t
He should have stayed retired.
Tainted now!
I have mixed feelings now
about him as the Bucs QB.
They better get Trask regular season playing time for the good of the franchise
F’ Tom Brady for two timing my Bucs , it’s all different now
Monkey Pox upon his house!
August 2nd, 2022 at 1:42 pm
If he signs an extension for next year then all is forgiven. Otherwise some of those guys in the locker room are gonna be looking at him funny.
August 2nd, 2022 at 1:53 pm
Forget about distractions. Joe thinks “distractions” are the most overblown thing in football, as if football players are the most undisciplined, weak-minded football players on earth and have the concentration level of a gecko.
Really now?
So when we come out flat at least a couple times a year and look unprepared what do you attribute that to Joe?
I mean the millionaires are getting paid to produce at a top level.
If distractions aren’t the culprit I’d guess laziness, apathy or who knows what else would be the culprit and all of those seem way worse than “distracted”
August 2nd, 2022 at 1:55 pm
Hey Joe’s I really hope your not letting this go when it comes to turn coat Tommy doing his next press conference . Cuz I don’t know how he looks his teammates about being all in while he’s doing back room deals for the next season.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:01 pm
Brady should be punished. It was his idea. Once he realized the bucs wouldn’t deal him, he quickly changed direction. Not wanting to QB a gutted roster, he started pitching bucs FAs. This is and always was Brady’s last year in Tampa anyway. So I have no sympathy for players that took less to stay. Players should always look out for themselves. Sure, if the difference is a couple million, I’d stay with Brady too. But, if you’re talking about 5-6 more million to leave, it’s on the player.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:02 pm
So was Bruce Arians forced out by Tom too? Seems like if the whole Miami fiasco is completely true, then some aspect of the BA retirement might be on ol Tommy…
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:03 pm
Two Timing Tommy
Should have stayed retired
He is human after all
Tainted his legacy
I hope he has the best year in his career
For the Bucs and the fans
Tainted Two Timing Tommy
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:04 pm
Being on the bucs should be a privilege just cuz u have been the best qb ever dont give you the right to sh#%on a franchise and its fans
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:07 pm
New poster names coming out of woodwork here. 😂
The old messiah crowd.
You guys are acting like he is about to turn 35
Joe saying cappa made the smart move is something my 8 year old nephew would say if he didnt get desert.
We thought he would play 2 years and we got for 3 cause bucs made
Right play. And we have a chance to win 2 in 3 years cause injuries stopped us last year.
Now its all he bailed on playing here forever He is a traitor. The dude wants to go home everyone. Think he has earned that right.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:08 pm
Brady is only going to be the Bucs QB. Whether he retires after this year or starts going year to year he’s not going anywhere else.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:11 pm
So Florio was right after all. There was a squeeze going on. And Brady was a big part of it.
Dolphins now lose multiple picks. Stephen Ross suspended and fined $1.5 million.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:13 pm
Some short sighted fans here
Bucs have 15 winning seasons in our history. Brady is HUGELY responsible for the last 2 and 5 playoff wins over the past 2 years. Bucs NEED him more than he needs us.
Be thankful and enjoy this ride with the GOAT
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:16 pm
You think that Brady “retired” knowing that the $hit could have hit the Fan this year?
Kind of like Jordan “retired” to play Baseball when he knew that he was about to be suspended for gambling.
By “retiring” Brady’s name could have been left out of it all
But then once all parties knew that Brady was NOT going to be suspended for the Miami fiasco, he flew to England to re-assure the Glazers right before announcing his “un-retiring”. Remember – he was under contract all along.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:20 pm
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:22 pm
he and Gizzelle are building a huge house on one of those islands off the miami coast. the compound is under construction now & was stated last yr
He will not be a Buc next yr . Whether he can lead the TEAM to the SB this yr is now not so certain in my head . there will be locker room ” chatter” & maybe more than chatter…..
