DeSean Jackson The Team Guy

June 11th, 2019

Return man.

A heartwarming story sifting out of Philadelphia this week concerning a former Bucs player.

It seems malcontent wide receiver DeSean Jackson has opened his heart to the City of Brotherly Love. Jackson, one of the fastest players in the NFL even at 32, has decided that, yes, he will return punts for the Eagles who hope to return to the playoffs this winter.

That’s the word from Paul Domowitch of Philadelphia Inquirer.

Well now. When Jackson was with the Bucs, former Bucs coach Dirk Koetter was asked about Jackson returning punts for the pewter pirates. Koetter always said that was up to Jackson because he had a “green light.”

Per Pro Football Reference, Jackson returned a grand total of five punts last season and none during his first year with the Bucs. Technically, he returned six. Jackson had a long punt return for a touchdown called back against Pittsburgh on Monday Night Football due to a penalty.

You know, the Bucs with a special teams penalty? Naturally.

So Jackson, who was a lethal returner early in his career in his first go-around with the Eagles, apparently has broken down and decided to be charitable and willing to help his team and his teammates win games.

Isn’t that special?

27 Responses to “DeSean Jackson The Team Guy”

  1. SB Says:

    GMC will get double digit sacks
    DJax will return 8 punts for TDs
    Adam Humphries will be a 100 catch guy

    …….It’s a Bucs life!

  2. Colonel Angus Says:

    Our season turned on that penalty, was all down hill afterwards.

  3. Loyaltotheend Section 312 Says:

    When you believe in your coach, QB and team you are more willing to lay it on the line.

    Joe is letting Djax live rent free in his head.


  4. Lol Says:


    GMC has never had double digit sacks
    DJAX…. Good riddance
    HUMP lol c’mon dude. Even if he does catch 100 balls it will be for like 600 yds… This guy is not worth that much money on ANY team

  5. tye Says:

    It’s not far fetched to assume he realized the Bucs were going no where and his efforts weren’t going to improve the defense OR negate Winston’s turnovers each game…

  6. Lord Cornelius Says:

    I was lost on Djax when he was pouting after we destroyed the 49ers for our first win in like a month, and our best full team effort win of the year other than maybe the Eagles game, and he’s on twitter right after it complaining about how he isn’t used well by the team/the staff.

    Yeah we were 4-7 and the season was lost but still.

    Also – for all the supposed hate on Winston Djax brought – he never publicly said much along those lines. He supported Fitz which came off as anti-Jameis and he trashed the offensive scheme if anything on twittter moreso than Jameis.

    Super curious about the off record stuff the Joes know about though

  7. NOSBOS Says:

    Folks come in here and act turnarounds are impossible. 2016 eagles 7 and 9 record no playoffs. 2017 eagles 13 and 3 Super Bowl champs. They loaded up that off season. Go get Yannick Jason.

  8. Ghost of Darrell Henderson Says:

    “Isn’t that special?” That’s why they call them “Special teams” like “Special Olympics.”

    When Johnson held that guy during DJax’s TD return, wasn’t that after he ran into the concrete wall?

    Where was the concussion protocol then?

  9. ben Says:

    DeSean says Fitz is Americas qb !

  10. BucAllNight Says:


    You forgot Fitz will have 35TDs to 9 pics and lead Fins to playoffs like he almost did with the jets.

    Also Vinny Curry will have double digit sacks and Adarius Taylor(Glanton) will make prowbowl with Browns as a special teamer lol

    Go Bucs!!

  11. Todd Says:


    “You forgot Fitz will have 35TDs”

    I had no idea he had 3 STDs. Wow. Breaking news at JBF!

  12. Greg Says:

    Pro football focus has shown that while he was here DeSean Jackson was still getting open and Winston still could not hit him. Make up all the excuses you want but Winston sucks and less you’re 65 and can fight for the football

  13. Loyaltotheend Section 312 Says:


    Stop being logical it’s frowned upon here

  14. John5 Says:

    Diva Jax said he would return punts for the Bucs too well before he mysteriously stopped during the regular season. His diva’ness will prevail again. Mark my words.

  15. JimmyJack Says:

    Jackson has always been a team guy. That’s why he was a Captain for us. Right?

  16. 813bucboi Says:

    imo, thats on the HC…..the HC is suppose to step in and tell him your returning punts no, if you want to, you have the green light to return punts….similar to the brent grimes BS…..i dont care what you get paid, your the highest paid & most experienced CB on the team…you’re covering the #1 WR…..

    i dont blame jackson….i blame the coaches for letting players walk all over them and letting them get their way….

    with that said, d-jax & GMC are long gone….who cares about those chumps….

    GO BUCS!!!!

  17. BucEmUp Says:

    I never wish anything bad on anyone

    Except Desean Jackson..I hope he tears his knee up on the forst return. What a little b!tch. Id love to slap his arse what a punk.

  18. sincethebeginning Says:

    Joe, you’re like that dude who won’t ever shut up about his ex-girlfriend. Still stalking her and everything, too. Clearly Eagles and Panthers fans won’t be half as well-informed about their teams as you this year.

  19. Wesley Says:


  20. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Is a Doug Martin story coming up next?

  21. Kobe Faker Says:

    “Its call accountability

    From the top down

    This franchise wont win anything until we bring in a President of operations

    Every big contract Gump gives out…

    We go deeper and deeper into the slop”

    Kobe Faker

  22. Steve Says:

    Thought this was going to be about djax handing food out to homeless in Philadelphia this past weekend. But alas it was another jilted girlfriend story.

  23. IBelieveinJameis Says:

    I MIGHT believe that DJax turned a new leaf if he hasn’t been a malcontent and d-bag pretty much everywhere he’s played in his career. His antics with the Bucs weren’t new and once the second honeymoon phase with the Eagles is over, the real DJax will return. Leopards and their spots…

  24. firethecannons Says:

    BucEmUp: on board with your attitude, hope he blows a knee or gets tackled for multiple losses and gets hurt with a career ending injury.
    Yeah thats right I said that and I’m good with it

  25. down in the dirt doug Says:

    AMEN BROTHER KOBE–you might make a good Buc’s president!!!!!!

  26. tnew Says:

    How is Adam Humphries doing in Tennessee? How is Kwon Alexander’s knee?

  27. buc15 Says:

    Last time I checked, it’s not up to the players if they return punts or not.