A Shining Light From Chris Godwin

September 26th, 2017

Teammate points to Chris Godwin

There are things to smile about, Bucs fans.

In addition to two home games in the next nine days, rookie receiver Chris Godwin rose up Sunday and made everyone forget Kenny Bell and Robert Herron.

Godwin was very out of sync with America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, in Game 1 against the Bears. Jameis threw the ball his way a couple of times and clearly there was a disconnect between the two.

Sunday in Minnesota, the Godwin seen through the preseason and training camp appeared. He caught everything thrown his way, and his three manly catches racked up 44 yards.

It was a huge hurdle for Godwin, and now Joe will sit and wonder whether Dirk Koetter will spend more time with three and four wide receivers on the field — especially after Adam Humphries contributed six catches against the Vikings.

Cameron Brate was asked last night on the Buccaneers Radio Network about who he thought would be a breakout player for the Bucs this season. He went right to the rookie.

“When he gets the opportunity, I’m sure he’s going to do just awesome,” Brate said of Godwin.

“It was awesome to see Chris make some big plays for us yesterday. Super-talented guy, you know, great hands, really good route runner. We have a couple of really good receivers at the top of the depth chart, so maybe he’s not going to have as many opportunities as he would on other teams, but we really believe in Chris.”

Exciting stuff. The Bucs have legitimate talent at receiver. If Godwin is the real deal, find a way to get him on the field, Coach Koetter.

51 Responses to “A Shining Light From Chris Godwin”

  1. tmaxcon Says:

    Love the new buc players it’s the old holdover career losers that let us down every week.

  2. Blake_bucsfan Says:

    I would love to see Godwin and O.J. get a lot more targets vs the Giants.

  3. Negative Jeff Says:

    My JoeBucsfan viewing dropped significantly after the humiliating loss to the Vikings. Would be curious as to what the Joe’s noticed. Winston is too greedy and error prone. Not sure if that will ever change. The D-Line is good against the run. Unfortunately 55% of the plays are passes. Gents, we’re looking at an 8-8 football team at best. And I’m sorry, he Vikings are the first or a soon to be 3 game skid. No way can they beat the Giants or the Pats. Arizona and Buffalo could easily beat them, too. Wheels are falling off this year’s Bucs. And the Storm nor Hard Knocks has anything to do with this. Nothing!

  4. Lord Cornelius Says:

    Blake – agree.

    Giants have superior CBs and a solid D-line / pass rush / run defense. Our best chance for mismatches will be Howard or Brate against LBs and Godwin as a 4th WR imo.

    Also just depends on who covers who. Eli Apple is physical but Djax can roast him 1 on 1. Jenkins can probably hang better with Djax.

    Our injuries really are extremely annoying and I haven’t seen anything close to that with any other team. Most teams maybe have lost 2-4 solid players between both sides of the ball; but not like 5 on one side.

    It’d be like the Giants losing Janoris Jenkins / Snacks Harrison / JPP / Oliveir Vernon / and Landon Collins in terms of comparable injuries. It’s really f*cking insane the sh1t luck we’ve had this year between a hurricane a flu and a bunch of hurt dudes

  5. Lord Cornelius Says:

    I just can’t get over Bucs fans kind of nonchalantly ignoring the fact that we were basically missing 1/2 our defense in that game and the better 1/2 of it in terms of impact players.

    Also funny that Bucs fans think Winston and the offense would be a well oiled machine right off the bat when they had a month break after preseason because of a hurricane and didn’t even dive much into the gameplan in week 1

    By the way – Winstons’ completion % is at about 66% so far this year vs 60% the last 2 years; if you still think he’s horribly inaccurate.

    Terrible underthrow on Djax regardless

  6. Baz Says:

    tmax is the troll of trolls who, when confronted with an actual opportunity to speak his mind to the object of his ire, chooses not to even comment or post on that article. But boy, he sure jumped on other articles to spout his BS.

    not even a JAG (Just Another Guy), more like a POS

  7. sorryitriggeredyou Says:

    @Baz I’m glad Tmax is just crazy online and didn’t actually go down to One Buc to “talk” to GMC lol

    @Lord Corn hole. Good points on Winston. He’ll be ok. I make the point again Matt Ryan had almost the same exact stats. If that D was 1/2 alive it would have been a much closer game.