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:26 pm
Will Brady be booed during the first home game? The only way he could redeem himself is by winning a SB this year.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:37 pm
Who knows? Did Arians point the investigation towards the tampering of Miami & Brady? Did Brady get pissed off and refuse to play then under Arians? Did this encourage appointing Bowles being head coach a year sooner than 1st thought?
Like I said…who knows?
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:40 pm
Brady is Patriot mercenary. Some players will view him as that, and not really a Buccaneer. Always wish the best for the team, but now looking forward to the Trask years. Hopefully he will have a long and successful career as a Buccaneer. Something to remember. Brady made the Bucs great, no doubt, but the Bucs made Brady great too. It’s still a team game. Cut him in the locker room right after his last game. Let him get his own ride home, wherever that is. We know it isn’t Tampa.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:44 pm
@1sparky Brady has 6 damn rings before he joined us. We did not make him great. You’re crazy. Be upset with him, but don’t rewrite history. When we were enduring the lost decade, Brady was stacking rings. Be careful what you ask for regarding Trask.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:45 pm
I’ll be glad when Brady is gone. Took our whole team hostage, disrespected us and puts himself above the team. I appreciate the championship, apparently he doesn’t appreciate the Bucs giving him an opportunity when every other team thought he was washed.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:47 pm
So Brady not once BUT TWICE was under contract with a team and then tried to shop for another team?? NFL Players under contract are not permitted to talk with other teams.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:56 pm
Punish Brady for what? For his agent fielding offers from another Franchise’s desperate owner?
And Brady’s play in the playoffs was outstanding- not his fault the D wasn’t ready vs Rams.
As for Davis, Fournette and Jensen- they’re all multi millionaires now, thanks largely to Brady- they all understand the business end of NFL and signed with Bucs BECAUSE of Brady.
As for Cappa- he took more money with Bengals, but Burrow was a big factor.
This Brady disloyalty narrative is nonsense.
August 2nd, 2022 at 2:59 pm
Gisele must HATE this redneck town!
Can’t compare to the fine life in Boston and Miami.
One year in Tampa must have been agony.
August 2nd, 2022 at 3:02 pm
So that Manchester meeting with the Glazers must have been VERY interesting. Everyone thought it was the Glazers trying to talk Brady into coming back. But it may have been more about Brady trying to repair a bridge he was in the process of burning.
And yea these kind of scandals can become a distraction. It’s tough to lead a team into battle when they all know you don’t really want to be there.
August 2nd, 2022 at 3:18 pm
The NFL is corrupt from Goodall on down. They punish who they want and let others slide. Watson 6 games for 22+ women Brady got 4 games for give me a break and under inflated football. Gruden got banned from the NFL for an inappropriate e mail. Dolphins owner two draft picks suspended until October Robert Kraft illegal massage parlor on video no less he goes to the hall of fame what a joke.
August 2nd, 2022 at 3:25 pm
I don’t blame him, his coaching staff was a joke. They were part-time and led by a poser. Evan’s saw it first hand mid season, Brady had enough of Arians and his charade. Now you know why he was off during his presser yesterday, he knew this was coming. Cut him so he can play where he wants to. Payton I am sure was in on this and possibly Gronk. On the other hand, would you like to be Tua today?
August 2nd, 2022 at 3:28 pm
Lol this is hilarious you guys are so silly
August 2nd, 2022 at 3:30 pm
Haha, has anyone figured out what stemmed this whole Flores thing? Hmmm a supposing mixed text from Belichick to Flores. Ironic or NOT???
August 2nd, 2022 at 3:43 pm
Hey Joe, got a question…. Let’s say the New York Post, or some other giant publication, offered you a percentage of the company, ridiculous salary and other perks and benefits would you at least take the call and possibly take the job or just make em leave a VM?
