Time For Cyril Grayson Love

January 4th, 2022

Featured on NFL Network.

The gang at “Good Morning Football” seems to be over furniture-tossing, bicycle-winging, tantrum-throwing quitter Antonio Brown. Or so they say.

Closet Bucs fan Peter Schrager (and NFL Network it-girl Kay Adams in the background) apologized to the nation this morning because they should have given the immortal Cyril Grayson more love on Monday.

But Brown thieved the headlines from Grayson.

(Nugget Joe has heard through the grapevine that Brown was personally outraged Mike Evans was getting far more snaps Sunday and morally offended that the Bucs were trying to extend Mike Evans’ record for consecutive seasons to start a career with 1,000 yards, at the expense of targets and snaps for Brown. So when the Bucs ordered Brown to return to the field, Brown basically told Bucs coaches the team was good without him and didn’t need him. That’s when the pot boiled over.)

Schrager went over Grayson’s background — he ran a 45.9 in the 400 meter at LSU, which is friggin’ moving — and basically said Grayson might be the surprise star of the postseason.

And Schrager said it is a shame that Brown was taking the spotlight away from Grayson. Adams, you can hear in the background, fully agreed.

See and hear Schrager’s full take on Grayson in the NFL Network video below.

53 Responses to “Time For Cyril Grayson Love”

  1. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Be nice if Schrager could learn how to pronounce his name.

  2. Casual Observer Says:

    I agree. Let’s focus on Grayson, His is a wonderful story. Hope he continue to shine.

  3. Coburn Says:

    If that’s true then brown is even more of an ass. Evans has been a centerpiece here since he entered the league and has been nothing but an amazing teammate who has been generally selfless and has done very little complaining.. could have easily been a diva himself with Godwin coming in

  4. Coburn Says:

    But yeah hoping for more good things from Grayson. I just fell into the trap myself

  5. SB Says:

    He is working out a lot better than Jeff Demps did.

  6. Francisco Guzman Says:

    Grayson is a good story but let’s see him get open against legit competition. The jets corners are awful.

  7. Francisco Guzman Says:

    Let’s not anoint Grayson just yet. That’s my only take. Hope he can build something with Brady.

  8. #8 Says:

    AB was jealous of Evans’ snaps…and yet Evans still tried to calm him down.
    That’s a team player (Evans).
    Evans had every right to add fuel to AB’s tantrum.
    Sad AB went mental–Bucs were a better team with his talent.
    On to the stinking panthers!

  9. bucsfan951 Says:

    I will hop on the Grayson train when he puts together a season or so of production on tape. but the more he plays, the more film other teams have of him and his weaknesses. if after 16 games, he is still doing his thing, then I will jump on that train. until then, its a feel good story

  10. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Even on the ball that hit Grayson in the helmet, notice that he was wide open…..the kid has speed…lets hope he continues to have good hands……I will say this……he sure didn’t drop the gig pass Sunday…..

  11. Gofortheface30 Says:

    Francisco – no one is “annointing” him you noodle, he does however, deserve recognition. There is a difference. And last I checked the jets are an NFL team, doesn’t matter who their corners are considering Grayson, NEVER PLAYED COLLEGE FOOTBALL. People like you are the worst

  12. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    And, for all who are wondering….you pronounce his name Cyril.

  13. Jmarkbuc Says:


    I know it ain’t pronounced “surreal “

  14. Cobraboy Says:

    I *appreciate* Grayson for what he did Sunday.

    I will *love* him if he does it through the SB.

    Until then, it’s game-by-game.

    Gotta show me some consistency.

  15. Rayjay1122 Says:

    So AB is not a team first guy? Who knew……..

  16. August 1976 Buc Says:

    Anointed or not, Grayson stepped up when called and made the game winning catch.
    Give him his due. Hope he can continue, time will tell.

    GO BUCS!!!!

  17. Francisco Guzman Says:

    @Gofortheface30 😂 you calling the green beans an nfl team. A team that ranks dead last when it comes to defense. Just stop it kid.

  18. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Some of you guys can talk me down from the ledge.

    I understand this time of the year is the busiest on JBF with some new guys and other infrequent posters to go with our usual trolls.

    But I gotta be honest. We are watching HISTORY. Our QB is the best ever. Our Coach has won a Coach of the year award, has an excellent career winning % is could very well be on the way to a second SB. At worst he’s won 12 games and odds are he’ll win 13. We have NEVER done that. OK so the first SB team won 12 and conceivable would have won a 17th game…gotta get that in for all the freaking negative nellies here who can’t accept a great season from this current team.

    Have you ever been prouder of the Bucs? On and OFF the field. We have great players and coaches yet imbeciles talk about running the coaching staff…how we have no chance in the playoffs.

