Mr. Underrated

May 13th, 2022

The Tribe has spoken.

Yesterday Joe brought word that former Bucs quarterback Shaun King, one of only four quarterbacks to lead the Bucs to an NFC Championship game, suggested Mike Evans is “not in his prime.” Elite, yes, but no longer a receiver in his prime.

Then there is the other side of the coin.

Sam Monson, a high priest of the PFF tribe, took to his website this week to type up a brief synopsis of the most underrated player for each team. And take a wild stab at who Monson said is the most underrated player on the Bucs?

That’s right, it would be Mike Evans.

Somehow, despite a record-setting pace of consecutive 1,000-yard seasons to open his NFL career, Evans remains underrated when it comes to the best receivers in the game.

Now on Twitter yesterday, King made sure to point out what he meant when he said Evans is no longer in his prime: If there’s a general five-year window when a receiver is at his prime, Evans is on the wrong side of the window despite being very productive and “elite.” OK, that’s fair.

Joe has a hunch Jalen Ramsey would be surprised to learn Evans is no longer in his prime. Since Tom Brady came to Tampa in 2020, Evans has been Brady’s go-to man in the red zone. Evans has 27 touchdowns the past two seasons.

Imagine if Evans was in his prime with Brady?

26 Responses to “Mr. Underrated”

  1. D-Rok Says:

    Earlier this week, GMFB and Schrager also rated Evans as very under-rated.
    He’s one of the best in the NFL in my book!!

  2. Bird Says:

    You got munsoned

  3. Kentucky Buc Says:

    I dislike the term underrated . Once it’s put on you it never leaves. He’s not underrated by peers and opposing defenses. He played on a shat team with shatQBs for most of his career with very few prime time games. It happens to great players sometimes.

  4. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    I am going to get completely annihilated with my pick for underrated but I don’t care…

    I think Donovan Smith is the most underrated…….he is absolutely an iron man and extremely steady in the passing & running game…… not spectacular…but very good and very underrated.

    So there!!!

  5. #8 Says:


  6. zzbucs Says:

    @ Kentucky Buc…..With media 24 hours a day talking about NFL, when everybody knows everything about every team, and you add social media….Its not about prime time or not, every single journalist and fan knows who ME13 is.

    Even more, if he played in shat teams with shat QB, more power to him!!!

    Its not fair, but guess what? He doesn´t give a damm, he keeps balling!!! That´s why he is so great…..One of the best Bucs ever!!!!!

  7. SB~LV Says:


  8. PSL Bob Says:

    I hope he gets his 1,000 yards again this year. He’s going to set the record for consecutive 1K-yd seasons so high, no one will ever break it.

  9. PSL Bob Says:

    He’s not underrated in Bucs Nation!

  10. Patrickbucs Says:

    Why don’t you ask Jalen Ramsey?

  11. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Evans is a Hall of Famer; if that is underrated then players should strive to BE LIKE MIKE
    Sometimes I dream
    That he is me
    You’ve got to see that’s how I dream to be
    I dream I move, I dream I groove
    Like Mike
    If I could Be Like Mike
    Like Mike
    Oh, if I could Be Like Mike
    Be Like Mike, Be Like Mike

  12. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Shaun King is the equivalent of the pear shaped trainer at a gym trying to “whip people into shape”. He’s to be laughed at, mocked and ultimately ignored.

  13. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    We may have lost that game, but that video NEVER gets old.

  14. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    I don’t think that Mike Evans is underrated one bit.
    At least not by our opponents, who actually game plan for Mike!

  15. Allbuccedup Says:

    That was another great comeback only to get ruined by the “D”. Remember that Todd Bowles.

  16. Señor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    That was an awesome play, especially since it was against the best DB in the league.

  17. gotbbucs Says:

    Evans has always been underrated.

  18. SlyPirate Says:

    PSL Bob …

    Evans owns the record for 1K yard seasons TO START a career (8).
    Rice owns the record for consecutive 1K yard seasons (11).

    Interesting, Owens and Moss have nine (9) total 1K seasons. Evans ties them this year. That’s super elite territory.

  19. Goatfarmer Says:

    Shaun King is such a gluttonous cretin, it’s likely his carotid arteries are nearly blocked with fat and cholesterol and it is dulling whatever sense he ever had. Stupid lazy underachieving trash.

  20. Posey99 Says:

    keep posting this crap so it becomes viral and Mike Evans destroys all these notions this season.

  21. Bellingham Bucs Fan Says:

    Sean King was never in his prime. Unless we’re talking about prime rib.

  22. Leopold Stotch Says:

    I’m part of a little sports community with many different fans. I’ve seen countless lists over the years I’ve been in there and only now is Mike Evans a top 10 receiver on most, not all lists. Everytime I mention it, I am called a homer. They’ve got slant boy, OBJ, Jarvis, Julio, AJ Brown, Metcalf, Diggs, JJ, Chase. They’ll say he’s consistent, but not elite. It’s honestly insulting. Mike’s part of the reason why I chose the Bucs as my team. He is elite, top 5, captain consistent with 8 straight 1k yds receiving, and a high character, classy man. He’d make any team that had him better, that’s for sure. I’ll be devastated if he doesn’t retire a Buc.

  23. David Says:

    Completely disagree. Professional athletes are in their prime from 27 – 31. It’s biology and along with the mental aspect.
    Nowadays it probably extends to about 32 or 33 because of science. Evans will be 29 this season, he is right in the middle of his prime.

  24. PSL Bob Says:

    SlyPirate, Thanks for the correction. Obviously, I did not know that. Should have verified it before posting.

  25. Goatfarmer Says:

    Shaun King with the IQ of a spoiled eggplant.

  26. DoooshLaRue Says:

    I think ME isn’t “electric” enough for some people.
    His stats most definitely back up the fact that’s he’s a top tier WR but he’s more of a worker and he has limited splash plays for the highlight reels.
    He just picks up 1st downs scores TDs!

    Geez man, Durable Donnie is the definition of Overrated.