Impact Already?

June 17th, 2015

Tim Wright and Jameis Winston looked like old teammates at One Buc Palace yesterday. It was Wright’s first practice since his return to the Bucs last week.

Watching Tim Wright work with the second- and third-string yesterday, which included Jameis Winston at quarterback, revealed a tight end/receiver who not only looked comfortable in a new offense, but in sync with his new rookie QB.

Joe had to corner Wright one-on-one after practice and find out if he felt this same vibe after his first practice since the Bucs signed him Friday.

“Yeah, when you pay attention to detail in the meeting room and then transfer it on the field, those types of things happen. That’s what we did today,” said a confident Wright.

Later, with other media around, Joe asked Wright about how he thinks he improved in New England, where he won a Super Bowl with the Belicheats.

“I just got wiser, a little maturing in the game,” Wright said. “This is going into my third year so I’ve seen some things, but I got a long way ahead of me to get better.”

Jameis roared in ecstasy when asked about Wright after practice.

“Oh, my God. He was amazing,” Jameis said of Wright. “You know, I prayed for him before during the stretches. I had to thank God for having Tim Wright here, made him laugh. Just accepted him.”

Call Joe crazy, but Joe suspects Jameis is not talking like that about Luke Stocker and Brandon Myers.

10 Responses to “Impact Already?”

  1. StPeteBucsFan Says:

    And so we basically get to pick up where we left off last year. That’s good because at least if we made a mistake we get a second chance, a chance to repair our error.

    We all respect Wright’s talent. I’ve always felt that Wright is a good player waiting to break out to becoming a great player ala Jimmy Graham at that position. It could happen, then again not but at least we get a chance to be certain this time.

    Wright’s major problem is he’s a tweener…too small for TE…not quite fast or quick enough for WR. But he clearly has talent and a great OC will find a way to use him from some area on the field. A little imagination is permissible in the NFL although a I concede it’s very little. Look at the firestorm around Chip Kelly.

  2. Evo Says:

    To me it just says wright is slow. And that’s the speed jameis is used to. Players like Evans and Jackson are too fast for him so he’s not in sync with them yet because he’s not used to the nfl speed. I don’t think this is a good thing. I’d rather hear he’s in sync with Jackson or evans.

    We need our rookie qb to bring us out of the depths of shame. GO BUCS!!

  3. OneBuc55 Says:

    What does the defense do when Jamies has Jackson, Evans, ASJ, and Wright on the field in and a redzone situation?? Good luck…

  4. HFXBUC Says:

    They say when you draft a QB surround him with weapons… I know Wright is limited but he is big and he can get open in short and intermediate areas. He might not be able to block but maybe he can help the oline just by getting open and being reliable on short quick throws.

  5. Waterboy Says:

    I don’t think Tim Wright is that slow he has Aquan Boldin and Kelvin Benjamin speed.

  6. bucs4lyfe Says:

    OneBuc55 Says:

    June 17th, 2015 at 6:06 am
    What does the defense do when Jamies has Jackson, Evans, ASJ, and Wright on the field in and a redzone situation?? Good luckā€¦
    it’s funny everyone was asking that same question when mccown was the quarterback and it never happened, lets hope it’s in koetter’s plan to actually have a package in place for the dunkaneers

  7. Abdominal Snowman Says:

    I think Jameis is just working with the roster bubble guys so the coaches can best see what they have. After all they need guys that work best with Jameis not Glennon. I am not surprised at the chemistry, if you ever watched FSU then you know Jameis likes to rely on his TE.

    Evo I feel dumber for having to read your take on this article.
    Buc4lyfe I agree, everyone kept saying how we’d be unstoppable in the redzone but last season it feels like we threw more interceptions the TDs down there. Hopefully we can put ourr talent in a position to succeed this season.

  8. Dan Says:

    you get more reps working with all the ‘not ones’ than you do working with the ones

  9. Dan Says:

    at this point anyway

  10. pick6 Says:

    patriots’ coaching >>>>>> bucs coaching. we more than likely received an improved player vs the one we traded away