Jameis Winston Says He Now Has A Schedule & Structure
August 7th, 2021
Telling commentary
These somewhat bizarre takes by Jameis Winston puzzle Joe and are a firm reminder of The Lost Decade of Buccaneers football.
One would think that quarterback-guru coaches like Dirk Koetter and Bucco Bruce Arians would have a young and talented quarterback on the roster and provide the guy with incredible structure. You know, a detailed schedule to manage all that goes into a NFL game weeks and offseasons.
But according to Jameis, that was a fresh concept for him upon arriving in New Orleans.
America’s Quarterback, the historic turnover machine, was chatting with SiriusXM NFL Radio this week about life as a member of the slimy Saints and what he learned last year.
Jameis explained that he most learned from Drew Brees how to have an exact schedule.
With the Bucs, per Jameis, “I’m not even thinking about the routine and how I’m going to be doing things.”
Jameis explained that he put in the work with Tampa Bay but it was without a hyper-focus and finite scheduling.
Now I’m “structuring up everything I do throughout my day,” Jameis said. “I just go out there and I do those things and I have my schedule and I execute. It’s simple. It’s not too tough. Like I think I made things too challenging. I’m playing a sport that I love. I’m playing with a great organization and a great team. I just got to go out there and play quarterback.”
Yeah, the former Bucs quarterback is now the Saints problem, but what the hell is Jameis talking about? Are we to believe Lovie Smith, Koetter and Arians didn’t script the guy’s football world to set him up for success?
Joe is so grateful The Lost Decade is over.
August 7th, 2021 at 4:25 pm
America’s QB! This IS the definition of SOMEONE who is not a leader but the Bucs had him in that position for a long time. It all makes sense!
August 7th, 2021 at 4:26 pm
He has a screw loose
August 7th, 2021 at 4:27 pm
He is with a Great organization and team now?
Pretty sure the bucs added 2 “great starters” in draft after him
And brady got a few others to come here which would not have with the him as starter. Actually jpp and maybe a few others would have dusted if situation stayed the same
But no off season for brady in new system
Same players “almost” and same coaches
And they win super bowl the next season after he leaves
But whatever. I guess you have to blame it on the rain yeah yeah
Cant wait to play the saints who have kicked our butts for years
August 7th, 2021 at 4:37 pm
All of the veiled shots…the eating of W(ang)’s and dancing on in the visiting locker room @ RayJay…reason #2021 to enjoy last season. Can you imagine the pouty look on his face as The Bucs ran the table on the final 8 games of the season? I bet he’ll never get over last season…Bucs winning it all after he forfeited nearly 100 million with his play the final 3 games of 2019.
August 7th, 2021 at 4:43 pm
Winston was thrown under the bus many times in Tampa and didn’t b*tch. Many people don’t even know about what happened before the London game. Licht nor Arians ever put that info out. Some of the bs things that happened under Dirk leadership with Desean came out…Arians was great coach for this team but he wasn’t the right coach for Winston. Even Brady had to demand the scheme change to fit him. Winston is play action pre-snap motion type of qb Arians did those the least in the league in 2019 despite Winston having a top 5 qb rating in those areas…
To me Winston was talking about organizing his time better when on his own, it goes beyond coaching. That’s something Drew could teach him. Joe has said himself when Winston was in Tampa. Winston works hard but, is he studying the right things or is structuring things properly. Is Joe going to keep attacking Winston like they have done Lovie for years after he has left. Joe is not attacking Winston. Joe is sharing fresh information that ties to Bucs history. If you were reading this without bias, you would see that Joe also is wondering what the hell was going on with coaches and/or the player. It’s all very bizarre.–Joe
August 7th, 2021 at 4:50 pm
Yep, he’s the Saints’ problem now….somehow, someway, no matter how much coaching, practice & now structure….Jameis will throw it to the other team….and throw in a few fumbles as icing on the cake.
August 7th, 2021 at 4:50 pm
Schedule: How to top his last interception record.
Structure: No more eating “w’s” just giving them to other teams.
August 7th, 2021 at 4:55 pm
Bird bucs
Added a far better kicker, safety, RT, TE, WR,RB. Then change the scheme mid season to a better one. It was not the same team. You don’t add 3 hof players with two pro bowl wr. Then 2 studs in the draft. While the defense stays healthy all year. 2019 a lot those guys had injuries including Devin and Jpp that effected them.