    Maybe I’m just too freaking old…older than the Bucs..old enough to remember Johnny Carson’s nightly monologue making fun of Tampa and the Bucs.

    Who makes fun of us now. Some of our own freaking trolls! It would be bad enough to claim being a fan of a team and posting this stuff when the team sucked but nowadays it’s also untrue and ignorant.

    Here’s a clue…it doesn’t get any better than this!!! Enjoy your coach, QB, Coordinators, GM and the rest of this team. They’ve shown talent, class and heart.

  19. SlyPirate Says:

    Cyril Grayson and Tyler Johnson should see this moment as their opportunities to make a name and get paid.

  20. Francisco Guzman Says:

    I see TJ as the guy that has to step up. He had a good career in minnesota. He’s in the mold of a Jarvis Landry but maybe more athletic. A move the chains guy. He has to step up.

  21. Bobby M. Says:

    Neat story but Grayson is enjoying the luxury of having very little tape for defenders to study. Hopefully he continues to evolve but he could be another Scottie Miller…..a couple of great moments but then back to the sidelines. With his speed, would like to see him in the return game.

  22. BucfanBF Says:

    Well said Stpetebucsfan!

  23. Listnfrmafar Says:

    I sure hope this guy is the real deal. National Champion in track, 45.9 seconds is moving. I was 5’11 210 with a 31″ waste as a freshman, I ran a 49.3 400m which is fast. To put this in perspective those few seconds add up to about 50 yards. My comment to him after the race would be nice backside Grayson.

  24. Cobraboy Says:

    Agree with spbf: enjoy the ride True Buc Fans. It doesn’t get any better than this, today, right now, the next 2-5 games.

    History could be in the making (if a D shows up, and OL keeps Brady clean.)

    Bobby M: The difference with Miller is Grayson is fairly stout and can muscle away from DB’s in a way that Miller just cannot.

  25. Ed Says:

    Grayson’s speed will scare corners now. The way he came back and made that 20 yard first down catch was great. He’s 28 years old so not young by football standards. He is playing for a big payday. If he can continue through the playoffs to make big plays, his future could be set up with a nice contract.

    I listened to him being interviewed, sounds like a very down to earth guy. Being around Godwin and Evans, he fits in. If he starts pulling coverage deep, the openings will be there for Evans, Gronk, Perriman and Johnson to get open.

    Hope for big things from him.

  26. Nano107 Says:

    Does gasbag Ian Beckles has something to say now???

  27. Infomeplease Says:

    Cyril Grayson’s has been balling out!! This team needs him to continue to make plays. Do that CG and this town will love you!! GO BUCS!!

  28. HappyDay Says:

    Heard on Undisputed AB went off on TB too because he was going with his “boy” Gronk.

  29. ModHairKen Says:

    (Nugget Joe has heard through the grapevine that Brown was personally outraged Mike Evans was getting far more snaps Sunday and morally offended that the Bucs were trying to extend Mike Evans’ record for consecutive seasons to start a career with 1,000 yards, at the expense of targets and snaps for Brown. So when the Bucs ordered Brown to return to the field, Brown basically told Bucs coaches the team was good without him and didn’t need him. That’s when the pot boiled over.)


    Well, F AB. Mike Evans has earned the right. When he is done playing, HOF and ROH will not be enough. Kennedy Boulevard need to be renamed “Mike Evans Way”

  30. bucsince79 aka bumaneer Says:

    He can run great routes & catch & BOY does he have some speed!!! Love to see this…

  31. 2021 Year of the GOAT Says:

    Time For Cyril Grayson Love… Lets hope he stays consistant

  32. David Says:

    Definitely got to give it up to Grayson and Johnson on that final drive. And you can also see Evans on the other side of the field taking away some coverage but looking hobbled.

    As for AB, these are the rumors we have heard-

    -He was mad Gronk got more passes.
    -He was mad Evans was playing more.
    -He was upset because he wanted to get to his incentives.
    -He was upset because his ankle bothered him.
    -He has mental problems.

    WHATEVER! All of it is immature BS! He knew what he was doing. He knows the limb Brady went out on for him. He knew he just came off a bunch of BS with Covid lies.
    She’ll get it boils down to personal responsibility and accountability. There is no excuse. None. He’s been given chances over the last five years. His football career should be over
    Nice while I said but good riddance

  33. Hodad Says:

    He did catch a TD on one target against N.O.. The last time I checked their corners are pretty good. Last year if you noticed, he stumbled a bit before the ball hit his facemask, messed up the catch. This year so far he’s done very well with his opportunities. Brady didn’t become the GOAT until opportunity knocked, Grayson is doing the same. Let’s remember A.B. wasn’t a high draft choice either. Just ball out when you get your shot. One thing you can’t coach, and he has plenty of is speed. We all know speed kills.

