Chris Myers: May Be Time To Move On
February 3rd, 2020
Bucs preseason voice Chris Myers.
The TV preseason voice of the Bucs thinks time has just about run out for a famous Bucs player.
FOX Sports’ Chris Myers, who calls Bucs preseason games, has seen the Bucs under the leadership of Mr. Entertainment, America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston. And Myers thinks he may have seen enough.
Myers was gracious enough to speak with Joe last week at the Miami Beach Convention Center during a FOX Sports media availability. And the NFL play-by-play man and new voice of the Chicago Cubs is pretty sure the Bucs have maxed out with Jameis.
In so many words, if the Bucs are to take the next step to become a playoff team, it may have to be with a new signal-caller, Myers believes.
Myers came as close as close can be to calling for the Bucs to move on from Jameis.
He said this without any glee. He sounded downright depressed about it and his body language when talking about Jameis showed he reached this conclusion with a disappointed, heavy heart.
“I am concerned, the quarterback position, where the Bucs go next,” Myers said. “This is a franchise-altering moment. And I thought, I have to tell you, I thought when they drafted Jameis Winston out of Florida State, he was the right mix. The crowd would love it and he would develop. We knew he was aggressive and he would make mistakes but he had the arm and he was a good guy.
“It just hasn’t worked out.”
Myers noted that as much as the Bucs may want to give Jameis another shot, it may be time to man up and say “goodbye.”
“I think after a certain amount of time, you as an organization and [Bruce] Arians as a head coach has to make a choice,” Myers explained. “And I don’t know what their other options are, but they need to explore those very seriously to take the franchise forward.”
Myers was quick to point out he sees light at the end of the tunnel; the Bucs made a lot of headway with Arians in his first year in Tampa Bay. But to get through that tunnel, the team may need a new driver.
“I don’t — now Jameis might be able to play somewhere else,” Myers said. “Guys have made transitions and done well. I think the Bucs have to make a big move right now while there is an opportunity with so many quarterbacks on the market and in the draft.”
Very strong words from a man who works (part-time) on the Bucs’ dime. And if a guy like Myers has come to this conclusion, you wonder how many folks who have gone totally dark and barricaded themselves within the walls of One Buc Palace are thinking?
(Joe will have more with Myers tomorrow.)
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:15 am
i think his assessment is fair. i want him to succeed but with everything that has happened in tampa, nothing suggest it will stop. he may end up being good but do remember joe that players sometimes need new scenery. look at shaq barrett. for many reasons it has not worked in tampa and look at what it has done to the fanbase. i think they shold draft a guy whether they keep him or not and i mean a first or second round QB. i think everybody needs a fresh start. i understand arians isnt around for long but too long has this ownership and team focuses on one guy or one coach. we need to take a holistic view of sustained success. making the playoffs one year isnt that. can jameis win us a championship? that is the only question i want answered.
thinking about him in a playoff game is one of the most terrifying thoughts but we need to forget about arians only here for a bit or what do we need to build around jameis. let’s just build a complete team and that has been the failure of this franchise since we drafted winston. licht has built people around him but no defense or run game.
we need somebody new in charge of personnel with an actual plan 1 year, 3 years, 5 years down the road. i am sick and tired of trying to “make things work” for the sake of it. i dont want one freaking playoff game or appearances. i want championships and right now this team isnt doing that and maybe we just need to get rid of winston. we talk about a losing culture and mentality, and not his fault all of it but he is a part of it. as is everyone else but bottom line we will never win with these turnovers.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:17 am
Thanks Joe!
Understood these sentiments and agree. Not happy about moving in, but it’s the best course or action
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:17 am
This team had a piss poor defense for four years and Jameis put up points and yards. Now the defense played well for eight games and Jameis is holding the team back. Give him a chance to play with a lead or with a defense and RB around him and see how he does. Giroppolo could not win the big game when he had a defense and RB, because he is a game manager, unlike Jameis who can win games for you.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:20 am
@Myers … ““And I don’t know what their other options are, but they need to explore those very seriously to take the franchise forward.”
