Brady Contract Details Emerge
March 19th, 2020
“Oh Tom, what do you know about this little place not far from the Gulf of Mexico? I think the locals call it ‘Hudson.'”
As it turns out, Bucs quarterback Tom Brady (man, that is so weird to type) is a typical California dude.
Where once Jeff Spicoli wore Hawaiian shirts, verbally sparred with teachers while munching pizza in class and blew his cash from saving Brooke Shields from drowning by hiring Van Halen to play at his birthday, those days of Ronald Reagan and Heather Locklear and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Joe Montana as the most famous Californians are long gone.
Now the typical Californian is a transplant, as thousands flee the Golden State by the week to escape choking taxes to head east (no, not “Head East”), young man, to the tax havens and inexpensive real estate of Nevada and Texas.
And so too did Brady. Well, just a little farther east for him.
The creator, curator and overall guru of Pro Football Talk, the great Mike Florio, obtained details of Brady’s contract with the Bucs.
(NFL teams are forbidden to announce signings until medicals have cleared and teams are hard-pressed to do that since the NFL has shut all team facilities as our nation grapples to battle the coronavirus pandemic.)
It seems Brady chose the Bucs, in part, to escape the long arm of an onerous state government as the Los Angeles Chargers had the same deal on the table as the Bucs, as Florio points out.
Per a source with knowledge of the situation, Brady essentially proposed the financial terms and other items he requested to the Buccaneers and the Chargers, and both teams agreed. (It’s possible he presented the same terms to other teams; ultimately, it came down to the Bucs and Chargers.)
Brady requested payment “in the $30 million range” for each of the next two years. He did not make grandiose requests that have been suggested elsewhere, including items like personnel authority and control over the development and implementation of the offense.
Ultimately, Brady chose the Buccaneers for a variety of reasons, both business and professional. The climate is equivalent, so that wasn’t a factor. The state income taxes were; in California, they’re 13.3 percent and in Florida they’re 0.0.
Yes, yes, yes. Joe knows professional athletes are under different tax codes as they are often taxed when they play on the road, per game, as well. Still, just based on the raw numbers, if Brady signed with the Chargers, he would have to fork out $3,990,000.
Imagine what sinking some $4 million into Alphabet or Apple stock right now (it’s a buyer’s market) might very well net you in, say, five years?
So even after 25 years of wearing parkas and scraping windshields in Michigan and Massachusetts, Brady still is a typical Californian.
March 19th, 2020 at 5:05 am
I’m fully expecting him to back out and go back to the Pats given the deal is not yet done.
March 19th, 2020 at 5:11 am
I still can’t believe that we got this dude. Should be a fun season, if there is a season. Stay safe y’all.
March 19th, 2020 at 5:20 am
I repeat, he makes the Bucs contenders. Anyone who says otherwise is a bag of foul wind. How high they go remains to be seen, but the Bucs already expected by NFL analysts in many corners to have double digit wins. The attitude is different all over town. Ticket sales suddenly climb. Even when they drafted Winston five years ago first overall, people knew he was a gunslinger with questionable character (now proven to be poor), and could only “hope” he would be different to what some knew what really is. Brady has a long record of success. Love him or hate him past or present, no one can dispute he walks the talk, leads by example. Check your sheet.
March 19th, 2020 at 5:27 am
“I’m fully expecting him to back out and go back to the Pats given the deal is not yet done.”
Is this because we can then bring back ATM Jameiss, get over it man !, he ain’t coming back here, he had his five year chance and blew it royally by not listening to coaching to throw it away / protect the football, don’t listen don’t learn, simples !
Let’s get JW off the agenda and posting, he is an ex buc and will remain so, there is so much to look forward to and well done to the management team/owners for making the future exciting (in a good way).
Why don’t all the FSU diehards who are more interested in JW than the bucs go follow him right out of here to ???.
Still waiting, go bucs
March 19th, 2020 at 5:31 am
“Scraping windshields in Michigan”…Only about 6 or 7 months out of a year. Hahaha
March 19th, 2020 at 5:49 am
I’ll feel better when the deal is done also. Not because I want JW, but because I’ve seen this story happen too many times in Tampa – Chip Kelly, Parcells twice, Favre.
March 19th, 2020 at 5:52 am
Ain’t that the truth Joe. I’m looking to get out of this state when I can. There’s no reason to give that much money to a state that will mismanage it
March 19th, 2020 at 6:01 am
That would suck. As long as the commitment to move on from Jameis is real that’s still a win.
March 19th, 2020 at 6:12 am
What weird post full of absurd nonsense. To think that he chose Tampa because of state tax is f-ing stupid unless we’re talking about an undrafted from 2019. Dude has played for 20 years and wife is also filthy rich but they’d worry about tax for 2 years. You thought he’d sign with chargers because of his production company, of course you were wrong but the state is already in his pocket. How about we have a better roster
March 19th, 2020 at 6:13 am
If some people had better reading and comprehensive skills and understood what Jimmy was actually saying they’d look less like fools. You JW “haters” who always whine about the JW “huggers” and FSU homers think you’re so smart but all you really do is repeat the same thing you read someone else post. You guys really need some originality. WHAT Jimmy was saying is that he won’t believe Brady is a Buc until that contract is signed on the dotted line and since it can’t be until he takes a physical he’s not. Agreement in principle is not a contract and Bellichek has time if he wants to woo him back and based upon our past it CAN happen. Said nothing about wanting JW. You guys really need to check your hate at the door so please get a grip.
