Tom Brady Is Lethal In The Red Zone
January 6th, 2022
Killer instinct inside-20.
Let’s just say when the Bucs get in the red zone, no NFL team can feel more comfortable.
Over at the PFF tribe, they had a stat that both blew Joe away and makes Joe very, very comfortable.
Inside the red zone, there is no quarterback you want more behind center than Brady. Why is that? Brady has yet to throw a pick in the red zone.
That’s right. Brady, per the tribe, has a touchdown-to-interception ratio of 64-0. That is absolutely insane.
And when you factor how hard it is to score in the red zone, it makes the stat even more mindblowing. Think about it: You cannot spread out defenses as easily because the real estate is much more confined and limited.
And still Brady hasn’t thrown a pick.
That old man is truly something else.
Tom Brady is perfect in the red zone 🎯
— PFF (@PFF) January 6, 2022
January 6th, 2022 at 7:36 am
He’s working for the Likes and not the YIKES!
January 6th, 2022 at 7:46 am
But but he sucks…screw you brady…
Yes there are literally dumb schmucks on here who say this during a game open thread. When bucs win , its the team…when bucs lose , its brady
You know who you are
Just No deep jump 50/50 balls to mike and we wont play saints , so not worried about picks with brady in playoffs from anywhere
January 6th, 2022 at 7:47 am
Rank Team 2021 Last 3 Last 1 Home Away 2020
1 San Francisco 68.00% 53.85% 25.00% 73.08% 62.50% 67.27%
2 Tampa Bay 64.62% 57.14% 66.67% 65.63% 63.64% 64.56%
19 Green Bay 58.21% 62.50% 42.86% 59.46% 56.67% 76.81%
Bucs are #2 whereas the Packers are 19th Definitely – you would want Brady leading your team in this important situation
January 6th, 2022 at 7:56 am
As a little kid my first thrilling football memories were Johnny Unitas and Lennie Moore leading the Baltimore Colts.
In college I watched a cocky Joe Namath make a prediction and then fulfill it running of the field holding up his number one finger.
I watched Joe Montana beat then my Bengals in a SB and certainly admired Montana.
But after 74 years I just gotta say none of these guys even deserved to be mentioned in the same sentence as Tom Brady. Brady has exceeded GOAT status he is now like a mythological Greek God of Football.
You young guys are perhaps wondering where I’m coming from. Let’s just say at 74 you have seen a LOT…amazement is not something you get to enjoy much anymore…you’ve just seen too much….I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE BRADY IN ANY SPORT.
Yeah in terms of longevity Gordie Howe comes to mind…he was also great but he played in a sport where he was one of six. Brady may be one of 50 but he is the ONE. In EVERY way. From simple athletic performance…Dan Marino of course is a far better passer but not a pimple on Brady’s butt as an NFL QB…from leadership…Johnny U HAD leadership…Brady is as good or better…
Class….Joe Montana had class Brady is even classier…
I could go on but you get my drift. LMAO. Just enjoy what we’ve seen and realize as much as it’s hard to imagine now Brady will not play forever and it’s the NFL where every guy is one play away….If you’re not lovin everything about your football fandom right now and you’re a Bucs fan…give up.
January 6th, 2022 at 8:03 am
this is a little off subject but have you ever read something and burst out laughing ? I thought I would bust a stitch when I saw that Terrelle Owens would like to be a Buc. It still tickles hahaha. When I was a kid, my Mom would whip me with a switch. That was over 60 yrs ago but still don’t tell GPS. They will exhume her and put her in jail. This would be like me going back to Mom and saying “can you beat the s&^t out of me some more hahahahahhahahahha. Kepp moving Terrelle, nothing to see here
January 6th, 2022 at 8:13 am
“Ugly Sign As Playoffs Near”
That was an article yesterday about the Bucs having the most drops in the endzone.
One of the reasons is that Brady puts the ball where only his receivers can catch it and sometimes it’s a much more difficult catch…..high hard one…..low and away (like Tyler Johnson’s drop in the Jets game)
Brady will not force the ball to a covered receiver anywhere but on a long downfield throw……not in the red zone.
January 6th, 2022 at 8:44 am
Why isn’t that a consideration for MVP? I heard Cris Carter defending Roger’s MVP statement accusing him of being a jerk. Once again he went on how he was snubbed because he wasn’t a first ballet HOFer. What he did say was he was snubbed because he was not a nice person when he played and a drug addict. Brady, Taylor or Kupp all day, not Roger’s, he is a jerk. I don’t care if he’s vaccinated or not but how does this guy get away still breaking protocol? When does he ever have a mask on and why was the hugging Erin Andrew’s after their interview swept under the rug?
January 6th, 2022 at 8:46 am
What Carter didn’t say. Sorry
January 6th, 2022 at 8:54 am
If this was Kyler Murray or Josh Allen with these stats and team record they would be run away MVPs. Brady needs 60tds and 2 picks to be the runaway favorite. It is what it is.
January 6th, 2022 at 10:04 am
stpetebucsfan Says
As a little kid my first thrilling football memories were Johnny Unitas and Lennie Moore leading the Baltimore Colts. ETC
I’m with you 100%. I’ve got you by two years and have the same memories of the Great Ones and the Goat is head and shoulders above them all, with no disrespect intended.
Enjoy Brady while we have him as he will not be easily replaced. I guarantee we will miss him when he leaves!
January 6th, 2022 at 10:06 am
@stpetebucsfan i think there are people who are on earth so talented at certain things they are the Prophets of those certain things and i think Tom Brady is a Prophet of American Football
January 6th, 2022 at 1:41 pm
Hey bird! Fly away if you can’t recognize greatness.
January 6th, 2022 at 1:45 pm
Brady usually get the MVP in the Super Bowl, when his team wins. I’ll take that as a consolation prize. Gronk is right, Brady should be considered every year. Can’t believe he didn’t win it last year after turning this whole franchise around. GOBUCS!
January 6th, 2022 at 1:46 pm
Screw you bird.
January 6th, 2022 at 2:30 pm
And he has the most red zone drops by receivers if any QB this year !
January 7th, 2022 at 10:49 am
Amazing QB and human being!! (From what you can tell from the outside)