You went from Gay who cost them at least 3 games to a guy who rarely missed and one them games. You didn’t have to worry about an extra point being missed. Brady had 15 more years of winning experience from a great organization than Winston. He knew what to do and when to do it. Winston experience to fall back on was with Lovie and Dirk. Brady walked into a far better situation with far more experience in a much weaker division. Drew, Cam, Ryan in their prime is what Winston was up against.
August 7th, 2021 at 4:57 pm
Winston is not here. Not even as a backup. Winston did it to himself on and off the field. Glad he is gone. The organization is better off and has a Super Bowl to show for it.
August 7th, 2021 at 4:59 pm
They treated him like an adult male profession athlete. The slimy Saints obviously treat him like an ignorant child that has to be told when to pee. Good luck Saints. You’re going to need it with Mr Pick 6.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:00 pm
Brady brought order. They couldn’t pull bs with him like they could with Winston. Brady could say your scheme sucks we are going to change things to my liking. Brady would say that in public but, he damn sure said it behind closed doors.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:02 pm
Joe keep this Winston articles coming. Its great stuff and a ton of fun to read. The emotional fan responses by fans are pure gold……. I dont even know why fans still get triggered by Winston still. We dumped Jameis and it directly led to a Super Bowl title. Jeez, what are yall so upset for?
Im thinking fans have got a rational amount of fear that we now gotta face Winston at least twice this year. They wont come right out and say it but it seems like a natural reaction. And lets face it, we all seen what the guy can do. When Winston is hot he is intimidating.
Im actually looking forward to playing Winston. They might be fun games. And we ended Drew’s career on a sour note. You know thats been eating at that team and they are going to throw the kitchen sink at us. I think all Bucs fans know that the Saints are the type of team to hold a grudge.
Of course, Winston could play the same old garbage brand of football and toss the ball up for grabs on 2nd downs. I guess that would be fun watching the Bucs roll over the Saints but I think it would be more fun if Winston can find a way to limit the turnovers with the Saints and give us a good game……..We havent really seen Brady give us one of them epic last minutes drives yet. Nothing would be funner then seeing one against our fiercest rival.
And sorry for the long post. Yeah, Winston articles get me going too.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:05 pm
Ok Jameis. The time to talk is over. Let’s see you put something good on tape. Who are you going to blame next year after your 1-one deal is done and you’re running the scout team somewhere else? Sean Payton?
August 7th, 2021 at 5:07 pm
“Are we to believe Lovie Smith, Koetter and Arians didn’t script the guy’s football world to set him up for success?”
Take a long, hard look at that sentence. LMAO. JW obviously had a tough time as a young player in this league, stepping in to our building at 21 and failing to become Peyton Manning. We looked to him to teach US how to win. At 21. Ridiculous. What JW saw last year was one of the most successful QB/coach tandems in the history of the NFL. OF COURSE his eyes were opened. Stop getting so butthurt, Bucs nation. And JBF, I’d tell you the same but I know you’ve got adverstisers to appease. Nothing gets the web traffic flowing like a random article bashing Winston.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:09 pm
The historic turnover machine, now that’s a moniker we can get behind.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:09 pm
Does he have a sideline schedule? As the QB2, he may need to sharpen up on his sideline time.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:12 pm
Jameis who?
August 7th, 2021 at 5:14 pm
The story of Jameis may turn out like the story of the Glazer inheritors – alot of bone headed moves the 1st 10 years, but then a series of good decisions combined with some luck… we’ll see.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:15 pm
I understand that Jameis is hurt. He was subtracted from a team that replaced him and immediately won the Super Bowl. Same coaching staff, (mostly) the same players on offense and defense. Can you imagine what that must feel like for him?
August 7th, 2021 at 5:25 pm
So basically what winston is saying is that he doesn’t have any excuses left. Ok cool can’t wait for the season. I wanna see it the field will do the talking!!!!
August 7th, 2021 at 5:28 pm
I find it so funny that BA and Dirk have both had some of the best offense in their careers. But when it comes to Winston they are the problem? Dude is a coach killer BA said hell no you won’t get me fired!!!!
August 7th, 2021 at 5:35 pm
Jaywill just stop man winston was a turnover machine before BA got here! It had nothing to do with scheme. 25 of winston ints were short to intermediate this is fact! Only 5 ints where over 20yds there’s a thing called film watch it.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:39 pm
JW is not a winner. He’s just too weird. I think (seriously) he may have aspergers at least a little.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:41 pm
Sorry but JW is few sandwiches short of a picnic.
Have fun Payton.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:48 pm
Jawill aka jameisalmighty
I commented on the players you mention. So what?