March 19th, 2020 at 6:17 am
Boy, around the water-cooler yesterday, this was a truly mixed bag. I was in disbelief at the amount of people that didn’t like the move. Mostly, it was because of his age. The other part was this notion that Tom would become GM, owner, and offense and defensive coordinator! Obviously, that has been dispelled here.
This is a win NOW move and there’s no way that you can argue that Brady is the best, or one of the best to ever play. What he lacks in physicality (allegedly) is wisdom. There is no comparison between Winston and Brady. It’s not fair to Winston and it’s not a knock on Winston either. Brady has played longer and is far more experienced.
No, this move does not address long-term needs but, whether it was Brady, Winston, or whoever, the Bucs still needed to find a QB via draft.
March 19th, 2020 at 6:19 am
Ok, DavidBigBucs… long as Winston is history.
March 19th, 2020 at 6:34 am
Though Brady played at Michigan, or shall we say he attended school there, he is from California. Not The Los Angles area, more like the Bay Area.
March 19th, 2020 at 6:54 am
“We got him!”
Great job Mr Licht, BA, Glazers!!!! We got him!!!!!!
Now to hit that draft hard for Wirfs or Ezra!
March 19th, 2020 at 6:55 am
Don’t forget real estate in CA…….FL was a much better choice.
I told ya so……
March 19th, 2020 at 6:56 am
So the next question is…..which young QB do we get in the Draft for Brady to mentor for the next 2 years?
I think it is either Eason or Hurts in Round 2.
March 19th, 2020 at 7:11 am
Better Beef up OL and RB now. I mean Biggest and best. Ground and pound. Brady is not going to pass 400 a game. Dont screw it up Bucs.
March 19th, 2020 at 7:18 am
Funny photo caption… Town of Hudson, north of Tampa. I grew up there, Hudson Elementary all the way to Hudson High Cobras. I was a cheerleader, too. Go Cobras! Fox 13’s Charlie Belcher is from Hudson also. We have great fishing off coast in Aripeka, coastal part of Hudson. It’s Florida brackish inlets.. fish, crabs, etc. awesome place. 🏝☀️ Maybe the Brady family is hankering for a little home town hospitality. And Tampa, ?! A terrific outstanding city with much to offer. sports, shopping, beaches, etc. Tom loves horse racing, The Downs are where I worked as an equine vet assistant. I could give him the tour. 😁Florida is a great place to live! Welcome, Brady Family! Go Buccaneers!! We love our Bucs!❤ 🏈🏆❤
March 19th, 2020 at 7:53 am
For crying out loud finish and announce the deal already glazers!
March 19th, 2020 at 8:11 am
So it’s just “Bucs QB Tom Brady”. But for every article mentioning winston over the last 3 years it’s “America’s QB, Pro bowler Jameis Winston.” C’mon Joe! Get on board with the excitement! Edit this article to say “6 time Super Bowl winning, 3 time MVP, 14 time pro bowler, Tom Brady”
March 19th, 2020 at 8:20 am
Evidently the holdup is contract details about a physical.
March 19th, 2020 at 8:32 am
WalkThePlank Says:
March 19th, 2020 at 7:18 am
Funny photo caption… Town of Hudson, north of Tampa. I grew up there, Hudson Elementary all the way to Hudson High Cobras. I was a cheerleader, too. Go Cobras! Fox 13’s Charlie Belcher is from Hudson also. We have great fishing off coast in Aripeka, coastal part of Hudson. It’s Florida brackish inlets.. fish, crabs, etc. awesome place. 🏝☀️ Maybe the Brady family is hankering for a little home town hospitality. And Tampa, ?! A terrific outstanding city with much to offer. sports, shopping, beaches, etc. Tom loves horse racing, The Downs are where I worked as an equine vet assistant. I could give him the tour. 😁Florida is a great place to live! Welcome, Brady Family! Go Buccaneers!! We love our Bucs!❤ 🏈🏆❤
Thanks for rekindling some fond, youthful memories. Although I grew up in Tampa, in the early 50’s my uncle bought, which my cousin still owns, property in Aripeka. Many a family gathering took place up there. Since he was a big gill netter, smoked mullet was always on the menu. Thanks again for the memories.
March 19th, 2020 at 8:52 am
I am very surprised at how many people can’t believe Brady sign in Tampa. Tampa is loaded with talent on both sides of the ball and also have a hell of a coaching staff. I personally think the Bucs are more close to getting to the Super Bowl than any of the other teams out there that was looking for a QB
March 19th, 2020 at 8:52 am
Jimmy says you’re a moron!