Agree wholeheartedly that we need to explore our other options, but it’d be extremely risky to pass March 10th WITHOUT tagging Jameis with NO FUTURE QB in sight. Bucs boxed themselves in last year by not having a viable backup QB on the roster, and now the vultures have come home to roost.
Also in favor of transition tagging Jameis THEN working a trade with someone (Raiders, Bears, Colts come to mind first, but might well be more who are viable trade partners). THEN we could also draft a QB IF one who potentially fits our offensive system is available when we pick #14.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:21 am
If the Bucs mess this up I’m done lol can’t take the stupidity anymore.. simple fixes & were easily in the playoffs, how about actually fixing the line & don’t tell me they are what the nfl says they are.. the Bucs I line is very sub-par, so let jameis wall & bring in a guy like rivers who can barely throw 20 yards downfield lol I’ll really be done w/ this franchise
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:22 am
If bucs were to move on there is no better offseason to do so. If they feel they have to find a quarterback in the first three rounds then its because they know what we all see, winston is not reliable.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:22 am
Buc boy,
Garoppolo is better bc he turns it over much less. Look at the numbers, not world beating- but not a streak of dumb ass turnovers either.
Jameis’ stats could be more Easily replicated bc of the mistakes. Inefficient, losing, w-eating football.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:22 am
let the excuses rain!!!!!!!…lol…
GO BUCS!!!!!
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:24 am
Bucboy you are correct. All these guys clamoring for some game manager should rewatch the Super Bowl. Watch what happens when the game is on the line and some mediocre QB without much talent needs to step up. The 49ers lost last night because KC has a franchise QB and they don’t. If they drop Jameis they will regret it.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:24 am
JW played himself into this situation. This past year was his final audition for full control of his destiny. Unfortunately, he remained consistently inconsistent.
All that and what Myers said, I won’t be heartbroken if we bring him back. At the right price. However, I don’t want to lose any of our defensive players. And I want a solid RT. To me everything else is of lessor importance.
In BA I Trust!
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:25 am
Lmao SteveK Garrapolo sucks. If he was in Tampa we wouldn’t have won close to 7 games last year.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:28 am
Sure looks, feels , sounds and smells of a River 2-3 year deal forthcoming. I don’t like it…and will have to wear a clothespin on my beak to stomach it much like when Garcia was QB…particularly when Favre appeared to be within reach.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:28 am
Winston>>>Jimmy G
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:30 am
its very simple…..
DCs want JW throwing the ball……stuff the run and make him throw early and often…..
NO DC want mahomes throwing the ball……drop 8 in coverage force them to run the ball…..
thats all you need to know…..
GO BUCS!!!!!!
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:31 am
Bye bye Jaboo!!!
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:32 am
Amen. Let’s move on and start the healing process.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:45 am
I believe the Bucs will move on. Anyone wants BUCS gear? Being a fan of the Buccaneers is the worse experience a true fan of football can have. I hope Jameis goes to the 49ers. They will win Super Bowl for the next 15 years.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:53 am
I think we have a little more room to go to improve our D…OL..and RB situation.
Again JW is not a force multiplier…his own supporters always whine about the OL…the D…and the RB…so what will be different in 2020?
Find the best QB on the market or perhaps a 2nd round gamble…build the OL with a tackle in the first…a bruising blocking RB in the 3rd…2nd either a QB or more defense.
Start acquiring draft picks to make a move next year for Trevor Lawrence.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:54 am
Agree with your take completely!
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:59 am
@MirrorMirrowOnTheWall … “I hope Jameis goes to the 49ers. They will win Super Bowl for the next 15 years.”
So if I understand you correctly, the Bucs will move on, BUT … Jameis has the ability to win the SB multiple times with a quality TEAM like the 49ers around him?
IOW, Bad Jameis is frustrating as he11, but Good Jameis can be a franchise QB? And a quality team could compensate for his faux pas and still win it all?
So IF that’s true, then why not keep Jameis here in Tampa Bay at the right price and build a quality TEAM around him?
