Bucs-Falcons Open Thread

November 1st, 2015

bucs cheerleader 1117Can the Bucs rise from the dead in Atlanta today following the groin-stomp loss in Washington?

All playoff hopes will be dashed if they can’t. This is a brutally tough spot for the Bucs, who are now down to bad NFL receivers after Mike Evans. A lot must go right for them to stay with the Falcons.

Dive into the comments section and react all through the game.

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Go Bucs!

830 Responses to “Bucs-Falcons Open Thread”

  1. Ray Rice Says:

    Hoping for the best. Missing Big Clint is huge. Please, Please get after their a$$$$$ early and don’t get complacent Lovie. Run up the dammmm score. Hopefully you saw the Patriots game on Thursday and noticed how a winning team goes for the jugular. Hopefully you saw the Patriots drive before the half with little time left. That’s how you’re supposed to coach. Let THE MESSIAH play dammmit!

  2. Krutch Says:

    Unless the pass rush comes alive today, or there was a major shift in defensive methodology, Matt Ryan may pass for 4 hundo today.

    But, Jameis may get to his career high as well!

    Let’s go Bucs!

  3. DB55 Says:

    56-57 bucs

  4. MadMax Says:

    Going into this knowing its a loss for our D….but I want to see a win for our Offense. Do your thing guys! You cant play D too, so thats not on you! Just get out and execute.

    Jameis to Evans, Simms and Humphries…..and set it up with the run.

  5. Onetrickpony Says:

    Hopefully lovie missed the bus.

  6. BaldBuc Says:

    Bucs D needs to show up. Down with the Dixie Chicks! Go Bucs!

  7. Loubucfan Says:

    Let’s Go Bucs! – I hope we could pull this off. But if not, leave Lovie in the ATL, bring DK home as the HC. Don’t let the dirty birds Tell us thanks for coming! GMC show up! It’s game time.

  8. CL Bucs Says:

    I predict a bad game for Jameis today, and it isn’t his fault. He’s only got one NFL receiver and 2 UDFA. And don’t forget that Atlanta has a shutdown corner in Desmond Trufant

  9. Buccfan37 Says:

    I’m ready for the Bucs skeleton crew of receivers to try to stop the buzzards in their own nest. Go Bucs, ruffle and pluck some feathers.

  10. bee Says:

    Let’s see how scared Lovie is gonna eff this one up…

  11. Jc tree Says:

    I am hoping Humphries has a good game !

  12. Couch Fan Says:

    Im ready to see Sleepy Lovie yawn his way into another loss. I just hope that he’d stop giving out warm milk and cookies at halftime so our players could also stay awake and maybe help get a win for a change. Then again maybe Atl’s fake crown noise will help wake them up.

  13. Couch Fan Says:


  14. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    I’m picking the BUCS in an upset.

  15. Jc tree Says:

    Trap game for the Falcons.

  16. University of Seffner Says:

    Hang on folks, we’re in for a rough ride today…

  17. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Anyone wanna know why I’m picking the Bucs for an upset?


    This is a good week for one, and we’re around the half season mark I’ve been talking about.

  18. Bucnut2 Says:

    BB- I hope you are right but suspect a blowout. Falcons 38-10.

  19. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    GO BUCS!!!

  20. SteveK Says:

    Will the Buc fans be given any hope of a competitive game, or will we see Lovie’s D get shredded again?

    Another whooping today and FIRE LOVIE PRETTY PLEASE!

  21. Couch Fan Says:

    No Devin Hester for ATL. That is actually huge for us.

  22. lightningbuc Says:

    Lovie = Dead Man Walking

  23. SteveK Says:

    3 and out for the D?

  24. Couch Fan Says:

    Why is Jenkins starting? Ugh

  25. DoNUTS Says:

    Nice push up the middle by GMC causing the incompletion…

  26. unbelievable Says:

    Nobody within 8 yards of their receiver. Shocking.

  27. unbelievable Says:

    3 and out? HA!

  28. SteveK Says:

    Quick slant can’t be stopped. Predictable. The only way Matt Ryan throws a pick is if he starts to get bored facing this predictable defensive front. Yawn.

    SCHIANO should’ve gotten a third year. Fire LOVIE.

  29. "TheKevin" Says:

    Not a chance in he ll today for the bucs.

  30. Rojas Says:

    Jesus Christ Jenkins has to be the worst CB in the league.

  31. WalkdaPlank Says:

    In for a long day of dink and dunk to Julio Jones. Lovie won’t know how to stop him. Bucs lose because of incompetence.

  32. SteveK Says:

    Falcons have three first downs already. Fire LOVIE

  33. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Get Lovie out of there. That stupid idiot coach

  34. lightningbuc Says:

    One needs only to watch Jenkins a few plays to see how incompetent of a buffoon Lovie is. Jenkins isn’t even practice squad material.

  35. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Toasted Jenkins

  36. Couch Fan Says:

    Jenkins is guarding Julio… this is gonna be a long day.

  37. BUCutalkinbout Says:

    Dam it Jenkins already! ???

  38. "TheKevin" Says:

    Anyone picking the bucs today should be removed from the site and never again allowed to talk about football forever

  39. Rojas Says:

    Lovie should be fired thinking Jenkins is starter material.

  40. ShutTheBucUp Says:

    Great defense lol. We lose by 30 today if Jenkins plays the whole game. At least.

  41. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Hey Lovie. Go back to your loser basement

  42. godzilla13 Says:

    Mike Jenkins is a liability. Every play they are going to target him. Put a safety with him or something?

  43. ElioT Says:

    Jenkins is Julio’s b*tch today.

    Slant, slant, slant…

    Siege this!

    Go Sucs!

  44. Aaron Says:

    sigh – try at least try to take away their main threat. Let someone else beat you…nope not the Bucs.

  45. Loubucfan Says:

    Take Jenkins OUT Lovie! Put Alt Vern in please

  46. Gooberville Says:

    And Lovie still hasn’t made any adjustments . Lovie is insane…

  47. Kevin Schmidt Says:

    can someone please explain to me why in the HELLLLLL Mike Jenkins is covering Julio Jones?
    Please….tell me I’d LOVE to know the reasoning behind this!!!!!!!!

  48. 911bucs Says:

    Nobody changes their game plan for us why would they?

  49. mixxx31 Says:

    Would someone get Jenkins punk a$$ some damn cleats. He slips every effin week.

  50. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Did you see mouth breather Lovie

  51. cmurda Says:

    Matt Ryan in the huddle. “Ok guys we are throwing it to whoever Jenkins lines up against”.

  52. Rob Says:

    The rout is on. Vaunted bend and break Lovie defense. Laughing stock again this year folks. Fire Lovie today. I’m tired of this crap football. Go Bucs!

  53. mixxx31 Says:

    BS spot

  54. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Going for it. Not a chance in hell we stop it. Loser Lovie

  55. "TheKevin" Says:

    I only watch for the comedy of it all.

  56. Kevin Schmidt Says:

    I love how Quin has made the ATL defense strong and competitive in one offseason.

    Bet Claiborne sacks winston today…

  57. Soggy Says:

    flag uh

  58. cmurda Says:

    We are getting throttled. Lovie has no answers on defense. When will the torture end with this coach that plays the game as if we are stuck in the 90’s.

  59. Rob Says:

    Lovie’s loons and goons already racking up the inevitable unsportsmanlike penalties. A joke!

  60. WalkdaPlank Says:

    These d!ckhead announcers are so pro Atlanta it is sickening.

  61. unbelievable Says:

    Sloppy. Undisciplined. Pathetic.

  62. SteveK Says:

    Damn shame this play is coming back. Fire LOVIE fire LOVIE

  63. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Haha. We finally hold onto a pick but penalty! Loser Lovie

  64. Soggy Says:

    what a waist D

  65. cmurda Says:

    Of course that is a penalty against the undisciplined Bucs. Lovie has embarrassed this franchise.

  66. unbelievable Says:

    Yea these announcers are absolutely terrible.

  67. jugheadfla Says:

    that was actually stupid for Jones to run him down, no reason.

  68. MadMax Says:

    LOL only us

  69. Rob Says:

    Interception nullified by another penalty. You don’t say lol

  70. Aaron Says:

    we are a joke – again

  71. Jc tree Says:

    First stupid flag by Conte.

  72. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Penalties lovie

  73. unbelievable Says:

    Kwon shoulda saved his energy everyone knew it was coming back. At least Julio is tired too.

  74. SteveK Says:

    Can the defense hold the Falcons out of the end zone?

    Let’s go LOVIE! You’re a defensive wizard?

  75. MadMax Says:

    Nice stand by the D….have to give them credit

  76. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Good defensive stop.

    I can’t believe LOVIE jumped off sides like that!!!!!!!

  77. ElioT Says:

    It’s a comedy show!

    Lovie looks like a confused old woman.

  78. mixxx31 Says:

    That’s gotta be considered a win for the Defense!!!

  79. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Wow I am in shock. Maybe cynicism will fuel us to victory

  80. BUCutalkinbout Says:

    Good job d,only 3

  81. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Fire lovie

  82. godzilla13 Says:

    Held Dixie Chicks to just 3. Nice! Time for Jameis to shine!

  83. "TheKevin" Says:


    Stfu I’m not giving credit to this pile of sh it and neither should you or anyone else.

  84. Couch Fan Says:

    Big plays called back and stupid penalties. Well at least somethings about this team are consistent.

  85. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Undisciplined team

    Fire lovie

  86. Soggy Says:

    well lets get 7

  87. unbelievable Says:

    Decent hold by the D at the end there.

    Have you guys noticed we don’t even try to block kicks? FGs or punts. 3 or 4 of the guys don’t even move. Just weak effort.

  88. "TheKevin" Says:

    3 and out bucs punt and Atlanta goes right back down the field

  89. ShutTheBucUp Says:

    Let’s see our savior score some points

  90. Stanglassman Says:

    Kwan out for the game w/ concussion?

  91. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    I’m so glad we get a break from you tomorrow.

  92. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    “Have you guys noticed we donā€™t even try to block kicks? FGs or punts.”

    Haven’t paid attention today (just finished cooking burgers) but last week they were trying like crazy.

