Hey, There’s Antonio Brown!

December 20th, 2020

Antonio Brown falls to his knees in celebration after his 46-yard touchdown catch gave the Bucs the lead for good.

Hey, it’s true! Antonio Brown really is a weapon. He really did make an impact.

That was something Bucs fans had been waiting to hear and see when the Bucs signed Antonio Brown in late October.

The Bucs had rallied after a truly awful first half, trailing 17-0 at halftime today in Atlanta. In the fourth quarter trailing 27-24 with the Bucs having the ball on the Atlanta-46, Brady threw towards Brown running near the left sideline.

Brown got past Dixie Chicks corner Tyler Hall and the ball from Brady dropped perfectly into Brown’s arms over his shoulder.

Brown fell to his knees in celebration and Bucs fans throughout the Tampa Bay area began jumping on top of tables throughout the area’s watering holes.

Not only did Brown’s touchdown give the Bucs the lead for good, all but winning the game, but it showed fans why he was signed.

Bucs fans had been waiting for nearly two months to see Brown make an impact and catch something other than six-yard passes on the outside. This was a lightning bolt play, or as Bucs long-time radio voice Gene Deckerhoff might say, “There’s the dagger!”

If Brown is starting to roll like this, watch the eff out, Lions.

20 Responses to “Hey, There’s Antonio Brown!”

  1. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    When Brady got to the endzone and embraced him, I heard Brown say, “I love you man.” Brady picked him up off the scrapheap. Finally, a big time play from a big time player!

  2. Tamoabaybucfan Says:

    You just knew this would happen….

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    I started Brown in fantasy, in the playoffs, because I knew today was going to be the day he finally put up some numbers.

    Just think if the Bucs ran more slants to get the ball in his hands and in Godwins hands. When the Falcons are non-stop blitzing, you counter that with quick passes and screens. Not sure why it takes Leftwich a half of football to figure that out. All those slants and screens bring the safeties up, then you get more of these one-on-one matchups deep.

  4. AlteredEgo Say: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    Happy for him… he brings something the other WR’s don’t have!

  5. Ed Says:

    Leftwich doesn’t have a clue how to use Brown and Godwin. Brady knows and in the second half you saw it, quick release, catch and run, easy 10 yard pickup.

  6. stpetebucsfan Says:

    I was so excited to see us start with the quick WR screen to AB. Toss the ball out there quickly and pick up 7 on first down. That’s the way to get ahead of the sticks in yard and distance.

  7. David Says:

    If they go into the playoffs healthy, and stick to a balanced attack with Rojo, they can be absolutely deadly. Godwin, Evans, Brown, Gronkowski, Miller, Brate.
    Rojo and Fournette just have to catch the ball!

    The other thing they need to do for a good run in the playoffs is at play tighter coverage and get a consistent pass rush. They go series after series with no pass rush and then all of a sudden they dominate. Some of it is missing Vita in the middle and some of it is scheme and playcalling

  8. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Rod Munch

    We don’t gameplan.. hence no slants….

    Which is odd considering other teams been doing it to us for years.

  9. Mclovin Says:

    Congrats AB! Go Bucs!!

  10. herbiebuc Says:

    Quick Question @joe is there any chance vita vea comes back late in the postseason if we are still in it ?

  11. Cheryl Wharton Says:

    I Love You Guys!!
    Antonio Brown and
    Tom Brady…Thank You
    Both for Showing what
    Beauty of the Game is
    Off and On and the field.
    They need to come out with an
    Tampa Bay NFL Tee
    Shirt with you guys picture on it.

  12. Joe Says:

    Quick Question @joe is there any chance vita vea comes back late in the postseason if we are still in it ?

    Arians said maybe a month ago highly unlikely.

  13. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    David. They could have been deadly on offense all year. However, it seems we’re good for maybe 1/2 a game or a little more every week.

  14. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Brown could’ve made a big impact a few games back when Brady missed him wide open on a 60+ yard td, so has not been him but more on Leftovers not calling better plays

  15. dmatt Says:

    Honestly l’d sit SMB for the remaining of the season.He is clueless, confused n out of his element. Even Julio Jones was on the sideline pleading to Raheem n Matt Ryan to feed the ball to whoever is covered by SMB. Todd Bowles need to get creative. Put Mike Edwards in at corner. He moved SMB at slot but the results were the same, he sucks!

  16. unbelievable Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    December 20th, 2020 at 5:17 pm
    Not sure why it takes Leftwich a half of football to figure that out.


    Because he is utter trash as an offensive coordinator.

  17. james west Says:

    david i agree for the most part, but as we have seen, when the playoff caliber teams with good offenses, and defenses get on top of tampa it takes rojo out and usually that’s a bad thing when brady is asked to throw all damn game

  18. PSL Bob Says:

    Craziest freaking Bucs game I’ve ever watched.

  19. HomerSimpsonRocks Says:

    Why can’t BL adjust the play calling before going out for recess at halftime? Aren’t other coaches able to adjust in-game?

  20. Debbie Says:

    Good Game today !!!Tom you need to call your on plays