August 2nd, 2022 at 3:49 pm
@Bucsfan13. Do you seriously believe Brady wins a ring playing with the 2020 Dolphins? That’s nonsense. He won a ring with the 2020 Bucs because of the OL, the defense and the weapons he had available to him on that TEAM. Take away the coaching, the GM, or any single element of that roster, and that ring is still just a dream. Brady should appreciate that, and so should you. Brady wins nothing without that team.
August 2nd, 2022 at 3:58 pm
Brady playing for OUR Bucs and secretly working behind the scenes to secure a deal with Tampa’s nemesis is unforgivable. And yes, for those of you that are new to the area, Miami people think we’re a bunch of redneck hicks. They loved laughing at us during the Marino years and view Tampa as second-class.
If you think this isn’t a big deal, then you have no freaking pride and are ripe for a hard one! And yes, we owe Brady thanks for the Super Bowl – but am over him AND Gronk. They will always be Patriots and have zero loyalty to OUR Bucs.
Now that I’ve said my peace, I’ll give most of you guys a very brief second to take Brady’s **** out of your mouths to tell me how stupid and unappreciative I am of his majesty. Go for it.
August 2nd, 2022 at 4:05 pm
1sparky, how can you say that? Dolphins weren’t that bad and Brady would have recruited AB & Gronk. I see the reverse, Bucs don’t win without the QB.
August 2nd, 2022 at 4:23 pm
Idiots . Just idiots. He could’ve gone to Miami when he came to the Bucs. He obviously turned them down more than once. But hey. Make it up and tell it the way you want. Remember this shat in the next lost decade. This is not High School. Teams have 0 loyalty to players but players are supposed to be loyal to teams and not explore every viable option. Idiocy. Grow Up
August 2nd, 2022 at 4:24 pm
Believe what you like folks, but Brady was going to the 9ers. The only reason it fell through, and you got him, was because of the idiot coach in SF. During their meeting, KS told Brady his philosophy. Brady kept bringing up the Atlanta Superbowl as examples of what not to do.
BTW, Listn is absolutely correct about BA.
August 2nd, 2022 at 4:32 pm
How appropriate we are playing the Dolphins August 13th I am sure the announcers are going to bring it up a couple of times.
August 2nd, 2022 at 4:36 pm
I was watching two Geckos mate yesterday, and the Male seemed to be concentrating as HARD as possible.
August 2nd, 2022 at 4:50 pm
I’m sure the announcers and sports writers will be bringing this up all year. This won’t go away. It’s a dark cloud over Brady’s final year. And yes it likely will have some effect on the team. He’s the QB. He’s the face of the franchise. Everyone is following his lead. And now it’s revealed he wanted out. Whether it’s about business or money doesn’t matter. It proves his loyalty is not here.
We will find out soon whether or not he’s patched things up with the locker room. The team’s demeanor on the field will be extremely revealing.
August 2nd, 2022 at 5:07 pm
Much ado about nothing. He’s here. He’s the best that ever played. I’m not going to get butt hurt because he had a wandering eye what “could have been”. He’s here. Until he leaves, he’s here.
August 2nd, 2022 at 5:09 pm
Well, here is my take. Everyone knows that TB is in his last years as a player. Since 2019, at least, people were trying to sell him on different opportunities. These included trying an apparel line, going into NFT’s, being a football TV commentator, being part owner of a team, and who knows what else. He probably talked to them all and it certainly did not mean he was interested in them all. While the 2021 tampering was happening he was contracted to another team with no way out and I am sure he said “no” every time to Miami. When asked about it he said he was considering a lot of options when he retired. Maybe he was considering investing as a part owner in the Dolphins but I am certain he would never play for them. He loves the Bucs. Anyone who thinks he is a sneaky, nefarious, unlikeable, untrustworthy, and disloyal person probably exhibits all those adjectives themselves.
August 2nd, 2022 at 5:15 pm
It seems like Joe is the kind of person that believes a person should be loyal to a company that can and will throw you to the wolves at any second.
