“It Vibrates You”

November 17th, 2016

Jameismug2It won’t just be the Chiefs’ savage pass rush shaking America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston, in Kansas City on Sunday.

It’ll be Arrowhead Stadium itself.

Those who have listened to the Ira Kaufman Podcast today know all about beastly Chiefs pass rusher Dee Ford, who has 10 sacks this season and 14 in his past 13 games. There’s also a neat new feature on Ford on the official Chiefs website.

Joe’s trembling at the thought of stud Justin Houston returning Sunday — that’s the plan in K.C. — to supplement the already nasty Chiefs pass rush.

But there’s also that stadium. Ford himself gave a taste of what it will mean for Jameis.

On Sunday afternoon, Ford and the Chiefs defense welcome quarterback Jameis Winston and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to Arrowhead Stadium, where the Chiefs haven’t lost in more than 400 days.

“That crowd, when they get loud, it vibrates you,” Ford explained. “I feel bad for the opposing offenses. It’s a little hard for us because it’s so loud, we can’t really communicate, but that’s a good thing—if we’re all out of whack. I guarantee you if we can’t communicate, the offense can’t communicate.

“You just look at [the offensive players’] body language. When everything gets erratic and they’re looking for the plays, it’s beautiful.”

The last time the Bucs played in Arrowhead (2008) the Chiefs were bad and there were at least 10,000 empty seats. Now, the Chiefs are 7-2 and the best home team in the NFL for the past few seasons.

Joe sure hopes the raucous atmosphere doesn’t get Jameis overly amped up and sloppy with the football.

12 Responses to ““It Vibrates You””

  1. DelawareBucsfan Says:

    I have a feeling that we are going to win this game. We are going to look good doing it. All we have to do is come out fast and make the crowd sit down. Then, bong we in there like swimwear

  2. 813bucboi Says:

    loud crowd, ball hawking defense, great front 7….hope dirk gets creative this week….defense should play well since kc doesn’t have an explosive offense….I want to see one of those Carolina, san fran, Chicago performance….big difference is we’re playing a great team with a great coaching staff….hope we come out of kc with the win and no major injuries but dirk and smitty don’t give me much confidence…..we’ll see….DIRK=JIM TOMSULA….GO KAP…GO BUCS!!!!

  3. LakeLandBuc Says:

    Eric Berry, Marcus Peters, Dee Ford, Justin Houston are the players that scares me.

  4. DCBUCSFAN Says:

    Back to earth day on Sunday!

  5. unbelievable Says:

    I’ve noticed through the past 3 games we’ve ran this same quick screen pass to Adam Humphries. There is always traffic around him but Jameis has been able to find him with a quick dart.

    I know the Chiefs have seen this on tape, and I have a HUGE fear they will be waiting for Koetter to call that play, and when he does it will be a quick pick 6.

    We need to come out with some new plays that aren’t on tape yet! Go Bucs!

  6. Dick Butkiss Says:

    Run the Sh*t out of the ball and then play action to Brate and Stocker.

  7. Defense Rules Says:

    DelawareBucsFan I agree with you … Chiefs can be beaten, even at home. They won their last 2 games (Jaguars & Panthers) by a total of just 8 pts, and their offense was not all that spectacular (average of 243 TOTAL yds per game). Against the Jags they had 1 TD and 4 FGs (19 pts total). Against the Panthers they had 4 FGs and 1 INT return for a TD plus a 2 pt conversion(20 pts total). IF the Bucs defense can play like they did last week (admittedly a big IF), and IF the Bucs offense can minimize turnovers and put up some decent pts (we’ve averaged 30 pts per game since the break), then maybe, just maybe, the Bucs can come away with a win. Bucs have been playing well on the road so let’s all just hope that continues.

  8. Dewey Selmon Says:

    I’m with Delaware on this one. I just have a funny feeling in my gut, and it’s not my wifes cooking. Bucs 23 Chefs 17

  9. WesTampaBuc Says:

    I agree wholeheartedly. Besides the run game we need a few new looks offensively. We’ve already got fairly new personnel so that’s part of the surprise we need against this superb defense. Our defense can help the offense play keep away by playing tough against this conservative west coast offense. The Bucs win easily if we don’t turn it over and either get some major 3 and outs or a turnover. It’s not impossible, it’s just this defense is impeccable. We’re gonna NEED Aguayo this week, time to earn a paycheck Rook

  10. Grt1 Says:

    813bucboi= buccaneer hater…What in the heck can one expect . Did everyone forget that we have a 22yr old QB…Yes he’s a stud but he’s still 22. Rookie head coach ..does anyone remember Bill with the Browns , jimmy johnson first year 1 and 17 and Dungy’s first year.Man I’m tired of all these trolls. Why can’t people stop stating the obvious and just get behind this YOUNG TALENTED TEAM!!!!! FIRE THE CANNONS! ! ! ! ! !

  11. Mike Johnson Says:

    simply put…Vibrate my A..!! You wanna vibrate/resonant with Bucs fans ? WIN IN KC GD’MIT!!! NOW that’s Vibrating baby!! F all of this BS. The Bucs are gonna get analized in KC if they are not ready. End of story…..

  12. Dreambig Says:

    Get mentally ready for it now. The Bucs are playing a team that has not lost at home in over a year. I love my Bucs but they are not world beaters this year and logic says there is a slim chance to beat KC. If we lose, we will be in a 3 way tie for last place. Then have to play Seattle, followed by the Cowboys a few weeks later. For us not to finish last, we are going to need to beat the chargers, sweep NO and beat the panthers again. That would put us at 8-8. With our current level of talent, that is a stretch. I suspect most likely we finish with 6 or 7 wins. If we are lucky that will get us to third place and if we are really lucky, second place. Our pattern this year is to beat the bad teams, lose pretty big to the good teams (like KC,Seattle, and Dallas). NO, Panthers and the Bucs all have 4 wins. It will be interesting to see if we can rise above those two.