  93. "TheKevin" Says:


    Shut crybaby. You’re an idiot anyway

  94. "TheKevin" Says:

    Lmao hahahha old ya 3 and out lmao. Hahahahahahahahidiots

  95. rayjay1122 Says:

    Like I said earlier, you guys can never get back the 3 hours wasted watching Lovie’s Buffoons. Glad I chose to pass on it. I just can’t stomach seeing my team play so lousy every week. Chicago Bears fans warned us about Lovie. They were right.

  96. jugheadfla Says:

    hey, we got a penalty first down….amazing

  97. "TheKevin" Says:

    Lucky call

  98. Soggy Says:

    hey we got one cool

  99. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Adrian clayborn getting after it. Who let him go again? Was it loser Lovie

  100. mixxx31 Says:

    All this extra curricular crap by the birds. NO FLAGS!!!

  101. Sadbucfan Says:

    Doug Martin with a good run now to mike

  102. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    “TheKevin” Says

    Shut crybaby. Youā€™re an idiot anyway

    Lmao hahahha old ya 3 and out lmao. Hahahahahahahahidiots”

    I am so hurt.

    byw…NOT a 3 and out.

  103. godzilla13 Says:

    Excellent coaching by Lovie Smith. Gotta love it!!

  104. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Ha! Adrian Slowborn couldn’t get it done! Shocker! Nice getaway by Jameis! And good run by Doug!

  105. Soggy Says:

    the martineers

  106. @FamousBroy3434 Says:

    2-4 this has to be 4 down territory

  107. "TheKevin" Says:

    Lmao clayborne? Who got rid of him? Yea this pathetic franchise.


  108. MadMax Says:

    and taken out again by a former player hahaha

  109. godzilla13 Says:

    Donovan Smith get your sheit together.

  110. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Holy crap. Clayborn again. I wonder what Revis and Bennet are doing as well. Loser Lovie probably has a great excuse for Mike Jenkins

  111. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Bad play call. Play action would’ve been perfect there. Oh well.

  112. Rob Says:

    How about a play action fake on 3rd and 2. Clay born showing what the Bucs gave away. Good grief

  113. SteveK Says:

    Adrian Clayborn proving LOVIE wrong. Fire LOVIE

  114. cmurda Says:

    Dirk Koetter on short yardage runs right into the teeth of the defense. Very obvious playcall. Koetter is great until he needs just 1 yard. Strange.

  115. Rojas Says:

    Terrible block by Smith.

  116. WaIkdaPIank Says:

    Adrian Slowborn got it done, I was wrong

  117. unbelievable Says:

    Absolutely pathetic block by D Smith

  118. "TheKevin" Says:

    Hahaha I can’t stop laughing lol

    My sides hurt lmao hahahaha

  119. mixxx31 Says:

    Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then

  120. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Joe it’s time you actually call for this fools firing! Look at this thread. Loser Lovie has no one left to back his loser ass

  121. 911bucs Says:

    Must not have much confidence in the depleted receiver corps. It’s the dougie show so far.

  122. @FamousBroy3434 Says:

    I’m so over this god damn team. LET YOUR FRANCHISE QB PLAY. I’m sorry guys but Lovie Smith is by far the worst coach PERIOD in this league. 3rd and 2 4 down territory and you once again run the damn ball. Winstons only pass attempt he had no chance. It’s just pathetic how stuck in the 20th century we are. Luckily Winston will win in any offense- and we will undoubtedly be under a new one next year. And yeah people keep believing Koetter gone sets us back. Cuz Koetter leaving screwed up Matt Ryan. This stuff happens in the league constantly. I like Koetter but if Lovie leaving has to equal Koetter gone so be it. Schiano Raheem anyone is better. And I mean anyone. Both defense special teams

  123. WalkdaPlank Says:


    Lovie go for it on 4th? NEVER! Think of what could go wrong! /sarcasm

  124. Buccfan37 Says:

    It’s not like they didn’t know what was coming.

  125. unbelievable Says:

    @cmurda if D Smith hold his block, we pick that up easy. Not on Koetter, that was a good call with them in nickel def.

  126. Tampa Tony Says:

    Nice turnover!!!

  127. MadMax Says:

    What a steal KWON!!!!!

  128. jugheadfla Says:


  129. ElioT Says:

    Nice play kid!

  130. Couch Fan Says:

    Wow nice strip Kwon.

  131. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    @”The Kevin”

    Hahaha I canā€™t stop laughing lol

    My sides hurt lmao hahahaha

  132. ndog Says:

    2 plays on that drive there where plays where Atlanta showed have been called for a personal foul and nothing called. You know they would have called that on us.

  133. Rojas Says:

    Nice strip by Alexander !

  134. Aaron Says:

    Good play D

  135. Newbucsfan Says:


  136. MadMax Says:

    better turn this into 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  137. Tampa Tony Says:

    now go for the TD loser Lovie!!!

  138. Soggy Says:

    that was awesome now lets get 7

  139. @FamousBroy3434 Says:


  140. BUCutalkinbout Says:


  141. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Another slant to Julio, that couldn’t be stopped. Great play by Kwon though. Please score!

  142. cmurda Says:

    Throw the ball, maybe?

  143. Sadbucfan Says:

    Kwan making plays.

  144. DallasBuc Says:

    Fantastic play by Kwon

  145. "TheKevin" Says:


    It is funny isn’t it? Lmao


  146. unbelievable Says:


  147. DallasBuc Says:

    Evans complaining again. Catch the damn ball

  148. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Winston…get that pass right and it was a TD.

  149. cmurda Says:

    Another fg attempt. Nothing new folks. Just another Sunday. Winston does not look good.

  150. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Bad throw by Jameis.

  151. "TheKevin" Says:


    That was funny too wasn’t it lol

  152. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Tie game.

  153. vegabuc Says:

    This is beonna a long game fellows

  154. Aaron Says:

    got to have that one JW

  155. MadMax Says:

    at least they tried throwing instead of running….and Humphries isnt 6’5 Winston, come on man.

  156. Rob Says:

    Two horrific passes by “America’s turnover machine”. Come on Jameis. Do your job

  157. mixxx31 Says:


  158. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    Still a tie game. Say…how old are you…really?

  159. Tampa Tony Says:

    So let ATL have huge completions so Kwon can strip them? It’s better than last weeks strategy

  160. "TheKevin" Says:

    OMG it’s tied. Oh wow we have a chance it’s not 56-0 yet wow. Said no one except pathetic fans that believe in magic and have a “blankie”

  161. Kevin Schmidt Says:


  162. Tampa Tony Says:

    No wrs in this game will def hurt. Evans isn’t a fighter, doesn’t attack the ball like other good receivers.

  163. Kevin Schmidt Says:


  164. "TheKevin" Says:


    That’s how you pathetic fans measure success. It’s tied and the first quarter is almost over. That’s a victory in bucs land lol

  165. Tampa Tony Says:

    Barth is booming these kicks now. Where was this at all along?

  166. Tampa Tony Says:

    Middle of the field is wide open every game this year

  167. Couch Fan Says:

    And another slant… Lol

  168. WalkdaPlank Says:


  169. DallasBuc Says:

    Bonzai- he is probably a middle aged man but his mommy still makes him jelly sandwiches and gives him a bath every night!

  170. jugheadfla Says:

    can’t get off the field on 3rd down

  171. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Secondary is pathetic.

  172. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    This will get ugly

  173. "TheKevin" Says:

    @dallas buc

    Go make out with your sister and smoke your pall malls

  174. lurker Says:

    why is there a new hater moron every year?

    is it one person switching screen names?

  175. Tampa Tony Says:

    3rd and long, no problem…

    This d is just awful, unless they get a turnover they give up points

  176. ndog Says:

    At 1:41 I will ask for the first time today where’s McCoy? 3 3rd and looks already and nothing from McCoy. I will do it real time for you joe so you understand why people are about done with him.

  177. DallasBuc Says:

    Whatdoyaknow…wide open receivers strolling through incompetent Lovie Smith’s secondary playing monkey in the middle with the great Mike Jenkins!!

  178. lightningbuc Says:

    The Bucs were ahead 24-0 last week so who gives two craps if this game is tied. Anyone with half a brain can see, despite the score, how superior Atlanta is to Lovie’s Crap Sandwich.

  179. "TheKevin" Says:


    Why is there new supporters of this crap storm every year?

  180. Aaron Says:

    ATL can get what they want when they want it in the Passing game.

  181. Seminole Bill Says:

    Announcer is right on spot; the Bucs cannot stop a simple slant pass.

  182. Tampa Tony Says:

    3-3 is better than expected, now let’s get a stop

  183. Couch Fan Says:

    Jones has 99 yards in the 1st quarter. LoL

  184. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    More penalties by lower lovies buffoons

  185. Tampa Tony Says:

    At least it wasn’t mccoy

  186. lightningbuc Says:

    Lovie’s Boobs!

  187. Jc tree Says:

    I think Julio is going to get tired.

  188. DallasBuc Says:

    Lansanah executed a perfect form tackle against Julio Jones’ shadow!

  189. Tampa Tony Says:

    2nd and 5 and all the cbs are at the 1st down marker? Even on a run play they have to make up even more ground. Playing that far off is just stupid

  190. Sadbucfan Says:

    Another 3 and out time for some Julio slants

  191. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    I could easily see Matty putting up 500 yards in the air against lovies losers

  192. WalkdaPlank Says:

    And another failed 3rd down by Lovie’s defense.

  193. "TheKevin" Says:


  194. lightningbuc Says:

    Why are the Falcons running the ball?

  195. Tampa Tony Says:

    Slant pass

  196. MadMax Says:


  197. Couch Fan Says:

    Atl not having a good day so far

  198. Bucnut2 Says:


  199. Tampa Tony Says:

    Thanks ATL

  200. MadMax Says:

    Needed that one!

  201. Jc tree Says:

    Yup Falcon errors is what we need .

  202. Soggy Says:

    nice and lucky but we will take, now lets score..