August 2nd, 2022 at 5:15 pm
Actually Kentucky when you’re playing on Sundays and in the midst of a playoff run you absolutely should not be negotiating deals with another team. Sucks to have this carpetbagger here for another season. I would be happy if they traded his ass.
August 2nd, 2022 at 5:31 pm
Boy there sure are a lot of new names all of a sudden. Really causes one to ponder.
August 2nd, 2022 at 5:40 pm
Ponder what? That some of us have actual lives and only post when a star player is negotiating to play on another team? Seems like a legit reason for longtime fans to feel a little upset.
Or wait – We should just be fortunate Jesus has given us the pleasure to watch him play another year? GTFO of here – I want players that take pride in our city and want to play here. Oh…..all those guys that were going to leave once Brady retired – then decided to come back – should GTFO too!
This is Tampa – not Green Bay! It should be an honor to play here!
August 2nd, 2022 at 5:41 pm
Check out my post higher. Said same thing. Its all the winston messiah cult nutsmugglers.
Like look at this dope above. Trask2022 for example. That dude aint a trask fan. “Trade brady cause trask will win.” 😂. My bro went to florida and loved him in college but was upset when bucs drafted cause he thinks he will be a bust in pros. No one wants trask over brady accept another dope that rhymes with O smeil
Again all these new poster names are jameis jock sniffers. Still so sad
August 2nd, 2022 at 5:57 pm
God bless Tom Brady the bucs are respected now WTF remember the lost decades
August 2nd, 2022 at 5:58 pm
I’m totally with Joe on this incident.
For me personally I feel a ittle different about TB12 now. Disappointed to hear what came out.
August 2nd, 2022 at 5:59 pm
Rick great post. That’s exactly what we’re thinking.
Bucs first! Individual player always second.
Even u Tom.
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:03 pm
If Brady is not discipline, everyplayer and agent will violate the tampering rule. Brady was at one meeting in Miami, the then head coach of the Doplins saw him on the owners yatch. BA found about what Brady was doing in confronted him. Turn coat Brady got mad and decided to retire and move to Miami. the lawsuit was filed and Bradys made a call to come back to Tampa if BA is removed because he though BA had notified the N.F.L, about the tampering.
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:19 pm
How exactly was Brady going to get on the Dolphins roster while under contract with Tampa? The deal with the Dolphins was in ownership — something the Bucs have been stupid not to offer, the value of the team would increase more than whatever the Glazers would give up in terms of overship. Of course that can’t happen while Brady is playing, so perhaps the Glazers will end up doing just that in the end, but giving Brady a few percent of the Bucs is going to lead to a lot of other people wanting to be involved as well, and again, supply and demand is what controls prices.
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:24 pm
Oh, big deal. The man has been exploring his retirement options for years, that isn’t really a surprise.
And the fact that it happened during seasons? No big deal. It didn’t affect any outcomes.
He’s not a traitor at all. Get over it.
If anything, the Bucs should consider offering him some ownership…or the Patriots should.
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:26 pm
Reminded me of his Bridget Moynahan & Giselle days.
I’ll be back Giselle, Bridget is going into labor.
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:33 pm
The Bucs we’re exactly what Tom needed to relight his fire. Tom was exactly what the BUCS needed to relight ours. It was a perfect fit as witnessed by a super bowl victory. Obviously the relationship has ran it’s course, which they all do. I’m stoked that we still get another super bowl run during the breakup. Go bucs!
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:34 pm
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:40 pm
Buccaneer Bonzai – no way man, he’s a traitor for getting the Fox deal for post retirement, it proves that he’s not loyal to the team and won’t die on the field of a heart attack when he’s still proving his loyalty when he’s 73-years old.
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:43 pm
Doc – The Bucs were going to be charged with tampering for talking to Arians, and insteaded upped the draft choice the Bucs were giving up for Arians. People tend to forget that.
