“Hard Knocks” Hours Away!

August 8th, 2017

Get your popcorn ready.

Even though Joe tried to logically come up with reasons why the Bucs should be on “Hard Knocks,” it’s still hard to believe it is happening.

The first episode of the NFL Films-produced five-part series premieres tonight on HBO at 10 p.m. EDT.

Some things Joe expects to see:

* America’s Quarterback, Pro Bowler Jameis Winston, to be featured. (No brainer.)

* Ali Marpet featured.

* Chucky Day at One Buc Palace.

* “Hard Knocks” likes to follow rookies around, especially rookie free agents. Bubble players. The story of Canadian college star Antony Auclair might be too irresistible.

* The Stick Carriers.

* Brent and Miko Grimes (though Joe has yet to see a “Hard Knocks” production crew following the two, so maybe they are off limits?).

* The Doug Martin situation.

* Noah Spence’s fight yesterday.

This is just going to be fun as hell and Joe is sincere when he writes this: Joe is much more interested in “Hard Knocks” than any of these worthless preseason games.

So to the shock of Peter King, NFL Films released yet another clip from “Hard Knocks” Monday. This one showcases Kwon Alexander spending a touching moment after practice with a young fan. Cool stuff.

This will be the first time since “The Sopranos” faded to black that Joe has had HBO. Man, Sunday nights on HBO used to be quality TV. Remember when “Band of Brothers” and “The Sopranos” were back-to-back? That was must-watch TV.

19 Responses to ““Hard Knocks” Hours Away!”

  1. RayJameisStadium Says:

    Stevie T. is also a cool story. I’m hoping he makes the team.

    McCoy, Stevie T. and Baker on 3-4 defense should be interesting.

    A great year to see the behind the scenes for Buccaneer fans.

    Yeah! Show me more from this Badass team!

  2. EA Says:

    Maybe Noah’s fight will be featured on next week’s episode.

  3. Dreambig Says:

    Joe, after watching Hard Knocks, now that you have HBO your going to have to capitulate and binge watch Game of Thrones! To me and tons of others, its the best show on TV, hands down, and this season is one of the best ones yet! The first two seasons have enough hot naked bodies to maybe even curb your Rachel Watson obsession … maybe I’m getting carried away.

  4. Joe Says:



  5. Iamtheone Says:

    I’ve got HBO now on my roku. Will that get the show?

  6. rayjay1122 Says:

    Dreambig is right about Game of Thrones. Must watch TV.

  7. Fsuking Says:

    They have Game of Thrones now. Best show HBO has ever had. I suggest you watch it!

  8. Casey Morgan Says:

    EA Says– they actually edit the show right up until it airs. In the past I’ve seen Monday’s news on the Tuesday show, so Noah’s “Fight” might be on tonight. I love HBO, but if you don’t you could consider just signing up for two months and then dropping it…

  9. stpetebucsfan Says:

    Dreambig…agree with you yet again. GOT is riveting.

    I think I’m the “senior” guy here unless somebody can beat 70 two days before Christmas.

    So perhaps I can use that for an excuse to go all “girlie man” here.

    But that clip with Kwon and the kid choked me up!!! Sometimes we get lost in our guys as athletes and Buc football players. But to see that level of humanity displayed is just very moving.

    OK let me beat some of you to the punch…yeah what a “snowflake” eh? I mean what kind of crap is having compassion for your fellow man?

  10. darin Says:

    Good stuff Kwon. Love it when the not so fortunate kids receive kind gestures from their favorite players. Go Bucs

  11. Pickgrin Says:

    Yea – Joe – time to bingewatch Game of Thrones. Its a pretty badass show. Trust us – you will like it.

  12. Dirks Great Granpappy Says:

    Got is amazing. Def a lull in like season 4 or so but this season is some of the best tv there ever was

    I’m telling you guys Silicon Valley is hilarious too. It’s an easy 30 min show. Nerdy but funny

  13. Joe Says:

    There really is nothing about that show that looks appealing to Joe in any way, this GOT thing.

    Someone told Joe the best things about it are nudity (like you can’t get nudity anywhere else) and that a dude has his breast carved out with a knife in a torture scene.

    No thanks.

    (But Joe is all about Jack Bauer torturing terrorists.)

  14. Mike Evans GOAT Says:

    Joe and Justin Polowski and the Stick carriers got a shout out on GMFB this morning

  15. DB55 Says:


    I was talking to Miko on Sunday she didn’t seem to know if they’d be on HK. No film crew following them or at their house. It’s a wait and see situation.

    Now as for got being the best hbo show you gots to be kidding. Sopranos is the best by far followed by band of brothers, the wire, then sex in the city, then oz. I also like True Blood cuz sookie can get it, multiple times a day.

  16. DB55 Says:

    Almost forgot!

    I came here to ask or suggest an open thread for hard knocks tonight?

  17. feelthepewterpower Says:

    Is it an hour long? Or half hour episode?? Anyone know? I didnt check the listings.

  18. Mike Evans GOAT Says:

    ^^^^^^^ One Hour

  19. EA Says:

    I’ve had HBO for years and never watched it, until tonight.