  203. unbelievable Says:

    #38 blew his coverage real real bad on that 3rd down

  204. "TheKevin" Says:

    3 and out

  205. mixxx31 Says:

    They are trying to give it to is…. FCUK THAT. TAKE IT!!!!

  206. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Now do something with that turnover. Please.

  207. DallasBuc Says:

    I am really seeing the value in giving up a 5rd pick for the great George (who?) Johnson.

  208. Newbucsfan Says:

    Yeah baby!!! Now score!!!

  209. Aaron Says:

    LOL- better lucky than good

  210. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Good throw by Jameis.

  211. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    This is a D- performance and it’s tied. Thanks for giving it away Atlanta, probably won’t take it though.

  212. NonyaDamnBucsiness Says:

    Play action baby!

  213. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Please promote Dirk to HC

  214. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Another good throw.

  215. Newbucsfan Says:

    Let’s go!!!

  216. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    I just want a competent coach for a change

  217. Aaron Says:

    Come on O

  218. Soggy Says:

    our o is waking up, CMON GET A TD

  219. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Okay, people…answer this honestly…how do you feel the defense is looking?

    Pretty good, huh? Just like the first half last week.

    This defense does work. It just needs players with stamina so they can play the whole 60 minutes.

    One. More. Draft.

  220. Sadbucfan Says:

    Give the ball to Winston and let’s get more points on the board.

  221. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Go for it

  222. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Go for it.

  223. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Won’t go for it.

  224. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Loser Lovie playing no to lose. What a fool

  225. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Well I guess 3 points are better than nothing.

  226. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    You can see Jameis hates Lovie’s soft nature when he’s talking with Dirk. They both wanna go. We need them and their aggressive attitude. We need Lovie and his Tampax attitude to go.

  227. Soggy Says:

    playing it safe that is not like us…

  228. mixxx31 Says:

    Points. Gotta take it.

  229. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    How did that work for us last week going for the field goal. This incompetent hard headed buffoon can’t learn from history. He needs to get the hell out of Tampa

  230. "TheKevin" Says:

    Who is the idiot that said promote koetter?

    Yea need 11 yards throw for 8. Real smart.


  231. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    BuccaneerBonzai Says


    Iā€™m picking the BUCS in an upset.

    Still hoping!

  232. ElioT Says:

    FGs aren’t going to win this game.

    It’s only a matter of time before ATL wakes up.

  233. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    They can if the defense doesn’t run out of gas.

  234. Newbucsfan Says:

    Should have gone for it!

  235. cmurda Says:

    Fg’s don’t win games. Winston needs to hit these passes that are there to end drives with TD’s. The mistakes on offense by the Falcons are begging the Bucs to get off to a big lead but we do not score TD’s.

  236. lurker Says:

    kevin…you don’t know football!

    you just come here to b1tch and moan…just like a troll.

  237. DallasBuc Says:

    Bonzai- are you kidding me? The defense is getting toyed with out there. If it wasn’t for an awesome pilfer play by Kwon and their center playing ski ball we would be down by multiple touchdowns. You do know that the rest of can see the game too, right?

  238. Couch Fan Says:

    Our D does not look good. Kwon looks good and ATL is scewing up. They could easily be up by at least 2 TDs. Julio is on pace for 400 yards. Lol.

  239. WalkdaPlank Says:


    Honestly, without that error by the Falcons, the Bucs would be losing right now. They do not look good. Horrible on 3rd down, and have no answer whatsoever for Julio Jones. Run defense has been good so far and that’s it.

  240. mixxx31 Says:

    Cmon D. Step you $hit up.

  241. "TheKevin" Says:


    Ok Mr. Footie ball wizard so wise with all your infinite wisdom and know how.

    How you aren’t the coach is beyond me.

  242. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Field goals won plenty of games for Lovie and Gruden. Don’t rule them out. A lot of the games every Sunday are won by field goals.

    If the Falcons could have scored…they would have.

    They still might.

    But they have not so far.

  243. Aaron Says:

    Im not sure what film ATL has been watching – Go shotgun, run out of the spread, don’t be afraid to throw. (Minus the last play)

  244. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Intentional grounding.

  245. WalkdaPlank Says:

    And there goes the run defense. Pretty good, huh Bonzai?

  246. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    OMG! I hate refs.

  247. unbelievable Says:

    Yea we are incredibly fortunate atl gave the ball away right there. Offense needs to start putting up points quickly cuz their WRs are running wild.

  248. cmurda Says:

    I don’t care what the scoreboard says. Our defense is getting embarrassed out there.

  249. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Wow. I understand the trolls.

    But when “claimed” Bucs fans jump people’s cases for hoping…just wow.

    Tampa fans really do SUCK.

  250. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Yup, defense is on fire right now Bonzai. By that I mean the Falcons are burning them!

  251. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    I’m not sure why teams don’t throw 60 times a game against this defense. Open receivers virtually every throw.

  252. DallasBuc Says:

    This defense is so damn soft. It’s humiliating. Whatever you do, don’t blame Lovie Dovie for this warm Velveeta display of aggression!!

  253. unbelievable Says:

    At least they’re calling their WRs for all these holds.

  254. "TheKevin" Says:


    Because you’re an idiot thinking this team will be competitive this season or for a few more years.

    Need 2 more drafts to even think about competitiveness.

  255. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Actually, we all know…the “fans” that want Lovie gone want the defense to look bad and will NEVER give them credit. They actually want the team to lose.


    Because they care more about getting their way than they care about the team. That’s why Tampa Fans suck.

  256. Couch Fan Says:

    I’m impressed we have a lead though. Didnt expect that. But you know Lovie is now in shutdown mode and relying on the D to win the rest of this game.

  257. Buccfan37 Says:

    Gotta hold them to no scoring under 2 minutes in the half.

  258. DallasBuc Says:

    Bonzai- you aren’t the only one hoping they do well. You just the only that sees them doing well despite the facts otherwise!

  259. University of Seffner Says:

    Who would have ever thought we would be up 6-3 in the 2nd quarter?

  260. unbelievable Says:

    No matter what the Falcons do, you will not see our offense run another real play until the 3rd quarter.

    Doesn’t matter how soon we get the ball back.

  261. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    More penalties by loser Lovie

  262. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    @”The Kevin”

    I’m pretty much done talking to you. I realized I was feeding a troll. If you are not a child, then you really need to grow up.

  263. Tampa Tony Says:

    Another flag!!! Damn these guys are a joke

  264. DallasBuc Says:

    Lovie’s players can’t even line up right. So freaking embarrassing

  265. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Verner made a play. Time for loser Lovie to bench his ads for Jennings and Jenkins loafers

  266. MadMax Says:

    KWON AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  267. Couch Fan Says:

    Kwon is having a monster game. Rookie of the week coming up.

  268. Rob Says:

    Alexander player of the week

  269. Tampa Tony Says:

    Another turnover!!!! Yea!!!!!!!!!

    At least one defender showed up today

  270. "TheKevin" Says:

    Now take a knee jameis lol

  271. Newbucsfan Says:

    Let’s go Jameis!!!

  272. Tampa Tony Says:

    Is Lovie comfortable with this lead?

  273. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    Actually…if you watch my posts all this season, I’ve been the most realistic fan around.

    (Horrible defense just got ANOTHER turnover)

    And you are misrepresenting the things I’ve said leading up to today.

  274. MadMax Says:

    Kwon has to be the best 4th rounder weve picked up in a while.

  275. cmurda Says:

    Wow Kwon. That was the Tampa 2 right there. We don’t run that defense as much as most think. Usually we are successful when we do. Lets see if Lovie is okay with us trying to score before the half.

  276. NonyaDamnBucsiness Says:

    Wrath oh Kwon

  277. Tampa Tony Says:

    Run run run punt

  278. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Only loser Lovie will figure out how to lose a game when he has 0 turnovers and the other teams has 3.

  279. Tampa Tony Says:

    Save us from Lovie Jameis!!!!

  280. WalkdaPlank Says:


    Please do not be delusional. Stating facts about how a defense is bad and not wanting it to continue is not trolling. I’m very happy the D just got an INT. I’m not very happy about busted coverage, 3 offside penalties, and holes for days.

  281. Sadbucfan Says:

    Lovie D might just be turning a corner and they are going for points

  282. Tampa Tony Says:

    Looked like a coverage sack.

  283. Bucnut2 Says:

    JW looks like a rookie today

  284. cmurda Says:

    Nobody even close to open. Winston had no choice. Where are you Mike Evans? Humphries better get his act together. He started running about 2 seconds after ball was snapped. Sloppy offense.

  285. Bucnut2 Says:

    JW has to throw that away

  286. Bucnut2 Says:

    BAd throw great catch

  287. MadMax Says:


  288. Tampa Tony Says:

    Killer throw!!

  289. cmurda Says:

    There’s #13

  290. Soggy Says:

    nice move on the ball mike

  291. Bucnut2 Says:

    should have been picked

  292. Tampa Tony Says:

    Yes, lovie this is how u use your timeouts

  293. MadMax Says:


  294. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Love you Jameis and Dirk

  295. Rob Says:

    Touchdown! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  296. Couch Fan Says:

    Wow Lovie allowed Jameis to play. Is he learning? Impressive.

  297. NonyaDamnBucsiness Says:

    Brate! Wow!

  298. Soggy Says:

    WOW very nice

  299. lurker Says:


  300. Sadbucfan Says:

    Touchdownnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!! Lovie might have learned from the past

  301. Bucnut2 Says:

    that was a great throw to rate

  302. cmurda Says:

    There’s a perfect Winston throw. JW not having his finest game but he’s having a good one. You are wrong Bucnut. His stats say otherwise.

  303. Aaron Says:

    Actually Alexander should have kept running – ATL needs to run a deep middle route and then have a delay route short middle. If Alexander doesnt get deep enough the deep middle is wide open..if he does get deep enough the short route is open…He noticed that know one running deep so he cheated on the short route…good play….Nice Job O.

  304. JAB83 Says:

    There it is folks there it is!!!!

    Refreshing right!!!

