Ira Talks Backup And Rookie QBs, Homeless Perriman & Jameis, Draft Priorities, The Brady-Howard Relationship, Empowered Brady, Total Wins, Social Distancing With Cosmo, And Ira Takes Fan Questions & More

March 23rd, 2020

Presented by Bill Currie Ford, The Ira Kaufman Podcast is very feisty and powerful today, as The Sage of Tampa Bay Sports hammers on many Buccaneers subjects of the day.

Great thanks to Bill Currie Ford, Tampa’s first family of Ford, where personal, caring attention is the norm, along with incredible deals. Just ask GM Sean Sullivan for the Ira/JoeBucsFan discount. He will help you personally!!

Remember Big Storm beer from Big Storm Brewing Co., is the official beer of the podcast and local producers of the very best beers around. Listening to Ira is fun, free and easy! Click play above or listen at iTunes, Google Play or, Stitcher, too. Stay informed, thinking and smiling (crying?).

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29 Responses to “Ira Talks Backup And Rookie QBs, Homeless Perriman & Jameis, Draft Priorities, The Brady-Howard Relationship, Empowered Brady, Total Wins, Social Distancing With Cosmo, And Ira Takes Fan Questions & More”

  1. El Buco Realisto Says:

    Lol!!!!!!!!! He melted down like Josh Freeman during the 2013 season!!!!!!!!! He doesn’t get that if a qb played like that, they were benched!!!!!!!!!! Jay-lose just didn’t get benched is all!!!!!!!!! Lol!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe a team will sniff around jay-miss after the draft and offer a low ball contract of 8 million, one year deal!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

    go bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Kudos to Ira for his classy, restrained response to Joe the Schmoe’s ignorant rant. Clueless Joe sets the new bar for lack of understanding of QB turnover significance.

  3. Bruce Blahak Says:

    Joe Jameis Fan, He’s rightfully gone…

  4. JohnsmithHC Says:

    WOW! Ira, you need to get some security from joewinstonfan. He about bit your head off. Maybe we can get what I asked for and have Team Steve do the Ira podcasts, so we can have straight line bucs talk. Leave the Manziel/Winston jock sniffing rants at home!

  5. JohnsmithHC Says:

    And america’s joewinstonfan did say leading passer. NOT led the league in passing yards. Maybe you need to take a course at Poynter for accuracy.

  6. JohnsmithHC Says:

    I don’t agree with Ira’s takes a lot. But “fiction writer”, “stupid”, “disrespecting readers”. My vote goes to americasjoewinstonfan for those rather than Ira.

    I think Ira is due a little better treatment given he is actually a HOF voter. You may have to go speak to SR if they run you off of joewinstonfans web site.

    (Team Steve is the bucs side of joebucsfan, and is not intended to be dismissed with the previous comment.)

  7. Pete I Says:

    Clueless Joe from Hannibal MO

    Ira deserves a better partner for the podcast.

    The market for Jameis ” meaningless stats ” Winston America’s QB, Mr excrement, the founding and only member of the 30-30 club is ice-cold for a reason apparently they can’t understand in Hannibal MO.

  8. ben Says:

    Thankfully Winston is gone after leading the league by a mile in pics. Giving the games away matter the most .

  9. BucAllNight Says:

    @Lee: Great Job G-Checkin IRA. JW is the 2019 NFL Passing Leader and thats fact.
    I am usually hard on you for certain stances you take but you were spot on in this instance. People forget manning threw 100 INTS his first 5 years compared to JW 88. They also sleep on fact that Farve threw 29, Peyton threw 28, [yet they were both GUNSLINGERS] but JW threw 30 and this is ALL we hear.

    I fully anticipate JW to join the ranks of Young, Dilfer, Williams, as former Bucs QBs that will win rings elsewhere.

    Go Bucs!!

  10. Ndog Says:


    No way man according to everyone the ONLY issue with this team was the QB! So now that we have the greatest QB of all time the ONLY success is to WIN THE SUPERBOWL. Winning the Superbowl is the only thing that is acceptable no questions, no excuses, one thing WIN THE SUPERBOWL!