  8. cmurda Says:

    It’s funny if you go back and look at JBF articles prior to the Vikes game. Everybody is singing the tune of playoffs but now the majority are thinking we will have a top 10 pick. There will be ups and downs but let’s be honest here. The Vikes were playing angry after getting beaten down the week before and we had half our defensive starters with the flu or injured. After only 1 game that is. Lavonte’s injury really hurts and it still pisses me off that he was in the game after the outcome was determined. This guy is not a Mike Smith fan. With that said, I see us getting back on track and I’m predicting a win over the Giants. This game will tell us just how bad our D Line is. The Giants O Line is horrific. If we fail to get pressure on the G-men then this is going to be tough sledding all year with our D Line.

  9. Kobe Faker Says:

    OJ Stocker and Godwin is our only recievers that can run after catch…sit hump and brate and go with the short passing attack and setup the veritcal routes with DJAX

    ME still cant run after catch if his life depended on it

    “Its all about Miko’s Boytoy”

    Kobe Faker

  10. Blake_bucsfan Says:

    Kobe Faker Says:
    September 23rd, 2017 at 10:02 pm
    We will not miss Kwon actually

    Peeps will soon see David plays alot better with Beckwith than along side Kwon in the middle

    Kwon over pursues and is impatient and out of position

  11. Buc50 Says:

    I would encourage any keyboard warrior to go to One Buc and personally air their grievances with GMC. Please video tape it as well or have someone tape it for you since we don’t want you to drop your phone while being loaded into an ambulance.

  12. Lord Cornelius Says:

    8 starters on defense were either out or hurt in that game.

    Has that EVER happened in a single week before?

    Kwon (out)
    Baker (out)
    Grimes (out)

    Noah Spence (hurt early – basically out for the game)
    McCoy (hurts ankle – not 100%)
    Hargreaves (also hurts ankle / cramp’d – maybe he wasn’t 100%? funny no one has posted that theory regarding his play especially seeing he didn’t look 100%)
    Robert Ayers (not sure what happened but he was walking gingerly / hurt at some point)
    TJ Ward (tweaks an injury and is out)

    That’s our shut down CB / #1 DT/ #2 DT / #1 pass rusher / #1 DE / #2 CB / probably best Safety

    Might as well say the Bucs cut their starting 11 defense before the freaking game lol.

  13. Kobe Faker Says:

    Beckwith will be our starting middle linebacker next year

    open the archives…

    Kobe stated that VH3 and Koetters playcalling will be the keys of the 2017 season

    Kobe stated the 2017 season MVP will be the Glazers owners

    You know why?

  14. 813bucboi Says:

    after looking over things, its looking more and more like a mismatch not in our favor….

    giants defense has play makers at every level starting with the boys up front….they can provide constant pressure and play pretty good run defense….they have good quality cbs and one of the best safeties in the game…the weak link is eli apple and he’s decent….

    offense is the giants Achilles heal but they have all the weapons to be successful against the bucs….their problem is pass pro and opening up running lanes….im confident we can hold our own against them in the run department but the passing game is a different story…..

    they have problems with speed rushers and we only have 2(spence&j.smith) and both are banged up….

    this game will come down to coaching…will dirk out coach McAdoo or get out coached?….GO BUCS!!!!

  15. Lord Cornelius Says:

    This will be a fun Kobe post to save if it blows up in his face. Will only lead to a new Kobe prediction tho lol

  16. tmaxcon Says:

    all these excuses yet you ignore the simple fact the supposed best player on defense can not make it 5 plays without getting hurt or making excuses. maybe if he paid a little more attention to conditioning than playing with batman dolls he would be a productive and dominate player. he has the talent but not the drive, heart or passion. gmc does not know how to win.

  17. Blake_bucsfan Says:

    Lol, you are out of your mind if you honestly believe that Beckwith is a better Middle linebacker than Kwon. Beckwith is a good rookie, and will be a very good Sam, but his range/ coverage ability doesn’t even come close to Kwon.

    Vernon struggled and rebounded last year. I’d be willing to bet he does the same this year.

    And you can try and blame Koetter for Sunday all you like, but the fact of the matter is that Koetter was scheming people open all day long. On Jameis’ first pick, Djax had Waynes soundly beaten, all Jameis had to do was not under throw him.

    We were moving the Ball when Jameis was using his eyes and throwing to the open man. It was the drive killing, game losing picks, and an a$$ load of injuries that really lost us that game.

