December Shine

December 4th, 2016
Rookie wall? Pfffft.

Rookie wall? Pfffft.

Who knew Vernon Hargreaves was the Bucs’ backup punt returner?

That factoid aside, the Bucs’ 21-year-old rookie cornerback had his biggest game as a professional in San Diego.

Hargreaves delivered a complete effort, leading the Bucs in tackles (six solo) and having the key pass breakup that floated a ball in the air that became Lavonte David’s gargantuan third-quarter Pick-6.

Hargreaves still doesn’t have an interception this year, but he’s playing sound football and steadily improving.

Rookie wall? Hargreaves has hurdled it with plenty of gas in the tank.

It was veteran corner Brent Grimes getting roasted today, not Hargreaves.

Joe is so proud of Hargreaves, and of general manager Jason Licht, who appears to have selected two gems among his first three picks in this year’s NFL Draft.

Two out of three in the draft, after a grand slam last year? Joe — and any NFL owner — would take that all day long.

31 Responses to “December Shine”

  1. Rojas Says:

    Best Bucs CB on the roster. Future lock down CB VH3. Love his competitiveness.

  2. Leighroy Says:

    Why not 3 for 3? Oh right, because the kicker can’t make 31-yard field goals.

  3. The Buc Realist Says:


    At the beginning of the season, a question was asked of you!!!!! If the Bucs are in Playoff contention, will there be a “Round table of Joes” podcast with everyone!!!!!

    WHAT SAY YOU JOE!!!!!!!

    The Bucs are in PLAYOFF CONTENTION!!!!!!!!

    GO BUCS!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Artemis Rand Says:

    Uh oh. Wait until that loudmouth “wife” of his reads this. lol.

    Gee whiz. What I would give to be a fly on the wall at the players wives get togethers…

  5. Joehelldeloxley Says:

    can we try him as kicker too ?

  6. JMicSoundsNice Says:

    VH3 is quietly becoming the best defender on the team. And in defense of Grimes, I would say he got burnt as opposed to roasted.

  7. Doolnutts Says:

    LOL at the people that actually say we should fire Licht… comments like that are how you completely lose credibility.

  8. OneLove Says:


  9. NJBucsFan Says:

    Hmmmm. Who to replace Shorts? Huff?

  10. Sunny Says:

    Grimes needs new shoes , he falls down every game over and over again

  11. NutterBuccer Says:

    Grimes had one bad play simmer down…we wok and he will be back at it next week

  12. Tampa Tony Says:

    Where’s all the hate for this pick now?

  13. Bob in valrico Says:

    Two weeks in arrow the Vh3,LVD teamwork has been impressive.The hit on Jimmy Graham was fearless and much needed.

  14. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:


  15. ImJustHereForJameisNews Says:

    Lol so many grown men crying for Licht to be fired over a rookie kicker. Yall are too used to griping and complaining. Licht built this team which is 7-5. Still seems like this team needs something more than a kicker…some more decent fans than cry babies.

  16. BucGator Says:

    He returned kicks at Florida and was electric. Never broke one but you could see the talent.

  17. buccin cane Says:

    What I don’t understand is all the love for VH3 for being a corner and not having a pick yet but the wrath of Tampa comes down on GMC for not making tackles (by the way another SACK today)…it seems some fans just flat out hate GMC for reasons not understood and will find ANY excuse to jump in his ish….I’m a Bucs fan and that includes a rookie corner coming into his own without the STATS some of u crave,a pro bowl DT who works his ass of as well as a damn kicker who can’t hit squat….they are ALL MY BUCS just the same…signed a TRUE fan

  18. Supersam Says:

    Dude has the smoothest back pedal/transition I’ve seen in a long time.

  19. cmurda Says:

    No Gm deserves a free pass on drafting a kicker in the 2nd round. Clearly, that has major potenital to backfire but with that said, maybe Aguayo can figure it out. Also, Licht deserves major kudos for getting way more right than wrong. He has helped this team have the talent to compete and Dirk is doing a bangup job.

  20. dmatt Says:

    We need a safety in the 2017 draft or free agency cause Bradley Mcdougal is garbage. He had an ok game against the Seahawks but he seems lost at times n is a very poor tackler. I’m sure I’m not the only fan that notices this. Jamie’s n the defensive line bailed us out cause rivers exposed mcdougal today.

  21. Ndog Says:

    Where is BigHog and his countdown?

  22. bucfancocacolagoodtimes Says:

    Tandy said it was Hargraves calling out that route to Tandy on his pick. Playing like a vet!

  23. JMN Says:

    And don’t forget about Licht bringing in Brate! I know fans want to run Licht out of town for the Aguayo pick, which was very bad. But overall I think Licht is doing ok.

  24. JMN Says:

    @Supersam…isn’t that a Ronde Barber quote from a pre-season game? Haha

  25. Jolly Bucs Fan Says:

    Lichts pick of aguayo was terrible.straight garbage even if aguayo develops its still a bad pick.

    BE THAT AS IT MAY, GMs draft busts all the time. Licht is still a great GM and is half the reason we are streaking right now.

  26. Supersam Says:

    @jmn haha it might be, I want a just basing that on what I see. But If hall of fame Ronde thinks so, then that’s a good thing.

  27. JMicSoundsNice Says:

    7-5 in December and in the playoff hunt yet somebody dares to mention we need a safety in the draft. I’m so appalled.

  28. Skyline Crew Says:

    To those that complained about drafting VH3. Suck it!

  29. The bucfan 88 Says:

    Hey we just got bump to the big time Sunday night football we in let’s go Bucs

  30. BuccaneerByBirth Says:

    That was a great play by Vernon and he was the lone corner who didn’t give up a big play. Grimes got burned pretty badly, and Verner crashed back down to earth. Having “Hey Jude” back would be nice…..

  31. PRBucFan Says:

    Again, glad you have seen the light after being down on him early in OTAs.