Bruce Arians Says He’s Expecting “That Piranha-type Atmosphere”

May 8th, 2020

Bucs offensive coaches are going to work harder this year.

That was the message yesterday from Bucco Bruce Arians.

Why? Because now they have an insatiable quarterback, the kind Arians is familiar with.

Pat McAfee, on the show that bears his name, asked Arians what he expects from Tom Brady based on what he learned working with quarterbacks like Ben Roethlisberger, Andrew Luck, Peyton Manning and Carson Palmer.

The answer rolled of Arians’ tongue.

“The desire to win. You know, they’re gonna will their selves on everybody, their work habits, just having that piranha-type atmosphere of gathering information,” Arians said. “I used to call Peyton “the piranha” because in the meeting room I didn’t have enough information; he ate it all up. I had to have more and more. If it was an hour meeting, I’d have three hours worth of sh**. Tom’s going to be the same way, you know.”

Joe heard this and wondered how much Brady will raise the games of Arians and Byron Leftwich, and even Tom Moore and Clyde Christensen to a lesser extent. They’re certainly going to want to impress Brady with their preparation, especially since none of them really knows what he was used to in New England.

Hopefully, Brady walks away feeling supremely confident in the guys guiding him and not let down.

31 Responses to “Bruce Arians Says He’s Expecting “That Piranha-type Atmosphere””

  1. El Buco Realisto Says:

    So ole stale biscuit just said that the he and the Bucs did not work hard and were not prepared!!!!!!!!!!!! Well it showed on the field!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man, what lies were told by ole stale biscuit last offseason!!!!!!! Now even the sheep know that “BA” stands for “Bullsh!t Artist” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It’s time to herd the sheep, and put them back in the pen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. BigHog Says:

    Brady was good with the Pats…he will have to prove himself here…get out there and practice with your new teammates…learn their habits and go from there..earn it TB12 …what is past is gone..put on that BUC jersey and lead and we will see where that takes us!!!

  3. Bucs Fan Since ‘76 Says:

    Realisto, WTF is wrong with you?

  4. Bucs Fan Since ‘76 Says:

    Realisto – WTF is wrong with you? JHC

  5. BigHog Says:

    Realists: your comprehension skills are way off…come on man!!!

  6. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Thought I’d post just to give Realist a chance to trash me again….make his day…..
    One trick pony…..a real popular guy(girl)…..

    Probably jealous because….I’m the good shepherd.

    So go ahead and have at it and show the rest of JBF posters what a fraud you are.

  7. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    Brady brings instant credibility, because of who he is.

  8. BigHog Says:

    Who he was?

  9. StonedBuc Says:

    Bruce arians is the dude tbat applies to be in a porno and says he has a hog and then they cast him and they find out he has a porky pig.

  10. stpetebucsfan Says:

    There is a psychological cognitive bias referred to as Dunning Kruger effect.

    In a nutshell…some people are so dang dumb about some stuff they are unable to realize just how dumb they are. Apparently I must be suffering from Dunning Kruger when it comes to football.

    It’s still a game, with a limited amount of variables. It’s not Quantum Theory or the study of “Black Holes”. The field is, has always been, 100 by 60 yards…11 players on each side, one football, set of rules dictate where the players are even allowed to go.

    IE…there are a limited number of variables!!!! It’s not rocket science. After twenty years Tom Brady has not only seen all these variables he’s seen almost every possible combination and permutation of the variables. BA…and the coaches the same thing.

    I look at simpler things as the excitement this year. It’s almost “Shakespearean”. The Brady…Gronk…Belichit saga…that’s front and center but we’re a large part of the subtext. Can the GOAT succeed in the new place?

    Can the Bucs change their culture at last. Can BA go out a winner? Can Licht redeem his reputation. Tons and tons of sub plots for this season.

    But at the end of the day this season boils down to a buddy movie…to an age old story about proving oneself…coming back. Can two old guys really come back for one last rodeo. This is like a Matt Damon Ben Affleck buddy movie…or better still Patrick Swayze and Sam Elliott in Roadhouse. Can two old grizzled dudes come back ONE MORE TIME.

    This is an ancient story that never grows tired. As the 72 year old dude you can understand I’m rooting for these two guys success!!! Being a Bucs fan just makes it sweeter!

  11. BucfaninMi Says:

    Why do some people insist on being d**ks? Go to a panthers site and FY

  12. SufferingSince76 Says:

    I knew as soon as I read the headline the usual trolls would be out and like a moth to a flame, buc realist is the first to flitter in. Stand by for ndog, onielbucs and Adrnagy if he’s still around. As others have said, rinse and repeat.