  11. Youngbucs Says:

    Wait so Brady was throwing 40x a game in those big gms? And lead the league in 2017 but but but I thought when u throw tht much ints happens lol another excuse debunked

  12. Miller5252 Says:

    That was 100% wrong the way Lee talked to Ira, should be ashamed of yourself. Jiminy Christmas! It’s a podcast. Joe and Ira enjoy a cocktail or a meal together and talk the same way. Ira grew up in the projects, a man from the city streets, he’s not a pansy who can’t handle a dissenting opinion and a little sports arguing –Joe An apology to Ira would be a good start. It’s one thing to disagree it’s another to be professional. The real crazy thing is it’s over Winston, a QB no one wants. It’s like Ira said Brooks didn’t belong in the ring of honor or something.

  13. Jim Says:

    Ira is the best they got, period. Nice display of class and forbearance…

  14. DBS Says:

    You people started half the trouble here when you decided to post him in the Jameis Christ garb. Then continue with the Saviour and so on. He made the rest of his problems. It was a poor choice knowing the Baggage behind him already.

  15. Ndog Says:

    Lee is just sick of people making crap up and he did what most people with common sense would do. Tell the one lying to SHUT UP!

  16. Don Says:

    Apology coming next podcast and rightfully so .

  17. Dubcity6 Says:

    I thought it was too far. Lines crossed. But that doesn’t mean people can’t learn or forgive. Terrible behavior based on a disagreement of word choice.

    And Americas QB has and always will be Tom Brady. Only reason anyone besides us is even talking about the Bucs.

  18. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Every NFL coach and GM are wrong about Jameis.
    Just ask Ndog.

  19. Ndog Says:

    So Alan now you are going to be a lier as well and say Jameis didn’t lead the league in passing? With stats there is no right or wrong they are FACTS.

  20. Alanbucsfan Says:

    He led the league in passing yards and interceptions
    He led a team that went 7-9
    He never made the playoffs in 5 years through 3 coaches
    Granted, it’s a team game and the team had many deficiencies.
    He is an elite talent that has yet to consistently play winning football
    His career is not over, and he may become a winner one day in NFL .
    But 1 category of passing (yards) does not cancel out another category (interceptions), so No he is not the leading passer.

  21. James Says:

    Uncomfortable 😬

  22. RSJCheapSeats Says:

    Do other teams act like Winston was the leading passer? Are they lining up for Winston to be their starter?

    30 interceptions. That is what the non-Jamies jock sniffers see.

  23. Fb unmoderated! Says:

    Jiminy Christmas! It’s a podcast. Joe and Ira enjoy a cocktail or a meal together and talk the same way. Ira grew up in the projects, a man from the city streets, he’s not a pansy who can’t handle a dissenting opinion and a little sports arguing –Joe

    An Apology Has nothing to do with Ira’s mental we being, or says anything about his sensitivity. It is because it’s the right thing for America’s joewinstonfan to do for acting like a jack hole by throwing a tantrum like a snowflake. And you’ve said you are much older than that. Was waiting for you to call Ira racist next.

  24. Bucy Says:

    Clueless joe needs to go. How disrespectful to the sage.

  25. Fb unmoderated! Says:

    Leading passer and passing leader are two different things. Forgestats, leading passer to me is manhomes. He had the last win.

    And no leader in passing yards has ever won a super bowl in the same season. Well known stat obviously, and part of the reason for the saying defense wins championships.

    Matt Shaub led the league with 4770 in 2009. Do you wan him as your qb?

  26. Adam Lakers Carolla Says:

    Too sensitive…appreciate lively debate without the ad hominem attack. The Sage deserves better.

  27. Jean Lafitte Says:

    …smh ..poor Ira RESPECT.

  28. Bryon Says:

    I quit listening to this podcast

  29. BigHog Says:

    Youngbucs:: theory not debunked!!! The Pats had exceptional running backs that could take over a game at times …we have what is a non existent running game …so everyone geared their DEFENCE to stop the pass and yet Mr. 5,000 was effective and efficient except for the turnovers (which were killer)…Tom B. Will not be as productive but should have less turnovers due to his experience. Let’s all not forget what coaching Mr. 5,000 has had the previous 4 years before this one (subpar) would be my word of choice! And don’t forget there is no running game here to depend on unless we find one before camp begins!!!