No question the kicker lost games
You know who else lost games – jameis
He threw 6 picks in his last 2 games and that cost him being a buc
Threw 5 picks in carolina game …maybe they win that one if no 5 picks
He had 5 games in 2019 with 3 or more picks Thats to many
Go back and look at close games where he threw multiple picks
30 ints and 5 lost fumbles for a total of 35 that year
Thats more then 2 a game from your most important player
But it was the sucky team and organization?
Probably had something to do with their record? Losses?
And I believe they were last in nfl on opposing teams starting field position. That adds to opposing teams scoring more points per game ?
That May have something to do with losses
Every player on offense and defense said the same thing “he is my boy…my dog…BUT. There was always a butt…
And for the record , i have already stated he can win in new orleans. Payton won with bridegewater And even limited taysome hill who was 4-0 last year i think. So what?
The person most responsible for jameis being in new orleans is jameis
Arians loved the kid. Those last 2 games sealed his fate
They gave him millions and had his pic on the side of the stadium
Gave him the opportunity to own a key to the city
And they gave him the benefit of the doubt even after he lied to them about the uber incident
But hey. Everyone is entitled to their opinion
August 7th, 2021 at 5:49 pm
All jameis is sayin is he is on a different team with a different coach who does things different. Thats all. My guess is he learning a different apporach to the game. Arians gets credit for being a QB whisperer. But you don’t have to whisper much with brady. Jameis might do just fine in a new system. Sometimes a fresh start is whats needed. I want Jameis to succeed. But not against us. Best of luck to him.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:54 pm
Some people never take responsibility for themselves.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:57 pm
If we ignore ignorance it disappears. The only thing that matters with this guy is what happens on Sunday.
He’s a headcase.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:58 pm
Fans are too sensitive. You get upset when athletes won’t answer questions. Then you’re upset with their answer when they do answer questions. I think Jameis gave our organization and fans his all. Don’t forget his age when we drafted him. Everyone matures differently. Wish him & his family the best.GO BUCS!!!
August 7th, 2021 at 5:58 pm
I don’t understand the hate Jamies gets from this site !! Brady was the right move for short term. But I will say this let’s wait until Trask gets his shot and if he ball out then you can talk bad about Jamies. If he doesn’t then yall need to stop the Jamies bashing and start looking at the organization on why they can’t bring in coaches that can develop a quarterback. Brady will always be a Patriot , they were the team who develop Brady not the bucs. And I don’t want to hear about how yall didn’t like the Trask pick. He balled in college has a starter for 2 years he didn’t have a lot of turnovers in college and plus his numbers were better than Brady college years. So it’s no excuses why Trask can’t develop.
August 7th, 2021 at 5:59 pm
No one cares
August 7th, 2021 at 6:17 pm
Jameis explained that he most learned from Drew Brees how to have an exact schedule.
He says he learned that from Brees! It’s 100% on Winston he sucked and it’s not the coaching job to structure how he study’s and goes about his way of being great. He had the coaches to help him but The great create that for themselves. It’s dirk koetter fault you had to be benched? Ya can’t read defenses bruh!
Winston is trash and says he finally learned something basic he didn’t know and can’t blame the coaches for him being a failure especially after how defiant he was about his skills after the last pick 6 of his buc career and hey Winston why’d you still want 30+ million a year from the Bucs?
August 7th, 2021 at 6:21 pm
He’s playing the blame game.
August 7th, 2021 at 6:22 pm
I never liked Jameis, but, like Arians, I thought he had potential. The Bucs “treated him like an adult” (he wasn’t), they thought he could at least structure himself (he couldn’t), and he had nothing to add about game plans nor where his strengths lay. He didn’t even know enough to get glasses when he needed them without being told. The Bucs couldn’t really help him improve, although he has a great arm (no question). Now here comes Drew and Payton. I bet they taught him a bunch. They HAD to know what they were getting when they got him, and obviously thought they could fix him. I am afraid they might have. It would be foolish if we did not see him as a big threat this year, imo. I will be glad if I am wrong.
August 7th, 2021 at 6:46 pm
Jay-Miss is a draft bust competing for the Saints starting QB job against a hybrid player pretending to be a QB. He’ll never be another team’s franchise QB. He had his shot and he blew it.
What don’t we also check in on VH3ust to see what he’s up to.
August 7th, 2021 at 6:50 pm
A human tragedy
August 7th, 2021 at 6:52 pm
DBS is spot on!
August 7th, 2021 at 7:02 pm
Well that’s absolutely excellent! I can’t wait to hear his excuses after producing the same results in NO.
