“His Nickname Should Be ‘Velcro'”

October 28th, 2018

Warren Sapp weighs in.

Joe is not sure if it is just schtick or just two dudes being real but two former Bucs are not on the Vita Vea bandwagon.

On his always-spirited podcast, “In the Trenches,” former Bucs guard Ian Beckles has already stated in recent episodes he doesn’t see in the rookie tackle what the Bucs see in Vita Vea. And apparently, neither does former Bucs great Warren Sapp.

The Hall of Fame defensive tackle had left a voice mail for Beckles that Beckles relayed to his podcast’s listening audience and Sapp is very down on Vea.

“Warren Sapp hit me up last week and I didn’t get a chance to talk to him because I was in a business meeting,” Beckles said. “And he said, ‘I’m watching All-22. Vita Vea is one of the worst players I’ve ever seen in my life.’

“I was like, ‘C’mon bro,’ and he was like, ‘Go and watch it.’ So I am watching it and I am really honed in on him. It looks like you just got a big fat kid from school and you say, ‘Hey you, go do this.’ That’s what he looks like.

“His nickname should be ‘Velcro’ because he cannot get off a block. … Vita Vea may think it’s good just to push a lineman back. That ain’t doing nothin’.”

Just for a point of reference, Sapp is a huge GMC fan and actually told Joe once that he thought GMC was better than he was.

Beckles at least was fair. He said Vea doesn’t appear to have any awareness and Beckles admitted that a rookie develops awareness in training camp. Of course, Vea was hurt the first week of training camp and missed the remainder of camp and the entire preseason.

Joe isn’t nearly as down on Vea as Beckles is. In fact, Joe isn’t down on him at all. Not sure how anyone can expect a rookie who misses training camp and preseason — and three weeks of the regular season — to come out and dominate right away. That’s a crazy standard.

Other subjects in Beckles’ podcast:

* Noah Spence is a bust but confesses the third-year defensive end still has a shot to change Beckles’ perspective.

* Bucs are not in a rebuild mode.

* Wants Carl Nassib to put together two good games in a row before he talks about him.

* Loves Jason Pierre-Paul and said he is the best defensive player the Bucs have had in a long time. “He is just wrecking shop.”

* Thinks the Bucs will miss Kwon Alexander much more than people realize.

* Wants the Bucs to turn the page on left tackle Donovan Smith after this season. “If they pay this kid money, shame on you,” Beckles said. “He is getting his @ss whooped.”

As always, Beckles welcomes feedback at IanBeckles@RadioInfluence.com.

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51 Responses to ““His Nickname Should Be ‘Velcro'””

  1. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Thankfully no one listens to Buckles.

  2. gofortheface30 Says:

    mmmmmmm DeSean has requested a trade. Can’t say that I blame him. Unbelievable talent wasted here without a Quarterback that can get him the ball

  3. Scott Ledger Says:

    To gofortheface: Didn’t Jameis drop a dime of a deep TD pass to D Jax and #11 had the ball stripped away from his fragile hands? Didn’t #3 throw a deep out that was a dart to D Jax to set up the winning FG?

  4. BFFL Says:

    I see a very raw player that can be very good once he starts to diagnose offenses. Right now it’s obvious his only thought is to line up where he’s told and push his guy or guys back.

  5. BobbyBucs Says:

    Jackson wants a trade from the Bucs

    No chemistry issues when you throw in a backup QB. Jackson was unstoppable when it came to the deep ball. Then you throw back in our starting QB and there are STILL chemistry issues. Come on already – time to move on & rebuild. It starts from the top down.

    Hate to be negative, but still no playoffs, the stadium is filled with opponents jerseys – somethings got to give.

  6. Wright Says:

    Sapp just needs to keep his mouth shut. He’s not playing any more and is just trying to insert his name in conversation. He’s a cancer to this team and he’s not even in the locker room right now.

  7. SchwiftyBuc Says:

    Luckily this is a continuation of a long line of inaccurate garbage flowing from Sapps mouth. He was a hell of a player, but he’s always been an asshole, and as a commentator he’s almost never right about anything.

  8. First Down Tampa Bay Says:

    DJax wants a trade, Bucs unwilling to grant request. Great, just what we need for the playoff stretch, a locker room distraction. Buckle up, this could get ugly.

  9. SchwiftyBuc Says:

    Yeah Desean wants a trade because he’s still embarrassed about dropping that touchdown last week.

