“We Were Able To Get A Contract Done Already”

May 1st, 2015

Jameis WinstonJameis Winston is signed, sealed and delivered.

Seconds before Jameis had his opening news conference in Tampa today, Jason Licht announced that the Bucs’ new franchise quarterback has signed his rookie contract.

No haggling. No issues. No hesitation.

“We were able to get a contract done already,” Licht said.

This isn’t exactly a big deal, but it got done much faster than expected. It’s a good sign.

“I’m glad we got the contract stuff out of the way,” Winston said.

21 Responses to ““We Were Able To Get A Contract Done Already””

  1. Capt.Tim Says:

    Just more evidence that he is ready to take care of business.
    His press conference was great- just love this kid!

  2. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    But wait a minute…he totally posted a picture on instagram with crab legs!! CRAB LEGS!!!!

    He’s a malcontent and a cancer and also other things….Chris Landry just said that Jameis is immature and everything is all about him and never about anyone else. Explain to me how a guy who makes everything about him already signed his contract and isn’t holding out????

    Licht is clearly covering for Jameis…lying about a contract being signed just to make us think he’s a good guy. What a shame. I am now not only burning all of my Bucs gear, but I’m also burning any contract I’ve ever signed in protest of this contract “signing” that I still don’t believe happened

    Also, CRAB LEGS!!!!!!

  3. NewTampaChris Says:

    He’s winning the press conference.

  4. charactermatters Says:

    I must admit I am impressed by Jamis and the Buccaneers getting the contract done so quickly.

  5. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    I’m sure haters think he’s being a jerk by signing so soon. He’s taking away from the rest of the draft, lol. They’ll find something negative.

  6. hertz Says:

    So selfish to sign already. This guy is something else. Crab Legs!

  7. Idontwannahearitanymore Says:

    Yeah, now the haters will say that he has no balls and, therefore, can’t lead this team…

  8. CreamsicleBananaHammock Says:

    See, hertz gets it. This guy just wanted to make it about him and not about the second round pick. Also, he’s fat and that he wasn’t at the draft is a huge red flag or something

    Also, CRAB LEGS!!

  9. Buczilla Says:

    CreamsicleBananaHammock, that is your greatest take yet. Well played my friend…

  10. Notonline4 Says:

    CreamsicleBananaHammock, hertz

    it’s all over guys wake and smell the coffee!
    The Buc’s drafted Winston + He’s already signed if you are REALLY Buc’s fans you shut up and root for our newest team member to take us back to play off football.
    If you can’t find that in your hearts then I would suggest that the Jags and the Dolphins need fans (Probably Tennessee as well) and you 2 can go jump on their band wagons and give everyone here a break from all the negative Bull spit you’ve been typing the last several months I am sure no one here will miss your collective negativity!

  11. Buczilla Says:

    Ummm Notonline4, they were k i d d i n g….

  12. Luther Says:


  13. lurker Says:

    Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter
    ยท 26m 26 minutes ago
    Buccaneers QB Jameis Winston signed a 4-year, $25.35 million deal that includes a $16.69 million signing bonus, per source

  14. Notonline4 Says:

    Hard to tell here so many haters and for no good reason it’s a game played by kids for us old guys to enjoy and all the hate is so UN-neccessary.

  15. pick6 Says:

    Can’t wait to hear how this is a bad thing

  16. Love and Warrick Dunn Says:

    Exactly Creamsicle!!

    He probably signed it with a Crab Leg Quill and Crab blood ink. (is crab blood a thing?)

  17. Brass Monkey Says:

    For all you Jaboo haters, keep up your bitterness and your volatile diatribe about the new QB…I hope this kid is listening to all of you and the rest of the jealous NFL execs and media darlings who continue to make headlines with their disdain for our No. 1 pic. because all the nonsense that you spew is exactly the kind of thing that will motivate our guy do anything in his power to prove you wrong…it’s in his nature, it’s ultimately why we drafted him. He’s an all out competitor and guys like that feed on all the gloom and doom perpetuated by you sorry haters. This kid will turn this franchise around and his personality will bring our team to relevance in the landscape of the NFL. Just for the record, if you asked me in November, I was a Mariota guy. I can’t wait to watch No. 3 pick opposing defenses apart!

  18. Buccfan37 Says:

    At least Winston has the arm strength to hit those open receivers. In most of the videos I have seen, his target has been nearly wide open.

  19. The Other Side of the Coin Says:

    I wonder if the haters and media darlings that so quickly leaped to judgment over the crab legs photo are going to publicly apologize to Winston and his family for wrongly maligning him. If they have any maturity what so ever they will. What a great asset Winston is to the Buccaneer franchise. The haters could learn a great deal from him.

    Crab legs indeed.

  20. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    Now that’s what I’m talking bout Brass Monkey.

  21. Eric Says:

    16 million dollar signing bonus.

    Wow, can you imagine that Joe?

    I dance the jig if I get a couple of grand back on my taxes.