August 7th, 2021 at 7:11 pm
Winston gonna crush Bucs, eat them up and spit them out
August 7th, 2021 at 7:12 pm
You get chances in this life. If you screw them up it’s your fault . Failure to take responsibility for yourself and your actions is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s society. It’s a straight cop out to blame others for your failures.
August 7th, 2021 at 7:18 pm
Im looking forward to our defense playing against him.
I think it will provide me with some much need therapy.
August 7th, 2021 at 7:19 pm
Glad you chimed in
That is why the archives are great
You bashed the offense
You bashed brady
The defense won the super bowl
You said brady would not put up the points jameis could after they struggled early on
Let me know what dates you want me to reference
Dude. Again you just look terrible as always
And i am good with trask. Just pointing that out
Nothing worse then a hypocrite
August 7th, 2021 at 7:33 pm
Jameis will do just fine in NO. He needed a fresh start and got one. GO BUCS!
August 7th, 2021 at 7:40 pm
Hey lets also remember that brought in Winston in partnevause they needed a cheap option at QB. They got dead salary cap plus the CAP went down as well.
They didnt have too many options otherwise I bet they go for a trade for Stafford or maybe Aaron Rodgers……They got a team thats built to compete, I dont think hoping Winston can salvage his career is the way they would script it ideally.
They will still be built to compete next season reguardless. I’ll give it a slight chance Winston plays so well they decide to keep him. But i say far more likely is that with a raised CAP and less dead money the Saints will be making a big play at QB next season fir somebody like Rodgers, or Wilson, or whoever else is avialable.
August 7th, 2021 at 7:42 pm
Captain Tim. Winston therapy? Thats hysterical!!
August 7th, 2021 at 7:44 pm
You know, all the excuses the Jameis Fan Boys make is just lame. Jameis did not develop here. He tried. He failed. He was given every chance. He inflicted a lot of his own misery.
I hope Jameis is happy. I hope he makes a lot of money. And I hope the Bucs sack him 5 times and pick him 4 times every time they play him. Those are reasonably possible numbers.
Payton is not his savior. Payton also has maturity issues and is full of himself. Long time coach, lots of talent and one SB win.
Jameis will never win a SB until he comes to grip with his own immaturity. It does not sound like he has.
August 7th, 2021 at 7:45 pm
Talking about Winston is like talking about Trump. Who cares? They were both monumental mistakes and we’ve moved on.
August 7th, 2021 at 7:46 pm
JW is kinda like Ted Stryker he cracks (throws int’s) under pressure…
August 7th, 2021 at 7:54 pm
I guess the tackling dummy episode the other day wasn’t structured for JayMiss.
He is now, always has been and will continue to be….
…..an absolute idiot.
Go play baseball Jaboo.
August 7th, 2021 at 7:58 pm
I have always wondered how Jameis would do in a dink and dunk West Coast Offense.
I guess we will find out, huh ?
August 7th, 2021 at 8:07 pm
Maybe he has the same drinking problem as Ted Stryker too.
August 7th, 2021 at 8:19 pm
Jameis gets hate on this site because he EARNED IT.
His off the field antics got him suspended and ruined the continuity of the team for awhile.
Jameis also made horrible on-field decisions with massive number of turnovers throughout his entire career (not just one season) and him never living up to his full potential.
Yet EXCUSES and EXCUSES and EXCUSES are made for this guy… by himself as well as his supporters.
At some point he has to take RESPONSIBILITY for his poor play. This bad kicker or defense struggling is not a valid excuse for him throwing bad passes and making bad decisions.
And enough of this crying from some of the Jameis homers about Arians willing to change his system for Brady but not for Jameis. Brady still AIRED IT OUT under Arians more than any other system he played in before. It’s the same “go for broke” high risk, high reward system.
The difference is Brady’s accuracy and decision making in that High Risk Offense was able to manage far fewer turnovers than Winston was.
It’s time for Winston and his homer supporters this upcoming season to PUT UP or SHUT UP. But that won’t happen… he’ll probably start throwing tons of INTs again and yet there will be more EXCUSES made for him as to how it’s someone else’s fault by never Winston’s fault.
August 7th, 2021 at 8:32 pm
IMO Jameis was uncoachable. It’s not that he doesn’t have all the tools but I saw it in Arians reaction at the jameis didn’t listen. When he said he was balling, it showed where his mind was. He left the Bucs hurt and went to “Harvard for QBs”. He’s definitely childish, wants to slap the Bucs in the face with that comment and today’s comment. He had great coaches here too, but Payton may have a humbled Jameis Winston. Realizing his value was at the league minimum for the last 2 years has to be eye opening. If he listening and doing what Payton says, he could be a very solid QB but with all the first pass interceptions, there may be an anxiety disorder there too. I believe you practice like you play and it sounds like he is practicing better. It’ll be interesting to see. Regardless, I don’t think he would have ever listened here without going through the last two contracts. Im glad the lost decade is over and we’re talking about the best QB in NFL history every day.
