“Good For Brady, And The Bucs”

April 2nd, 2022

Thoughts on wild week.

What a crazy Bucs week this has been Joe doesn’t think it could ever be duplicated.

Bucs Super Bowl-winning coach Bucco Bruce Arians bagged the NFL owners’ meetings in Palm Beach after a one-day stay. The team said it was a personal matter. Arians told some he was under the weather.

Basically, Arians didn’t want to face the fourth estate for his media obligations there and let the cat out of the bag regarding the Bucs handing his job to Todd Bowles.

From Arians going from Bucs head coach to a former coach, to the team replacing him with Todd Bowles and then Team Glazer announcing Arians would be inducted into the Ring of Honor, what a wild, wild week.

Popular national sports radio and television host Adam Schein took to his CBS Sports Network show, “Time to Schein,” and tries to make sense of all that went down. You can see and hear his take in the CBS Sports Network video below.

39 Responses to ““Good For Brady, And The Bucs””

  1. Goatfarmer Says:

    I’m sure that the Glazers, Licht and his management team, and the Bucs’ players, and all the former players and coaches who worked with Arians, would love to hear from the stupid critics who call him arrogant and ammonia brain, and finally realize how wrong they were about BA. They’ll be coming any minute now.

  2. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    The Boston Media is all over Brady lately. In fact, the ex general manager of the Patriots has come out and said that Brady is the reason Arians stepped down.
    The story I read said that Brady was submissive under Belichick, but has realized how much power he really has, and is flexing his muscle.
    If the story is true, there are not many NFL Players who can take out a Coach, except Brady.
    Not only is he the GOAT,, but he also puts people in the stands!
    Ya Think the Glazer’s just might listen to him ?

  3. Jeff Says:

    Nope. People can’t understand how selfless Coach Arians really is. These Ego-Monsters can’t fathom giving away such a special opportunity to a colleague. But that’s Bruce Arians, he receives joy from seeing his friends succeed. This is a very difficult concept for sports-minded males to comprehend.

  4. Proud Bucs Fan Says:

    Bruce arrogance has told his spin, that Bowles did not earn the job, but gave Bowles the job.

    Arrogance indeed.

  5. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “Team Glazer announcing Arians would be inducted into the Ring of Honor”

    Wait…what? How did I miss this???

    Nice! He deserves it!

  6. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    @Proud Bucs Fan

    How did Bowles not earn the job? Correct me if I’m wrong, but has the defense been better than before he got hired?

    Life is enjoyable, if you take the time to enjoy it instead of hating.

  7. Elita Vita Says:

    Look either way it’s a win-win. For Arians with significant health issues having less stress in his life is beneficial. He’ll still be “involved” with football in the Buccaneers front office. Brady will have even more control of the team (a good thing also). For the fans, the stress of experiencing a Bradlyless Buccaneer’s team along with potentially losing so many key players in free agency left many trying to cope with this traumatic change..Now, however we see players(Davis,Jensen, etc) have 3 year contracts and the new coach (Todd Bowles) was given a 5 year contract – A much needed sense of security for all concerned. Congratulations to the Buccaneers organization! So well done!

  8. bucsince79 aka bumaneer Says:

    It’s all good… This was done right by the Glazers. BA gets a front office job & in the ring of honor… Let Bowles kick ass!!!

  9. Mike28277 Says:

    Goatfarmer: didn’t take Proud (??) Bucs Fan long to interject his wisdom. Many on this site believed the next head coach would be Bowles or Leftwich. It happened sooner rather than later. By all intense and purposes, he was a players coach and this franchise won a Super Bowl, over 30 games and almost made it to another SB in 3 years while he was on the sidelines (or golf cart during practices, GASP!).

  10. CharlieV Says:

    I have been wondering if BA has an unannounced medical condition that has prompted his retirement. I sure hope not.

  11. PSL Bob Says:

    Elita Vita, got to agree with you. Regardless of whether Brady’s return was predicated on BA’s retirement, which I think it was (way too many coincidences and a timeline that clearly supports the premise), it is good for all parties affected. Good for Brady, good for Arians, and good for Bowles. We won’t know until December of January if it was good for the team.

