Learn More About Amendment 2; Join our Town Hall In Ybor On Tuesday

October 4th, 2014

Yes On 2

Why Support Amendment 2?

Doctors should have the freedom to recommend the treatment they deem appropriate for their patients – including medical marijuana.

Marijuana – legal as medicine under state law in 23 states and the District of Columbia – has been shown to be an effective treatment for the symptoms and side effects associated with HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Hepatitis C, PTSD, MS and other neuromuscular disorders, Glaucoma, dystonia, and chronic pain. The American College of Physicians, American Public Health Association, American Nurses Association, and many other associations and organizations support the availability of medicinal marijuana.

Join our Town Hall to learn more about the amendment, and how it will ease the pain and suffering of thousands of Floridians, visit http://yeson2.org.

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