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:08 am
Hard to build a team around a player you have to plan for putting your d in a bad place and being inconsistent
Can’t afford to pay a qb 30 million and pay good players to make up for his mistakes
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:08 am
For you clowns that are ragging on the 49rs’ Jimmy G. are showing your ignorance. May I remind you that Jimmy lost in the SB! The SB! He took the 9rs to the SB and lost in the 4th qtr.
Yeah, they sure want Jameis. Do you think for a nano-second that they would trade Jimmy for Jameis?
Jameis took the Bucs to 9 losses, not the SB. yeah he’s great!
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:09 am
Compare JayMiss to Mahomes: one is a 24 year old league MVP who already won a Super Bowl.
JayMiss is a 26 year old 5 year starter who has won nothing but the ere of the fan base.
Mahomes is squeaky clean; JayMiss has a ton of baggage including a recent suspension for allegedly groping an Uber driver.
Meyers is right; time to move on.
Peace, out
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:10 am
Quick glance: jimmy G makes 27.5 per year and had 27 TDs to 13 INTs this year.
Am I missing something here? He’s better than Jameis. I would argue that Jimmy G has one legit target: Kittle. Jameis has Evans Godwin, some decent TEs and Perriman is no slouch.
I get it. Running game. Why is Licht a GM in year 7- no layoffs and Lynch is in year 5 and has a Sb appearance?
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:13 am
Dramatic much? Joe Montana won three SBs as the QB of the 49ers. You say Jameis will go there and win “15 in a row”? So you’re saying Jameis will be, literally 5x more successful than Joe Montana?
😂 😆 😝 😂 😆 😝 😂 😆 😝 🤣 🤣 too funny!!!!!!
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:16 am
@SteveK….. Garoppolo is not the answer. I watched him panic more than once last night. In fact, Shanahan should be looking for a replacement for him too.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:16 am
You are a dummy; you are missing a lot. Give it up man you are embarrassing yourself. I guess that is okay if you are too dumb to notice that you are a dummy.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:18 am
SteveK Says:
Where did I say Jameis will win 15 Super Bowls in a row dumb dumb?
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:23 am
Easy on the name calling and read your last sentence on this particular comment:
MirrorMirrowOnTheWall Says:
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:45 am
I believe the Bucs will move on. Anyone wants BUCS gear? Being a fan of the Buccaneers is the worse experience a true fan of football can have. I hope Jameis goes to the 49ers. They will win Super Bowl for the next 15 years.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:23 am
Its the right move. You weigh his suspension and off field issues, that have definitely affected the team …along with his non-develop in 5 frckin years and his revealing to be a “very average” QB… A NO BRAINER DECISION !!!!
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:24 am
I don’t think Jimmy G is the “answer”. I just debate he’s “better” than Jameis
For those that seem to think he could so easily replicate the team/playoff success.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:24 am
@MirrorMirrowOnTheWall Says:
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:45 am
They will win Super Bowl for the next 15 years.
That literally implies you are saying they will win the SB for 15 years straight. So you probably should watch who you call a dumb dumb when you don’t understand how to converse in English properly.
If you meant to imply they will simply win several over the next 15 years, you failed to convey that with how you wrote it.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:24 am
If I’m “dumb”, then what does that make you? 😉
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:26 am
Thanks, Fifer!
I sometimes fail to comprehend, but I read that just as you did.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:27 am
SteveK Says: You are dumb, and that has nothing to do with me.k
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:28 am
I wouldn’t mind seeing the Bucs sign Dalton who I believe is making about 17mil. The only way I would sign JW for another year would be for the same amount he made this year. Around 20mil.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:29 am
So Jameis would be 5x more successful than Joe Montana as a 49er? And 15 titles in a row? Damn!?
Here I am, lowly hoping for Tom Brady and his 6 measly rings and only 9 SB appearances. Good grief, what am I thinking. #Such a Dumb Ass
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:30 am
@SteveK Says:
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:26 am
Thanks, Fifer!
I sometimes fail to comprehend, but I read that just as you did.
No problem. I grew up with an English professor for a mom so grammar was something I was sort of forced to take very seriously.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:37 am
Grammar, comprehension are two different things. English professor did not help much.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:38 am
God bless her for that! I don’t strive to be the grammar police, or nitpick another poster, but when I’m a “dummy” I seek to further understand where I was wrong and can improve. In this case, I can’t say that I can fathom 15 super bowls in a row. Winning them all too. Damn.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:40 am
Care to respond to the “15 super bowl titles”?