  10. Wright Says:


    The stadium will always be filled with opponent jersey’s (and a ton of them at that) even if we’re good. Why do I say this? Just look at the Lightning. They’ve been elite for years and the arena still fills up with a ton of opponent jerseys. This is because we live in a snowbird state.

  11. Bobby M. Says:

    McCoy had bust written all over him his first few years because he couldn’t stay healthy….You really don’t know what Vea is until after his 3rd year. We also don’t know what the team is tasking him with at this time. They could possibly be keeping the assignment for Vea extremely vanilla. Judgement requires knowing exactly what they are assigning him with.

  12. Bucnjim Says:

    It’s impressive to be able to knock your opponent to the ground but then you have to make the play. He’s too caught up in dominating the blocker instead of getting off his block. He’ll figure it out!

  13. Dooshlarue Says:

    Beckles is right about Donovan Smith.
    The Durable Turnstile!

  14. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Wow……… Beckles is right alot of times.

    Ive heard the same thing about Vea too but I’m also giving him a pass because he hasn’t had the time to put in the work either.

    Look….. if people thought Vea coming in here would develop into a pass rusher…… Then you’re dead wrong cause that’s not what he was drafted for

    He was drafted to clog up lanes, eat up blocks, and stop the run….. He’s not a big moves pass rusher.

    If he turns into another ROJO….. then my God, this will be one of the worst drafts the bucs has ever had…. Especially since everyone was screaming to pick that kid Derwin James.

  15. Joel Says:

    Vea, McCoy and Smith are all garbage.

  16. Easy Says:

    We need a full training camp and season out of Vea before passing judgement on him.
    Smith is a durable, solid average Left Tackle.

    If we can get a 3rd for D-Jax then take it.
    Kwon is an average often hurt MLB.

    Beckles hates Nassib because he’s white.

  17. Buccaneerscotty Says:

    Joel your garbage! Y’all suck and would have ran Goff off after one bad year! This is the worst buc fan site I’ve seen!

  18. Jeagan1999 Says:

    I’d trade DJax in a heartbeat for the right price! We still got plenty of weapons at receiver, and Godwin has outplayed Jackson and deserves to be the #2 WR on this team! Go see if someone is willing to give us a 3rd rounder for him!

  19. D-Rome Says:

    I don’t disagree with Beckles on any of his points referenced above. I have defended Donovan Smith throughout his career but he was abused last week. I’m not ready to turn the page on Donovan Smith just yet, but if there is another game like my mind will be changed.

    He’s right on Spence, the Bucs not being in rebuild mode, JPP, and Nassib needing to show more consistency.

    As for Kwon, if missing Kwon Alexander in 2015 wasn’t a good enough reason for that 4 game skid then it’s not a good enough reason in 2018.

  20. OneBuc55 Says:

    For some reason my reply didn’t post…

    I’d love to see the Bucs unload DJax…

    He’s a 1 trick pony that has to be wide open to catch a pass… He’s useless in 50/50 ball situations; useless on running downs cause he can’t/won’t block…Oh and forgot to mention he quits on his routes if he thinks he may get hit or dirty up his uniform…To his defense he should be getting used a little more but when you have a guy that’s as soft as Charmin you’re very limited in how you can use him…To heck with it, trade him to Buffalo or Oakland…If we can find a way to get at least a 3rd or 4th round pick for him I say grant him his wish…we won’t miss him

    As for Vea, I wasn’t happy about the pick from day 1…we should’ve taken James and it had nothing to do with FSU; its simple Drafting 101, James was the BPA imo, and he filled a need; plain and simple a no brainer…we could have found a run-stuffing DT later in the draft…just my 2 cents, enjoy the rest of your day…Go Bucs!

  21. Geno Says:

    Scott Ledger Says:
    October 28th, 2018 at 8:11 am
    To gofortheface: Didn’t Jameis drop a dime of a deep TD pass to D Jax and #11 had the ball stripped away from his fragile hands? Didn’t #3 throw a deep out that was a dart to D Jax to set up the winning FG?

    Scott the deep out was a beautiful throw. The alleged deep dime was not. It was an ok pass that if thrown more outside would have a greater chance for a completion. Further, Jameis has missed Jackson a lot of times when Jackson was clearly open although more of those were last year.

  22. ben Says:

    Sapp was the greatest player for the bucs and still bleeds pewter & red. How about coach Sapp?