    Wait for it as are buddy Hope would say!!! šŸ™‚

  305. DoNUTS Says:

    Nice drive!! TD!! BUCS! Fire the Lovie Cannon… lol joking… JW with the sweet pass and look off

  306. Tampa Tony Says:

    tD!!!!! Yes!!!! Winning in spite of loser lovie

  307. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Jameis does not look like a rookie today IMO. And I’m not the biggest Jameis supporter.

  308. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Our 7th game.

    Predicted at the start of the season that we would START to see improvement from the 9th game on.

    I predicted 2-6 in the first half of the season. Made no predictions after that.

  309. "TheKevin" Says:

    Good job jameis

  310. Rob Says:

    I’m a 35 year long Buc fan but I don’t know who Brate is. Oh well! Great play Brate! Go Bucs

  311. Aaron Says:

    Anyone want to bet ATL gets a FG try?

  312. MadMax Says:

    Brate…..We’re now learning who Cameron Brate is….out of Harvard.

    Loving it!!!

  313. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Impressive way to finish the half šŸ™‚

    Now lets get ready for halftime adjustments:(

  314. lurker Says:

    everyone lovin jameis christ now?

    anybody lovin lovie?

  315. Soggy Says:

    YA BOO Baby

  316. TAC Says:

    I think the Falcons are wondering who the f is this Alexander guy? LOL…

    Nice serious game so far for Kwon.

  317. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    Read your comments in this thread. In all the threads this week.

    Tell me then you are not trolling.


  318. Newbucsfan Says:

    Beautiful pass!!!!

  319. Couch Fan Says:

    Is Lovie gonna serve up warm milk and cookies at halftime or is he finally gonna make some adjustments that help this team win in the 2nd half?

  320. lurker Says:

    that’s cold milk and warm cookies, couch.

  321. cmurda Says:

    Obviously, the 2nd half is a concern as Julio seems to be open on every single play but I’m shocked that we are up 10 at the half.

  322. LUVMYBUCS Says:


    Remember some of us (cough) wanted Brate to make the final 53, over Stocker.

  323. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Those are some UGLY Pittsburgh Uni’s…

  324. Rojas Says:

    Love that Jameis shows no fear. Hope they start the second half strong an keep running the ball with Martin to limit Jameis from having to throw all game.

  325. Couch Fan Says:

    My bad. He seems more like a warm milk kind of guy.

  326. MadMax Says:

    Well, our D looks good so far but Im skeptical. We’re too schooled at losing leads…..I hope we pull off a win though. Atlanta is giving this one to us.

    I have to get some sleep for work tonight, so Im out. Hopefully I’ll wake up to a W. Go BUCS!!!!!!!!!!!!! WIN THIS SH*T!!!

  327. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Couch Fan

    We’ll find out soon enough brotha

  328. LUVMYBUCS Says:


    Later fam, be easy

  329. ATrain Says:

    Bucs are trying hard to save Lovies job..

    They want to go to the movies for Practice Wed

  330. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Fire lovie!!!

  331. Brent Says:

    Jameis Eli comparison is perfect. I can see he throwing a lot of picks but still being pretty good ab. Can’t see him being farce level but like Eli comparison. Only reason Eli has 2 rings is that defense my had.

  332. BuccaneEric75 Says:

    Bucnut, thanks for giving Winston props on the TD pass. I was starting to think you were rooting for him to throw a pick.

  333. WalkdaPlank Says:


    Busted? Using hashtags? And I’m the one “trolling”? Talking about how the Falcons are throwing slant after slant to Julio Jones and the Bucs not stopping it is trolling? Talking about how undisciplined the defense is when they commit 3 offsides penalties and unnecessary roughness penalty in less than a full half is trolling? Not wanting to settle for medicore play is trolling?


  334. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Mariota is better.

  335. TampaThom Says:

    Beginning of season, Winston percentage of haters being “Gator Haters” , 41.3 percent.

    Kickoff it was up to 83.7 percent.

    Numbers in after that touchdown throw are 98.1 percent. All five are so mad.

  336. tb Says:

    Go bucs.let Winston play

  337. JAB83 Says:

    OK so this is the deal for the second half….

    This team is offence first orientated… Thanks to Lovie and crew we have an excellent offenive structure!!! We will need them to continue what they started in the first half…

    As for our D!!! They have not gotten the help from the coaches that they need from the coaches via the draft… They have the talent and if any of them hope to be remembered as great they need to learn how to CLOSE a game out…

    I am looking for LVD or Put this one in the bank BANKS to step up!!!

    Would be nice if GMC could get a sack fumble but he has been double and triple teamed ALL DAY… where you at side kicks???? Where you at!!!

  338. MadMax Says:

    There you are Luv….Hugs Brother!! Like you say, the grind is real.

  339. Buccfan37 Says:

    Holding off Atlanta’s 2nd half comeback will be a test of fortitude.

  340. WalkdaPlank Says:


    Now THAT is trolling.

  341. lurker Says:

    mariota hurt alotta

  342. WalkdaPlank Says:

    A lot of high throws from Winston today.

  343. Bucnut2 Says:

    Rookie throw

  344. Bucnut2 Says:

    JW very lucky

  345. cmurda Says:

    Right off the bat, it’s the Falcons with the halftime adjustments and the Bucs go 3 and out and looked bad doing it.

  346. jugheadfla Says:

    raise your hand if you didn’t see the 3 and out after the half coming…….thats what I thought

  347. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Winston is not throwing accurately today. Wonder if he has a hand injury. May be why they ran the ball so much early.

  348. unbelievable Says:

    Same sorry-a$$ special teams

  349. cmurda Says:

    Come on Banks. Step up on the obvious pass to the RB

  350. jugheadfla Says:

    just wondering when they will start blitzing……

  351. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    I hope the offense can keep our defense off the field long wnough to help them stay fresher.

  352. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Another 3rd down converted by Atlanta. That’s not trolling Bonzai. That’s reality.

  353. unbelievable Says:

    Just shows you how clueless these announcers are.

  354. MAYNE 1 Says:

    I believe in Coach Lovie.
    Let’s rock #3.

  355. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    Yup. It is reality. Bet you cannot keep it that way.

  356. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Yes Sirrr the grind is real

    Go Get It Bruh!!!

  357. unbelievable Says:

    I just figured out our defensive identity:

    If we don’t cause a turnover, we get scored on.

  358. jugheadfla Says:

    wow…they are trying to give this one to us

  359. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Bucs turnover!

  360. cmurda Says:

    We’ve gotten both fortunate and been opportunistic on defense but they have moved the ball at will against us. This is unbelievable.

  361. Bucnut2 Says:

    Atlanta keeps puking

  362. Clearwater Wes Says:

    The only way Atlanta loses is if they beat themselves.
    We could not stop them in the first half and I am sure we wont stop them in the 2nd.

  363. Couch Fan Says:

    Atl doing its best to help us win.

  364. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Hell Ryan may have a hand injury.

  365. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Incredible. 4 turnovers to 0 with a 10 point lead. At least if Lovie blows this game he will have to be fired. So that’s good

  366. jugheadfla Says:

    This is something you would expect JW to be doing

  367. unbelievable Says:

    You see?!?

  368. Buccfan37 Says:

    Without the turnovers this game would be over in Atlanta’s favor.

  369. mixxx31 Says:

    LET’s GO BUCS!!!!

  370. Bucnut2 Says:

    CMURDA- you are correct sir. This should be about 28-13.

  371. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Here’s some irony. It just clicked…both kickers in this game played for the Bucs. Ahh…the small things…

  372. WalkdaPlank Says:

    And another 3rd down conversion by ATL. That’s 5 for 8 Bonzai. Oh and great recovery by the D! But I guess I’m trolling.

  373. Newbucsfan Says:

    Who’s the rookie? Ryan??, sure looks like one to me!

  374. ndog Says:

    I not sure who is more worthless McCoy or LVD?

  375. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Keep running, especially since Winston is not accurate.

  376. jugheadfla Says:


  377. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Falcons must still think it’s Halloween and the football is candy. 4 turnovers and 2 in the red zone should be an easy win. But then there’s Lovie….

  378. cmurda Says:

    I effing knew the holding was coming. These refs hate us. I don’t care what anyone says. Every damn time we do something there is a penalty on the offense. BS.

  379. Tampa Tony Says:

    Big play, flag, this sucks. I’m done getting excited

  380. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    And then a turnover. Again. By a defense that “sucks”.

  381. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    ndog you are a fool. McCoy and LVD are playing fine. There are about 7 others you should focus on.

  382. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Evans would have caught that too. Obvious penalty. Glad the refs actually called it.

  383. cmurda Says:

    How is it that I can watch any other game and you don’t see penalties but every mother frigging time the Bucs are called on big plays. Come on guys lets keep this drive going and finish.

  384. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Defensive pass interference?

  385. mixxx31 Says:


  386. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    21 can’t cover Evans. Nobody can if he doesn’t want to be covered.

  387. cmurda Says:

    Wow, they called it.

  388. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    I don’t wish the guy ill…but if he’s out for the game it will free Evans up for some pretty big plays.

  389. Bucnut2 Says:

    Late throw. Bucs got lucky

  390. Tampa Tony Says:

    Defense still sucks, two of the turnovers were giveaways by bad snaps.

  391. MAYNE 1 Says:

    Let’s rock #3.
    Let’s go defense.

  392. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    Unless Evans was supposed to turn back for it…which they prevented him from doing and committed interference.

  393. Tampa Tony Says:

    Finally a pass interference not on Evans!!!

  394. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Evans pulled out for next play.

  395. WalkdaPlank Says:


    Do you have selective reading? I just said “good recovery by the D”.

    However, that was a bobbled handoff by Ryan, not a good forced fumble by the D. I credit them for the recovery, but errors by the opposing team does not constitute as good defense. Now Kwon’s strip, THAT was good D. Who drafted and scouted Kwon? Lovie! See I can give credit, still not happy about 3rd down D, pass coverage, and penalties. But I guess I’m trolling if I mention those things!

  396. Bucnut2 Says:

    BB- you don’t throw a 40 yard back shoulder fade.

  397. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Never mind…went back in.


    Winston almost scores TD!

  398. Bucnut2 Says:

    Great run by JW

  399. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    True. You’re right.

  400. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Winston is in the zone!