March 19th, 2020 at 8:55 am
The climate is equivalent? That dood ain’t never been to Florida I guess. I would kill for Cali weather.
March 19th, 2020 at 9:03 am
Sierra048 You are very welcome Sierra! Your childhood memories in Aripeka of family, food, & fun sound warm & comforting! . smoked mullet, Mmm.. haven’t had it in a long time. The tiny little historical Post Office there takes me back in time, the winding road & tiny bridge. I still go by there to visit- quiet serenity & soak in the peace of the water and sunshine sparkling o off the water like tiny diamonds. Beautiful! My family homestead is not far away in the Highlands, my parents are gone but we still have it. I live in Floral City now, it’s a tiny town in Citrus County with one stop light! It’s also a very cool old Florida lifestyle. When I venture out to the big city, it’s amazing and I enjoy the rush of people, traffic, activities. But happy to return home when it’s time. Maybe you & your cousin could plan a summer bbq, family reunion. Make fresh memories to add to your collection! Relaxing with family is the best times to renew our souls, some happiness, laughter. Fill up on yummy food! We all, need it in this crazy world we live in. Have a great day & we all can look forward to our new season of Buccaneers football! Go Bucs!!
March 19th, 2020 at 9:04 am
@Robert: your still proving that you are dumb as dirt even after your lover boy JW is gonzo. Do you really think that the Brady’s could care about real estate cost? They have a combined net worth of 650 million. Please go away
March 19th, 2020 at 9:09 am
As an ex-Californian I can tell you that there is no love between NOCAL and SOCAL. Brady grew up in San Mateo, a suburb south of the SF Airport. Anyone that knows California culture knows the San Francisco is the total opposite of LA in the sense that LA is a world of movie stars, celebs and is the most populated city in the country with highways that are cluttered with more cars than anywhere else in the country.
Maybe Brady’s upbringing and NOCAL roots factored. You could fit 25 Tampa Bay regions geographically in the greater LA basin. Anyone ever think maybe Brady just didn’t want the lights and hassles of LA and considered Tampa a better place to focus on football and lead a less crazy life?
March 19th, 2020 at 9:09 am
Why and how come every other NFL team can sign players, but the Bucs can’t get this done.
Making me nervous.
March 19th, 2020 at 9:11 am
For crying out loud let brady pick a doctor for a physical! Who cares let him pick one where he lives get this done already!
March 19th, 2020 at 9:31 am
Ya’ll know this has Albert Haynesworth written all over it. Not the answer to the problem…period.
March 19th, 2020 at 10:06 am
$30 million a year for a geriatric who is in severe decline.
And the Bucs fans rejoice.
The dude won’t finish his first season, people — he’ll be maimed and disillusioned due to the OL and lack of run game.
March 19th, 2020 at 10:34 am
You’ll give him the money.
Now give him a LEFT tackle and move Donovan to the right.
Give him a stud running back.
March 19th, 2020 at 10:49 am
You gonna have to take the physical to play
March 19th, 2020 at 11:53 am
I read that it was his son in NYC that got him to come here because it was closer than CA.
March 19th, 2020 at 11:54 am
Bucs OL was better than the NE OL. So, your thoughts on him being dead don’t make sense.
March 19th, 2020 at 1:40 pm
That’s not totally accurate amount of gross pay. When these players go to a different state they become an employee working in that state so they are subject to the state taxes of that state. Now at least half is without taxes because half the games are in FL
March 19th, 2020 at 1:53 pm
Yes, those terrible “choking” California taxes which have resulted in the exact same population growth rate the state has experienced for the last 60 years, without even a tiny deviation.
I’m sure while Tom is sweating his assets off in Florida, that extra $4M will make a huge difference to a guy who, along with his supermodel wife, has hundreds of millions and may make more in the broadcast booth than he did on the field.
March 19th, 2020 at 1:53 pm
Brady is gonna milk the Bucs dry. Play half a season and chill over on the beach rehabbing.
March 19th, 2020 at 3:08 pm
Just for some perspective. 4 million dollars represents LESS than one percent of his net worth and in fact is barely over a half %.
If your net worth is 100,000 that’s roughly a $500…a yet $500 to that person is far more important than 4 million to someone already sitting on way more than a half BILLION dollars.
It’s America and everyone has the right to be disgustingly greedy. We have the right to call a spade a spade. I just fail to believe that Tom Brady the GOAT made the SINGLE MOST CONSEQUENTIAL football decision of his entire career based on less than a half percent of his more than a half billion dollars.
Brady is too freaking smart for that!
March 19th, 2020 at 4:38 pm
“The climate is equivalent, so that wasn’t a factor.”
LOL what a clown. He might know football, but… smh.
March 19th, 2020 at 8:31 pm
As someone who has lived in both states, the climates are not the same at all except for maybe 2-3 months out of the year.
But beautiful places, but very different climates lol.
March 19th, 2020 at 8:31 pm
*Both are beautiful places ^