As for Brady, based on Arians stupid move of cutting Antonio Brown in the middle of the game, it’s pretty obvious why he didn’t want to play for a coach who would throw a hissy fit and cut his favorite target in the middle of a game because he said he had an ankle injury. Also, that IS how the story went down, despite all the revisionist history being thrown around since then, even Arians said in a news conference that week that he ‘cut his a–‘ on the sideline.
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:46 pm
This revelation will hurt Brady’s business ventures. He’s isolated Bucs fans and Pats fans. Pats fan really have their pitchforks out on twitter. They’re suggesting that Kraft should not honor Brady in the Patriots ring of honor. Who’s gonna spend money on his clothing or watch his movies? The optics on this horrible, and Brady knows it.
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:56 pm
Agree with Jerry ; Brady wanted out of Tampa . Now Everyone knows it . Wonder how Jensen feels now-he changed his plan because brady called him & now his career is likely over…brady’s legacy is permanently tarnished..
Wheter he can lead now is not a given . If they loose a game , & the locker room talks about who was at fault, it better not involve brady—If it does there will be “friction” & focus will be lost.
Gisselle wants to be in posh miami-not in redneck country
August 2nd, 2022 at 6:57 pm
Y’all stop it. Regardless of what took place, Brady is the best QB this franchise has had and, while the team has a good core for the future, we will feel his absence when he’s done. Big time. Can’t you guys just enjoy his presence now and what it’s done for Bucs and the Tampa Bay region? I will.
August 2nd, 2022 at 7:18 pm
“DolphinsGate” Please don’t it that …geez. 🤦🏼♂️
August 2nd, 2022 at 7:24 pm
Again, Brady’s conversation with Miami was about ownership. Miami probably wanted him to play, but he obviously said no. It’s just like his deal with Fox -after his playing days are over. Brady didn’t go to Miami in 2020. Why do you even think he will even consider playing there now? Besides, Brady is too smart and too involved with the NFLPA not to be aware that it’s against the rules to be both owner and player of a team. Making a big deal out of Brady’s involvement in this drama just shows how you don’t understand the kind respectable man behind the fierce competitor QB you’re seeing. Just know that if the NFL even get a sniff of a miniscule stink they can pin on Brady, they will grab the chance to get him for it. They couldn’t because there’s nothing there.
Moreover, contrary to what haters say, Miami coming out as another team that wanted Brady in 2020 just proves that there were actually more than 2 teams interested. Don’t you wonder if there were others? But he chose Tampa. He sure knows this team is where he wants to play for. Be proud of it and stop sniffing for stink.
August 2nd, 2022 at 7:27 pm
Ask JPP and Suh how far loyalty gets you in the NFL.
August 2nd, 2022 at 7:30 pm
Great post Rod Munch
August 2nd, 2022 at 7:31 pm
Bird you’re completely wrong. I was a huge Jameis fan when we drafted him. I went to UCF and couldn’t care less where a guys goes to college once they are with the Bucs. My name was TheBradyBunch up until today. Brady is just a selfish %#ick after what o read today. Negotiating with the Dolphins during the season last year is just horrible imo. He can gtfo!
August 2nd, 2022 at 7:38 pm
It will not be remembered but by a few. The PR machines around everything Brady will steam roll any other than the top down narrative of just what the story is. Buc fans and Buc players that may be hurt are a grain of sand in the TV/NFL beach of fans seeing anything in this other than the GOLDEN GOAT
August 2nd, 2022 at 7:42 pm
Tom’s wife wants Miami, so they bought a house next to Elle Macpherson and Adriana Lima. He’s offered a piece of the Dolphins; he’s not supposed to listen?
August 2nd, 2022 at 8:11 pm
Lot of dumb bucs fans in here God yall insufferable. Your idiot defensive coordinator cost them a chance at the superbowl last year can you blame Tom for being mad?
August 2nd, 2022 at 8:22 pm
Rod Munch, utter nonsense.
