Coronavirus And The Bucs

March 12th, 2020

Scouting in a pandemic.

[UPDATE: 11:59 a.m.] Joe has seen reports on social media of NFL personnel people throughout the league dialing back attending pro days and private workouts because of the coronavirus pandemic.

This is in addition to the NBA suspending its season as well as many college conference basketball tournaments banning fans. Some believe the NCAA basketball tournament is in doubt.

Joe is hearing Bucs personnel are being asked to curtail their visits to pro days and workouts for safety precautions.

This hardly means the Bucs or other NFL teams cannot still scout players. Those workouts are filmed and colleges want to see their players drafted so they will share videos.

Shoot, Joe wouldn’t be surprised if colleges stream the workouts on a portal for NFL teams to monitor live.

[UPDATE: 11:59 a.m.] Per Rotoworld, the Bucs along with the Redskins have suspended all team travel due to safety precautions related to the coronavirus pandemic.

34 Responses to “Coronavirus And The Bucs”

  1. Dave Says:

    you losers that post nonstop on here need to get a life

  2. tmaxcon Says:

    bucs losing culture has been working on a cure for decades with no success at least there will be a treatment / vaccine for coronavirus in the very near future. bucfan still has no hope!

  3. tmaxcon Says:

    Dave Says:
    March 12th, 2020 at 12:16 pm

    you losers that post nonstop on here need to get a life

    you need a drink and a lap dance… calm down Frances don’t be jealous now back to the drive thru I’ll need my burger soon.

  4. Umm Says:

    Starting to wonder what is worse for your overall health, Bucs fever or Coronavirus?

  5. Joe Says:

    Starting to wonder what is worse for your overall health, Bucs fever or Coronavirus?

    Fair point. If you survive the corona, it’s gone for good.

    The Bucs are a different virus altogether.

  6. BucsFan81 Says:

    With how the bucs have played the last 12 years if I can survive that I can survive the corona virus.

  7. 813bucboi Says:

    safety first

    GO BUCS!!!!!

  8. ChanEpic Says:

    Let’s hope they put the MRSA team on their coronavirus response team.. /s

  9. danr Says:

    Joe- there are reports of people in china catching the Corona twice.

  10. danr Says:

    They think it will be like the flu and other colds where you develop an immunity, but they do not have data that indicates that that is true yet, and some mildly concerning (not anywhere near definitive) data to the contrary.

    If you do not build a significant stable of antibodies for whatever reason, that will significantly hamper the ability to create a vaccine.

  11. danr Says:

  12. tmaxcon Says:

    813bucboi Says:
    March 12th, 2020 at 12:37 pm

    safety first

    that’s a good motto. if practiced more especially in polk, charlotte counties and all of Louisiana there would be less disease and illegitimate rug rats running around

  13. Mike Johnson Says:

    Well Dave..I guess you are a loser also. You Posting right? Stay safe out there people. Something tell me this virus is just..a test run for future unknown geromes to come. I hope I am wrong…..

  14. tmaxcon Says:


    we all are going to die…. meanwhile 18 people killed in Chicago in recent weekend violence and car crashes.

  15. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    The video pro days are a good idea….cuts out travel where the virus is most prevalent……and expense…..

    Getting crushed in the stock market is starting to get a bit unnerving…..but when it bottoms and turns around, it will be an epic comeback.

    JBF is a good way to pass the time and take your mind off of this awful event.

  16. Joe Says:

    Getting crushed in the stock market is starting to get a bit unnerving

    Two ways to look at it:

    * It will bounce back. Just be patient.

    * There are some good buys out there.

  17. Pugs&Bucs Says:

    I have been wearing my OJ Howard jersey for the past two weeks. Everyone knows wearing the Howard jersey means you can’t catch anything.

  18. D-Rome Says:

    The NHL postponed the season. While it’s important to react appropriately, it’s inappropriate to overreact. I’m talking about the lemmings who are buying up six months worth of toilet paper.

  19. Says:


    Posting here is therapy.

  20. tmaxcon Says:

    Pugs&Bucs Says:
    March 12th, 2020 at 1:18 pm

    I have been wearing my OJ Howard jersey for the past two weeks. Everyone knows wearing the Howard jersey means you can’t catch anything.

    may I suggest a Michael Clayton throw back jersey for laundry days and high risk outings.

  21. tmaxcon Says:

    D-Rome Says:
    March 12th, 2020 at 1:31 pm

    The NHL postponed the season. While it’s important to react appropriately, it’s inappropriate to overreact. I’m talking about the lemmings who are buying up six months worth of toilet paper.

    maybe they are buying the toilet paper out of fear that the only beer left on the shelves will be bud light. lot’s of reasons to stock up on tp… watching cancer93 stop the run, chili cookoff, cheap beer and of course the midnight white castle run all valid reasons to stock up on tp

  22. catcard202 Says:

    Joe…. The market is a good 30-45 days from reaching the true bottom.
    Will be looking at an 17-18K DOW by MAY….The worst is yet to come.

  23. Robert Says:

    I’ve been bulk buying for 3+ weeks, just a couple extra packs of everything each trip, lots more canned goods and such…so yeah, prepping to some extent. pretty stocked now, haven’t stocked up on gas though. don’t call me when you need TP!!! and you better fill for meds now!

  24. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Joe is spot on about the stock market.
    As a country, we really ought to re-think doing business with countries that have poor infrastructure in place regarding public health systems.
    Corona virus may be just the first pandemic if we ignore the source of the problem.

  25. SteelStudBuc Says:

    This coronavirus is blown way out of proportion…
    Chicken little… the sky is falling… the people dying are elderly… the same ppl who die from the sniffles at 82

  26. jb™ Says:

    Wait a minute!!!! COVID19 is NOT a Hoax? Well…Shuck My CORN!

  27. mark2001 Says:

    March Madness has been cancelled. I guess that makes Wisconsin the Big Ten #1 seed champ for 2020.

  28. mark2001 Says:

    jb…tinkerbell waved his wand, we woke up tomorrow, and it was gone.

  29. mark2001 Says:

    Steel…when we have a vaccine and tamiflu for Corona, it will likely be similar to the flu…but until then, it is deadly to many of the people you see in those political rally pictures. And that is serious.

  30. Louis Says:

    Joe, the similarly between Corona virus and tmax is eventually you will bar t, and there will be a cure for the virus…either way, they eventually go away for the season…any chance for an early cure?

  31. stpetebucsfan Says:


    I’m with you bro. I was told it was just something that was made up by Democrat to embarrass Trump! Who told me that?

    But at 72 I’m totally comforted by SteelStudBuc…

    “Chicken little… the sky is falling… the people dying are elderly… the same ppl who die from the sniffles at 82”

    EXACTLY!!! Who worries about a few hundred thousand dead older people. They won’t be clogging our highways driving slowly…getting all those discounts at restaurants and most importantly….they are not potential QB candidates for the Bucs.

    I mean really how can anybody have time to worry about a few hundred thousand old fart…all the economic suffering…when poor Jameis Winston may not get his 30 million. Priorities people…take care of JW and then we can forget about old people dying.

  32. Buccaneerscotty Says:

    Romans 10:9

  33. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Question: If staffers have been sent home and facilities have been closed…how are team physicals going to happen with free agents?

  34. unbelievable Says:

    T max really going out of his way to show off his white trashiness today lol.