  401. cmurda Says:

    That was a designed QB run and it was brilliant on Koetter’s part.

  402. BuccaneerBonzai Says:


    Now you are complaining when I DON’T give you attention??? ROFL!

    Dude…grow up.

  403. 911bucs Says:

    J-dub is the man!!

  404. Bucnut2 Says:

    BB- Koetter said JW has been throng late on long balls like most rookies do.

  405. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Makes sense, Bucnut2.

  406. JAB83 Says:

    Ut oh Trolls and Fans of Depression… What are you gonna do with yourselves all week!!! Even if we find a way to lose this game…


  407. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Okay, I’m out. Gonna pay more attention to the game.

  408. mixxx31 Says:

    Late hit on Martin. No call

  409. lurker Says:

    need a td

  410. R.O Says:

    So when Bucs mistakes help other teams win, Bucs suck other team good. When a 6-1 team against Bucs does it. Bucs still suck and are lucky but the other team is still good. That’s called flawed logic. However, that being said our pass defense is still mind boggling bad.

  411. mixxx31 Says:

    TD JABOO!!!!

  412. Buccfan37 Says:

    Game ball Winston!

  413. lurker Says:

    now winston is in the zone…the endzone

  414. Buc Neckid Says:

    Progress will see our Defense Hold on to the lead

  415. cmurda Says:

    Dirk Koetter for President. What a gutsy yet amazing call. Unbelievable. We scored the TD anyway but I felt holding on defense against Mike Evans. Larry Fitz and Calvin would get that call all day long.

  416. @FamousBroy3434 Says:


  417. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Idgaf about your attention Bonzai. You were acting as if I didn’t credit the D for the recovery. I respect you for being optimistic Bonzai, I don’t know why you’re making sht up.

    Good day sir.

  418. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Ahh Damn were up 20-3

    Time to take the heart medication, and brace myself.

  419. TampaThom Says:

    BucNut just threw up in his mouth.

  420. Bucnut2 Says:

    Ok- I’ll admit i was wrong. I’m now changing my prediction, Falcons 24-21

  421. BUCutalkinbout Says:

    Let’s go!!!

  422. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Jameis putting the pressure on Lovie. Lovie better not find another way to blow a game this afternoon. His seat is all time hot.

  423. Luther Says:

    Rookie my @$$…Jameis is playing like a seasoned veteran.

  424. mixxx31 Says:

    C’mon defense. Let’s get nasty.

  425. Tampa Tony Says:

    James has more rushing TDs than the gimmick QB from Oregon. Who said he was immobile?

  426. Brent Says:

    Great game but we’re gonna need 27 points to win the game.. Gonna need another to. Still a quarter and a half to play.

  427. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Keep it classy Bonzai.

  428. LUVMYBUCS Says:


    I have 2 admit – the kid is playing good.

  429. JAB83 Says:

    FANS OF DEPRESSION…you lose!!!! TROLLS….. You lose!!!!! FANS OF INSPIRATION….. winners as always!!!!

    Bottom line!!!! Lovie is a offence first coach and now that he has fixed that in LESS THAN TWO YEARS….

    Now he can focus on that ragged D… In less then 3 YEARS…. Our team is BACK ON TRACK FOR REAL YALL!!!!

    Just gotta get the D going!!!!

    Go Musel Hamster!!!!

  430. Tampa Tony Says:

    24 point lead and 17 point lead in back to back weeks? LEts win in spite of loser Lovie’s d

  431. ndog Says:

    Has anyone heard McCoy’s name today?

  432. Tampa Tony Says:

    Look a slant pass that didn’t go for a td, that’s progress for loser Lovie

  433. Buc Neckid Says:

    Could we please stop the opposing team’s offense once we get a big lead????

  434. Soggy Says:

    got to stop this falcon drive and momentum

  435. WalkdaPlank Says:


    No, if the Bucs make mistakes that help the other team win, that’s the Bucs fault. If the Falcons make mistakes that help the other team win, that’s the Falcons fault. Simple logic.

  436. mixxx31 Says:

    Two missed holding calls on one play. Straight BULL$HIT!!!!

  437. Bucnut2 Says:

    JAB83- i would refrain from trash talking. The Bucs are unfortunately very capable of losing this game

  438. JAB83 Says:

    Yeah if your watching the game GMC is double and triple teamed every play!!! Pretty impressive for a NOBODY!!!

  439. Couch Fan Says:

    Lol you just know Atl is going to stop turning the ball over and make a comeback.

  440. @FamousBroy3434 Says:

    McCoy is being double teamed all day. Anyone complaining about our best player up 21-3 needs to leave like for real. Go root for the panthers

  441. ElioT Says:

    Can this defense close this game out?

  442. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Here comes the slant pass…

  443. Buc15 Says:

    Here comes Lovies soft defense. Hope we can hang on for a quater.

  444. JAB83 Says:

    I never said they are gonna win… And how is it I am trash talking when this is a BUCS blog unless your admitting your a Troll??? It is understandable however if your a FAN OF FEPRESSION!!!!

  445. Buc Neckid Says:

    Does anybody know if Verner was in the dog house or just hurt earlier this year?

  446. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Um…have the 2 minute warnings been removed from the game? Last 3 plays were AFTER it should have been called.

  447. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Only Loser Lovies buffoons on D will give up a touchdown on a first and goal from the 25.

  448. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Falcons are getting to at least 24. Jameis needs to take over and not let Lovie’s defense lose another game. Win it for us Jameis.

  449. R.O Says:

    Bad defense.. Really frustrating.

  450. cmurda Says:

    Typical soft Bucs defense with the lead. I hate how we become passive on defense and wait for istakes instead of being aggressive. The team takes on the identity of our head coach.

  451. jugheadfla Says:

    anyone know if David is playing today? Haven’t seen him……

  452. lurker Says:


  453. Bryan Says:

    We are about to go all turtle and let them back in the game.

  454. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    No 2 minute warning called for 3rd quarter. No one even noticed.

  455. Bucnut2 Says:

    BB- have another drink. No two minute warning in the 3rd quarter

  456. Buc Neckid Says:

    It is time for Jaboo to play like they are losing and score some more points.
    Sometimes the best defense is just scoring more than the other team

  457. TAC Says:

    3rd Q bonzai, although I wish it were the 4th also, lol.

  458. ndog Says:

    Still waiting to see our defensive captain do something, anything today!

  459. unbelievable Says:

    So obvious before that play was even snapped it was going to the TE. How does NO ONE cover him?

    Lovie Smith has still never figured out how to stop a slant. Or a tight end.

  460. Brent Says:

    where was Kwon on that yd to tamme?? That why I hate these zone defenses. Other team can go down the field in 3 minutes. I’d rather have aggressive jam abs.

  461. Couch Fan Says:

    Jameis needs to score every possession in order for us to hold onto this lead.

  462. JAB83 Says:



    Remain strong Fan of Inspiration remain strong… Don’t let these Trolls and Depressed Fans change the vibe….

    WIN OR LOSE we are having an excellent game and this will go a long way to helping things get better if we can pull it out!!!!

    Stay positive and tell the Trolls and Fans of Depression to kick rocks

  463. Soggy Says:

    at least we look like we are not letting off the gas so far

  464. cmurda Says:

    Nice long time consuming drive would be just what the Dr. ordered. Let’s go offense

  465. ndog Says:

    McCoy and David both need to look at the rookies on this team and then they will see play makers and true leaders do. They make plays when the team needs them.

  466. mixxx31 Says:

    C’mon Jaboo.get this one for us.

  467. Bucnut2 Says:

    JAB 83-please send some of whatever you are smoking.

  468. WalkdaPlank Says:

    I have to say, I was a Mariota guy up until we drafted JW, and was still on the fence about the pick, but Winston has played very well the last 3 weeks, you can’t take that away from him. Hopefully he can close this one out.

  469. Brent Says:

    Offense is gonna have to win game. Need 10 more points? Ryan is going to eat that zone defense for lunch..

  470. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Can’t believe they didn’t challenge earlier. Clearly not a catch anymore in “the process of the catch”. Now back to the third quarter with 5 seconds.

  471. sho nuff Says:

    I love how the sychophants think we’re trolling for pointing out the obvious….

    prepare for the collapse…there is NOTHING I believe in less than Lovie “dolt” Smith

  472. Bucnut2 Says:

    Brent- you are correct sir!

  473. unbelievable Says:

    ^^100% agreed couch. Every possession we have to score points.

  474. Buc Neckid Says:

    That is a Terrible rule

  475. Couch Fan Says:

    These rules are ridiculous. He was down the ball came out after he was down. Freakin ridiculous.

  476. Tampa Tony Says:

    10 point lead let’s hope they can hold it

  477. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    JAB 83

    Shut up and let us vent man. Take you delusional half glass full attitude somewhere else. No one wants to hear your crap

  478. "TheKevin" Says:


    You’re an idiot. Do you not see McCoy getting doubled and tripled teamed?

    Just stfu you have no idea what you’re talking about stupid.

  479. Tampa Tony Says:

    Need points!!! As this d can’t stop anyone

  480. ElioT Says:

    Bullsh*t call.

  481. Buc Neckid Says:

    Mike Evans took like three steps falling to the ground and then the ground knocked the ball out

  482. Bucnut2 Says:

    We are going to lose

  483. "TheKevin" Says:

    Let the collapse ensue.

    Sorry as s mankins

  484. TAC Says:

    wtf, meltdown begins….

  485. Tampa Tony Says:

    Self destruct mode begins

  486. lightningbuc Says:

    WTF? That is ridiculous.

  487. cmurda Says:

    Lovie’s team falling apart with the lead per the usual. Mike Evans. No excuse to not complete that pass and then a typical penalty.

  488. lightningbuc Says:

    And the implosion begins!

  489. Bucnut2 Says:

    Wow! Well done by JW

  490. TAC Says:

    JW is just a f’n winner, nice job.

  491. sho nuff Says:

    get ready Bucs fans.its about to drop

  492. cmurda Says:

    Yes, huge first. Another great JW pass.

  493. Tampa Tony Says:

    @jab- aren’t you just trolling those you claim are trolls?