August 7th, 2021 at 8:33 pm
This “Historic turnover machine” doesn’t even have the franchise record for picks in a season…. Might be trivializing the word historic just a bit here.
August 7th, 2021 at 8:34 pm
I believe JW. Our history of developing young Qbs is always worrisome. We haven’t really have done that yet. Until that happens……..
August 7th, 2021 at 8:40 pm
Why does a seventh year QB still need structure and a schedule ?
August 7th, 2021 at 9:11 pm
I don’t think it’s a knock on the old coaches. I think it’s a knock on himself.
He’s a Rah-Rah guy but I wasn’t always on message. You can be working first thing in the morning but if you’re not working on the right things it doesn’t matter.
His teammates loved him but… Focus was lacking.
Compare that to Brady who barely said anything most the year and did not give speeches. But gave a speech before the Super Bowl that the players said gave them chills. It’s about being focused and accountable
August 7th, 2021 at 9:33 pm
Can’t blame coaches for the eat a W speech and any of his off the field blunders
It’s the coaches fault you didn’t have structure on the field, who’s to blame for off field mistakes. He was a head case Before he was drafted
August 7th, 2021 at 9:40 pm
He WAS a “Historic Turnover Machine” for sure. The only reason he didn’t set the record for INTs in a season is because of Vinny’s 35 INTs in Vinny’s very first full season in the NFL.
Winston through 30 INTs in his 5TH FULL SEASON in the NFL. That’s a major difference.
If you’re throwing 30 INTs a season by your 5th season YOU SUCK as a QB.
August 7th, 2021 at 9:46 pm
JayMiss needs to check his sheets…….. literally.
Cause he’s about to sh!t the bed again…..and again…..and again…..
August 7th, 2021 at 9:58 pm
Ok, Jameis. They didn’t hold your hand and tell you when to go pee pee and poo poo? Is that why you kept on crapping the bed when you played for this team?
So we’re supposed to believe that three head coaches that have been around the game since before Christ didn’t put enough structure around this guy to make him successful? The Lasix surgery excuse was funny enough, now this.
How about this, maybe this guy has always been just too immature to make the simplest of smart decisions with his time? Glad to see becoming a dad and family man has made him so much more brilliant and wise in his old age.
August 7th, 2021 at 10:21 pm
Both Superbowls we won we lost both games to the Saints. Shameis can keep that tradition going this year if that makes him feel better!!! 15-2 then a Superbowl win sounds great to me!!
August 7th, 2021 at 10:54 pm
All I know is when your last pass as a Buc is an out route to the sideline pick6 is the same as you your first pass, an out route to the sideline pick six it’s time for you to go. All the other things that happened off field issues, on field issues, eating w’s and all the turnovers are all cream on the top. You people who call him a bust or say he’s toast are thinking with your emotions. The man broke every passing record in our books and before Brady broke the season td record twice. 33 td passes and 5000 yards are nothing to scoff at no matter how many turnovers he committed. He might be NO”s problem but if Payton gets thru to him he’s going to be ours 2-3 times a year. With a good offensive line their long game will open up if our line can’t pressure him. If he doesn’t have to run for his life like he did here he’s going to shred some defenses. We can only hope he continues to be the America’s/Historic/ Epic Turnover Machine he’s been.
August 7th, 2021 at 11:08 pm
Bird . Your emotional hate for Jamies is crazy lol 😆!! Again I wish Jamies nothing but the best until he plays the bucs!! Get over it all the off the feild talk that allegedly happened over 6 years ago lol 😆 . I don’t have no hate for any one and that includes Brady. I just focus on the whole team. What if Jamies balls out then what you are going say ??? Again my concern now is the bucs developing Trask . Brady time is almost over this could be the last year . And I’m glad we got a superbowl out of it and maybe another one . But the fact of the matter is Brady will always be a Patriot . I’m done debating with yall because just like I can’t change your opinions , you can’t change minds. BA as much as I like him need to prove he can develop a quarterback. And yes everyone knows that they change the playbook to fit what Brady does best after the buy week.