August 2nd, 2022 at 8:26 pm
All you clowns are hypocrites. Arians tampered when he contracted Brady. They had conversations, it was all over sports media and you know it JOE! Everyone does, shat, Brady even went into the wrong house when he was visiting BL illegally. GROW UP! I hope he leaves so your SB team can become irrelevant again. Anyone on this site that doesn’t look to self achieve should keep their comments to themselves because Brady is an achiever not living in contentment.
August 2nd, 2022 at 8:27 pm
Content like your Ex-headcoach BA!
August 2nd, 2022 at 8:29 pm
Keep making up garbage from afar. Nobody, and I do mean nobody has accused the Bucs of reaching out to Brady’s camp prior to when it was legal to do so. It’s ok to be a hater but you can’t make up facts to support your hate.
August 2nd, 2022 at 8:42 pm
lambeau, this wasnt about some offer in retirement, Ross wanted Brady to play and Payton to coach. And he was apparently willing to pay any price and break any rule he needed to make it happen. This was blatant tampering.
And it wasn’t even just when Brady was with the Bucs. Ross was doing this when Brady was in New England too! He’s been doing this for years and god knows how many other players.
What the hell were the Dolphins thinking? And I don’t get why some people praise that team. Their front office and ownership is a clown show. They are being sued by Brian Flores with allegations that could constitute criminal behavior.
Those joint practices and the preseason game next week is going to be quite awkward!
August 2nd, 2022 at 8:44 pm
I know the concepts of loyalty, devotion and team are important for fans. They don’t mean much to most modern professional athletes. Look at the NBA. This is just another symptom of the greater decline of our societies, but that’s a bigger subject.
Tom Brady cares about his team and teammates, but only up to a certain point. His “brand” is beyond any team that he chooses to play for and use as his temporary vessel.
August 2nd, 2022 at 8:58 pm
Trask2022, by your alias alone you must be a moron. Not sure if Joe chimes in on this or not but BA did and same when he visited the wrong BL house. Apparently your love for Trask has polluted your mind. So what your saying is your done with Brady and you’re content watching the Buc sink into the loser vortex AGAIN! And if these ill will feelings for Brady are the concensus then blame your management team for dragging him back because he wanted out of your dump.
August 2nd, 2022 at 9:40 pm
Eigie – I think only you and I have actually put any thought into this story. The tampering, as a player, would have been with the Patriots in 2019. As for playing for the Dolphins this year, that was never going to happen. As Arians said, maybe 4 or 5 first round picks they’d consider it. If he was going to the Dolphins, it was part of their front office, only.
August 2nd, 2022 at 9:42 pm
A lot of emotion here for absolutely no reason at all. Primitive. Yeah, the guy who has done nothing but focus on winning his entire career, came here and won again, then did everything to win last year even though dumdum BA cut AB on the sidelines had dumdum offensive strategy (even the players said it was Tom who changed it during th SB winning season on the by week), would drink, not attend early meetings then change the plan on Thursday, and the defensive coordinator can’t get players to blitz properly… but yeah, he’s a traitor and not focussed on the team. Literally EVERY player who has ever played with him has said he’s the best teammate, but noooooo all you overly emotional children read one report about what a 44 year old QB wants to do with what little time in football he has left (speculation about playing) or do after football and you all lose your minds?! Lol. This franchise was nothing before he came. Some of you seriously saying TB helped him? Lol HE HAD 6 RINGS lol. All those points scored in that SB win, how many were from ppl who only came here for Brady? My goodness look at the franchise before Tom, look at how pissed the Manchester United fans are at the glazers, and you seriously get mad cuz he spoke with other ppl at 44 years old after winning you a SB and then playing MVP level the next year?! Absolutely insane and infantile. Grow up, this is embarrassing
August 2nd, 2022 at 9:47 pm
Brady has gone underground. No social media activity. he is deeply embarrassed. He might not care as much about what the media says about him, but he damn sure cares if his former and current teammates feel betrayed. Brady knew this would drop. I think a big announcement will come later this week that Brady is leaving the team. He will cite that he doesn’t want to be a distraction. Save this post. Brady will not be with the team next week.