    We all are fans, and want wins. But loser Lovie and this d def don’t inspire confidence

  494. Soggy Says:

    lets not go turtle now

  495. Buc Neckid Says:

    Well that was a stupid play call

  496. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Jameis = hope

    Lovie = dope

    Pretty simply really.

  497. Couch Fan Says:

    Aw damn. Evens might be hurt.

  498. cmurda Says:

    Is Mike Evans serious right now. Dude WTF????

  499. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Mike Evans hurts his hand dropping the ball. You can’t make this up.

  500. ElioT Says:


  501. Buc Neckid Says:

    Groin pull for Evans
    Now we have ZERO Starting receivers

  502. cmurda Says:

    Oh crap. He got hurt?

  503. Buc Neckid Says:

    Stay in Bounds Sims

  504. ElioT Says:

    We need some quick hitting runs up the gut.

  505. cmurda Says:

    Charles Sims, please try again. Lets not run outside out of bounds with no angle.

  506. JAB83 Says:

    OK another turn over would be amazing!!!! Let’s get a pick six!!!! Sack fumble would be NICE!!!!

  507. Buc Neckid Says:

    Jameis is seeing stars

  508. cmurda Says:

    Sis fails on the blitz. This is crunch time and this is when Dougie should be out there. This drive ends now. No bueno.

  509. cmurda Says:


  510. Buc Neckid Says:

    Welcome back Russell Shepherd

  511. Couch Fan Says:

    Im gonna test out my clairvoyant skills here and say Atl scores a TD here.

  512. Tampa Tony Says:

    A team with bad depth can’t afford all these injuries

  513. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Seat searing for Loser Lovie and his pathetic D.

  514. Bucnut2 Says:

    Here we go again

  515. TAC Says:

    Now, where is McCoy, David, the D stars need to shine right now. Step up, or choke MOFOs.

  516. Buc Neckid Says:

    Good Point
    Why is Marrin always on the bench when we need him?
    Does Sims just suck so much that we notice that Martin is not in there because Sims sucks so much

  517. Brent Says:

    Evans was playing like a woman anyways. 2 catches today. Thanks for that stud. Atl defense pretty legit. Not to overstate obvious but this defense is useless with no pass rush..

  518. tb Says:

    We just got beat ATL ,the refs,and r own coach

  519. JAB83 Says:

    A really long drive by ATL would benefit us!!!

  520. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Announcers making fun of us on the slant routes. Haha

  521. Tampa Tony Says:

    Doesn’t look like the offense is fixed either. All the offensive points are off turnovers.

    Lovie hasn’t fixed anything

  522. JAB83 Says:

    SGMC one on one gets held!!!,

  523. ndog Says:

    Notice McCoy is out THEN they get called for holding.

  524. Buc Neckid Says:

    Devonta Freeman is going to get killed one day.
    He is too small to be playing so big

  525. JAB83 Says:

    LOL… Lovie sucks because all the offensive points are off of turn over!!!! REALLY AMAZING HOW Fans of Depression and Trolls think!!!

  526. unbelievable Says:

    Challenge the spot!

  527. cmurda Says:

    Lovie’s defense sucks. No pressure on the Qb and in typical fashion we are blowing it.

  528. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Another slant.

  529. Curse of Gruden Says:


  530. JAB83 Says:

    LVD anybody!!!!

    Do it LVD do it!!!!

  531. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    18 of his last 19. Didn’t Cousins have a similar run? Save us Jameis


  532. Buc Neckid Says:

    Time to FIRE Lovie as the D.Coordinator
    Keep him as HC, But this defense just folds when it counts

  533. lightningbuc Says:

    Still just an awful, awful defense!

    Lovie is a boob!

  534. Seminole Bill Says:

    Ryan is taking a 3-4 step drop, we can’t sack him, and the middle of the field is wide open.

  535. cmurda Says:

    Good tackling. Way to fire up the troops Lovie. Your defense sucks my friend.

  536. Tampa Tony Says:

    No, the point is the Bucs aren’t sustaining drives and executing on offense. All the points are by ATL mistakes. So this team still has work to do

  537. unbelievable Says:

    Its so obvious who they are throwing to before the ball is even snapped. Yet our defenders can not figure it out or even remotely cover the guy.

  538. lightningbuc Says:

    Tell me, Joe, has your boy Gerald McCoy played today. Haven’t heard his name called yet.

  539. Buc Rogers Says:

    How bad is this Defense

  540. cmurda Says:

    Umm, why wouldnt you decline the flag?

  541. Buc Neckid Says:

    Double team on GMC lets Spence run wild

  542. cmurda Says:

    Whew. Thank you.

  543. Bucnut2 Says:

    Good call by Lovie

  544. lightningbuc Says:

    Why did the Bucs take the penalty?

  545. Tampa Tony Says:

    Now the offense needs to sustain a drive and kill clock.

  546. JAB83 Says:

    Gerrrrr… Would of rather a 3rd and long!!!!

  547. Seminole Bill Says:

    when we get the ball back it will be on the Oline and Dougie to run off the clock. Why not surprise Atlanta with a screen pass?

  548. Buc Rogers Says:

    Offense will have to win this game by holding onto the ball. This D is horrible

  549. lightningbuc Says:

    It took Lovie a whole minute to realize he could decline the penalty.

    An absolute BOOB!

  550. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Time for Winston to put this game away. Don’t give ATL another drive! Don’t go turtle Lovie!

  551. cmurda Says:

    We need you to come up big here Dirk and the offense.

  552. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    JAB83 Says:
    November 1st, 2015 at 4:45 pm
    Gerrrrrā€¦ Would of rather a 3rd and long!!!!

    Thanks for proving how utterly idiotic you are.

  553. Bucnut2 Says:

    GMC- a decoy who demands double teams

  554. Seminole Bill Says:

    we cannot go 3 and punt on the first possession…..if so Atlanta will get the ball back at their 40 then score a TD to tie

  555. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Offense obviously has to close this out. Falcons will easily score another TD. 5 minute offense please.

  556. Bucnut2 Says:

    Ok Joes- JW is a winner right??? On him now. We need a long drive

  557. Seminole Bill Says:

    run to the outside on first down…..Atl will have the middle clogged

  558. JAB83 Says:

    Field goal is good today!!! We need a score to Ice Matty and the Tweetie Birds!!!!

  559. Buc Neckid Says:

    Time to go into the prevent Offense
    Sustain an offensive drive and Prevent the Defense from losing the game

  560. Seminole Bill Says:

    or….let Jameis run the ball????

  561. jugheadfla Says:

    what happened to the running game?

  562. Brent Says:

    I hate our bend but don’t break defense. I’d rather totally change defense. Love has to stick with all he knows though. Innovative isn’t in an average intelligence aptitude.

  563. Tampa Tony Says:

    It’s up to the offense to close this out as we all know how useless Lovie’s d is

  564. Loubucfan Says:

    No turtle mode please, we need a score

  565. unbelievable Says:

    Cmon boys. 4 minute offense ending with a score! Let’s do this!

  566. Buc Neckid Says:

    Is Lovie call the Offensive plays now?
    That is two straight series that play up the middle was called

  567. jugheadfla Says:

    can’t run when we need it

  568. Tampa Tony Says:

    Turtle offense in full effect

  569. Buc Rogers Says:

    bbbhahahahha lovie

  570. cmurda Says:

    Play action pass for Christ sake. This safe crap is totally ridiculous. It’s because of this safe crap that we are in this position.

  571. Tampa Tony Says:

    Great job Jameis

  572. lightningbuc Says:

    turtle time

  573. jugheadfla Says:

    I just sharted my pants on that play

  574. Seminole Bill Says:

    wow!!!!!!! Jameis is looking good

  575. Buc Rogers Says:


  576. WalkdaPlank Says:

    What a play by Winston!

  577. lightningbuc Says:


  578. Buc Neckid Says:

    Jameis inspiring the Offense now

  579. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Good news: Jameis

    Bad news: He’s saving Lovie’s job.

  580. Seminole Bill Says:

    run the ball again

  581. Couch Fan Says:

    Go for it lovie!! Try to win the freakin game. Dont rely on the damn defense!!!

  582. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Well hopefully we win the toss in OT and Jameis takes us down for a TD. Would have liked some play action there, let the man win the game.

  583. Buc Rogers Says:

    here we go

  584. cmurda Says:

    Are you serious. We take the chance of losing yet again because we cant get 1 yard. Early whistle because his momentum was not stopped. Should be a first down.

  585. jugheadfla Says:

    QB ends the game

  586. Tampa Tony Says:

    Loser Lovie at it again

  587. Seminole Bill Says:

    Atl is out of timeouts…..maybe that injury was not real???

  588. Bucnut2 Says:

    Stick a fork in us, we’re done

  589. jugheadfla Says:


  590. JAB83 Says:

    To go or not to go??? I say go for it and if they win and score you still go time!!!

  591. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Lovies seat about to go nuclear hot and I am quite sure Joe will call for his firing when this game is blown. What do yo think Joe.

  592. Seminole Bill Says:

    go for it on fourth down….Atl will be scoring a TD if we give them the ball

  593. cmurda Says:

    Lovie go to the ball store and take Dirk with you. Get yourself a nice pair of balls and come back when we can actually go for a win for once in our lives.

  594. Bucnut2 Says:

    Loive- forget that. ATL will go for 2 and get it.

  595. Wesley Says:

    Man the Bucs SUCK short yardage!

  596. Seminole Bill Says:

    don’t rely on the defense

  597. vegabuc Says:

    I’m so tired of Lovie’s face.

  598. cmurda Says:

    You all know punter is coming out after the commercial break.

  599. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Saints-Giants is insane by the way. Eli and Brees with 6TDs each and we get each soon. Should be ugly.

  600. Buc Neckid Says:

    ATL has zero TO’s left
    The punt should pin them back deep
    So Lovie…
    This is it.
    This is the Stand that makes or breaks you in Tampa.
    Two weeks in a row you have had the chance to close a game out on offense and you could not give Koetter his balls back to call a good series.
    And then it was left to you and you had the game put in in YOUR defenses hands.
    You blew it last week
    This is it.
    Don’t Suck

  601. Brent Says:

    I can’t believe we ran on 3rd and 1 from that formation. Should have gone 3 wideouts with play action. He option to run.