August 7th, 2021 at 11:41 pm
Even if he does play better for the Saints doesn’t change the fact it took bringing in Tom Brady to take this team in the direction it was ready for before even Arian’s came aboard. So I don’t feel guilty one bit for letting Jameis go for us to change our losing ways and win a Super Bowl.
August 7th, 2021 at 11:53 pm
Bradybuc . Just like it’s time for Jamies to put up or shut up !! It’s time for the bucs to develop our own quarterback and that means it’s time for the bucs to put up or shut up when comes to developing a quarterback!!
August 8th, 2021 at 12:24 am
Oh HORSE MANURE!!!! This dude takes zero responsibility for his actions or his outcomes. Oh I’m with Vicodin Sean now and he gives structure a binky and let’s me pick a lolli pop and stickers when I’m sad. I’m telling you something is OFF in the head of Winston. He will undoubtedly make the worst mistake over and over and over. Maybe HE was betting on games. That luck six against the Falcons..yuck… You have a chance to win the game instead you throw your 30th pick lose the game and it’s returned for a td. Who in the name of god wants to be in the 30 30 club. He could have went 33 td 29 int and a win against the Falcons. But he screwed it up. He moves awkwardly and says strange things. He loses fumbles and throws pick after pick after pick. Now he’s trying to erase all his mistakes and act like Vicodin Sean is some once I. A thousand year genius who understands Winston and with their superior intellects combined will conquer the NFL. Winston will be the best QB ever and lead the saints to a massive 55 to 5 upset over the Bucs in the NFC championship game. Then Winston will throw.dor 670 yards passing with 11 tds against the Bills in the Superbowl. J.Wimaton is a clown show period
August 8th, 2021 at 12:29 am
Bravo Bravo couldn’t have said it better myself!!
Aceofaerospace Says:
August 7th, 2021 at 4:59 pm
They treated him like an adult male profession athlete. The slimy Saints obviously treat him like an ignorant child that has to be told when to pee. Good luck Saints. You’re going to need it with Mr Pick 6.
August 8th, 2021 at 1:36 am
“historic turnover machine”
Vinny Testaverde would like to have a word with you.
August 8th, 2021 at 2:26 am
Emotional hate?
Realizing from day 1 he may not be him
I was worried about you saying something nice about brady
Again. He had 5 years.
You blasted brady in 3 months
But that was cool
Stoked you think otherwise
Yup this team needs a franchise qb
August 8th, 2021 at 6:04 am
Weapons for Winston, Coaches for Winston, Structure for Winston, Excuses for Winston…I’m just glad we finally got off the merry-go-round.
August 8th, 2021 at 6:11 am
Reports from Saint’s camp suggest neither QB is impressive as of this moment. I would expect that to continue. Jameis “meaningless stats” Winston is now New Orleans roller coaster to ride…good luck to them.
August 8th, 2021 at 6:37 am
He’s a bullsh*tter. Simple as that…
August 8th, 2021 at 6:51 am
They will never stop making excuses for winston. And trask has nothing to do with Winston failure. Oneilbucs how many true franchise QBs in the league right now? They don’t grow on trees you can teach a QB all you want some just wil never reach that level. Your Bucs excuses are trash because you said the whole team and coaches sucked. Brady came and now where considered the deepest team in the nfl child please. Winston was a major part of the Bucs problems you can deny all you want. Dude was literally holding the defense back in 2019 they where getting better he was getting worse!!!! BA said not on his watch because it’s more than about 1 player. A new QB was best for the team!!!!
August 8th, 2021 at 6:54 am
Who is this jw guy everyone keeps talking about??!! Ha ha, please
August 8th, 2021 at 7:50 am
. Needy is the term your looking for. Lol. Developing QBs is an old wives tale. You get the opportunity to learn and watch. When a QB gets their chance they either run with it or not. Nobody’s going to hold your hand in the NFL
August 8th, 2021 at 7:53 am
So he couldn’t figure out that as a professional football player that would like to be great, you have to have structure and a schedule in your own life? He may have great football intelligence. But when it comes to preparing to be a great professional.. Not nearly so much.
August 8th, 2021 at 7:57 am
Bucs gave Jameis 5 years of bad football before giving him the gong !
Payton will give him no more than 5 quarters
August 8th, 2021 at 8:19 am
Kentucky Buc Says:
August 8th, 2021 at 7:50 am
. Needy is the term your looking for. Lol. Developing QBs is an old wives tale. You get the opportunity to learn and watch. When a QB gets their chance they either run with it or not. Nobody’s going to hold your hand in the NFL
Exactly this is what I’ve been saying to oneibucs! If it’s so simple run gm and defense every team would have a franchise QB. Most QBs turn out to be just ok and the teams continue the search while treading water. The Bucs didn’t fail winston maybe it will click for winston maybe not. But the excuses have run their course.
