Alone — And Not Liking It

August 7th, 2016

Jameismug3Yesterday, Joe had a different kind of question for America’s Quarterback, Jameis Winston.

Last year, there was much made of then-rookie Kenny Bell being Jameis’ roommate in training camp. Bell told stories of Jameis studying in bed and pop-quizzing Bell on the playbook. The picture painted was of Jameis being a football-obsessed man eager to bring his teammates along for the education.

So what about this year? Who is blessed to be the roommate of Jameis?

Joe asked Jameis if he was paired up at the team hotel or if he was alone? And how this summer might be different during off-hours.

“It’s still the same as far as studying, but, yeah I am on my own now,” Jameis said. “It kinda, it kinda sucks. But you know, you gotta love it. It gives me time to just sit there and think. But days like today are what really takes my mind off of everything. Because we have an off day tomorrow, and I’m just like, my brain is just going at a rapid pace right now. But it’s fun, at the end of the day.”

Do you have to force yourself to step away mentally and not overdo it? Joe asked.

“There’s really no stepping away (laughs). There’s no stepping away at all. You kind of peel back a little bit, but you can’t step away from it. It’s a constant football grind.”

So there you have it. Jameis is alone outside of One Buc Palace, and he would rather have teammates surrounding him 24/7 as he works his ass off.

5 Responses to “Alone — And Not Liking It”

  1. BigHogHaynes Says:

    He said it best “Gota love it” it that time of the year! Go Bucs!

  2. Defense Rules Says:

    Great question that you asked Joe: “Do you have to force yourself to step away mentally and not overdo it?” From all I’ve read, Jameis is driven. He’s driven to be THE LEADER of the Bucs. He’s driven to be THE BEST QB in the NFL. He even seems driven to be THE FACE OF THE FRANCHISE. That’s a lot of pressure on any 21-year-old … even Jameis. And yes, even if he’s the one driving himself to greatness. Hopefully his coaches, other Bucs players, and Jameis’ family/friends help him to step away periodically and find time to just enjoy the journey.

  3. PleadingBuc Says:

    ^ agree, excellent questions Joe. And love the answers.

  4. Brent bull/buc Says:

    That was an interesting interview. Jw sounds like a workaholic which is good. A lot of the great ones are..

  5. James Walker Says:

    All of the great ones are.