Ira Talks Beating The Saints, Brees Realities, Running Back Change, Gerald McCoy Scolding Ira, Pro Bowl Results & More

December 22nd, 2016

Ira calls VICTORY over the Saints on Saturday, along with Joe. Tampa Bay’s only Hall of Fame voter is all over the game in this podcast and shares a Gerald McCoy story and more. Enjoy Ira’s podcast every Tuesday & Thursday on, plus his columns on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday. His work is produced year-round.

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One Response to “Ira Talks Beating The Saints, Brees Realities, Running Back Change, Gerald McCoy Scolding Ira, Pro Bowl Results & More”

  1. unbelievable Says:

    “We lean on Martin as the main blame”

    That’s your opinion, it’s not the reality. The Joes should really learn the difference between opinions and facts. 🙂