August 8th, 2021 at 8:56 am
winston is a weird guy. He always said weird things. I think he is mentally unstable.
August 8th, 2021 at 9:02 am
Right! Who’s our next contestant on “Blame it on Everybody But ME”?!
Well Bob, this next contestant was an FSU standout and drafted #1 overall by the Bucs.
His accomplishments include eating ‘W’s and throwing picks…..
And Bob, who do we blame?…….(CROWD YELLS) Everybody but ME!!!!
August 8th, 2021 at 9:36 am
What I hear is “No es mi culpa”, a favorite local expression that means “It’s Not My Fault.”
August 8th, 2021 at 9:43 am
Yes we really should be against short term superbowls and short term players coming here. Even if he is the greatest of all time.
Lets think …long term suckage is the wAy we should go
Quick question? Do you actually read your comments?
August 8th, 2021 at 10:33 am
If he tried to read his own comments he probably wouldn’t understand them.
He’s not the brightest……
August 8th, 2021 at 10:48 am
Byron Leftwich admitted…His words in a presser post game in 2019 that he didnt even game plan on offense condidering ANYTHING the opposing team did well on defense. Prior to Leftwich calling plays, Jameis had an int ration comparable with some big name qbs in the league that do not recieve the criticism for their ints that Jameis did. They all had losing records and all played for bad poorly managed and coached teams…but people still like them.
If you want to dislike Jameis for his perosnality or past actions that is one thing, but the morons that joke about his last year in Tampa and the int numbers fail to realize just how god aweful Leftwich was at calling plays, and how bad the running game, defense and special teams were.
I am glad we have Brady, but had we not had a shot at him and even the playcalling changed for him after the bye week. Arians and Leftwich use the familiarity of the playbook as an excuse for waiting until after the bye week, but the truth is the offense completley changed becuase Tom told them behind closed doors if they didnt fix it there would be no hope.
I wish Jameis the best of luck and think he could not have landed in a better situation.
August 8th, 2021 at 10:50 am
Looking forward to the league leading turnovers from Winston this year. Got tix to the Bucs game in NO – I hope he’s not benched by then
August 8th, 2021 at 11:02 am
I call BS I’m sure he has a detailed schedule going back to FSU days…
August 8th, 2021 at 11:04 am
It’s sad that he didn’t work out as a buccaneer, went to the draft party got his jersey pulled for him the whole time but now he is gone ….. he was always very immature maybe just maybe he’s finally growing up and maturing.
August 8th, 2021 at 11:13 am
Jaywill, if there is more stuff out there about Jameis that we don’t know about, I would like to know what that was.
I just don’t think we would have been anywhere close to what we are today if the Bucs would have kept Winston. Yes, there is better talent here with Brady, but that’s because all he does is win and others are drawn to that. If Winston was still here would any of the talent stay?
August 8th, 2021 at 11:35 am
@Jaywill…I’ve never even seen your name before on these pages. You have ZERO IDEA what you’re talking about. THE GLAZERS, held that losers hand thruought all his hardships and had his back. Tuck yourself back into Winstons jockstrap, take a deep breathe and get back to being a Saints fan. You’ve picked the wrong athlete to “die on the cross” for.
August 8th, 2021 at 11:37 am
BucEmUp give the QBs names who are on par with Winston in turnovers that people like. And don’t give me no QBs from 20 years ago give me some from 2015 till now.
August 8th, 2021 at 11:39 am
Y’all 🤡s can’t talk about leftwich play calling was bad then turn around and boast about 5000yds y’all some 🤡s.
August 8th, 2021 at 11:42 am
JW’s most recent comments prove he’s not changed. Winston is without self control and damn did he always pick the worst time (on and off field) to make his worst decisions.
August 8th, 2021 at 12:32 pm
I’m with Hodad: Jameis who?
August 8th, 2021 at 12:34 pm
Geez. Yesterday I asked for the nuthuggers to come back to provide some comic relief and darned if they didn’t. In full force. Thanks, guys. You remain hilarious, as usual.
