Have Your Say

September 2nd, 2020

Flash poll posted at 10:12 a.m. Poll closed at 12:14 p.m.

15 Responses to “Have Your Say”

  1. 813bucboi Says:


    GO BUCS!!!!!

  2. bucsfan951 Says:

    a modest 10-6. still question marks on both sides of the ball

  3. Rico 210 Says:

    12-4 let’s get it baby!
    Go Bucs

  4. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist - City of St Pete Says:

    19-0. Greatest Team Ever Assembled

  5. MadMax Says:

    13-3 or better

  6. Sarasota Garey Says:

    85 percent says 10 or more wins, but Ive been let down every year, since we went 9-7 with Winston. Ball protection should get us 3 or 4 more wins thought this year.

  7. topdoggie Says:

    If we can win the first two games I think we will be the first to go undefeated with the longer schedule and the first to play a SB in our own stadium. Drew has to be saying prayers of thanks he gets us on the first game before Brady can gel with our juggernaut of an offense.

  8. Shorttrooper Says:

    Didn’t see 16-0, so no vote.

  9. Tye Says:

    NOW that they final have an NFL caliber qb, 10+ wins actually seems plausible, possible and not far fetched!…

  10. Jason Says:

    Gee, I wonder who the 4 votes for 6-10 or worse were.

  11. Doctor Stroud Says:

    Last year, I predicted 8-8 and the team blowing up. I hope all goes well, but sadly, I predict the same this year. Too many losing seasons and very persuasive trolls on this site make me pessimistic.

  12. DoooshLaRue Says:

    I see Realist managed to cast 4 votes…..

  13. tickrdr Says:

    Don’t forget NDog, CleanHouse, and the Large Porcine person.


  14. stpetebucsfan Says:

    I suspect that the voters made their selections on the team and the competition as it’s currently constructed.

    I’m not big on predictions simply because of injuries and off the field crap which this year includes the chance of contracting the crud. It’s always hard to know what rosters will look like through the season…this year it’s even harder.

    IF healthy I do not see a problem with winning 12. That’s a big IF.

  15. topdoggie Says:

    @stpetebucsfan the biggest thing on our super bowl year was we had the least amount of injuries in half a decade.