I understand now more than ever: Jameis Apologists see Jameis in a light that he is literally “5x the QB” that Joe Montana was. It’s going to be tough to convince them he’s not Hahahaha.
MirrorMirrowOnTheWall Says:
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:45 am
I believe the Bucs will move on. Anyone wants BUCS gear? Being a fan of the Buccaneers is the worse experience a true fan of football can have. I hope Jameis goes to the 49ers. They will win Super Bowl for the next 15 years.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:40 am
I’m with Sport on this one….
Jameis had his shot last year and blew it……
Give him the franchise tag for about $23 million…..draft a QB……one more year…..and if Jameis is picked for more money by another team….let him walk….if Jameis doesn’t like it…..he can shove it because he deserves much less.
We need to sign our other players and can’t let Jameis’ money stand in the way.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:49 am
@MirrorMirrowOnTheWall Says:
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:37 am
Grammar, comprehension are two different things. English professor did not help much.
So you are obviously referring to yourself here, I assume? As I stated previously,what you said 100% implies that you believe Jameis would win 15 straight SB’s on the 49er’s. There is NO way to comprehend it differently. I speak 4 languages, have 2 undergrad degrees and a Masters. I’m far from stupid. I’m only 40 and will be retired in 12 years or less, clearly I must be doing something right with my life.
You, on the other hand cannot even understand that what you wrote makes you look like an idiot and you continue to insinuate we are in the wrong? Please…just stop.
February 3rd, 2020 at 11:53 am
The QB they need might come out next year. Lawrence… He’s the real deal. Otherwise not interested in the rooks or vets this year. Bucs need to set themselves up for 2021 draft. Easier said than done though.
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:04 pm
jimmy g was drafted in the 2nd round to be a back up…..
he wasnt drafted #1 overall to be the face of the franchise…lol….
they won 5straight games with jimmy g in 2017….he got hurt in week3 of 2018 and they went 4-12….came back in 2019 and they won 13games and made it to the SB…..
lol….folks are acting like jimmy g has been there for 5 going on 6years….lol….his first full season as QB of the 9ers he takes them to the SB…..think about it!!!!!!
GO BUCS!!!!!!
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:13 pm
I hate piling on but I’m tired of all the damn losing. We need a QB who has the ability to carry a team when everything around isn’t so perfect. Winston has a lot of weapons and has put up some gaudy passing yards but his decision making hurts us more often than not. If we could put Tom Brady’s brain in Winston’s body we’d have a top five QB every season.
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:16 pm
isn’t setting themselves up for the draft in 2021 a loser mentality mindset ?
we were just getting ourselves away from that.
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:23 pm
Hope you all do leave here is Winston walks then the rest of us won’t have to listen to your b.s.
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:23 pm
Fix the stupid defense fix oline and run game geez we’re not 1 player away from a chip we are several. Jameis is not leaving Tampa.
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:26 pm
Bucboy… he is saying what I have…this is a window we might not have for years. Glad Arians is making the decision.
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:31 pm
Jean Lafitte Says:
If we could put Tom Brady’s brain in Winston’s body we’d have a top five QB every season.
too funny … and if your aunt had balls she would be your uncle… lmao
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:32 pm
Mirror…doubt he will win one. He can’t play three games in a row without at least a one game meltdown. And then it is go home.
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:52 pm
I feel the same way… nothing to celebrate, just time to go our separate ways while we both – Bucs with some nice pieces and Jameis with years left in his career – have a chance to turn it around.
How’s that pop song go… Thank U, Next?
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:57 pm
TBBF … I agree with your 11:40 comments 100%, HOWEVER … we don’t want to ‘cut off our nose to spite our face’ either. QB is the most important position on the team according to most analysts. Picture a scenario where we DON’T at least transition tag Jameis, and then he walks when free agency starts on March 18th.