August 8th, 2021 at 1:39 pm
Again let’s see if the bucs develop Kyle Trask then yall can talk all the noise yall want. It’s really not about Jamies to me it’s about the history of this franchise developing quarterbacks. You can’t keep telling me it’s all the quarterbacks fault. I’ve seen this defense give up more games at the end than the offense over pass 5 years. So if they don’t developing Trask who’s fault is it?? People said that Jamies turned the ball over a lot his last year in college ok I can see your point on that !! But now we drafted a quarterback who didn’t turned the ball over and had the most touchdowns last year in college. People talk about making excuses for Jamies wich I is not true . So why do yall make so many excuses for this team not developing quarterbacks?? Why do yall give the organization a pass for not developing a quarterback??
August 8th, 2021 at 2:40 pm
The Bucs organization has nothing to do with Winston coming off a very controversial and sensitive rape allegation at FSU, only for Winston himself to turnaround a short time later and grab an Uber driver’s crotch and get suspended for it and cause such a distraction for the team. That has NOTHING to do with the Bucs organization. That’s a MAJOR strike against Winston and his character and his decision-making.
But the Bucs, like many other teams, struggle to develop young QBs because it’s the HARDEST POSITION to draft for success. Look at all the young QBs that DENVER hasn’t been able to develop in over a decade and they keep drafting QBs. They once developed John Elway, but who since?
You can’t blame Winston’s terrible 5 year run of turnover problems and lack of playoff appearances on the Bucs organization. He just isn’t elite and majorly underachieved. Winston has a strong arm, but so did many other NFL QBs that didn’t pan out.
You somehow fail to realize how 90% of other NFL teams haven’t been able to develop young QBs either. It’s not easy as it’s a very tough position to scout.
So stop blaming Winston’s lack of success on the Bucs Organization. Winston was plenty capable of being a much more consistent player on his own but never did, and that’s outside of his off-the-field behavior that he 100% was in control of.
August 8th, 2021 at 2:53 pm
Tom Brady is the answer, was the answer, and will be our answer moving forward. What a leader, competitor, a s quarterback!
I am so damn thankful, and it’s not even close.
We’d have lots of yard, lots of turnovers and lots of excuses with our previous QB at the helm. LFG Bucs!
August 8th, 2021 at 2:55 pm
Winston still struggles with READING DEFENSES and processing things FAST ENOUGH.
Many of us were saying for years that was Winston’s major weakness – he just doesn’t seem to able to read NFL Defenses fast enough and process what’s happening on the field to make the best decisions. That’s often why he holds the ball so long to give himself time to try and figure things out. But by then it’s often too late is it leads to sacks and/or the routes have broken down and the WRs are often doing their own thing to try and create open space off the primary route and Winston will sometimes throw it somewhere else.
Winston’s recent comments from Saints’ training camp elude to this same problem… Winston said…
“I’m trying to see what can I do, how can I process faster. There are some plays where I may make the right decision, but how am I getting there quicker. How can I eliminate things in our concept to get to the right things faster. Me and DeMario (Davis) was talking about something yesterday, I hit AK in a wide route. DeMario said ‘hey it’s man coverage. Once you recognize it’s man coverage, you got to get there now because if you give me a step, it’s too late.’
Winston is STILL struggling after SIX YEARS in the NFL to read Defenses fast enough and to make the right decisions fast enough. There’s a reason the best QBs in the NFL get rid of the ball the fastest and don’t hold the ball very long. Winston probably ranks at the bottom of “time held” stats for holding the ball for a reason – it’s because he doesn’t process fast enough.
August 8th, 2021 at 2:56 pm
Oneilbucs don’t disappear if your boy stinking up the joint. And don’t poke your chest out if he balling. Unless you wanna put some standards on him right now before the season. He was a #1 draft pick for crying out loud nobody had him projected as some big project. He failed here most QBs who are drafted fail on all teams not just the Bucs come back to reality. You said the saints is perfect for winston. So it’s super bowl or bust for winston! Yea you not hollering that now are you bang the table like you did the Bucs. The saints have been super or bust for years now I don’t wanna hear no excuses!
August 8th, 2021 at 3:36 pm
Brady…that pretty much personifies what many of us have been saying about one of Winston’s greatest weaknesses.
August 8th, 2021 at 6:57 pm
For me it’s not about Jamies are holding him accountable for what happened in Tampa. I have never said Jamies was perfect however I’m not going to ignore how bad those defenses was like yall do . I’ve seen these defenses give up more games than offense have . I’m a Kyle Trask guy now he’s the future of the bucs now . But I will watch this year and enjoy it just like I did last year. But I would never hate Jamies or any other former players of the team. It’s time to stop debating about a player who has been gone for 2 years now . All I care about is the bucs this year and the future of the bucs.
August 8th, 2021 at 11:02 pm
we don’t hear much from Gil and Lamarcus anymore