  18. Lord Cornelius Says:

    “tmaxcon Says:
    September 26th, 2017 at 3:15 pm
    all these excuses yet you ignore the simple fact the supposed best player on defense can not make it 5 plays without getting hurt or making excuses. ”

    Not even sure who you’re talking at when you say stuff sometimes. I mentioned McCoy got hurt. I just don’t have some weird psychotic dramatic obsession with him as a human being so I don’t write a paragraph trashing some guy I don’t personally even know every time his name is brought up.

    But keep going Tmax. This is surely healthy behavior and you should embrace the obsession.

  19. LakeLandBuc Says:

    It don’t take much to shine for the Bucs. There’s not many bright spots on the field!

  20. Defense Rules Says:

    Kobe, OJ & Godwin had good YAC because they had good separation when they caught the ball. ME13 & Hump especially catch a lot in traffic & near the sidelines (3rd down stuff). Hard to have a good YAC under those conditions.

  21. tmaxcon Says:

    Lord Cornelius

    until the root cause of the losing culture is eliminated it will be the main problem the bucs face. simple as that. you can’t win with a soft leader simple as that Obama proved that by dividing the country, embarrassing himself and the US for 8 years the same 8 years we have watched gmc make excuses and cry about everything. results matter he is the core reason this team will not reach their goals. locker room cancer with a smile. i want my team to succeed it will not with so called leaders and stars like 93. it’s about wins nothing more all that community crap is just that crap… I am more impressed when a mailman goes sees a sick patient in the hospital than some pampered athlete who has it scheduled and a camera crew all lined up. Please all that window dressing is meaningless. screw mccoy and his losing ways.

  22. Defense Rules Says:

    Oh, and Kobe, I agree with you about Beckwith. More stout against the run than Kwon is (maybe LSU knew what they were doing when they put Beckwith inside & Kwon outside?). Got a feeling that when David, Kwon & Beckwith are all healthy, we’ll see all 3 on the field much if not most of the game. BUT … with some position twists. On certain plays (anticipated runs for example) Beckwith could very well be in the middle with Kwon playing SAM. On other plays (anticipated passing situations for example) could well see Kwon in the middle dropping back with Beckwith as SAM blitzing from the edge. People get too locked in to defining a player as this-or-that. I don’t think that Smitty does, and I tend to think we’ll see a lot more diversity in terms of how certain players line up in the future.

  23. Bucamania Says:

    Godwin looked great on Sunday. Well, except for the poo in his pants. I guess that fart wasn’t safe after all Chris lol

  24. Blake_bucsfan Says:

    LOL Bucamania I saw that too, and I couldn’t tell whether it was a Grass stain or doo doo.

  25. tnew Says:

    Good call Joe. Godwin and Jameis did seem to link up way better. This is hopefully a sign of things to come.

  26. NOSBOS Says:

    Well considering the vikes play on that artificial stuff I would have to surmise it was poo. I surely hope not thošŸ˜.

  27. Steven007 Says:

    Ugh, right after it happened my Vikings friend texted me about his little poop. I protested since I didn’t see it and asked him to show me some evidence. By the next day he had several screenshots of the brown evidence. Apparently the defender knocked the crap out of him, haha.

  28. Mike Johnson Says:

    To me, a lot of yas should be comedians. No Jameis is not all of that. However, Our Vaulted Defense is not helping the cause. I’m sorry guys but that Viking Loss was unexcusable. Again for the thousanth time, Where is the pass Rush??

  29. NOSBOS Says:

    Lord C I’ve never seen a rash like this before. The strength and conditioning coach should fired.

  30. Buc4Lyfe79 Says:

    tmax only roots for #93’s career to end so that he may finally be able to approach him humbly with his passionate mo love man crush and and hopefully become gmc’s “side action.” I still say you’ll win gmc over max if you and ian beckles get together for a duet and proclaim your love publicly for #93 with a truly heartfelt rendition of usher’s “You got it bad.” Good luck bro, I’m a sucker for happy endings.

  31. Blake_bucsfan Says:

    Well, at least Godwin has the flu excuse going for him. Like Bucamania said it was probably misjudged flatulence that did him in. Hey, you know what they say, S(p)it happens.

  32. Iamabuc Says:

    Two weeks in, and we hardly havent seen the new “weapons for Winston”

  33. Eric Says:

    What’s a buc’s football season without a bunch of excuses?