We’d be left with Ryan Griffin and, oh ya, no one else. Bucs would be DESPERATE in that scenario, even assuming that we subsequently fixed everything else. The screwy timing of the tag, FA & draft make it imperative IMO that the Bucs hedge their bets UNTIL we come up with some viable ALTERNATIVES. As of this moment, we have none. And the earliest we will have any is 18 March when FA starts.
I have no problem keeping Jameis for 1 more year PROVIDING that we have a viable backup (and yes, a VETERAN backup). Drafting a QB this year is fine IF one happens to fall into our lap who BA really likes, but I wouldn’t bet on that happening. Trading Jameis for another veteran QB is also viable, but unless we own him we can’t trade him. Thus the tag.
February 3rd, 2020 at 12:59 pm
Thank U next? How many QB’s is this organization going to develop for someone else? By the way, that statement wasn’t said by the Bucs, but by our past quarterbacks on their way out the door.
February 3rd, 2020 at 1:23 pm
A lot of these announcers can’t even get the players on the teams right. Myers, Ronde and Dick Stockton to name a few. Listening to these guys makes the mute button so valuable. It comes down to Winston and also Leftwich who can design a less aggressive air attack by incorporating his backs in the passing game more.
Would you rather have the Don Cornell high risk offense or the Bill Walsh lower risk offense. Seems like an easy answer to me but Arians and Leftwich probably aren’t changing no matter who’s behind center.
February 3rd, 2020 at 1:41 pm
TampaTown, check your history on Tampa developing QBs for the NFL. Bill Walsh developed Young to everyone’s surprise even his own staff. And while I loved Doug and despise the racist owner that drove him off, the Houston Gamblers crappy OL “developed” his natural talent (and his knees) into the patient pocket passer he became. And if you honestly think any of Dilfer, Testaverde or [fill in the blank] were talents we let escape from the old Sombrero… you need to stay away from opining on QBs for a while.
Now, if you have any ideas on how many times one franchise can swing and miss on drafting a franchise QB… Josh Freeman and I have all the time in the world for that conversation.
February 3rd, 2020 at 1:53 pm
Myers makes some good points, but I still think that Jameis should get one more year. Now if he and his agents are acting the fool and demanding a long term deal for good starting QB money, I would wish them good luck elsewhere. I’d offer a one year deal for slightly more than what he made last year and I’m not even sure if he’s worth the franchise tag anymore with all the mouths that we have to feed.
February 3rd, 2020 at 4:45 pm
I can imagine how proud Bruce became during the win streak. I can also imagine how pissed he got with those last two games. I would want another QB, almost any other QB.
I will again lament the lack of playing time for Ryan Griffin. Even if Jameis gets tagged, we have to draft someone like Fromm, Gordon, or Morgan.
Then we have to hope that Bruce is strong enough to sit Jameis, against Licht and the Glazers wishes, when he comes apart at the seams again.
February 3rd, 2020 at 6:32 pm
How many here believe the Bucs will be legitimate SB contenders and fulfill the Glazer fantasy…Bucs in a Tampa SB.
Me neither…but I do believe with decent QB play the team should make the playoffs and perhaps go a couple of games in…and I’m the optimist.
Does that change your thoughts on the QB position? Is the team good enough to make the playoffs even if we see too much “bad Jameis”?
February 3rd, 2020 at 6:33 pm
Chris Meyers is the most boring piece of garbage on earth – he’s awful at his job and for him to say anything about anyone takes some real balls.
February 3rd, 2020 at 7:41 pm
Jameis L. Winston is an abject failure in life and in football, IF his goals is to lead and inspire and win. If his goals were to grab some crotch, screw his team, and make millions in doing it, he’s met them.
I will add though, when Chris Myers gets the obvious, Winston is indeed done in Tampa Bay.
February 3rd, 2020 at 10:16 pm
He’s up there, he’s out there, he’s an idiot there.
February 5th, 2020 at 5:38 am
Man even Chris says it’s time to move on. Even if Jameis comes back, the first bad game he has the fans and media will be at his neck. Talk about pressure. How can any Qb play comfortably knowing his own fan base doesn’t want him? And we all know he’s got a 3 pick game in him that can’t wait to say hello 2020 I’m back!