  12. SKBucsFan Says:

    There may be some truth to the fact TB12 didn’t want to play for BA. Does anyone remember how the whole AB situation went down? How it was mishandled? No guarantees Brown would have helped in the playoffs, but I doubt he would have hurt us either. Dont be naive and think that the main reason the Bucs are where they are isn’t because of TB12 but because of BA. What was this coaching staffs record before TB12 came?

  13. Rob In Land O Lakes Says:

    I’m officially done reading articles from TMZ wannabes about who loves who and who hates each other. Is Brady going to run up and slap BA? OMG I’m just going to wet myself! Play football for god sakes.

  14. SPARKY Says:

    BA was a great coach in my opinion. But am I the only one that will be happy that we won’t have to watch him on the sidelines anymore? He looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. His face during his press conference was a color of red I’ve never seen before. If Brady forced him to retire he did BA and his family a huge favor.

  15. Beeej Says:

    Tons and tons of “I think” on the part of the 4th estate. BA has always said he intends to hand the team over to Bowles, and BA only had a season or 2 left anyway. The biggest success Bowles can have starts with Brady being here for one more year. Until the GOAT said he was coming back, this season was looking rather bleak

  16. Allen Lofton Says:

    These guys mouth off – facts don’t get in the way and their wild assumptions certainly don’t either. They got to talk about something whether it’s true or false’ just keep their name out there is what matters to them

  17. Alanbucsfan Says:

    What makes sense to me is Arians wanted to retire but he didn’t want to leave Bowles with a questionable QB situation and set him up for failure- so Arians and the Bucs organization persuaded Brady and his wife to come back for 1 more year as a favor to Arians and Bowles and being the noble family they are, the Bradys agreed to do it- Future business compensation/ considerations with Glazer family were likely part of the agreement.

  18. stpetebucsfan Says:

    “how the whole AB situation went down? How it was mishandled?”

    You mean how the GOAT stupidly conned two different HC’s into bringing cancer and a head case into the locker room? Let him use his house. Tried to “big brother” him. And how did that work out for Belicheat or Arians?

    Nut jobs are going to do what they do….act like nut jobs!!!

    Brady is the GOAT…at QB! I have yet to see him walk across Tampa Bay.

    Again I like Occam’s razor so I agree with AlanBucsfan and Jeff 100%

  19. sasquatch Says:

    How these assclowns get that Arians is arrogant, and all the other bogus critiques, is beyond me… Seems to me they’re just complainers and haters. And, as they say, haters gonna hate.

  20. Vinny from Vermont Says:

    Can there possibly be any more speculation as to the “real” story behind the Brady/Ariens sage? It would seem that ALL possibilities must certainly be out there!? So I am not here to add my two cents regarding the why or wherefore regarding the subjectl
    I will however throw out one method to possibly sort thru which if any of the theories have any validity (and, my appoligies if this has already been discussed).
    The method to sort thru all the chaff?….Occam’s Razor.

    Occum’s Razor essentially states that when faced with competing explanations for the same phenomenon, the simplest is likely the correct one. The problem therefore is…can any of the theories be considered the simplest??!

  21. Vinny from Vermont Says:

    Re: “…Brady/Ariens sage?” That’s saga, not sage.

  22. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Let’s see:

    Bruce Arians helps attract Tom Brady to the Bucs
    Bruce Arians wins a Super Bowl with the Bucs
    Bruce Arians racks up the most wins in a season in Bucs history
    Bruce Arians wins a NFC South title (1st in 14 years)
    Bruce Arians oversees the promotion of a Minority Coach to head coach.

    Yep…..he’s Bruce Arrogance

  23. Pewter Power Says:

    Joe loves this which is why this site puts out the drama narrative knowing fully well Jeff darlington has he recount of events as well and is much more in the know about Brady than this talking head. Where the drama queens come to peddle their fake news.