  13. stpetebucsfan Says:

    BTW When this age old “story” hits the big screen after an SB win here in Tampa….Tom Cruise will play the part of Tom Brady with Matthew McConnaghy playing Gronk. I’m open to suggestions though.

  14. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    St. Pete

    Matthew is only 6’ & Cruise is even shorter

  15. BA4President Says:

    Three points:

    1. Everyone quit giving into Realisto. He is a troll and this is what they do. They make crazy statements with tons of exclamation marks, because they want a reaction. Trolls don’t care about the subject at hand, they just want attention.

    2. I was skeptical of stpetebucsfan’s post at first, due to the length and not sure of where he was going with it, but he makes some valid points. Thanks stpetebucsfan

    3. Go Bucs!!

  16. Rob in Land O Lakes Says:

    Cruise: “Ok, Gronk HA HA HA HA HA … I’m going to throw you a fade… HA HA HA HA HA!

    McConaghy: “Look man…. I’m going to be there… in the end zone, you know man….. and that ball is is gonna be up there and I’m going to be like, wow. man….”

  17. Rob in Land O Lakes Says:

    And BTW,… great post StPeteBucsFan!

  18. Bucsfan951 Says:


  19. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … That photo wins the ‘Ugliest Fish I’ve Ever Seen’ Award. I’m hoping that you didn’t pull him out of your pool.

    Realist … Why do you (and others) need to read so much into everything? There was no hidden message. Trust me, even though you’re paranoid you’re not being followed.

    StPete … With the right camera angles, Tom Cruise could get away with playing Tom Brady. He’d have to lose 15 years very quickly though (Brady’s a youngster in comparison). And Matthew Mcconaughey would have to lose even more to play Gronk (he’s 50). But hey, we both know … Old guys rule?

  20. Tye Says:

    Trolls on this site only seek acknowledgement and attention..
    When you mention their name in your post, they get stirred up in the thrill and want to see their name mentioned as much as they can in the comment section..
    Over inflated perception of themselves coupled with low self-esteem.. they feed off of controlling the conversation… It’s best to overlook them and they will go away..

  21. AlteredEgo Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation. Says:

    The contrast with be something to behold….too bad Ndog won’t be able to recognize true leadership and QB skill as he pouts in the corner

  22. stpetebucsfan Says:


    You’re almost old enough to remember Alan Ladd. Heart throb macho leading man who was short…really short. When he did a romantic walk on the beach with Sophia Loren they dug a trench in the sand for her so she wouldn’t be so much taller than him. LOL

    All the other actors would have to be short as well. The “big” guys like the Rock and the wrestlers do not impress me much as actors. Depends on how this season gets written…emphasis on the field..or the personal demons being exorcised off the field.

  23. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Rob in LOL

    Great script. I could easily visualize McConaghy with that riff.

  24. tickrdr Says:

    Loved your post!
    By then, who knows maybe Brady and Gronk will play Brady and Gronk.
    They might even be retired from football by then.


  25. Buc1987 Says:

    Rob in Land O Lakes …nice. 🙂

  26. 813bucboi Says:

    The Buc Realist Says:
    December 15th, 2016 at 3:53 pm
    Back when I was telling everyone the truth!!!! But now it is plan for all to see in Buc land the Coach Smitty is the real deal!!! Some might even say he is the “MVP” of the season!!!! But now we need to keep it quiet, in hopes that he stays the offseason and just falls in love with the Tampa Area!!!! Now is not the time to promote common knowledge!!!!!
    Man, what lies were told by ole El Buco Realisto!!!!!!!!!!

    Now even the sheep know that El Buco Realisto KNOWS NOTHING!!!!!!

    time to crawl back in the cage with ndog!!!!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!!

  27. SufferingSince76 Says:

    813bucboi, you go,Dude! BAM!!!!! Realist’s arse just singed big time!!

  28. Ship Thief Says:

    Damn Realist,
    You straight up got called out!

  29. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist - City of St Pete Says:

    Stpetebucsfan’s writing skills coming through in the clutch for all of us… Thank you for that.

    It IS a great story… And I think the Greatest season Ever for NFL QB and Team is upon, Bucs fans… I think 19-0 is attainable and I see Brady winning NFL MVP and Superbowl MVP in Tampa….

  30. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist - City of St Pete Says:

    Typo… Is upon *us

  31. Erik Hesson - Fine Artist - City of St Pete Says:

    And Joes, what a shame that you still allow Real is to the troll to post on here…

    I mean, I understand he prob makes you guys extra cash thru clicks, (((Yeah, because everyone comes here to read that guy. An extraordinarily tiny percentage of readers spend time on the comments section.–Joe))) but man this place would be much classier without his garbage being spewed everyday (which I never read a single word of, BTW).