  34. NOSBOS Says:

    Lord C if you recall from Hard Knocks everyone jumped on BoBo’s case when he said “this practice soft it’s easy in comparison to Florida State”. I’m starting to wonder if that’s an underlining issue. I remenber one practice Koetter made everyone run gashers

  35. Kobe Faker Says:

    @ Defense Rules

    “You, Kobe Faker and Mike Smith think alot alike”

    Kobe Faker

  36. Rod Munch Says:

    Humphries made a few nice catches – but the hitch is that it was against zone defenses. Humphries can contribute when he’s a 4th WR and playing against 4th corners or LBs or 2nd string safeties, but we know from last year against man to man defenses he’s taken out of the game quite easily. Doesn’t mean there isn’t a spot for him – but use him in a way that takes advantage of what he can do, and that is catch the ball really well. He just can’t get open downfield against anything close to starting level corners. I think Humphries value is just completely dependant on the other team’s defense. One thing that is surprising is with as much as Dirk LOVED the bubble screen in Atlanta (it was ATL version of the run up the middle on first down crutch) I’m surprised that Dirk doesn’t use that with Hump since it seems like a perfect use of the kid. Then again I’m pretty shocked at how limited Dirk’s offense seems to be since he moved from OC to HC, and it honestly makes me think he’s overwhelmed as HC because he’s just not good at calling plays compared to 2015 when he mixed it up and wasn’t ultra predictable.

  37. NOSBOS Says:

    I mean does anyone have a theory as to why we seem to be so injury prone??? I do…

  38. NOSBOS Says:

    To hell wit schematics if you can’t keep bodies on the field. This seems to be a yearly issue.

  39. LakeLandBuc Says:

    NOSBOS, Jason Licht love to sign these “old men”. He signs old dudes or players, who already has a history of injuries.

  40. destinjohnny Says:

    great pick > love this kid.

  41. NOSBOS Says:

    That’s one theory Lakeland.

  42. SB Says:

    I stopped reading Tmax’s posts a long time ago. Everyone should do the same.

  43. Kobe Faker Says:

    agree with you Rod munch

    Defensive coors are not scared of hump

    hump cant break tackles and run after catch for explosive plays

    without Talyor gabriel, ATL would never have made the superbowl…nice explosive plays this past week

    godwin should be in the slot or start using OJ Stocker in the short crossing pattern to create havoc in the middle zone

    weapons for jameis?

    yes licht givith…but koetter has not takeith

    “Free OJ Stocker!”

    Rod Munch

  44. NOSBOS Says:

    I’ll tell you who has a fantastic slot once they realize that’s what they actually have in him. carolina and mccaffery.. Rushing totals won’t amount to much by the end of the season but his receiving numbers will pop. He was dynamic in they’re passing game Sunday. When they move him out the backfield and put him where he belongs in the slot he’ll be the best in the game.

  45. Mike Says:

    Lord Cornholio, do you work for the Bucs?

  46. Mo_Downs Says:

    I must be the only fan that the Vikings turf resembled oiled gravel. Injuries and DB slips were at an all time high because of the Home Field advantage.

    It’s just criminal for the league to allow players to risk life and limb on that type of playing surface. Clearly, the Vikings know how to play on ICE.

    I advise any Bucs fan to count the amount of slips and stumbles we had covering their receivers and any play that requires a quick change of direction.

    Look, I’m not a crybaby but not being able to set your feet leads to a lot of injuries. We were fighting the refs and the playing surface, not fair by a long shot.

  47. NOSBOS Says:

    Trust me Mo I noticed. I told a partner of mines during the game”we need the type of cleats they’re wearing”.. Our guys looked like they were skates.

  48. NOSBOS Says:

    As far the refs go if Koetter never gose skitzo over the treatment of his players then the refs nor the league will give a d#!$ about the well being of our guys. Those two minny safeties appeared juiced on something. They delivering bone shaking blows all game. I mean understand being a hard hitter but they were attacking as if the impact was having little to no ill affect on their own bodies.

  49. Buc1987 Says:

    This team is out of shape.

  50. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    tmaxcon Says
    “Love the new buc players itā€™s the old holdover career losers that let us down every week.”

    I am quite sure that if those ‘old holdovers’ were gone, you would find reasons to hate the new ones. As if your pattern of behavior.

  51. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Godwin is proof that the offense is still developing. I think it will do so throughout the season.

    Winston needs to eliminate his bonehead plays…or given his nature as a gunslinger, at least limit them to no more than one per game.