  34. Kentucky Buc Says:

    Brady told BA to put him in and that he trusted him. Good enough for me.

  35. Buddhaboy19 Says:

    What happened to Perriman, is he hurt?

  36. Smashsquatch Says:

    Love the contrast in this tale of two receivers, Ego Maniac and Charlie Hustle. Can’t wait to see what Cyril does next, as for AB, who gives a sh!%

  37. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Nano107 Says:

    January 4th, 2022 at 1:02 pm

    Does gasbag Ian Beckles has something to say now???
    Beckles said he’s never heard of Cam Gill. Gill had 1/2 sack in the Super Bowl. Enough said.

  38. Listnfrmafar Says:

    Perriman had a few big catches in that game. I think one help set up a score. If all that’s coming out now about AB is true the Evan’s, Brady, Gronk rumors than my apologies for the BA bashing and good riddens to the virus.

  39. Listnfrmafar Says:

    then, fricking autofill

  40. Jon Scott Says:

    I noticed Grayson two games ago. Exceptional.
    AB didn’t even get open on a couple easy plays. Gronk slumped a few games.
    Down two touchdowns in the middle of the third quarter they aren’t worried about padding Mike’s stats. Life is made of choices AB makes questionable ones to often.

  41. Eddie Marz Says:

    Greyson is a diamond in the rough. We needed a pick up from some of our secondary receivers. Maybe Perriman and Johnson can fill the void also.

  42. Lesko_Brandon Says:

    Deep in my heart, I am hoping that Grayson, with his speed, becomes our Tyrek Hill….. is that a pie in the sky or there is a good chance he is what I’m hoping to be.

  43. HC Grover Says:

    Amazing Grayson….

  44. HC Grover Says:

    Amazing Grayson….But take him off special teams. Replace plan 9 with Gill and Howard with whoever is on the practice squad.

  45. JimbobBucsFan Says:

    Amen, Amen, Amen(!) to what you said, spbf.

    Just say amazing Grayson if seer-ill is hard to remember.

    Who will be starting opposite Evans come our first playoff game?

  46. DaBux Says:


  47. TampabayDJ82 Says:

    Perriman is going to be the one that fills the void from Godwin , not saying he’s on Godwin’s level , but he is a good player and has had some good games for our Bucs.. Go Bucs !!

  48. mg Says:

    I love you, man.

  49. steele Says:

    I want the immortal Cyril Grayson to be the Malcolm Butler playoff hero 2.0

  50. Rod Munch Says:

    You have to be really stupid to think a practice squad guy, who has been around forever, he’s not new here, is suddenly better than a HOF’er.

    Nothing against Grayson, he’s a good gadget player and against a bad team like the Jets, he showed he can surprize some people. But he’s no longer a surprize, and now we’re down to starting a guy who would be the #9 WR in the preseason. That’s a really bad thing for a team that wants to go the SB.

    Hopefully Grayson proves the exception to the rule and can, at the age of 28, suddenly become a star. But it’s much more likely that teams now put starting corners on him and he disappears the way Humphries would disappear if the other team put any effort in stopping him. Guys like Evans, Brown and Godwin get paid big money for a reason, other people can’t step in off the street and easily replace them.

  51. LakelandSteve Says:

    No one is saying Grayson is a Hall of Famer, don’t be ridiculous. However, when he has gotten his chances this year he has performed well. The Bucs also like him because he blocks. Did anyone notice him blocking a linebacker or safety on the Leveon Bell two point conversion. The same guy that hit bell a yard into the end zone would have had a free shot at Bell before he crossed the goal line had Grayson not blocked him. As far as teams having film on him, it may help a little but let’s face it, if your defense is playing man it’s Mano e Mano. Grayson is probably not going to light it up every game but let’s not forget we have Tom Brady and I would never bet against him. Ever

  52. August 1976 Buc Says:

    So far Rod, Grayson has shown up better than the one trick invisible pony S Miller or Tyler Johnson.
    Thankful someone stepped up. Game winning catches with 15 seconds left is bigtime.
    Now we will see if C Grayson can continue and develop, time will tell, but he has definitely increased his value. and BIG TRUST with Brady.
    Grayson sure has come a long way from following the bouncing ball off his facemask in Chicago last year.


  53. TrustwhatyouseeBucs Says:

    Always enlightening reading uninformed comments Lots of love Grayson this is for everyone who doesn’t actually follow football go do some home work rules kept the Kid from playing college ball if not we not even having this conversation
    Next opportunity shows us who people are integrity shows what we can expect
    No crying just patient and none of us could do what he is doing mom the best or worse corners in the league with that said stay humble Mr Grayson and keep doing what you are doing Bucs nation is counting on you