  602. Seminole Bill Says:

    even if we punt the first play will be a 20-30 yard catch by Jones……

  603. JAB83 Says:

    Option two!!! LVD and GMC ice Matty boy!!!

  604. Bucnut2 Says:

    Think about this. The Bucs have a 4-0 TO advantage. This should be a rout for us. The fact is our offense and defense both suck

  605. Seminole Bill Says:

    why did we take timeout?????

  606. Tampa Tony Says:

    Need this w!!! Don’t screw it up loser Lovie!!!

  607. Tampa Tony Says:

    Ryan still only has 5 incompletions

  608. jugheadfla Says:

    didn’t make it

  609. lightningbuc Says:

    You have to punt here!

  610. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Well credit for balls. Definitely short.

  611. Bucnut2 Says:

    Stupid call

  612. Seminole Bill Says:


  613. cmurda Says:

    Great effort by Jameis but he didnt get it. Lovie fails in every decision possible.

  614. Buc15 Says:

    What a fing idiot

  615. Tampa Tony Says:

    Needed a spin move

  616. Couch Fan Says:

    Doesnt look like he got it. I’d challenge the spot myself just to make sure. At least he had the balls to finally go for it. Thank you for that.

  617. lightningbuc Says:

    Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  618. jugheadfla Says:

    bad spot as well

  619. cmurda Says:

    Dirk is screwing the pooch too when it matters. This is what bad teams do and we definitely are a bad frigging team.

  620. Buc Neckid Says:

    Challenge the spot

  621. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Credit to Lovie for calling a play action. Didn’t think he had it in him. Hope his defense is ready for a short field situation.

  622. Back up kicker Says:

    Are we playing for drafts picks?

  623. Tampa Tony Says:

    Def earned the loser Lovie nickname

  624. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Props to Lovie for having some balls finally.

  625. JAB83 Says:

    Awe man no challenge šŸ™

  626. jugheadfla Says:


  627. Buc Neckid Says:

    Game over

  628. Tampa Tony Says:

    Over the middle all day long

  629. lightningbuc Says:

    Incompetence of the greatest order.

    A loss here and he can NOT survive.

  630. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    49-42 Giants! Pick 6. Wow I’m glad I can split screen.

  631. Bucnut2 Says:


  632. lurker Says:

    so y the timeout to give the play away?

  633. Buc Neckid Says:

    At least Lovie is admitting that he thinks that his defense sucks right now

  634. Tampa Tony Says:

    Can’t challenge under two minutes

  635. Seminole Bill Says:

    only booth challenges in last two minuyes

  636. cmurda Says:

    Wow, Lovie has to go. This team takes on the boring wussified persona of its head coach blowing every game.

  637. Buc15 Says:

    So they run the same play they just showed Atl..are you kidding me?

  638. Buc Neckid Says:

    Can you freaking believe this?!?!?!??!

  639. Couch Fan Says:

    Would be nice for the D to step up and make a play when it really matters. Not expecting it though.

  640. tb Says:

    Lovie doesn’t want to win its as simple as that

  641. Seminole Bill Says:

    where is mccoy been?=

  642. jugheadfla Says:

    that 10 secs will actually hurt us

  643. ndog Says:

    Where’s McCoy?

  644. jugheadfla Says:

    told ya

  645. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Lovie just has no answer for this offense. He’s running it, not Frazier.

  646. "TheKevin" Says:

    Lmao hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

  647. lurker Says:

    need a stop

  648. Seminole Bill Says:

    we lose again on the last drive of the game

  649. Bucnut2 Says:


  650. Couch Fan Says:

    Lol. Cant do anything but shake my head. No lead is safe against Lovie’s D.

  651. Connor Says:

    And now we’ll watch them march right down the field for an easy touchdown!

  652. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    10 second runoff hurts us. Now very little chance for a FG. 27 seconds maybe though. Come on coin toss! Let Jameis decide!

  653. cmurda Says:


  654. jugheadfla Says:

    what the hell was banks doing? Yea let Jones run by himself, dumb!

  655. lurker Says:

    wow, bit on fake

  656. "TheKevin" Says:

    Lol and that’s why bad teams stay bad lmao

  657. Buc Neckid Says:

    That is on the player
    Not the Coach

  658. Buc Rogers Says:

    yaaaaaaaaaa lovie D guru

  659. Tampa Tony Says:

    Ot after having a 17 point lead fml

  660. cmurda Says:

    Banks is an average corner playing for a below average defensive coach.

  661. R.O Says:

    Conte sucks..

  662. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    He my JAB83 come over to our side you delusional cup half full fool. If not then just leave.

  663. Buccfan37 Says:

    Can you say snakebit?

  664. Seminole Bill Says:

    we have 4 takeaways and the game is tied

  665. lightningbuc Says:


  666. tb Says:

    Lovie is gonna shove his sorry ass defense to win the game I hate him

  667. Buc15 Says:

    Wow didnt see that comeback coming..

  668. Tampa Tony Says:

    Double the best receiver on the field!!!!!

  669. lightningbuc Says:

    The Bucs aren’t snakebit. They just suck.

  670. J Says:

    After all they gifts Atl gave us… Don’t blame Lovies or his D

  671. "TheKevin" Says:

    Just pathetic

  672. Bangkok Buc Says:

    That’s on Conte. Bit on the play fake. What a bum

  673. jugheadfla Says:

    2 time outs….throw the ball deep!

  674. JAB83 Says:

    Awesome!!! If nothing else we found a new way to lose… HOWEVER… We have played well today and I think we can build on this….


  675. R.O Says:

    Curds you’re a moron.. It wasn’t man Conte was supposed to have inside coverage.

  676. ndog Says:

    McCoy is the problem MIA all game. He flat sucks!

  677. Buc Neckid Says:

    Now we know why Conte was available for us to pick up
    That was just a Brain Dead Decision

  678. cmurda Says:

    This is 100% on our coaches. Dirk failed and Lovie failed. That’s the facts. Blame on the players as well but Lovie has got to go. Inexcusable blowing 2 games in a row that are in the bag. Lovie is an embarrassment. The Glazers are wussies. I have zero respect for them if we dont win this game and I have to another BS excuse ridden press conf from Loser Lovie.

  679. Bucnut2 Says:

    If ATL wins toss, game over

  680. unbelievable Says:

    Newsflash: Chris conte sucks like everyone else on this d.

    How pathetic is our d line? 0 PRESSURE all game!

  681. J Says:

    This ain’t on Lovie. Put the game away with TDs

  682. lightningbuc Says:

    So Lovie doesn’t go for it on the Redskins 2 last week, but goes for it on his own 40. ABSOLUTELY MIND BOGGLING!

  683. Curse of Gruden Says:

    Lovie sucks the big dog.

  684. jugheadfla Says:

    that was banks fools!

  685. Buccfan37 Says:

    Will the Bucs defer the ball if they win the OT kick?

  686. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Our entire secondary is backups, period. Revis at $16 million right now, we’d kill for it.

  687. "TheKevin" Says:


    You are pathetic. McCoy has been doubled and tripled teamed all day.

    Stfu you stupid idiot

  688. lurker Says:

    cool…extra bucball!

  689. Buc Neckid Says:

    Once again a Double Digit lead wasted

  690. cmurda Says:

    Great now JW has to try to win a game with no receivers. That is if we ever see the ball.

  691. Bucnut2 Says:

    cmurda- can’t fire staff. need continuity for JW

  692. (Formerly Jolly) Bucs Fan Says:

    Why not take a shot there. 2 timeouts enough to get in FG range

  693. ElioT Says:

    Jesus, every game this defense sets new records for sucking balls.

    Siege this!

    Go Sucs!

  694. Couch Fan Says:

    2 timeouts and 17 seconds left and we just kneel the ball. Such a losing mentality. If atl wins coin toss we lost.

  695. Curse of Gruden Says:

    The Bucs concede the coin toss?

  696. Buc Neckid Says:

    GMC looks like a loser

  697. cmurda Says:

    This is 100% on the defense failing yet again. That is all Lovie. I’m so pissed right now.

  698. jugheadfla Says:

    well, we will get the chance to end it

  699. "TheKevin" Says:



  700. Bucnut2 Says:

    GMC is a loser

  701. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Mccoy looks like the loser Lovie he turned him into out there on the coin toss. What a joke.

  702. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Now we need a TD Jameis. FG means nothing, if they know they have 4 downs they’ll easily tie or win. Go for the TD no matter what if you’re going for it on 4th down.

  703. unbelievable Says:

    Yea why throw a Hail Mary when you can watch your pathetic, soft, garbage defense lose the game instead?

  704. cmurda Says:

    Blaming GMC is stupid. He’s been double and triple teamed all day. Blame his crap supporting cast.

  705. lightningbuc Says:

    Somewhere in Tampa right now Schiano is poolside laughing his ass off.

  706. J Says:

    So catch 22. But would Atl score if we punted? I think yes and then Lovie gets screamed at for being conservative

  707. unbelievable Says:

    Hey everyone, there’s McCoy.

  708. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Yeah disgusting body language from GMC. If the Falcons get the ball it’s a guaranteed TD.

  709. 911bucs Says:

    Oh boy McCoy looks like he already gave up during the coin toss. At least look a little pissed off and ready to win this game.

  710. Biggun Says:

    Lovie ball what da fck can’t hold a lead to save his ass… kirk should turn off his headset and be aggressive cause lovie’s defense sucks ass in prevent…

  711. lurker Says:

    i dont care tey went for it on 4th down, but why the timeout after tv timeout and 2 minute warning? they showed the play and then ran the same play.

  712. ndog Says:

    This team sucks not cause of the coaching but because players suck, starting with McCoy. He has not made a play the entire game. How is that the coaches fault?

  713. Buc Neckid Says:

    That was pathetic
    GMC looks like we already lost
    Maybe he needs to look in the mirror this week
    or at least watch a replay of the coin toss.
    That was weak and not what a Captain is supposed to look like.