    How the hell could someone play for bill belichick for two decades and hate BA after two seasons that’s beyond stupid and ignorant. You mean Brady prefers the no days off chants to a boat parade? Stfu idiots

  24. Pewter Power Says:

    No never mind it makes total sense he didn’t want to play for BA. I mean honestly who would enjoy breaking all kinds of records and throwing touchdowns in the red zone from like three yards out. Why on earth would the greatest quarterback of all time want to play in a coaches system predicted on having good receivers the same system Winston thought he should get 30 million to play in. Makes total sense he’d prefer a stiff like bill and the patriot way this late in his career😒😒😒

  25. HC Grover Says:

    It would be something to have 2 good Buc coaches in a row.

  26. Crickett Baker Says:

    Licht said that Tom made NO demands. I believe that. I also do not believe that ANY player could get a coach kicked out–especially one that just won a S.B. and a Division title. Especially one loved by all the coaches and the owners. This whole conversation is just ridiculous to me, totally.

  27. Proud Bucs Fan Says:

    Only One playoff win without Tom Brady in Bruce Arrogance head coaching career.

  28. Pewter Power Says:

    Your kinda slow aren’t you?

    The only playoff game that Belichick has won without Tom Brady remains the 1994 Wild Card game for the Cleveland Browns against the Patriots, when Vinny Testaverde was his starting quarterback.

  29. Steven007 Says:

    Proud, how many playoff wins does belichick have without Brady again? I’ll be waiting to hear from you on that one.

  30. Steven007 Says:

    Pewter, you beat me to it. Nice work. I wanted that moron to look it up for himself and then know that he wouldn’t be able to say anything. That’s why he won’t comment again in this thread.

  31. GOB Says:

    I’m sure Brady personally likes Arians. Brady’s power play wasn’t about BA the man. It was about BA the head coach. Brady grew up in a system where he only needed to worry about quarterbacking. The structure and accountability allowed Brady to focus singularly on his craft. With Arians, Brady was forced into more of an assistant coaching role, something Brady detests.
    In NE, the motto was do your job, nothing more, nothing less. In Tampa under Arians, the motto of appeared to be, practice isn’t really that important. If your head coach is tooling around in a golf cart, and not taking things seriously, why should the players? I’m sure this aggravated Brady to no end

  32. Pewter Power Says:

    GOB yea practice really isn’t that important you can just chill out during the week then show up to win a Super Bowl lol wow champion stuff you just put out there in the world.

  33. GOB Says:

    Steven007, the first three titles in NE were won primarily on defense. The game was different back then, and Brady was more of a game manager. Don’t forget Brady went ten years without winning a Superbowl. Was that Brady’s fault or Bill’s? That’s up for debate. Of course players are more important than coaches. Belichick would be the first to tell you that. Just don’t make things so black and white. Tell me one NFL head coach, who’s won multiple titles, without great players. It’s a foregone conclusion

  34. GOB Says:

    Pewter, you’re missing the point. One superbowl doesn’t prove dick. For Christ sake, Trent dildo won a Superbowl. So did Brad Johnson. The bucs Superbowl had as much to do with COVID than anything. If fans were in the stands, the bucs aren’t winning three consecutive road playoff games.

  35. Goatfarmer Says:

    GOB – best to expectorate before you suffocate. You’re deflecting from the fact. Bellychoad hasn’t won squat without TB12. Period.

  36. Chris Cotten Says:

    I hope what I’m about to type is not true……. What if BA is sick? That was my first thought with the QUICK ring of honor announcement

  37. Buczilla Says:

    I still don’t like this Alfred E. Neumann impersonator after he needlessly ripped into Jameis (yes, I actually used to defend Jameis) a few years back and if the Joe’s never posted anything from this bozo, I wouldn’t even know who he was. He’s nowhere near as obnoxious as Florio, but all this conspiracy crap is just that.

  38. Goatfarmer Says:

    Hey Chris I agree let’s hope Arians isn’t concealing something serious. And sadly if he’s truly ill ther are a few sick whalescums that would be glad about it. Pitiful human race.

  39. Mikejp Says:

    You must understand Tom character. He is not the guy to ask the Coach to leave. He may don’t like some plays but he respects Bills and Arians for sure. He can demand that he has power on game plan and making decision during the game. BA may think that younger coaches can accept it while it is more difficult for him. The Bucs staff is really happy to see if that strategy can get another SB.