August 2nd, 2022 at 9:51 pm
Yeah I really don’t care he plays for the bucs now that’s all that matters. People just like have something to be upset about and it sure does drive up them views on articles hope the bucs have an amazing season. Go bucs
August 2nd, 2022 at 10:13 pm
From afar my name was TheBradyBunch prior to today. Trask is probably going to suck but I prefer over someone who was actively trying to leave the franchise mid season last year. I went to UCF so no allegiance at all to UF players. I loved Winston when we initially drafted him. I just don’t want a carpetbagger at QB!
August 2nd, 2022 at 10:19 pm
Rod, pretty sure Brady was trying to wiggle his way out of Tampa. BA said f that and kudos to him because it would have been “bad bidness” to let him walk. Now trade him to the dolphins and get a couple more of their number ones!
August 2nd, 2022 at 11:21 pm
Everyone on here who thinks like – Trask2022 – deserves what you will get when he leaves. You were a loser franchise before Brady and will a loser franchise after Brady. You think he should be loyal to YOU and Your team? You think he led the league in every significant stat because he wasn’t giving it his all for the Bucs? You are bleeping Beee Eye Ches! The coach was a joke, apparently many of the fans in NE and Tampa are jokes, and except for one of the worst defensive calls I have ever seen, TB would likely have taken this team back to a Super Bowl. By all mean, since you have each figured out the meaning to life, please keep tossing your bleep nuggets out to those of us who just don’t get it. I definitely want your opinion on everything now because you are such deep thinkers. Bunch of emotional toddlers!
August 2nd, 2022 at 11:27 pm
Also… just delete what I said and read what Coran wrote. He articulated it best. But I get tired of everyone thinking the players owe them something. They don’t now and they never have.
August 2nd, 2022 at 11:31 pm
poor dolphins, lost picks, fined $$ and didn’t get Brady
August 3rd, 2022 at 12:01 am
I can’t believe grown men are mad that someone isn’t ‘loyal’ to their team and all they’ve done is be the best QB in team history, by far, while winning a SB.
Yeah, I’ll take all the disloyal players I can get if that’s the result.
Meanwhile you can have the team of guys who are ‘loyal’ enough for you and go 3-14. LOL!
August 3rd, 2022 at 12:27 am
Turncoat Brady, booing at the first game, you all crack me up. Brady won for us and may win again and you want to ride him out of town because your girlfriend glanced at another guy? This stuff happens all the time in the NFL. 😂🏈
August 3rd, 2022 at 1:16 am
we should take every opportunity to play Trask -he’s our future..
August 3rd, 2022 at 1:22 am
People forget the reason Brady is “stuck” in Tampa is because he redid his contract to extend an extra year in order to help out the salary cap. And you ungrateful fans are crying about a 44 year old athlete looking for retirement options? Tampering happens all the freaking time. Grow up! Pro athletes have agents and they talk with other teams all the time. I’m a Bears fan and if we could have Brady for a one year rental we would have bungee jumped from Sears Tower today. And you guys gonna have him for 3 years and are biotching about it?! Seriously?! Smh…
August 3rd, 2022 at 5:25 am
Brady has always cared about winning. (Most important trait I want in a player, especially a QB). He faced a 2020 season in New England that wasn’t going to offer him the weapons he needed. So he entertained going to Miami where they had a ton of Cap space and the potential to spend that space on all the weapons he wanted. Ultimately, he chose Tampa because it provided Godwin and Evans, a promising D and a strong o-line as well as enough cap space to provide him other weapons.
In 2021, his coach potentially escalated the AB situation costing him a weapon from his arsenal. He also knew Tampa would have a much more difficult time adding and keeping the weapons he wanted (as it turns out they keep most of the pieces but this was far from a guarantee at the time). Miami obviously was willing to spend to bring in Hill. Perhaps that was part of the pitch.