  23. LakeLand Says:

    I had Vita Vea going to the Falcons in my 2018 mock draft

    The Bucs reached for him at 12

  24. TBTeddy Says:

    If Djax really wants out ship his tiny ass off for some picks so we can trade for some help on defense

  25. SchwiftyBuc Says:


    How about the extremely well throw deep ball that Jameis throw in Atlanta, Desean was about to extend for the ball and then just didn’t.

    The chemistry issues can be blamed on both of them. Also there’s no reason whatsoever for him to have dropped a touchdown that he got both hands on.

  26. El_Buc941 Says:

    So what the heck was that tackle he had last game when he chased the RB down for 10-15 yards?! How about teams refusing to run through his lanes?! As for DJax I’m not surprised. Trade him for Leveon Bell. The Steelers and Big Ben would love him next to Antonio Brown and we would love Bell. If he goes we have Godwin and co to fill in. Sure not the same speed but still very reliable. We have so many possibilities like trading him to the Texans for Clowney and we can throw.in a 7th rounder. They are obviously in the race and could use him next to Hopkins.

  27. LakeLand Says:

    Why would the Bucs want to hold on to DeSean and his $11 million salary ( $10 million next season)? His presence is slowing the development of Chris Godwin. Jameis Winston has better chemistry with Godwin, Hump, Brate. Get them on the field with OJ and ME.

  28. LakeLand Says:

    I understand that jobs are on the line and the Bucs are in a ” Win Now” mode. But you have to let these young players gel together.

  29. Bucs fan #7423 Says:

    Vita Vea is a rookie, shut up Sapp

  30. mdsbuc Says:

    Dooshlarue Says:
    October 28th, 2018 at 8:30 am
    Beckles is right about Donovan Smith.
    The Durable Turnstile!

    …and a fine example of how to hold and get caught, and how to commit a false start at the worst times.

  31. Geno Says:

    SchwiftyBuc Says:
    October 28th, 2018 at 9:03 am
    How about the extremely well throw deep ball that Jameis throw in Atlanta, Desean was about to extend for the ball and then just didn’t.
    The chemistry issues can be blamed on both of them. Also there’s no reason whatsoever for him to have dropped a touchdown that he got both hands on.

    I am ok with Jameis but I do get tired of the Jameis fans blaming everything or everyone else. Ok to hate on the Buc’s run game because it sucks. The offensive line got no credit last week – not only did Jameis have to drop back 60 plus times but the OL had to as well. Jameis deep throwing seems better IMO this year but he certainly does not have the chemistry with Jackson that Fitz has. Does that mean we should play Fitz over Jameis? No IMO. However, I accept that Desean Jackson and fans of the Bucs can have other opinions without being morons or idiots.

  32. johnnybuc Says:

    dude is a clown anyone who actually listens to that show and tries to take actual knowledge from it has got it all wrong. the guy is a bum no different than these hot head sport talk shows u see on national tv. difference is a lot of his stuff is bucs related. believe i recall him a yr or 2 ago saying LVD was overrated not worth the money and bucs should ship him off. the way he talks you’d think the guy was a all pro player but truthfully he was just as much a turns table as he like to believe donovan smith is .

  33. Cobraboy Says:

    If any OL knows about being pushed into the backfield my a nose tackle, it’s Ian Beckles.

    Why people are high on the guy as a player is beyond me.

  34. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Vita Vea will be fine.

    I cannot believe that Beckles and Sapp are down on him when the kid has only played a couple games…and only one as a starter.

    Sapp I guess I get, because he and GMC are close friends and he doesn’t want McCoy replaced. I don’t personally believe all the talk of Vea taking his spot will add up to much, because Vea is better suited in Allen’s spot given the kind of player he is.

    While I do believe the time is approaching when McCoy will need to be replaced, I do not believe Vea is that replacement.

    That said…they really need to move the trade deadline back 2-4 weeks. Teams who are not making the playoffs would be open to trades once they know they won’t make it.

    I figure the two most tradeable players on this team that can fetch good prices are Desean Jackson and Gerald McCoy. I would hate to see McCoy go, but we could probably get a first rounder for him. We could for Desean Jackson too, if we talk to Jon Gruden, who is looking for players to fit his vertical offense.

  35. Scotty in Fat Antonio Says:

    Could it be the Bucs are the ones who started the DJ wanted to be traded rumor? Throwing it out there so that another team will bite?

    Why or WHY won’t they do this with Geraldini? Maybe they already know there are no teams that want him?

  36. passthebuc Says:

    There are 3 persons that have a high opinion of JW. 2 Joe’s and JW. There can only be one reason that JW is starting, he has dirty pictures on someone.

