November 6th, 2017

Thank you to the powerful and thoughtful audience. You got the job done — unlike the Buccaneers — and turned in enough votes over the past few weeks to help Mr. Hamrick win the No Roof Left Behind contest. His new roof will be done before Thanksgiving.


15 Responses to “WINNER!!!!”

  1. DB55 Says:


  2. D-Rome Says:

    That is such wonderful news!

  3. tmaxcon Says:

    very nice!

  4. Wesley Says:

    Good for him!

  5. Ben the Ga Buc Says:

    Great news! God bless you Mr. Hamrick and thank you again for your service.

  6. DBS Says:

    Excellent news.

  7. StPeteBucsFan Says:

    Thanks for that worthwhile effort Joe…and thanks for sharing the good news on such an otherwise gloomy morning.

  8. Ga. Buc fan 41years Says:

    Finally a buccaneer bright spot! At least the fans came to play!

  9. denjoe Says:

    Congrats! Mr. Hamrick! Good Job Joe’s.

  10. JonBuc Says:

    Nice! A come from behind victory! 🙂 Best news all NFL season!

  11. ATLBucsfan Says:

    Awesome Joe’s. Glad I voted.

  12. SB Says:

    Thank you again for your service Mr. Hamrick

  13. Bradinator Says:

    Hooray!! Good for this company to this and so glad a Vet got some comeback! We really are good folks here at the Joe. We might fight with each other but we come together when it REALLY matters! Hats off to all of you!

  14. FortMyersDave Says:

    This is a healthy distraction from a Buc season that has gone totally South. Glad that Mr Hamrick got the new roof. Great idea to put this on JBF Joes, good to help those in need. Thanks for your service Mister Hamrick!

  15. Bucsfanman Says:

    Semper Fi Devil Dog!