Point is, Brady has and will put himself in whatever position he fills will best enable him to win. I don’t find that disloyal, I find it valuing winning.
August 3rd, 2022 at 6:55 am
He’s 45 this is most likely his last season. He won you a SB and a NFC South title, how about you just let him go out the way he wanted to but no, he extended his contract for cap space and the Glaizers, BA & Licht threw it in his face. Nice guy still finishes last. He is an entrepreneur and Miami is a better finishing place for the sales of his brand. He owes Bucs fans NOTHING!
August 3rd, 2022 at 7:52 am
Tom Brady has gone from Muhammad Ali
Leon Spinks
August 3rd, 2022 at 10:46 am
DirectDriver and CaresAboutWinning are spot on.
Seriously…some of you (looks like most of you) calling TB a traitor, etc. would be funny if it wasn’t so damn petty, selfish and plain wrong.
You guys would drool over a Hooters girl who is hot and gets flirted with all the time and when that one customer crosses the line and grabs her tatas you’d blame her and say she was asking for it because she was hot and wore revealing clothes.
Brady knew his days in NE were winding down WAY before this Miami crap. Remember the Jimmy G. nonsense? He contemplated retiring many times.
Brady is that hot Hooters girl that everyone wants. He’s the best damn QB this league has ever seen and was rarely treated.that way in NE (at least in his mind with that chip on his shoulder). Of course Miami and others would be interested in his services. On or off the field. Brady retirement speculation has been an annual event every season for the past 5 or 6 years in the media.
The guy was in his early 40’s when this Miami stuff began. He could have retired right after that Super Bowl against Atlanta and sat back and waited for his gold jacket. But he wants to win some more games and feel some.damn appreciation while.doing so.
Winning the Super Bowl in Tampa was joyous for him. Not only because he did it away from NE and Bill B, and not only to prove his doubters wrong, but seeing the joy on his teammates faces who got their ring (and earned it) and the fans and entire Tampa area’s pride for their team and their (your) joy.
As others have said, “tampering happens all the time”. Players contact each other all the time and whisper “Hey bro, would be great if you came down here”, etc. Agents always have their antennas up, looking down the road.
Do any REALLY think that Brady was like, “Hey Miami. Get me out of Tampa. It sucks here. Make me an offer.”? Brady was still under contract for a final year but being offered (they came to him) a sweet gig AFTER retirement as a minority owner, possible football operations and, if he should get that play, be able to take the field again of course his ears would perk up and you’d be a liar if you said otherwise. He’s one injury away from being gone for good. Having a post-football career is a big deal. He’s not dumb either. If those “talks” really would.have progressed, he knows damn well that, even if he retired today, he’d have to wait a year to take the offer. Unless the Glazers tore up his contract for this year. Lol
So lay off TB12. You haven’t seen any word-for-word.transcripts.of these “tampering talks” and it was.made.clear that Miami approached Tom. Someone starts.talking to you and you’ve known and are friendly.with that person, what does a 44 year old man do? Cover his ears with his hands and babble “yayaya I can’t hear you!”.? Bitch please.
TB12 is in Tampa because he WANTS TO BE HERE. Now zip that traitor crap and buckle up for a hell of a season. LFG Bucs!!!
August 3rd, 2022 at 10:47 am
Sorry for the lengthy post but damn some of you ppl are as fickle as you accuse TB of being and it really got to me. My apologies for the eye strain. Lol
August 3rd, 2022 at 10:48 am
Agree with Crickett Baker
August 3rd, 2022 at 11:18 am
Jeter was in the mix
my old MIA roots
August 3rd, 2022 at 2:20 pm
Wow. Now I understand why TB BUCS we’re the worst franchise in professional sports. What a collection of ignorant losers here.
August 5th, 2022 at 2:18 am
thanks for info