  714. JAB83 Says:

    Can’t wait for all you bandwagon Trolls to jump ship…. FANS OF DEPRESSION…. Be encouraged… We did some really good things today and have a chance to top it off with a win in OT… Could be amazing but if its not don’t get to depressed and turn Troll!!!!

    Keep believing Fans of Inspiration this is a chance for an epic change… Either way its been fun and that’s all I care for!!!

  715. Buccfan37 Says:

    I don’t get Lovie’s decision to go for the 4th and one turning the ball over where he did.

  716. MiamiBuc Says:

    Don’t be conservative, just heave the ball downfield, get the TD, and put this game on ice

  717. "TheKevin" Says:





  718. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    You at loser McCoy
    …….doing nothing again

  719. jugheadfla Says:

    good start to the drive

  720. Buc Neckid Says:

    Wow look at that bench
    if the OfFense does not win this one
    they cannot be depended on to hold ATL

  721. Buc Rogers Says:

    here come the yucks

  722. cmurda Says:

    Good catch Luke Stocker. Thanks buddy.

  723. "TheKevin" Says:



  724. lightningbuc Says:

    This team looks lost and toasted.

  725. TAC Says:

    Good gawd, lovies losers.

  726. unbelievable Says:

    @JAB what did we do well today on defense? Kwon made 2 great plays, that’s it.

    Atl has done everything to give this game away. Matt Ryan has completed almost every pass. This defense is simply terrible. If we don’t get s turnover, the other team scores.

  727. PhillyBuc Says:

    Fire Lovie and let him buy his own bus ticket home

  728. "TheKevin" Says:




  729. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Honestly I like Lovie going for it because his defense is atrocious beyond belief. At least he knows it sucks now. He still needs to be fired though even if I like the decision.

  730. cmurda Says:

    This game was over when Dirk couldn’t get 1 yard for the 2nd game in a row and Loser Lovie can’t get a defensive stop when it matters.

  731. Buc Neckid Says:

    No Mike Evans out there?

  732. lurker Says:

    when does a personal foul offset vs holding?

  733. "TheKevin" Says:


  734. J Says:

    It’s not like the Offense looked great

  735. jugheadfla Says:

    not sure how thats not PI

  736. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Bucs have loser mentality

  737. Buc Neckid Says:

    Jameis has to put some air under that
    Too Short of a throw that time

  738. jugheadfla Says:


  739. J Says:

    I love how Evans throws dbs to the ground the screams for flags

  740. Bucnut2 Says:

    com on JW give ME a chance.

  741. cmurda Says:

    thats pass interference for any other team but not when we are on offense. Hes not even looking at the ball. Eff these BS refs.

  742. lurker Says:

    don’t you love it when one troll calls out another troll?!

  743. Buc Neckid Says:

    Now Jameis is going to ONLY look to Evans

  744. Bucnut2 Says:

    me drop

  745. cmurda Says:

    Evans cant catch. This team is in dire straits. Thanks refs.

  746. J Says:

    Wasn’t PI

  747. "TheKevin" Says:

    Mike Evans Clayton

  748. TAC Says:


  749. Buc Neckid Says:

    First TD wins ?

  750. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:


    Jameis = hope

    Lovie = dope

  751. cmurda Says:

    Wow. Even after i chastise him credit to M.E. for hanging in there. Great play by JW also.

  752. Buc Rogers Says:

    put a D around Winston next year we might have something

  753. Tampa Tony Says:

    Wish Evans was better at catching slants

  754. jugheadfla Says:

    that was 100% PI, never even turned around and ran into Evans

  755. tb Says:


  756. MiamiBuc Says:

    Nice drive James

  757. J Says:

    In other news. Giants and saints scored more that Atl n TB combined

  758. unbelievable Says:

    That a boy!

  759. TAC Says:

    Get. Over. The. Hump. Please.

  760. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    FG is so bad. Has to be a TD. FG is a win for Atlanta.

  761. Buc Neckid Says:

    Nice push by the Line
    Jameis is imposing his will this game

  762. Buc Rogers Says:

    Need TD

  763. "TheKevin" Says:



    It’s not “an” it’s “and” you illiterate idiot

  764. jugheadfla Says:

    I don’t understand why he slows down running to the line

  765. Buc Neckid Says:

    Playing for the FIELD GOAL?!?!?!?

  766. cmurda Says:

    Dirk enough with the frigging obvious run on 2nd down. Playaction, use it

  767. "TheKevin" Says:

    And yes I did that on purpose

  768. Couch Fan Says:

    Come on Winston. Win this game for us with a TD!!

  769. Mo_Downs Says:

    Well, so much for going for it on 4th…on your side of the field.

    I don’t want to hear another peep out of the “Lovie is Conservative” idiots.

    This game shouldn’t have been close. The Bucs were down to interns on offense. They fought hard, got the turnovers when it mattered and stayed in it.

    Take away J.Jones and their starting TE and the Falcons are reduced to nothing. Put Jackson, Jenkins and Murphy on the field and the Bucs aren’t sweating 4th and 1.

    LUCK, as in INJURIES, are a BIG part of NFL success.

    I hope ALL the young Bucs fans who are still shouting for Lovie’s head learned a valuable lesson today. Then again, it takes experience to recognize the highs and lows of a team that is rebuilding. And, recognize that it takes a really good coach to keeps them fighting every week after close losses.

    The Bucs don’t QUIT..!!

    GO BUCS…!!!

  770. lightningbuc Says:

    Stupid running plays!

  771. Buccfan37 Says:

    Need a TD to win.

  772. Tampa Tony Says:

    Playing for a FG? Wtf with this soft d?????

  773. unbelievable Says:

    Love is already thinking about a FG goddammit.

    We don’t score a TD,we will def lose this game.

  774. Buc Neckid Says:

    Boy do i like Charles Davis
    He is not a Homer
    but definitely show TB some respect

  775. Soggy Says:


  776. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Jameis is the man. Don’t rely on Loser Lovies D

  777. Buc Rogers Says:

    Throw on 1st

  778. cmurda Says:

    Winston missed that one just a smidgeon but M.E. was so open that it caused the PI. Finish this so we can enjoy a good ending.

  779. Buc Rogers Says:


  780. Buc Neckid Says:

    Jameis throws that into the end zone, Evans gets TD
    GAME IS OVER despite the PI

  781. J Says:

    Look at that. I’ll take a bad call like that.

  782. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Drew Brees 500 yards and 7TDs. Congrats if you have him in fantasy.

  783. cmurda Says:

    This has to be a TD. FG is useless. We need this.

  784. Buc Neckid Says:

    KEEP GMC ON tHE BENCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  785. cmurda Says:

    Same crap. We run on 2nd down. Come on.

  786. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Go for it…..

  787. Buc Neckid Says:


  788. unbelievable Says:

    If we’re gonna run on 1st, run to the outside once in a while

  789. lightningbuc Says:

    Throw the ball

  790. Buc Neckid Says:


  791. Tampa Tony Says:

    Bad throw by Jameis!!!!

  792. cmurda Says:

    Dammit JW. Missed a TD. He’s got to settle down and make the throws. This is game over. Why kick the retarded FG

  793. WalkdaPlank Says:

    Damn. Winston could’ve just lost the game with that throw. He’s been playing great today but he missed that one.

  794. cmurda Says:

    We will become a good team when we can finish a goddamn game.

  795. jugheadfla Says:

    can this D make one more GD play?

  796. unbelievable Says:

    This sucks. JW had 2 huge opportunities to throw a TD and made a bad throw both times.

  797. Buc Neckid Says:

    I am so glad that Barth is back on this team
    Does anybody even remember Brindza?

  798. MiamiBuc Says:

    Lovie you overconservative idiot

  799. Buc Rogers Says:

    Here comes the Tampa prevent

  800. JAB83 Says:

    Here come all the TROLLS and Fans of Depression….

    Stay strong Fans of Inspiration stay strong!!!!

  801. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    They know they have 4 downs against this soft defense. With the time on the clock, might be a tie lol.

  802. cmurda Says:

    Now we give a team that our defense cant stop all 2nd half four downs every series to win the game. Lovie doesn’t have the guts to coach in this league.

  803. unbelievable Says:

    Turnover or we lose. Simple as that.

  804. TAC Says:

    Lovies losers back on the field to stop Matty melt.

  805. LovieBall Says:

    Doesn’t matter than Jameis missed that TD. This game is all on the defense if we lose. Another lead blown.

  806. JAB83 Says:

    Time for the 12th man to STEP UPĀ”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  807. jugheadfla Says:

    has ATL punted today?

  808. ndog Says:

    McCoy gets another chance to do anything!

  809. "TheKevin" Says:


  810. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    You trust your defense now, but not going for it at your 40? Kicking the FG was giving them the win.

  811. "TheKevin" Says:



  812. Buc Neckid Says:


  813. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    Relying on Loser Lovies D. At least when we lose Joe will finally call for Lovie’s head.

  814. jugheadfla Says:

    that ball was thrown, should be grounding

  815. DallasBuc Says:

    Whatever you do don’t tackle Julio Jones

  816. lightningbuc Says:

    Hey lay off GMC. He called tails on the coin flip.

  817. jugheadfla Says:

    gounding for sure

  818. ElioT Says:

    Shut them down!

  819. jugheadfla Says:

    well, maybe not

  820. DallasBuc Says:

    Lightning- you make me laugh

  821. ndog Says:

    Jones makes a play and is McCoy there to make a play? Of course not!

  822. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    52-49 Saints. Giants get a LVD style 15 yarder at the end to make it happen.

  823. Buc Neckid Says:

    How was there no flag?!?!?
    BUCS get a Break

  824. "TheKevin" Says:



  825. Buccfan37 Says:

    Miracles do happen!!!

  826. Lovie Is Dog Poo Says:

    Lovie still sucks donkey dick. Loser for life.

  827. WalkdaPlank Says:


  828. Couch Fan Says:

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO finally we hold on to a lead!!! Good job Bucs. Ugly win but I’ll take it.

  829. ApacheBucsAttack Says:

    I was wrong and don’t care at all. Go Bucs!

  830. JAB83 Says:

    Boom goes the dynomite!!!!