  37. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    LakeLand Says
    “I understand that jobs are on the line and the Bucs are in a ” Win Now” mode. But you have to let these young players gel together.”

    Exactly. And when you consider 8+ new players counting rookies and transplants, that’s a lot of new faces. Even Vets need time to gel. Admittedly, the vets should be well along by now under normal circumstances, but they still have to gel with the 4-5 rookies who are trying to find themselves, and that cannot happen until the rookies do find themselves.

    Of 11 players on the field, only 3-5 are established. That’s why the defense has struggled. While I agree Mike Smith had to go, it wasn’t going to be pretty either way.

  38. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    passthebuc Says
    “There are 3 persons that have a high opinion of JW. 2 Joe’s and JW.”


    The simple truth is that you haters are a vast minority. Everyone with a lick of common sense knows he is the best QB we’ve ever had, and those of us who have been around know how hard it is to find talent like his.

    He’ll get it together. Better him than getting another rookie and waiting for him to develop too.

    Winston is the glue that holds this team together. If we replace him, there better be a great reason (such as more trouble) and we better bring in an established superstar like the Saints did with Drew Brees years ago.

  39. Lionel Says:

    @deweysalmon exactly..he doesn’t see that but he overpowers o lineman..,can’t believe I’m saying this but sapp need to chill

  40. Pickgrin Says:

    Nobody listens to Beckles anyway.

    Beckles is an afterthought when it comes to former Bucs players and the impact they made on the field.

    Why Joe keeps writing articles sharing this bufoon’s constant negative takes is beyond me.

  41. Reach87 Says:

    Third hand Sapp comments designed to whip up the infants. Funny. Go Bucs!

  42. Not there yet Says:

    Nickname Velcro, means he trains with Geraldine

  43. FreeTheSecretWeapon Says:

    Vea Starting equals 5 sacks from ypur d line because THATS WHAT MOVING THE POCKET WILL DO!!!!

  44. Joe Says:

    Could it be the Bucs are the ones who started the DJ wanted to be traded rumor?

    Sure but not sure what Licht’s motivation would be to do that. First it could rattle the player (DJax). Also remember Licht communicates with GMs all the time. If Licht was trying to unload DJax, they’d already know it (which is likely where Rapoport got the rumor from).

  45. Bucamania Says:

    Vea has been velcro so far and he has ZERO awareness. Ball carriers and QBs run right by him. It’s early but not a good start for him.

  46. BigMacAttack Says:

    Trying to stay out of bash mode, but there’s just so much to bash. A win today would go a long way, but that’s asking a lot without the Fitz and Djax, Evans, Godwin connection. I hope Jameis doesn’t throw 3 picks and fumble twice, in the first half, but that’s asking a lot. I hope the defense doesn’t get carved up but that’s probably asking a lot too. So I won’t ask.

  47. stpetebucsfan Says:

    “which is likely where Rapoport got the RUMOR from”

    Rumors are not facts!!! Especially when they are thrown against the wall….errr reported…by a guy with a tarnished rep.

    As Joe points out Licht and the other 31 GM’s have been burning up the phone lines doing their due diligence before the trade deadline.

    During those calls I suspect that LOTS of players from all 32 teams are discussed including those who aren’t going anywhere. Just speculation but why wouldn’t a GM toss out some wild feelers. If one of them ASKED Licht about getting JW in a trade would that mean that Licht would listen, laugh or make a deal?

    I say he would listen and then LAUGH!!! Just because a players name is bandied about doesn’t mean a thing…smokescreens..misdirection are part of this game.

  48. NPRSageBoy Says:

    No one better opine on a fat young guy than two fat old guys. Only thing, one of them is an HOF’ er.

  49. Mike Johnson Says:

    O expect a little more production from Vita and RB Jones. They both were drafted high. He’s right about Spence..Dead Right. I got Nassib having another good game against Cincy. As for Beckles though, he’s one to talk. I remember seeing him get beatdown a lot when he played with us. Just the opposite of Sapp.

  50. Trench War Says:

    Instead of just trading or releasing players , try them at other positions first. Donovan may be a better guard than a tackle but we’ll never know unless the team is willing to experiment. Just like the struggling Benenoch might play better at the tackle position than he’s been playing at guard. You’ve got to maximize your talent and sometimes it requires putting them in a position they can succeed.

  51. Tc Says:

    350 lb dead weight. I liked Derwin James much better fit for Bucs, a first year impact player and maybe all-pro. And I liked Adrian Petersen. Now look what he is doing instead of Ronald Jones.