Nickerson Prefers LBs Stay At One Spot

May 18th, 2015
Unless the Bucs are in a pinch, expect OLB Danny Lansanah to remain outside and not be platooned on the outside.

Hardy Nickerson talks about focus for his linebackers

No team or coach will ever gripe about versatile guys, who in a pinch can play more than one position well. That is called depth.

But if Bucs LB coach Hardy Nickerson had his way, a linebacker would never play two different positions unless absolutely, positively necessary.

“We tell the guys to focus in on one spot,” Nickerson said today at One Buc Palace. “Because that is the optimal thing, to focus on [one position]. One position is hard. Two, on top of that, is even more difficult and trying to learn all three, man, that’s a lot.

“That is something that fell on Danny [Lansanah’s] shoulders last year and he operated pretty well with it. But we would like for the guys to focus on one position. And even though they are focused on one position, [the Bucs’ defense] is taught so they understand the big picture and what is going around him.”

And there you have it. Don’t expect Bruce Carter to play outside linebacker. Don’t expect Danny Lansanah to bounce around from linebacker position to position. But do expect results.

It stands to reason if a player is more focused on one position, he will be a betterĀ and more coached-up to succeed.

6 Responses to “Nickerson Prefers LBs Stay At One Spot”

  1. Digga101 Says:

    That’s right be great at one position, instead of good at multiple. So they can play with speed and no thinking.

  2. BucinNC Says:

    This is a complete contradiction to the previous article where they bring in an outside guy and are forcing him to play inside where he has never played before.

  3. Brandon Says:

    Kiffin used to say that new LBs were trained at the Sam position and that if they could play the Sam, they could play the other 2 positions.

  4. Stpetebucsfan Says:

    Jack of all trades…..master of none.

  5. Nole on Sat.-Bucc on Sun. Says:

    Again amen…

  6. Danati74 Says:

    Lets just get the right mix.