The Carry Over Effect

September 18th, 2018

Good habits haven’t died.

Joe has written this but it bears repeating.

A year ago during training camp, Bucs coach Dirk Koetter often complained about bad practices. Joe didn’t take him seriously but the 2017 season turned out to be a nightmare.

Joe heard Koetter this summer, on more than a few occasions, remark how the Bucs had a good practice. And look how the season has begun?

In his weekly sitdown with Dan Lucas of WFLA-TV Channel 8, Koetter explains how the good summer training camp and preseason has carried over into the regular season.

“I really think all of our receiver group and all of our quarterbacks clicked during the preseason,” Koetter said. “Just look at the numbers of all three quarterbacks. It has carried over and Fitz is starting now.

“Of course it has carried over for these first two games. [Fitz] has racked up big numbers. Everybody is getting the ball. Everybody is scoring touchdowns. That makes everybody happy. And more than anything else, we’ve got two W’s.”

How long will this continue? Only time will tell. Whatever that team worked on, ate, drank, watched on TV, slept on, you name it, needs to be continued.

16 Responses to “The Carry Over Effect”

  1. Darin Says:

    Dirk is learning on the fly. Gota adapt and he is figuring it out. Great job coach. Make us all believers.

  2. i like gunslingers Says:

    hell yes coach, i’m loving it, and can’t wait for monday night

  3. The Buc Realist Says:

    Right on Joe!!!!! It is so great to see the hard work, and clean practices translate to great football being played!!!!!! They are so focused at practice!!!! Its like instead of entertaining for some silly reality show, they are in the sharpening all their plays!!!!! Its seems like instead of dancing and goofing around performing “skits” they are working to be the best team on the football field!!!!!! it appears like instead of being media stars, they have the desire to be “stars” on the football field!!!!!! The “real” fans wonder what has changed????????

    Incidentally, They have had more media attention, more national attention from the past two great game, then that silly distraction of a reality show that they did last year to “expand the brand”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. BucfanBF Says:

    Coach Koetter has performed awesome thus far this season. Hopefully this continues.

  5. Dusthty Rhothdes Says:

    Do you think maybe that with Fitz out there and having more of a calming cool impact/effect on the offense/team that it is helping in this as opposed to what seems like jameis add/frantic approach to games. I know jameis is the future and maybe he learns to calm down and be a the team leader in a cooler calmer manner by watching fitz through the next few weeks. Jamesi I am confident will be ready and will definitely need to be against that bears defense that will be the best the bucs face

  6. Jeffbuc Says:

    The off season takes so long. Then the season gets here and it’s already week 3. Is there not a better time of the year than football season when your team is winning. Can actually watch nfl network and hear them actually talk about us and break down discussion groups about us. Go to every website and service articles. Excited for Tuesday morning to go look at meaningless power rankings just to see how high we moved. And Monday night rolling into town. If we show up for that game everyone will be onnotice this isn’t the same old buccaneers. This is a high flying must see greatest show on grass. Get bumped to some prime time games later in the year.

  7. joestang Says:

    leave play calling to Monken, he has a grasp on this offense. I have seen plays i never seen before. FITZ’s accuracy is off the charts.

  8. Defense Rules Says:

    In all these interviews, Dirk looks soooo much more relaxed now that he’s only wearing the HC hat AND now that he’s winning. Whodathunkit?

  9. passthebuc Says:

    Let us throw another coal on the fire. Should the Buc’s be undefeated when Jameis comes back, would the Buc’s consider trading Fitz to a contender that is having QB problems, for a top flight corner.

  10. orlbucfan Says:

    What’s with the face hair craze? The Fitzster, Oline dudes, and now DK. Hey, if it’s helping with the wins, I’m all for it!!

  11. Joe Says:

    In all these interviews, Dirk looks soooo much more relaxed now that he’s only wearing the HC hat AND now that he’s winning.

    He sure seems a lot more relaxed on the sidelines.

  12. Robert Says:

    hope they go all grizzly adams and don’t shave

  13. Defense Rules Says:

    @Joe … “He sure seems a lot more relaxed on the sidelines.” Wonder if Todd Monken is as relaxed being up in the box? (My guess is NO). Well, at least he’s got Smitty to keep him company up there.

  14. BucNole Says:

    YES!!!! The whole team should grow beards
    that would be awesome

  15. RicoStickCarrier Says:

    I have to applaud your hard work Joe 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 As soon as new buc news comes out you’re right on top of it. I’m a big fan of Joe, Ira’s podcast, Monday morning Joe and also Bucs Uncensored!!! I’m telling you seems like you’re light years ahead of the local news media.

  16. Anonymous Says: